Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 208 2. Clouds of War

Damn the Bilgewater Plutocrats dispatched all the merchant ships! The trade prince Gallywix has gone crazy, the orcs promised him the right to mine all the mines in Durotar and the Barrens, so he violated the goblin merchants and must not directly intervene The principles of war! The shareholders of Steamwheedle and the venture capital company are very angry, another trade prince, Rivegarz, intends to sanction Gallywix, and the mercenaries of Hesso Technology are also ready to move.

In short, a war is about to break out in the goblin world! Just because of these damn orcs! I will lose at least 5% of my profit this month! They should go to hell and feed those lobstermen!

Goblin Warren Manes stood on a chair, holding a wooden pole, and sliding back and forth on the map behind him. He was wearing a fine-textured little dress, and his ten fingers were covered with all kinds of luxurious rings. very excited.

Warren was the goblin businessman that Dick rescued on Warriors Island back then, probably out of gratitude, or the idea of ​​opportunists unique to goblins. After he was rescued, he did not choose to leave, but joined Se Ramore's court, as Theramore's nail into the goblin group, accurately sent back a lot of secret information about the goblin plutocrats for the kingdom.

It is always easy to do things with a background. The shrewd Warren not only delivered news, but also managed his own trading company. It is said that he is very famous in the Tanaris Desert generation, and it is said that he is still in Theramore To the south, Shining Plains has built an entertainment venue with a very chaotic background.

The goblin talked too much about his own business, until the old courtier who came to Theramore from the northern border with Princess Kalia, the current patriarch of the Barov family, the largest land owner in the northern border, and the Minister of Administration, Morne S interrupted the goblin's chatter,

How many orcs did the Rustwater Conglomerate bring here this time?

Uh, it's conservatively estimated that there are at least 1W5-2W orcs!

Warren rubbed his fingers, the green head with big eyes, especially when they are concentrating, the long ears that are very similar to trolls will always move around unconsciously, there is always an inexplicable feeling Funny,

And according to the news from the commercial spies I planted in the Bilgewater Conglomerate, this is only the first transportation, and the number agreed between the orcs and the Bilgewater Conglomerate is at least three times!

Moens clenched his fingers, 6W Blackstone orcs, this will directly break the balance of power between Theramore and the orcs in the Barrens! He looked at Princess Kalia, the highest person in Theramore, whose face was also full of anger,

I still can't forget the scene when the orcs besieged Lordaeron, especially those dark-skinned orcs. They are all ferocious monsters! They can't continue to enter Kalimdor! I don't want Theramore to become The second Lordaeron!

The eldest princess raised as a standard lady seldom speaks so fiercely. It is conceivable how much trouble this time the orc's actions have caused her. The eldest princess turned her attention to Dick and last year with the fourth The remnants of the Legion joined Grand Marshal Gathelis of Theramore.

Put pressure on them! Dick, and Marshal Gatherlis, I can tolerate green-skinned orcs who have been tested in the Battle of Mount Hyjal and expressed peaceful intentions living outside our country, but I cannot allow a group of Savage warmongers appear here! For the past 2 years, they have fought in the Burning Plains and the Kingdom of Stormwind, and their hands are stained with the blood of their compatriots. I don't believe these orcs will become docile when they arrive in Kalimdor!

Gaselis regained his life in the Sepulcher War, but he left a part of his body forever in the land already occupied by the undead. He lost a leg and an eye, and barely came back to life. After that, it was also impossible to pick up a weapon.

Now he is wearing a black eyepatch and a black military uniform. Although his weakened body is no longer able to fight, no one will underestimate him, especially in his final battle against Kalia, the royal family of Menethil. The heir is loyal and gets along very well with Silver Dawn, the Earl of the North.

At the moment when the eldest princess finished speaking, Gathelis was a little weak, but responded immediately with a strong voice,

Please rest assured, Your Highness, our soldiers are ready to attack those beasts from the northern fortress at any time!

Dick was also very annoyed by Sal's move, and after Gathelis finished speaking, he also said in a deep voice,

The Argent Dawn is ready for war at any time! If Thrall can't give us a reason, I will personally lead the paladins to expel those Blackrock orcs from this land that only belongs to Lordaeron!

Jaina, who was sitting next to Dick, supported the large mage hat, and made a statement in a sonorous tone,

Theramore's mage troops can join the battle at any time. I just communicated with Archmage Rhonin. When necessary, the rebuilt Dalaran will also help.

After Dick appeared, the eldest lady put all her energy on him. Naturally, it was impossible to pay attention to a green-skinned orc. In fact, without Thrall's influence, the eldest lady is still very indifferent to orcs now. She may Because she once fought side by side with Thrall, she has some restraint towards the green-skinned orcs, but she doesn't have any good feelings for the black stone orcs who have dealt with and almost killed her!

From this point of view, Dick can be regarded as helping Jaina, at least there is no need to worry that Jaina will kill her father with her own hands for the sake of peace with the orcs.

Princess Kalia's anger dissipated a bit. After all, she grew up in a royal family. She is different from a girl like Jaina who was sent out of such a bad situation by Dai Lin since she was a child, especially when she became a Theramore. After being the lord, she has matured a lot, so after thinking carefully, the eldest princess shook her head,

Going to still a bit too reckless, how about it, Earl Dick, you are responsible for negotiating with those green skins, be tough, if they question their actions to provoke peace, then...

Yes, Your Highness! I know what to do!

Dick put his hat on his head, nodded towards the other high-level participants, and led Jaina out of the conference room, where the goblin was already waiting for him outside.

The three walked to the seats outside the palace. The goblin always respected the benefactor who saved his life and business. He rubbed his fingers back and forth nervously, looked at Dick, and asked softly,

Mr. Earl, do you think Theramore and the orcs will go to war?

Dick shook his head,

I... don't know, but we have to be prepared to tear our skins apart. In this way, Warren, didn't you just say that the Steamwheedle Company and the venture capital company plan to sanction Gallywix? You also participate in it! Find a way To promote this sanction, those Blackrock orcs must not be allowed to set foot on this land again!

When the goblin heard the news, his long ears couldn't help but jump, and his sharp voice rang out,

But Your Excellency, I don't have enough bargaining chips! I can't influence the decisions of those big people. I'm just a small businessman! I can't even gather a mercenary army!

Obviously, the goblins are scared. These small creatures who are crazy about profit have a natural fear of war. This is probably because their combat effectiveness is extremely weak, so they are better at using cunning wisdom and money to get everything done .

Dick's eyes narrowed. He looked at the goblin and put his left hand on the goblin's shoulder. This action made the goblin tremble all over. Then he heard the paladin lower his voice,

No! You have it, take this thing, go to the Westfall Lighthouse in the Stormwind Kingdom, and find Senxia, ​​he is your bargaining chip! Warren, I know you are definitely not satisfied with being a small businessman, think about it , you have done this for Theramore, and I can find a way to get you involved in Theramore's official business channels, isn't that exactly what you want?

Black...Dark Lord Senxia?

Hearing the name of this pirate leader who had become famous in the past year, Warren was startled, and the Warhammer badge that Dick stuffed into his hand seemed to become hot, but goblins are goblins after all, and there is something in their blood. The blood of chasing profit quickly made Warren make up his mind.

Don't worry, Earl! Ahem...I will do this for my motherland!

Vol'jin put his top hat on his head and walked out of the palace quickly. His troll bodyguards were waiting for him outside the palace. For goblins, all time means money, which is a very precious thing!

Actually, as long as I send an order to the Third Fleet of Kul Tiras, they can easily sink those merchant ships. You don't need to use Senxia's power.

Jaina gently rubbed her fingers on Dick's forehead, she stood behind Dick, the paladin closed his eyes, leaned his head on the young lady's abdomen, and then replied irrelevantly,

Ah, I always feel that I have a tendency to change to the black hand behind the scenes... Anna, this matter cannot be called out by the authorities, otherwise it will easily turn into another war between the orcs and the human world. Remember last month that Prag Any news from the side? The Dragon Roar orcs also appeared in Menethil Harbor in Ironforge, plus the Blackrock orcs, the Warsong clan in Ashenvale, it seems that the toxemia of the orcs has gradually disappeared. Cleared, their strength is recovering, and their ambitions are recovering together, Thrall can't control all the orcs, he can't even do it alone, we will have a battle with the orcs...but not now!


The eldest lady looked at Liadrin who was coming from a distance, and the corner of her mouth pouted unhappily, and then she saw Dick silently holding the necklace that had been hanging around his neck since the Dragon War. A piece of red crystal felt slightly hot to Dick's palm. This dark red crystal was like an awakened beast, calling for its companions.

After 1000 years of silence, it is finally waking up again! The paladin knows what this means, and it is estimated that in this country, and even in the entire human alliance, he is the only one who knows what is about to happen.

As a result, the voice of the paladin became ethereal, and the weak voice seemed to be heard only by him.

Because... because another war, another disaster, is coming!

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