Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 172 3. Old friend--Jiagen

Dick walked into the Black Iron Bar, and the place in front of him was much wider than he remembered, at least five times larger in size. At a glance, there were at least hundreds of people sitting in the hall, and the number of Black Iron Dwarves was not too many, more Most of them are aliens in strange clothes.

The tauren and the troll sat drinking together, humans and elves flirted in the corner, and the drunk dwarf stood on the table and did a funny dance, which made the goblins and orcs beside him laugh. Dick even saw the dragon man , of course, is a dragon man in human form, just like the current Darth.

The hustle and bustle, cursing, clinking glasses, fist-to-fist fights, dim and changing lights, everything made Dick feel unreal. Now he seems to be in those blurred nightclubs, Not a bar in a wizarding world.

But the warmth of Liadrin's palm reminded him that it was all real.

Dick shook his head, and led Liadrin and Velinde into the crowd. Darth and Demitir, who had no other paladins as guards, could only move around the periphery, and they quickly blended into the crowd. , to have some fun.

Originally, it was planned that this outfit would be a little eye-catching, but when he walked in the noisy black iron bar, Dick found that his clothes couldn't be more ordinary. There are too many people in strange clothes here, and Liadrin caused bursts of exclamations , in addition to the luxurious long dress, it is more a compliment to the beauty of the elves.

Of course, conflicts are inevitable in any bar. For example, the black iron dwarf standing in front of Dick. He drank faintly while holding a wine glass. From the pendant of his dirty military uniform, this The guy is also a school officer for the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Hey! Disgusting human being, leave your female companion and get lost!

The surrounding voices suddenly quieted down. Dick turned his head and looked around. The eyes of these guys around him were full of light of watching the show. The paladin tilted his head, stared at the black iron drunkard, and asked playfully,

are you sure?

Hahaha, boy, who here doesn't know Captain Rocknott, leave your female companion behind, and get out, don't you want to stay here and watch the uncle give you a live performance?

Ha ha ha ha!

Look at that guy being cowardly!

Hey, human beings are a bunch of cowards!

I bet on my military salary this month, the sergeant can beat him until his mother doesn't even know him!

Under the booing of everyone, the alcoholic's hand became dishonest, and he reached out to touch Liadrin's leg, and then everyone heard Dick's indifferent voice,

Get your dirty hands off!


The height of the dwarves is only half of that of a normal human, and the same is true for this black iron dwarf who claims to be a captain. Dick's foot was kicked out, and it just happened to be lifted on his face. This scene made Velinde grit her teeth and looked at All hurt.

The moment his feet touched the dwarf's face, the alcoholic felt as if he had been hit by a shell in the front. His chubby body rubbed against the air, and even brought out the whistling sound of the wind. While on the wall of the bar, a shallow human-shaped depression appeared on the wall.

The dwarf's physical fitness is really against the sky, so he didn't die.

Dick slandered, and then turned his head to look at the spectators around him. Most of the bars lost their voice because of this, and even the happy beat of the Tauren Chief band, which was playing wildly, stopped for a few seconds.

Although Dick thinks that his rank of lord is not worth mentioning, and most of the people he comes into contact with now are stronger than him, but to be honest, fighters of the rank of lord, no matter which faction they put in, can be called the commander of a party. After all, strength is something that becomes rarer as it goes up, and high-level lords are basically the top combat power of the major kingdoms in the war.

Not any country can just pick it up like Kaldorei, and it's just two epic heroes who stand up.

The black iron bar where fish and dragons are mixed, although the water in the back is very deep, most of the visitors are just ordinary people. This scene is really shocking, and some ladies even let out soft and artificial cries because of it.

No one dared to meet Dick's eyes. All the guys he saw lowered their heads silently, as if nothing had happened just now.

Until a short figure stood in front of Dick, it was a dwarf, a weird dwarf, wearing a red cowboy hat and a light red robe, he stretched out a hand with only four fingers, facing Dick, with a dwarf The peculiar child's voice says,

My wine barrel was destroyed, I have to clean up this wall, 20 gold coins as compensation, or get out! The Black Iron Bar doesn't welcome guys who don't respect the rules!

Dick narrowed his eyes, but the next moment he changed into a smile again, reached out and took out a money bag from his rucksack, put it in the dwarf's palm, and said loudly,

Here is 150 gold coins. If there is any extra, I can give every friend here a glass of wine. Is that enough?

The dwarf put the money bag in the palm of his hand and shook it, and also showed a big smile,

Of course, generous guests, the Black Iron Bar welcomes you who know the rules, Namara, forget about that damn drunkard, give everyone a glass of wine, let us thank this generous Sir!

This action made the silent atmosphere of the Black Iron Bar cheerful again. Those guys in strange clothes praised Dick's generosity loudly, even though they didn't even know Dick's name. As for poor Captain Locknott, who remembers it? What about him?

Dick shrugged, and sat at the corner of the bar with his two female companions. The dwarf should be the owner of the Black Iron Bar, the dwarf Warlock Prager. Some exchanges. It took a lot of effort for the Paladin to suppress the Holy Light's riot, which proved that this guy is not an ordinary bar owner.

Two glasses of highland tequila, and a glass of juice for this lady, thank you.

Dick tossed three gold coins, the dwarf boss glanced at him, and quickly put the three glasses of wine on the bar counter,

Young man, you look unfamiliar, is this your first time in the Black Iron Bar?

Dick took a sip of the sweet and spicy wine and said casually, It's not the first time.

Okay, Prager, this is my friend, don't ask him, this is a big guy you can't afford to mess with.

A deep voice interrupted Dick. The paladin didn't look back. He recognized who the voice belonged to. The next moment, the man in black beside Dick got up and left obediently. into the chair next to Dick.

When the dwarf warlock Prager saw Baron Aeblock, he had an innocent smile on his face, then took out a large basket of fruit from the bar, and placed it in front of the werewolf girl who was not used to this noisy environment.

For the baron's sake, this is for you, enjoy the happy time, young man.

After finishing speaking, the dwarf boss went to work on his own affairs. Dick then turned his face, looked at the Baron Aberlock, and teased,

Brother Kanrethad, can't you see that you are still a baron?

Baron Aberlock, that is, Warlock Kanrethad shrugged, My dad is also a duke anyway, so I was born as a baron. Why, do you have any objections?

There is no opinion.

Dick picked up the wine glass and shook it in front of his eyes. Behind the crystal clear liquid, his eyes under the mask narrowed, But why don't you introduce this place to me?

The warlock who had an intersection was silent for a few minutes, then lowered his voice,

Mr. Dick, you shouldn't come here. You don't belong to this place. This is one of the five strongholds of the dark world. You must know that as long as your identity is revealed, at least one-third of the people here will Try every means to kill you, and take your head to the Assassin League to receive the reward.

As he said that, Kanresad looked at the crowd and emphasized his tone, Even those paladins and those two dragonmen you brought with you can't protect you from leaving safely!

This is my business!

Dick gritted his teeth, Now it's time for you to answer my question, the stronghold of the dark world? I haven't heard of that.

Of course you haven't heard of it. In fact, even many guys in the dark world haven't heard of this statement. The Shadow Castle in Felwood, the Black Iron Bar in Blackstone Mountain, the Assassin's Manor in Hillsbrad Hills, Da Laran's sewer is the deepest place, and even I don't know the last place, in short, these five places are the safe zone and refuge divided by the lords of the dark world, and any dark walkers here can get shelter.

Kanrethad said to Dick while drinking,

Because it is a safe zone, the hidden water here is very deep. You were too reckless just now. Many people have noticed you, but I am still a bit of a deterrent here, so leave with me in a while, Pra Grid has no malice towards you, but it doesn't mean that Black Iron and Black Stone are not interested in you.

No hurry! Make a deal, Kanrethad.

Dick put down his glass and said to the warlock, Find a quiet place, let's talk about something, trust me, you won't want to miss this deal.

Kanrethad glanced at Dick, then stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers,

Pragge, lend me your secret room!

A devil's heart, otherwise there is no need to talk about it!

The dwarf reached out and took out a key, waving it triumphantly in front of his eyes. Dick reached out and took the key. Liadrin cooperatively took out two boxes from the storage ring. The paladin propped his chin with his arms, Look at Prager,

I'll give you two high-end items as a gift from a friend.

The dwarf hesitated for a moment, reached out and touched the two boxes into the bar, then pursed his lips, Hehe, the kindness of the Earl of the North is really flattering, that idiot Wilfred is also indebted to you Take care of it, let's return a gift with a message.

A hint of cunning flashed in the green eyes of the dwarf warlock, he lowered his voice,

My lord, many people know that you are looking for those lunatics, I mean Twilight, but those lunatics are also looking for you, so be careful.

Three minutes later, in the secret room at the deepest part of the Black Iron Bar, Dick and Liadrin were sitting on a sofa made of black bear skin, and Velinde was standing behind Dick with the basket of fruit. Kanrethad sat on the other side, and behind him stood two warlocks whom he had never seen before.

The warm fireplace was burning with flames, illuminating the dark secret room a little brighter. The banging sound of burning firewood made the environment no longer quiet. Dick took out a wooden box as tall as a person from his rucksack and put it on the table. superior.

Kanrethad raised his hand, and when he was about to open the wooden box, Dick pressed his hand on the surface of the box.

Kanrethad, think about it, once you open this box, there is no way out for you.

The paladin's voice was soft, but the unquestionable meaning in it was extremely obvious, You know who the big shots are standing behind me best. If you don't want to become the enemy of most of the world, you should think carefully before making a decision.

Baron Aberlock glanced at Dick, lowered his head, and thought for a few minutes, with his hands crossed on his raised legs,

If someone else said that, I would just take it as a joke, but you, the Green Dragon Army monitors the whole world, if they want to catch me, it really doesn't work for me to hide anywhere, so tell me first, you want me to What? Or, what do you want from me?

The paladin's tongue licked his chapped lips, he took off his mask, leaned forward,

The Twilight's Hammer, the Black Dragon, and the Bronzebeard Princess.

This is impossible!

Kanrethad shook his head, picked up his cane and stood up directly. He took his hat from the warlock next to him and put it on his head.

This is crazy! No sane person would mess with Black Iron, Black Stone, and Black Dragon at the same time! Dick! I seriously doubt that you are crazy!

Don't be so excited, friend, why don't you look at the reward first, I think this cute little thing is worth fighting against the world to get it!

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