Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 21 5. Dark Induction

Warriors of the Holy Light, purify this fallen land!

Alessandro Mograini was riding on a mighty warhorse covered in battle armor. He held a long sword surging with the power of the holy light in his hand, and accompanied his charge, blocking him The previous plague troll was mercilessly knocked away, but before this guy landed, Mograine swung his left hand, and a blazing holy light fell on the undead's head.

It howled and turned into ashes all over the place, scattered on the ground.

The knights are charging. Although all the trolls in the Zulmasa area have been transformed into plague trolls, they are irrational. When facing the collective charge of hundreds of paladins, even a small splash I can't turn it over.

Dick led a small team deep into Zurmatha. They didn't ride horses. In the base camp of the Moss troll, the horses couldn't be used at all. Most of the plague trolls had already gone out to stop the paladins, so Dick walked here swaggeringly with Eligor, Dalyan, and a few knights, but he didn't encounter any enemies he couldn't fight against.

Look there!

Dick pointed to the plague steamer set up in the distance, and said to Eligor,

That is the evil tool used by the Cursed Cultists to create the plague. They evaporate the plague and let the land be shrouded in mist containing the plague. We have to destroy these things!

No problem, leave it to us!

Eligor took a few paladins and walked towards the direction of the steamers. He probably sensed the attack of the paladins. All the cursed mages had already withdrawn, so there was no need to worry about Eligor's safety.

Dick didn't follow. On the contrary, he led the rest of the knights and continued to go deep into Zurmatha. They were ordered to completely destroy this dark stronghold. Dick was planning to do so, but before that, he had to collect One of the most useful things here.

Dalyan, you take the three knights to the left, and I will go to the right. Remember, even if the Moss troll is not infected with the plague, they are also a race of darkness, so don't be merciful. All items with dark magic power Collect them and hand them over to Grand Knight Uther!

Dick was talking to Dalyan who was walking behind him. This kid was only 19 years old this year. Under Mograine's high-pressure education, he appeared to be polite. Sentimental, a somewhat shy child, after hearing that Dick killed a group of undead and an abomination by himself, he followed behind Dick, like worshiping an idol.

This is not to say that Dalyan has never seen the world. In fact, Dick still wants to underestimate the domineering bonus of his professional template. His record is already very brilliant, which is the same as that of the great knight Saidan Dathrohan , but who is Dathrohan?

That is the first generation of paladins, the number two of the Knights of the Silver Hand. In fact, ordinary paladins have a hard time fighting against an abomination. It is not yet the age when paladins are really promoted, so Di Dick's record will definitely make Dalyan look at him. Even his unsmiling father personally praised Dick as a real warrior.

Okay, Brother Dick.

Dalyan nodded, picked up his long sword from behind, and led the knights away. Dick let the knights who followed him scatter to search, and he went straight to the sacrificial altar of the moss troll. .

When the troll empire was in its heyday, there was an evil god named Haka enshrined. Although this guy looked weak in the face of a real strong man, in fact, he could be called an evil god and also had the title of the spirit taker. Absolutely not much weaker. When the troll empire fell, Haka was banished to a different space by the green dragon army. To summon it again, he needed three ancient troll slabs.

Dick just knew that one of the tablets was hidden here.

Although it is still a long time before the followers of Haleka, the cult of evil gods who worship Hakar, collect troll slabs, Dick feels that it is better to keep such dangerous things with him.

Ten minutes later, Dick returned to the camp surrounded by blood and death with the unscathed paladins. Eligor and Dalyan took their trophies, bid farewell to Dick, and left happily up.

Although the trolls are down and out now, at least their ancestors are more generous. The moss trolls were also a branch of the Amani trolls, so in their lair, they found many valuable ancient magic weapons. Don't want all the grams, and divide them equally among the knights.

Dick looked down on weapons that were blue at most because of the artifacts like Flame of Justice and Scamdor-Warbreaker, but he ignored that in the real world, even weakly enchanted weapons , is also quite precious, so soon, the name Generous Dick spread in the camp.

But that's an added bonus.

But when Dick entered the headquarters, he heard Alsace's weak voice with a trace of paranoia,

You don't need to persuade me anymore, I must go to Stratholme!

His Royal Highness, who was already very weak, was sitting on a chair. There were still traces of the battle on his armor, and his whole body looked a little sloppy, but his eyes were full of a firm gaze, It even tends to be stubborn and crazy.

You have all seen the tragedy of Andorhal! At that time, I was powerless, but now, I am going to Stratholme, and I will drive them out before the evil befalls my people!

Uther and Alessandro, the two real bosses, sat on the chairs and did not speak. On the contrary, Jaina, who was younger, seemed a lot angrier. She didn't notice that Dick entered the tent, but stood rose, and called to Alsace,

But this does not mean that you have to pay for yourself! Listen to me, Arthas, the evil forces in Stratholme, have set a trap for you. They are using your justice and kindness. You can't go Stratholme!

But what about my people!

Alsace's tone became more intense, he stared at Jaina unyieldingly, like an angry lion,

Just because of an illusory guess? I'm going to give them up? What are you kidding, Jaina! You are also the crown prince of a country, can't you understand my pressure and feelings? If it is Kul Tiras For such a disaster, what will you do? Escape? Or persist?

Jaina was at a loss for words, and she was about to refute, but Dick grabbed her left hand. She looked at Dick, who shook his head at her, and then took a few steps. Dick took a deep breath and said to the violent Arsa S said,

His Royal Highness, please calm down. The situation in Stratholme is not as bad as you imagined. Although Baron Rivendell has betrayed, he does not have enough troops to occupy the entire Stratholme. We can send the Holy Light May the ascetics of the chapel purify that city with a great ritual of the Holy Light, knight Uther, ascetics can do that, can't they?

Dick turned to Uther, who immediately understood what Dick meant, he nodded,

Yes, Alsace, the ascetic monks can build a barrier of holy light to purify all evil in the city within 2 days, so you don't have to worry about it at all, and don't be so stubborn. As the crown prince, your body is the only thing that is right now. the most important thing.

According to the plot of the previous life, the plague had already begun to spread in Stratholme at this time, but since no such big killer as the natural disaster steamer was used this time, the plague was only spreading in the form of disease, and the entire Stratholme was several One hundred thousand people is one of the largest cities in the world today, so according to Dick, if the ascetic monks are fast enough, at least half of the people can be saved.

But if Alsace appeared outside Stratholme now, the dreadlord who had been prepared for a long time would probably capture his heart immediately and make him issue the terrible order of massacre the city.

It is no exaggeration to say that Stratholme is definitely a turning point in Alsace's life. It is also from here that he kept his inner justice and benevolent torment and slaughtered the civilians who respected him. This incident really awakened The dark side of his heart has since embarked on a path of no return.

Seeing Alsace's face gradually calm down, Dick breathed a sigh of relief. If he can persuade Alsace here, then he is absolutely sure to complete the task of Historical Node - Stratholme ahead of schedule, because of this The incident itself revolves around Alsace.

Dick... What you said is also reasonable... If the ascetic monks make a promise, then I can...

But just when everyone who knew the inside story breathed a sigh of relief, a voice that caught everyone off guard appeared outside the tent,

His Royal Highness, an urgent message from Stratholme!


This thought crossed Dick's mind, and the next moment, a knight wearing a helmet rushed into the tent, half-kneeled on the ground, and handed a scroll to Alsace.

But at this moment, Dick suddenly pulled out the flame of justice behind his back, smashed his head at this ordinary-looking soldier, and shouted at the same time,

Stop him! That soldier has a problem!

Of course he wasn't shouting randomly, because in his eyes, this seamless disguise didn't make any sense at all.


High Lord

Nathrezim Vampire Demon (Dreadlord)

Strength -260, Dexterity -250, Energy -1500, Mana -1000

Evaluation: The high-level demons of the Burning Legion, compared to the strength of frontal combat, are more powerful, and they have the ability to confuse people.

Dick's movement immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the tent, but as soon as he yelled this sentence, he immediately felt a danger to the bottom of his heart, and he gathered all the holy energy into the tent without thinking Around his body, a thin layer of holy light shield blocked him.


Malganis, who had drawn the prototype, grinned grimly and grabbed Dick's Holy Light Barrier with his paws. This life-saving skill he had just learned from Eligor saved his life. It is invincible, but in the real world, at most it can only block a blow from Malganis.

After all, Shengguang is not invincible in this world.

But when both Uther and Alessandro grabbed their weapons and raised the holy light, Malganis had no time to grab the second claw. It turned to look at Alsace who was close at hand. At a glance, the gray-purple bat wings wrapped around the body, turned into a large group of flying bats, and disappeared into the camp.

But before leaving, Malganis still left his gift.

Hahaha, this is just the beginning, little prince, I am Malganis, the behind the scenes you have been looking for, open your eyes and see, all your people belong to me, and I will They will all become my servants, and they will take my gift to travel across your country, and I will make the fire of life in Lordaeron... extinguished forever! And you can only watch all this with your own eyes!

Alsace held the blank scroll and stood up from the chair. What Dick was most worried about happened. He roared into the empty sky,

I will not let you succeed! Malganis, I would rather end the fate of that city with my own hands than let my people become your servants who spread evil! I will not compromise!

Alessandro Mograine (Ashbringer form)

epic hero

human template

Strength -550, Dexterity -480, Energy -1800, Holy Power -2450

Evaluation: Gradually, people and weapons seemed to become one, and the name Ashbringer became a legend. This legend not only refers to the sharp blade that frightens the enemy, but also to the ruthless knight who wields this sharp blade.

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