Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 165 25. The Melting Ice (Part 1)--Gageng Nine

Chapter 165 25. The Melting Ice (Part 1) - Gageng Nine

The effect of the Shadow of Foliage is outstanding. This can be seen when the draenei used it to cover the city of Telmo. It can make a city lose its shape, and it is no problem to hide two people.

But when sneaking with old Mograine, Dick also discovered the flaws of this gem. The holy light energy dissipated by the Ashbringer was too overbearing, and even the shadow of the leaves couldn't completely cover it up. After all, this gem still needs to be driven by Dick's spiritual power. Old Mograine is already an epic hero, completely crushing Dick, so in the end he had to use a piece of enchanted sword cloth to turn this gem Cover up the sword completely.

Fortunately, when Tyrande and Vashj fought desperately, the fierce battle disturbed the surrounding atmosphere, coupled with the dark energy surrounding Illidan, it really didn't make Maiev realize that he had been hiding in Illidan for a long time. Dick and Mograine beside him were able to stop Maiev's blow at this critical moment.

The old knight has a poor sense of Illidan. To be precise, this tough paladin has a poor sense of all those who manipulate the darkness, but under Dick's explanation, the old knight also knows that the devil-like elf He intends to use the dark magic weapon in his hand to attack the dark continent Northrend from a long distance, and directly eliminate the master behind all the undead from the source! The Lich King, the source of all evil!

For this kind of action, the old Mograine absolutely agrees with both hands, so he temporarily suppressed his disgust, and hid with Dick next to the dark storm that made him feel uncomfortable, so as to prevent other people from interrupting this ceremony.

When the Ashbringer appeared, and the moment when the domineering, all-burning holy blade blazed to the sky, the paladins who were hidden nearly a thousand meters away also blew their horns and drove their horses towards the ground to fight The arch druid trembled and the nerubians marched quickly!

The holy light on the knights illuminated the dark night, and the battle flags behind them fluttered in the hunting wind.

In the corner of the Dalaran Great Plains full of holes, when the moonlight was obscured, there were four battlefields, eight heroes fighting together, as well as the army of paladins and nerubians, and the army of naga and undead. Fighting, at this dark moment, the sound of weapons clashing resounded throughout the night, shouts, fighting, and roars of monsters made this abandoned place into another Mount Hyjal!

But it's not over yet!

In this carnival, there is still one protagonist who has not arrived.

Oh look at this chaos, look at this death, this blood, I hear the pain, burning in the abyss, the abyss calls me. No, no, no, it's always with me, yes, yes of!

The lich Kel'Thuzad, who had been standing still, neither attacking nor rashly joining the battlefield, snapped his bone fingers and muttered something. His bone body and the luxurious robes outside his body were standing in the dark. There was a strange purple spot of light emitting from the center. This guy spoke creepy words in a calm voice. The black eye sockets on his skull looked at the mighty battlefield from time to time, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

The shadow told me that I should go! But I still want to savor these emotions, these emotions hidden under the skin! Yes! That pure soul, no, I should go!

Speaking inexplicable words, the Lich turned around and froze in place.

Behind him, in the empty mid-air, a proud and handsome figure stood there, with one hand holding the fiery red dharma blade at his waist, the blood-colored dharma robe and three emerald green dharma balls floating behind his head , the miniature flame phoenix flapping its wings on its shoulders, these all represent the elf prince, who has really entered the state of battle.

Under his floating body, three large portals opened one after another. Rangers, mages, and newly-built blood knight elites, a team of hundreds of people quickly walked out of the portals, and then followed The planned attack plan quickly rushed to the place where he should go.

The twelve high-ranking mages of the Fire Wing Guard lined up behind Kael'thas, tightly blocking the road that Kel'Thuzad left. Kael'thas side.

Although no one spoke, this battle has already revealed everything. The nagging lich clenched his traveling wooden horse staff tightly. On the surface of his bone body, a thick layer of ice shield appeared and surrounded his body. His six golden rune chains began to spin quickly, and the magic power filled his body, causing his gem-studded robes to flutter.

The Grand Lich is serious!

Because he knew that if he didn't take it seriously, he probably wouldn't have the chance to take it seriously.

Natural disaster, here I come!

Kael'thas raised his raised eyebrows, and a hint of hatred shone in his green eyes.

The sin'dorei's revenge has begun, starting with you!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Every minute and every second on the five battlefields, the sound of the heavy artillery firing will be heard, and the trembling of the ground has never stopped at all. The experience in Mount Hyjal told Dick that as long as he enters the hero level, he can easily change the terrain during battle , and in the current battle, there are even 6 epic heroes. When the combat power is fully activated, that kind of scene is almost called destroying the sky and destroying the earth.

The Death Judgment in Uther's hand scraped against Alsace's breastplate and fell to the ground. The corrosion and shadow power wrapped around this sword were like thousands of ghosts crying. A fissure tens of meters long was opened on the ground, and the stirred up stones smashed into the surroundings, like a dark storm.

Alsace stepped back quickly, waved his hand and laid down the blood-red spiritual shield again, but in the blink of an eye, he was cut open by Uther who was rushing towards him like a tiger, and the vicious wind brought out by the ferocious death verdict, Every time a blow is swung, it will leave an afterimage in the air.

Uther is really crazy!

Alsace even had to summon a group of gargoyles from the sky, turned them into stone statues, and bombarded them from high altitude, trying to stop Uther's offensive, but the crazy death knight didn't care at all. It opened violently, forming a thick energy barrier, forcibly withstood the bombardment of hundreds of gargoyles, and continued to hunt and kill Alsace!

The king of death knights dodged left and right in embarrassment. Back then, with his sharp magic sword Frostmourne, which was aimed at the holy light, he easily pierced through the sacred barrier of Uther, who was still a paladin, but now, when When the more powerful Uther appeared again, Alsace felt as if he had returned to the way he had just become a reserve knight.

Facing the attack of the crazy Uther, he can only defend!

It's not that I don't want to fight back, but that I can't fight back!

But the clay figurine is also angry, not to mention Alsace, the king of death knights?

The sharp blade of Frostmourne collided with the bone blade of Death Judgment once again, and the collision of the two guys caused a stunned circle of dark energy to spread in all directions, even blowing away those who fell. Gargoyles on the ground.

In the wind aroused by the energy, Alsace leaned forward, looking ferociously at Uther who was also leaning forward. After the battle, he made a sound for the first time.

Old guy, I could kill you before, and I can do the same now!

Uther's reaction was more direct, he punched Alsace, the king of death knights blocked it with his left arm, his body backed up several steps, before he raised his head, the howling wind hit his face again!

Too much nonsense! Die!

The battlefield where two people are fighting, under the intentional traction of Alsace, is constantly approaching the Dalaran platform, but Uther doesn't care about this at all, the death energy is slashing in all directions, and after rushing all the way, it is even more dilapidated , a barren land filled with death.

The two guys standing at the top of the power of death, when their combat power is fully activated, every place they stand, death energy will be injected into the surrounding ground. This kind of land filled with vicious energy is a breeding ground for undead. Humans simply cannot survive.

But who cares about that right now?

Dick's eyes didn't even stay for a second on Uther and Arthas who were getting closer, because on the other side, there was an even crazier battlefield. On the other side of the Dalaran platform, Tyrande And Vashj, Ashbringer and Watcher, moonlight, sea tide, holy light, shadow, plus the huge amount of darkness around Illidan, these energies collided and tore each other, and different lights dyed the sky into colorful colors.

It was like being in the center of a storm, and the pressure of being in close contact with these heroes made Dick feel like the end of the world!

In the distance, the battle between Kael'thas leading Quel'Thalas' mages and the Grand Lich was like a bright and brilliant firework. All kinds of spells raged on the battlefield, and the earth was shattered. , The earth was howling, and the flame phoenix flew across the sky with its wings, sprinkled pieces of burning flames, illuminating the entire night sky.

Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Even if the strength of the Grand Lich is against Kael'thas, it may not be completely crushed. Now there are other people's assists. In short, the situation of the Grand Lich is very bad. Bishan can persist. Sass is much worse.

The paladin looked at the land that had been overwhelmed by these battles. He was full of confidence, but suddenly felt a burst of panic. This kind of chaotic scene was at least a third of his credit, but right now, Di Ke once again gambled and pushed the situation into a chaotic future.

I want to win! I want to win this time! I must win!

Dick cursed angrily, and clenched the Flame of Justice in his hand. Right now, only this holy hammer can bring him some comfort. The cold touch made the paladin's hesitant heart instantly calm down. , above his head, the frost dragons flying from a distance were getting closer and closer. Dick looked around, and the paladins and blood knights gathered together to attack those nerubians. Halduron's The ranger is also suppressing the gargoyles that are constantly flying in the air.

No one can help him anymore, now he has to rely on himself!

Dick gritted his teeth, and took out the silver card that had been treasured all along.

Now, it's time to show your cards!

The paladin felt the sudden drop due to the arrival of the Frost Dragon, and looked at Illidan, who had begun to groan slightly, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and clicked on the silver card.

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