Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 195 26. Parting


The blood-stained weapon fell to the ground, and then a lifeless corpse fell on the blood-soaked black stone slab. Demeter clutched his stomach and pulled the rapier from the black dragon's head After coming out, Liadrin stepped forward quickly, bowed her head to avoid the oncoming giant axe, and the sharp long sword in her hand grazed the orc's belly.

The long sword that can be worn by a heroic dragon like Eranikus is no longer comparable to worldly weapons. This blow almost cut open the orc's abdomen. When the high elf stood up, behind her , the last wobbly Blackstone orc held a dagger and wanted to stab the paladin's back, but was completely sent flying by the howling ice arrow, and the impact when he landed caused his frozen body to fall into pieces. A few bucks.

Liadrin's right hand hangs weakly by her side, which is the result of being attacked by an orc just now. Her face is also covered with blood stains one by one, and her beautiful face has been dyed into a big tabby cat.

This is already the fifth round of the battle. The powerful lineup of 6 dragonmen and 30 orcs has completely squeezed out the potential of 6 people. Except for Jaina and Kanrethad, almost everyone is injured. Warlock just took a risk Summoned 3 demon guards, and almost suffered backlash due to mental dryness.

The surrounding ground is covered with ice-frozen corpses and traces of fire magic, which looks extremely tragic. Half-hero warlocks and genius mages are not invincible in this kind of scene, let alone before entering the arena, Everyone has gone through a day and night of hard work.

This is not an evenly matched battle! Not from the start!

Wow, the lady's strike just now really caught my eye!

Nefarian stood up and began to applaud, And that foul-mouthed dragon man, tsk tsk, I don't have a guy like you who can fight under my command, I really envy that slutty woman Ysera, and you, Warlock, Do you really not consider switching to my command? I have a lot of magic hair classics that you don't have!

The appreciation of the King of Black Stone did not receive a response. Even Darth, who was the most irritable, lost the nature of talking trash with Nefarian due to exhaustion. Throwing the spear aside, he had already been forced into the form of a dragonman just now, but even so, after beheading two dragonmen by himself, he still reached his limit.

Warriors! Your will really opened my eyes. I have to take back my previous evaluation of you. You are not useless bugs!

The Black Dragon Prince touched his chin and stretched out his left hand, But I'm curious, how long can you hold on?

With Nefarian slamming his left hand down, the iron gate was opened again. This time there were only 20 orcs, but the number of dragonmen reached a terrifying 8, and there were many colorful young dragons with teeth and claws. The strange giant dragon created by the prince's magic does not belong to any dragon army, but its power must not be underestimated!

Demeter stepped back a few steps and shouted to his companions,

Back! I'm going to transform!

The next moment, amidst the roar of the dragon, the adult dragon's body appeared in the arena. In the form of the dragon, Demeter gave up his agility and started the crazy spray of dragon breath and fierce hand-to-hand combat. It was the right choice. Facing a green dragon that had completely let go of its transformation technique, the advantages of the dragon people disappeared in an instant.

Although this green dragon is better at agile combat methods, it does not mean that it does not know the secret fighting skills of the dragons. Under the cover of Demeter's huge figure, Darth also rushed up again, his fangs , sharp claws and dragon tail sweeping, the black dragon dragon people had to disperse under the threat of highly corrosive dragon breath swaying all over the sky, and then they were scattered and defeated by others.

As for those orcs, they are no longer a threat after the dragon man came out!

Soon, the draconians were wiped out, but this also led to Nefarian's direct intervention.

Guy who doesn't follow the rules! You will be punished!

The Black Dragon Prince's fingers pointed downwards, and a dense net of dark red light enveloped Demeter's body, and then quickly tightened it. With just an instant of contact, a terrible brand appeared on the green dragon's body. The scarlet flame burns the brand!

In Demeter's wailing, he was soon forced to return to his human form again, and in the black dragon prince's grinning laughter, the green dragon was thrown into the air like a raised war hammer, and finally smashed On the solid obsidian wall.

This scene caused the Blackstone orcs to scream wildly. They liked to see such bloody scenes. They yelled and threw the food and wine in their hands into the arena, making the situation of the hard-working people even more difficult.

Next round, start!

Nefarian's icy voice fell, and 8 dragonmen, 20 orcs, and a large group of dragonlings flapped their wings and flew out.

Darth roared and rushed towards the dragonmen, but he alone was not enough to stop the charge of the orcs and the dragonmen. He entangled the two dragonmen, and the other dragonmen and the young dragons rushed into the crowd for the first time. in the line of defense.

Jaina summoned a stream of ice to freeze the two orcs, but her water elemental, which was already stained red with blood, was violently hacked back to the elemental world by the two dragonmen, and a black dragon rushed towards the mage with its head down. Coming over, the lady paladin was filled with holy light, blocked Jaina with a holy barrier, and held the long green sword with one hand, like a strong shield standing at the forefront of the battlefield.

Velinde also joined the battle, but in human form, her combat power was negligible. After beating two orcs to death in a disorderly manner, Velinde ran to Demeter, looking at Green Horrible burns all over Long's body and thick blood dripping from his eyes and nostrils, Velinde's body began to tremble abnormally again.

Look carefully at her eyes, the green pupils are already dilated. In this arena filled with the smell of blood, Velinde's control over the special power in her body has dropped to the lowest point.

Just as Velinde was struggling to control her body, another black shadow flew over and hit Velinde who was staggering and standing up. The two ladies immediately rolled into a ball. It was Leah. Delin, the sacred barrier of the paladin lady saved one of her, but the pain of the impact also made the long sword in her hand fall out for the first time.

The night elf lying on the ground looked up, and saw a ferocious black dragon dragon holding a long-handled saber, stabbing at Liadrin who couldn't dodge.

don't want!


The roars of Darth and Jaina sounded at the same time, and even the high elf herself showed a regretful expression under the dazzling blade. From the beginning to the end, she had no fear, just looked at Dick in mid-air, and closed her eyes. Eye.


Warm blood spattered on Liadrin's face, she opened her eyes in doubt, there was no pain, no death, and then she saw the thin elf with both hands grabbing the falling blade forcefully.

That was the elf who always refused to fight, that was the elf who always looked frightened, that was the elf that Darth called a coward.

Her body was still trembling with resistance and fear, but her hand holding the blade was as firm as steel.

Velinde didn't seem to feel the pain in her palm. She looked back at the battlefield. Darth's body had already been inserted with two weapons. With the power of the ice, he barely froze the black dragon in front of him, but the next moment, the body of the mage lady was knocked down by another dragonman rushing from the side, and Kanrethad had already waved the headwind harvester and started melee combat. Apparently, the warlock's mana has also been exhausted.

Now she is the only one who can move and fight on the battlefield.

She who has been protected by everyone naively thought that perhaps they could win this battle without herself, but when this moment really came, Velinde's fantasy was ruthlessly torn apart.

Do you continue to fight and want to get back to your former self?

Or give up fighting and let yourself become a bloodthirsty monster?

Velinde faced such a choice more than once, but now, it was time for her to make a decision.

I hate fighting, I'm afraid I'll turn into a monster! I'm afraid of blood, I don't want to see life go by before my eyes, but you used to protect me, now.

Velinde panted heavily, and the ferocious dragon claws grabbed her body. She began to actively call out the frantic power that had been suppressed in her body for the first time, and the power quickly returned to her. In the dissipated energy of the gas, the delicate night elf uttered a beast-like howl. It was a howl of a wolf, and the howl of a wild wolf resounded throughout the upper floors of Blackrock Tower!

At this moment, the wolves domesticated by the Blackstone orcs began to go wild, and they all looked up to the sky and howled loudly in response to this different wolf howl.

Even in the stands, the black giant wolves lying beside the black iron veterans stood up one after another at this moment, ignoring their master's call, and crashed into the arena.

The height of 4 meters is not an insurmountable distance for these giant wolves to be ridden by orcs. After the black smoke dissipated, a whole body was covered with gray mane, and there were three black spots on the top of the head, like a knife The scar-like werewolf stood in Velinde's original position.

The draconian who tried to attack her had been perfectly cut into four pieces by the Luna Scythe and landed in different parts of the arena.

Unlike other werewolves, she has a tail, her ears stand on top of her head, her sharp teeth are more ferocious, her left claws are like five sharp daggers, and her right hand holds a scalpel The numb sickle, on the snow-white blade, was still dripping with blood.

More than twenty black giant wolves surrounded Velinde, like the most loyal guards, gifted by the demigod of the wilderness, the wolf spirit Godrin, making Velinde the new head wolf, the female werewolf Looking back at Liadrin, a face that could scare a child into tears, with a face covered with gray mane, showed a difficult smile.

Now it's my turn to protect you!

In the high-level werewolf form, her emerald green eyes were so clear for the first time.

The herd! Shred them!

Velinde bent her legs, turned into a gray storm, and rushed into the group of dragonmen and orcs who were besieging Jaina and Kanrethad. Her hoarse roar made all the onlookers touch her. Touching her neck, it was the roar of wolves. Behind her, the wildness in the deepest blood of those docile giant wolves was activated. They neighed one after another, and after the new leader, they bravely rushed towards those who could not be defeated at all. opponent.

When the wolf king appears, even the cowardly beast will become a hunter!

Nefarian watched with great interest the female werewolf who was crazily slaughtering orcs. The scythe gave him a faint threat. Even the hard skin of the dragon man could not block the slashing of the scythe. Such a scene The Black Dragon Prince couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion.

Ah, Dick Knight, you really can bring me a different surprise! Look, this wild werewolf, I have never seen such a werewolf, she will be an excellent research material! Let us .”


Before the King of Black Stone's voice landed, loud howls of wolves appeared on the stand opposite them. Those giant wolves, those black wolves, led by two giant dire wolves, one black and one white, With red eyes, they rushed at all the orcs in the stands. From the blood and minced meat at the corners of their mouths, it can be seen that these dire wolves have killed all the way here!

Those were Harleken and Kizrul, the leaders of all the wolves in Blackrock Spire, the real horror hunters from the wilds of Draenor. Even the Blackrock orcs couldn't control these two beasts, but now, Verin embraced the wild De summoned them.

The Blackstone orcs were messed up by the surprise attack. This unexpected situation made Nefarian very unhappy, especially after he found that his dragon power was exempted by the group of wild beasts. He felt that his majesty had been challenged. Turning his head to look at the silent Blackstone Chief Red,

Chief! Unfortunately, my interest has been disturbed, now you go to solve this mess! Don't let me down!

Red didn't speak, and turned around and walked into the passage. He couldn't resist Nefarian, so he could only pour his anger on the damn intruders.

The Black Dragon Prince shook his head, there were too many accidents in this dinner party, he was not going to watch it anymore, but just when he turned his head, the sound of chains collapsing also came to his ears, from the sky The fallen Dick landed on the ground, the paladin moved his wrist, and his breath changed.

Are you going to face me? Paladin!

Nefarian was only a little surprised by this, but he was just a high-level lord who had just been promoted, and he didn't take it seriously. Facing the calmness of the Black Dragon Prince, Dick shook his head,

No! Nefarian, in return for this dinner party, I have arranged a good opponent for you!

The paladin leaned on the railing of the arena with one hand, turned over lightly, and the whole person fell to the ground. He stretched out his hand and threw out a more solid and hotter holy sword. The dazzling light appeared at this moment, illuminating After entering this dark hall, the energy long sword was like a solid body, piercing the orc beside him. The paladin kicked the corpse far away, and then looked at Nefarian, showing his thick teeth.

You'll love this opponent! I promise!

Kanrethad, release it!

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