Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 186 17. Dragon Fire Amulet

Dustwallow Marsh, the nascent Theramore Kingdom's most troublesome area.

This is Kalimdor, or even the largest swamp in Azeroth. The internal environment is quite complicated, with barbaric ogre tribes, towns built by goblin consortiums to dig treasures, and crocodiles that attack passersby frantically , there are venomous wind snakes flying silently in the forest, and some violent elements exiled by the tauren - Grimtotem Tauren Village.

Even if you dare to go deep into it, you will find a piece of scorched land, hundreds of black dragon dragons roam the land, in the true depths of Dustwallow Marsh, there is a dragon lair, that is Hollowed out the large lair made by the mountain.

There is the lair of the black dragon princess Onyxia!

No one knows why the murderous and mad female dragon chose to lair here, but she has lived here during the night elves' rule, and it has a history of hundreds of years.

On weekdays, Theramore's mages and druids will also selectively open up some swamps as arable land for new residents, but these are all carried out on a small scale. There was only one time to explore the depths, and that was to find the legendary former guardian Ms. Aegwynn who lived in seclusion in the depths of Dustwallow Marsh. Almost all the mages in the country came out. Under the cover of soldiers, Deep into the swamp.

In the end, it took 2 months to discover the hidden enchantment in the northeast of the swamp. In fact, if Ms. Aegwynn was not interested in this new human city, those mages alone would not be able to find the water barrier where she lives. Light Manor.

But today, all that has changed.

All the scouts in the northern fortress were urgently withdrawn to the mainland of Theramore within a day. Without any repairs, a mage was assigned to each team, and they went deep into the swamp to search for any clues.

The real mission is only known to the paladins leading each team. These experienced scouts with swords in their hands shuttled through the swamp, heading towards the deepest part of the swamp. The knights of the Silver Dawn Squad were dispatched to find the most suitable way forward.

There are too many forces involved in this operation, and even some civilians are guessing. They have rumored that Princess Kalia must have made up her mind to open up the swamp.

Of course, we all know that the actual situation is not like that.

At all costs, we must save Varian!

Kalia Menethil was wearing a long dress, sitting behind the conference table, her tone was firmer than ever before, this delicate princess like a ripe peach had an unconcealable sadness on her face.

I've already lost one brother, I can't lose another!

The Eldest Princess looked at Dick who was leaning on the cane, Knight Dick, I hand over all the soldiers of Theramore to you! I have only one request! Bring Varian back! No matter the female dragon Well, it’s something else, I don’t want to bother, I must save him!”

Dick nodded. He knew that King Varian spent his childhood in Lordaeron. At that time, the Kingdom of Stormwind had already been occupied by orcs. The king stayed in the court of King Terenas. Treating him as his own, Varian has a good relationship with Arthas and Kalia, but they are like brothers.

But everyone at the meeting knew that this task was not so easy to complete. After all, this is the real world. Without a small map, those dangerous creatures would not stay in the woods obediently, and the black dragons would not be foolish. They stayed there and waited for Dick to come and attack.

The environment in the depths of Dustwallow Marsh is very complicated, especially near the dragon's lair.

The mature and prudent former guardian Aegwynn was holding a water glass, and the old god said, Actually, I have been there more than once. The design of the dragon lair is very ingenious, and it also has the magic of the fallen guardian dragon. If I The power of the dragon is still there, and it may be easy to open it, but for now, you may have to find the key to open the dragon lair first! I mean, you have to find the token!

The paladin frowned,

Can't we gather the power of the mages and blast open that gate?

A trace of disdain flashed across Aegwynn's well-maintained face. She habitually held the pointer in her hand. This action made the corners of Madian's mouth twitch, and then he heard his grandmother annoyed. the sound of,

I don't know if Medivh is out of his mind, and even hired a rude paladin as an apprentice! Don't you know that all defensive magic has a self-destruct design? It's not impossible to blow it away, but That would lead to the collapse of the entire mountain. This level can't kill an adult black dragon, but the person you want to save will definitely be crushed into minced meat! Magic, magic is a precise subject, if I hear you say this again in the future If you can't grow your brains, I will definitely cancel your apprenticeship!

Dick touched his nose in self-indulgence, but he didn't dare to refute anything. He bowed and left the conference hall. He walked quickly to the mage tower with a cane. At this point, Jaina should be meditating. When the paladin pushed When the door was opened, the eldest lady had just woken up from meditation.

Anna, can you take me to the deepest part of Dustwallow Marsh?

Miss Mage looked at Dick, and said with some concern,

It's okay, but your body.

The paladin pinched the hand of Miss Mage, and scraped on her nose,

Don't worry, you go with me, and we're not going to trouble those black dragons, I'm going to find someone, no, a dragon.

Just when Miss Mage was about to transmit the magic, Dick turned to his shadow and said,

Mailein, let the watchmen assemble, there is a secret mission to do, by the way, send another letter to Chief Thrall for me, I want to borrow someone from him!

Fifteen minutes later, the burning place in the deepest part of Dustwallow Marsh.

The moment the light blue teleportation light came on, the three lizard-like Black Dragonmen patrolling nearby raised their weapons and walked towards this side.

When the two snuggling guys appeared from the light, the rough weapon of the black dragon dragon had already slashed head-on, but just before the weapon landed on Dick's body, who was still unable to resist, a pure white cold The stream of ice sprang out, circled the three-headed dragonman a few times, and thick ice rose from the ground, completely freezing one of the caster dragonmen.

The movements of the other two dragonmen also slowed down. With a wave of the primordial flow in the eldest lady's hand, two sharp and thick ice picks roared out of the air, piercing through the bodies of the two dragonmen.

Although he didn't want to admit it, the corners of Dick's mouth twitched when he saw this clean kill. The eldest lady broke through the shackles last month and was promoted to a high-ranking lord. In Dick's timeline, there is no experience After a tragic love affair with Alsace, the eldest lady who devoted herself to magic research is becoming stronger at a faster speed.

The current Dick probably has to work hard to get a tie with Miss Mage.

The paladin pulled out his engineering telescope, put it in his hand, and looked at the surrounding mountains for several minutes, desperately recalling the location in his memory, and finally pointed to the northwest direction.

where to!

Ebstaff, this is an old black dragon with mediocre strength, but it is said that it is the most trusted guard of the black dragon prince Nefarian, so he was sent to be the liaison between the black dragon prince and the princess, and has been a black dragon many times Dick, who was on the mission to open the door of the princess' lair, naturally knew that the token that Ms. Aegwynn mentioned was actually placed on the black dragon.

It is called the Dragon Fire Amulet. It is said that it is a badge that only the most elite dragon people can get. Eberstaff was responsible for the selection.

According to the quest flow, hard-working players need to do a series of quests in order to get the approval of the eccentric black dragon and get the front item of the Dragon Fire Amulet, but now Dick doesn't need to do so much.

When he stepped into Eberstaff's cave with the eldest lady and ten armed watchers, the paladin had only one thought on his mind.

It will give me what I need!

The paladin pointed to the huge black dragon sleeping deep in the cave, and turned to Nasha, the leader of the watchmen who was holding the knife wheel tightly, and said softly, Don't kill it, it will disturb Onyxia, I only need that talisman, and I can let you dispose of other things!

Since the War of the Ancients, the senior watchman who has been with Ms. Maiev is naturally not a good man, Nasha nodded,

It just so happens that the new sister needs some dragon's blood to prepare potions. I am very satisfied with this gift, Commander!

It's up to you!

Dick waved his hand. His current situation is really beyond his will and his strength is insufficient. Every step he takes, there will be severe pain in his body, let alone fighting. Black dragon, Dick's head tilted to the eager young lady,

Honey, help me contact the mage in Stormwind City.

The sound of dear made Jaina's cheeks flush, and she took out a special sound transmission stone from the storage ring. It was a special communication item made when Dalaran still existed, and it has strong communication performance. .

Not long after, the communication was connected, and a somewhat weird male voice came over,

I am Marlene, the Royal Mage of Stormwind, Ms. Jaina, is there anything special?

Dick's bracelet was on Jaina's slender waist, and he whispered in a trembling voice,

I am Dick, Earl of Theramore North, please connect with Marshal Windsor as quickly as possible!

After finishing speaking, the paladin added another sentence, This is news about King Varian!

There was less than a minute of silence over there, and the voice of the old marshal, who was a little out of breath, came over,

Thank God! Knight Dick, you are fine. Sean told me that you were taken away by the black dragon, and His Majesty the King, have you found His Majesty?

The good news is that we have found traces of His Majesty Varian, but the bad news is that we cannot open the door to the black dragon's lair.

Dick's face became serious. He glanced at the old black dragon who was being rubbed on the ground by watchmen like tigers and wolves, and said to Windsor who was far away in the Eastern Continent,

Listen, Marshal, I'm about to get the token to open the dragon's lair, but this alone is not enough! I need you to go to the Blackrock Spire to hunt down the dragonman general hidden in it, Dakisas! It It is the gatekeeper of the black dragon prince Nefarian, its blood can also help us open the door of the black dragon princess's lair, I don't care what method you use, 2 days! I must see the corpse of the dragon man delivered to Theramore, there are professionals here who will be responsible for extracting its blood, understand? Your Excellency the Marshal!

After listening to it, Windsor agreed with almost no hesitation.

Yes! Within 2 days, the body of the dragon man will definitely be sent to Theramore, MI7 will do it! They must do it!

In addition, Theramore's high-end combat power is not enough to deal with a heroic black dragon. I need you to send out a group of combat power to participate in the battle in the black dragon's lair in 3 days. Mr. Windsor, every second of delay, His Majesty Varian's life It will be more dangerous, act as soon as possible!

Dick turned off the sound transmission stone, and the tall watchman walked up to him, and handed over several dim amulets mixed with shocking dragon scale fragments and some scorching flesh.

I found what you were looking for, Commander, but with all due respect, these amulets have not been activated, they are semi-finished products.

I know, Nasha, our friends will help us complete the next steps. Let's rest well. Three days later, there is still a fierce battle to be fought!

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