Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 161 21. Return to Northern Xinjiang--Gageng Five

Chapter 161 21. Return to Northern Xinjiang—Gageng Five

Recovery recovery~

Accompanied by the whistling sound of the stars flapping their wings, the star warhorse hovered from a high altitude for a few weeks under the control of Dick reluctantly, and landed steadily in the griffin tent in Karazhan. A few listless ghost griffins fluttered out in shock, flapping their wings.

Xingzhao seemed to be mocking, yelling, and put his big head on Dick's waist. The latter patted his head, put it into the magic rein in his hand, and led the elated Velinde into the room through the back door. into Karazhan.

The exhibition hall is open for you! Dear visitor!

The tall mechanical puppet, a magical creature named curator by Medivh, opened the door to the observatory for Dick with a metallic sound, and the werewolf girl held a basket of fruits from the table in her hands , while following behind Dick, he quietly stuffed the delicious and juicy berries into his mouth, and then his face was filled with happiness by the sweet juice.

The female werewolf who was not eligible to enter Karazhan was now able to wander back and forth in this quaint mage tower. Obviously, it must be during the process of their departure. into Karazhan's visitor system.

Dick gently pushed open the door, and the observatory was still the same. The strange half-dead green dragon lay on the ground and yawned like thunder. When Dick walked into the hall, the eyes of the old dragon were half-opened. , its nostrils also moved. Obviously, it smelled the breath of the green dragon from Dick, but Void had already left the Green Dragon Army, so a few seconds later, it closed its eyes again and fought again. Snoring.

On the other side of the observatory, the old mage Meili Dongfeng was flipping through a tome floating in the air, wearing a dark blue robe and wearing a delicate short staff, Median stood behind Meili .

You're back! Brother Dick!

Madian glanced back, and his expression became alive immediately. He ran to Dick, but he didn't fall into Dick's arms like those little girls, but stood beside him, scratching his head in embarrassment. , Well, are you done with your work?

Of course! Oh, by the way, I brought you a present!

Dick clapped his palms, and took out a green robe that was pasted together from the storage backpack. As soon as this thing was taken out, the surging magic power awakened Meri Dongfeng from his contemplation. He saw Glancing at the robe that Madian took in his hand, he couldn't help but say,

It's too precious! If I'm not mistaken, this robe should be a treasure that has been powerfully enchanted. At Madian's age, it's too extravagant for him to wear it!

Dick shrugged. This robe was found in a box in a corner when the awakened female werewolf was running around in the Temple of Atahaka. Dick knew what it was as soon as he took it out. up.

The embrace of the wind snake, in the temple of Atahaka back then, was listed as one of the most valuable trophies along with the summoning of the dragon. In the game, it was a high-quality item of purple quality. In reality, although Dick did not rashly identify it, But it will definitely not be a defective product.

However, the paladin stroked Median's shiny head. This child is the only blood descendant of Mr. Medivh. He should have enjoyed better resources than all these, and he should have become a prince-like figure. In the end, he was wandering in the wild for 16 years. This robe should be considered some compensation for Medivh by Dick.

Mr. Meili, tell me about the dark energy! I've heard a lot about the spread of the dark sky in the Dusk Forest from those ghosts along the way!

Hearing that Dick was talking about business, Merry no longer entangled in the robe, but pointed to the top of the observatory, where Dick couldn't understand the complicated super-large star that was always accompanied by the star chart. Rail says,

In the few days since you left, I have found the source of the dark energy. There is no doubt that it came from Karazhan, and it came from a place that none of us knew!

Meili closed the tome floating in front of his eyes, leaning on a wooden stick, like a frail old guy half buried in the ground, he coughed lightly, and continued,

Just below this tower...not in the soil, but in an outer space connected to the mage tower, Medivh, manipulated by the dark will, secretly built an inverted tower, like standing upside down Like the Karazan in that space, I have reason to believe that the inverted tower is the source of these dark forces!

Meili's words made Dick frowned. Sure enough, the inverted tower that had never been found existed. The players in the previous life had exhausted their efforts to use some unusual means After entering the depths of Karazhan, it turned out that it was only a part of the Inverse Tower, which frightened the majority of players, and also lost the means to continue downward.

But now, from the mouth of the old mage Meri, Dick once again confirmed the existence of the Inverted Tower, and Karazhan itself is the place where Azeroth and many spaces converge, and the appearance of an outer space here is not a big deal at all. .

Then what should we do? Seal it?

Dick asked, Merry stroked her remaining beard, shook her head,

Seal? We can't seal it! The Ni Tower has already merged with that space. To seal it, we must destroy the Ni Tower. But after Medivh's death, who else can destroy it? What we have to do is to isolate it. Already! As long as the enchantment barrier seals the bottom of the tower, we can ensure that the dark energy will not spread, this is the ultimate we can do.

Then... what am I going to do?

Dick asked tentatively, and Mei Li's silver-white Wang Linghuo glanced at him, and then at Median, You? Rude soldiers are of no use here, and there are no monsters that need you to go there. Hack and kill. So, you just need to send this child to his grandmother while I am strengthening the barrier. After the barrier is unfolded, certain changes may occur in the entire Karazhan, and Median should not Stay here, at least not now!

But I'm going to go to northern Xinjiang recently... It's very important!

Dick twitched the corners of his mouth. He was sure that as long as he set foot on the land of Theramore, he wouldn't be able to get out easily. Ever since the crazy death on Mount Hyjal, Miss Mage had a great deal of respect for him. A kind of, um... not normal protective desire.

This clumsy excuse didn't impress Meri at all. He leaned on the wooden stick and walked towards the book while waving his hand casually.

I don't care about this, as long as Madian returns to his grandmother's place, everything will be fine. Anyway, this tower is estimated to be closed again for several months, enough for you to do a lot of things.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Madian to say goodbye, with a wave of his hand, the light of the portal appeared under the feet of the three people, and the three people who were caught off guard were directly thrown from the stargazing platform on the top to the stable on the bottom floor, where they were bored and dressed. The hunter Attumen in full body armor was theorizing about something, and the dragon man Das had no time to defend himself, and was smashed to the ground by three guys who fell from the sky.

Demeter stared dumbfounded at the four people rolling into a ball. Before he could make a sound, an exaggerated scream came from behind him.

My God! Little Master, what happened! Which damned guy attacked you? Let Lord Attumen kill him!

Two succubus maids with heavy make-up and scantily dressed came out from nowhere, and carefully pulled up the dizzy Madian from the ground. They didn't even look at the other people. At a glance, the two maids walked into the banquet hall with Madian in their arms. Attumen tilted his head, probably feeling bored, and turned around and walked into the stable, leaving behind a pile of mess.

Oh... guys!

Dick struggled to get his brain out from under the soft body of the werewolf girl, and smiled at Demeter,

We have to prepare for a long journey.


Half a month later, in the Stormpike camp outside the Alterac Valley.

The Stormpike dwarves and the Frostwolf orcs redefined the ownership of the Alterac Valley a few months ago. Since then, no one has gone to fight in the plain. Although the dwarves are not afraid of fighting, they They are not fanatical warmongers, and no one likes the prospect of being drafted into battle at any moment.

There is no good war, no bad peace!

The idle dwarves started archaeology, started mining, started forging, and started doing their favorite things. There were even some dwarves who built I opened a small market to sell some of the weapons and agricultural tools they made, and it seems that the business is very good!

As soon as Dick and his party arrived here, the Stormpike dwarves who were impressed with Dick enthusiastically took Dick and his four followers into the camp, and a grand banquet was held to welcome the devil-slaying hero. In the end, even Stormpike Marshal Fandral, holding the ale barrel, joined Dick in a fight.

These crazy dwarves went crazy, and finally even Demeter, the real dragon, fell to the ground rolling his eyes in circles, let alone the others.

Except for the sentinels standing guard on the outside, the entire banquet hall was already full of people lying on the ground.

Time flew by quickly. When the moon was thinning, Dick suddenly felt a pair of soft hands touching his face. The paladin opened his eyes, and Liadrin's reddish eye sockets came into view. Dick wanted to speak, but a pair of cold lips pressed against his mouth.

After a few minutes, the two panting and flushed separated, and the limp elf was hugged by Dick, who had barely sobered up. The two snuggled together and quietly walked out of the Stormpike camp.

Sitting on a rock, the two were talking in low voices.

Any news from Theramore?

Dick and Liadrin's hands were intertwined, and the two of them silently experienced the rare tranquility. Facing Dick's question, Liadrin nodded.

Two days ago, we escorted the last batch of civilians willing to follow Princess Kalia to board the ship in South Sea Town. There are 5,000 civilians in this group. After they pass by, the population of Theramore will exceed 80,000. The letter was sent to South Sea Town yesterday, and she asked us to return to Theramore as soon as possible, Her Majesty the Princess has officially entrusted the war in the northern border to Mr Mograine, and we have no more reason to interfere in the affairs of the northern border.

Dick stretched out his hand and put the elf's head on his chest noncommittally, The land around Theramore is enough for 8W people to live. The eldest princess' decision is correct. The northern border is now a pot of porridge stewed. Even Kaelsa Stu is unwilling to participate in it, by the way, how is the Silver Hand doing now?

When this question was mentioned, Liadrin pursed her lips and said with difficulty,

The Silver Hand... very bad, Dick, I want to tell you bad news. Lord Kurtaz, who was stationed in the Crusader Fortress, died.

Hearing this news, Dick was silent. Did that bold old dwarf still fail to escape this disaster? Still like in history, he died in the Crusader fortress. Although he didn't have a deep friendship with Kurtaz, Dick still respected this old dwarf who had taught him martial arts.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, Alsace did it?

Well, on that day, we exposed Dathrohan, who was transformed into the dread demon king. Araki, the lich of Andorhal, took advantage of the situation to attack the Crusader fortress, but was quickly repelled by the supporting Lord Kurtaz, but Two days later, Arthas returned, commanding dozens of frost dragons, turning the crusader fortress and hundreds of knights inside into ice sculptures.

Liadrin also said sadly, Although Arthas was repulsed by Mister Mograine and the Ashbringer as soon as he entered East Dalomere, the Silver Hand took the West Dalomere with great painstaking efforts. It has returned to Alsace again, and Silverpine Forest, which has been completely occupied, and the knights can only stick to Hillbrad Hills and Coldwind Camp, but Ironforge has also sent reinforcements. Not too bad.

Where is the Scarlet Crusade?

Dick asked again, but this time Liadrin didn't even want to say a word. She put her hands around Dick's neck and murmured tiredly, East Dalomere was almost breached, and the situation in northern Xinjiang has changed again. Too bad, old Mograine re-proposed the formation of the Scarlet Crusade. We, who insisted on vetoing it, have stood opposite all the paladins. Even those recruits no longer support us. Dick, I'm sorry, but I still couldn't stop the Scarlet Crusade Creation of the Crusade.

No, honey, you're doing good enough.

Dick lightly kissed the elves on the forehead, Northern border...Leave the northern border to them! We won't play anymore, recall the paladins who are still loyal to the Silver Dawn, you take them to wait for me in South Sea Town first, I'm going to do something, and then we'll go to Ironforge! There are more important things waiting for us to do! By the way, I want to give you a gift.

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