Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 211 5. Crystal from the Sky

Because of the confrontation between Dick and Dai Lin at the welcome meeting, the atmosphere was a bit awkward, but the people present were all veterans, so how could they stop the celebration because of such a trivial matter, and Dai Lin was also a generous person, although his face was a bit cold, but Then when he went to the palace with Kalia, he kept waving to the people who watched the excitement along the way, which attracted cheers from the passionate young man one after another.

They all grew up listening to the stories of human heroes defeating evil orcs. Now that such a living hero, the characters in the story appeared in front of their eyes. If there were no guards to stop them, these passionate young men would have rushed to kill them. Dai Lin circled around.

Dick and Jaina knew that they would be embarrassed when they met, so they simply told Princess Kalia to leave. The princess just sighed softly and didn't stop her.

As the lord of Theramore and Jaina's best friend, Kalia definitely hoped that she and Dick could get together from the bottom of her heart, but Dai Lin... the identity of this majesty is too special, and those who walked out of the war The old soldiers who came out all had the same temper, and Dick really suffered a lot this time.

And the time left for him is not enough, Dai Lin plans to stay in Theramore for up to 10 days, and then go to sea to destroy the Bloodsail pirates who regrouped on Plunder Island, Dai Lin and Duke of Bloodsail Fari The grievances and grievances between Weier can't be finished in the last day. In short, this pair of old rivals who will die until the end has been fighting each other on the endless sea for nearly 10 years since the end of the Orc War. The grievances between Bloodsail Pirates and Kul Tiras are similar to the grievances between orcs and humans.

Only when one side falls completely, the war will end.

No one wants to see this sea has a real master, so the weak Bloodsail pirates received a lot of assistance, the biggest support came from those goblins. 2 years ago, when the battle between the two sides was the most intense, the Hesso Technology The notorious goblin mercenary leader, Helix Hefuse, even joined the bloodsail pirates in person, barely helping them save their lives from Daelin's terrifying sea attack.

Of course, these are the stories between Dai Lin and the Bloodsail Pirates.

In short, Dick only has 10 days, otherwise, when Dai Lin leaves Theramore, he will definitely take Jaina with him. When it comes to combat effectiveness, Dick is not at all dominant. The 2,500 sailors brought by Dai Lin are all capable men. In a real fight, the Silver Dawn, which has only been established for more than two years, may not be able to win.

Of course, if things definitely don't go that far.

On the beach outside Theramore City, Dick and Jaina were sitting on the reef, and beside them was the dignified Liadrin. The relationship between these three people is very wonderful now. Without Dick, Jaina and Liad Lynn was a good friend, a real good friend, but if Dick showed up, these two pretty girls would be queer.

Just like now, Dick's left hand is holding Jaina's palm, and Liadrin is holding his right hand in his arms. The three of them are sitting next to each other on the reef, watching the waves in the distance beat one after another. coastal.

The paladin was comforting Jaina in a low voice. Although the answer was very stiff at the time, to be honest, he really had no good way. But as a man, you can't hand over the responsibility to a woman, so the paladin has a forced smile on his face,

Don't worry, Anna, at worst, I'll take you to Quel'Thalas, or to Mount Hyjal, where the scenery is beautiful and everyone welcomes us. In fact, it's not impossible to go back to the northern border. Let's go back to Stratholme , I heard that Dalyan managed the place well, you know, on land, I am not afraid of your father.

Jaina raised her nose, patted Dick's palm, and said with a sad sigh, But I can't bear this place, the mage tower I built with my own hands, and Kalia, alas, my father sent me to Dalaran back then. , I just hope that I can stay away from the disputes of the royal family, but after my brother died... I know that my father values ​​me very much, but this princess, I really don’t want to do it, so I let Fenna do it, anyway, she can live for a long time, she Enough time to learn how to run a country.

Fenna-Golden Sword? That half-elf girl following Her Majesty Dai Lin?

Liadrin looked at Jaina curiously. She poked a sea crab on the nearby beach and said softly, Actually, I have seen that child. When she was very young, I made it for her. After praying, people say that her father is a big man, when I saw you, I thought you looked like her, but I didn't expect that she was really your sister!

Liadrin's hair has been kept in short orange hair coiled together since Blackstone Mountain. She knows that this is Dick's favorite look. This high elf has never robbed Dick with Jaina, but the three Everyone knew that there was always a place in Dick's heart that belonged to Liadrin later on, and that never changed.

Hearing Liadrin's words, Jaina shrugged, leaned on Dick's shoulder, closed her eyes slightly,

My mother died very early. At that time, I was still very young. My father paralyzed himself with fighting fanatically. Maybe it was after a certain naval battle. In short, I didn't know the existence of Fenner until I became an adult. Likes me, is also very indifferent to my father, hates everything in the Proudmoore family, stubbornly retains her mother's surname, but no matter what, she is still my sister, the only one I have left besides my father loved ones.

Then you'll have to bear it.

Liadrin chuckled, The Golden Sword family is famous for its eccentric temper in Quel'Thalas, Fenna should have inherited the disposition of the Golden Sword family, but they are all very good people, I think Fen Na also doesn't look like a mean child, you know, at Fenna's age, in the elf society, she is just a child.

Dick took over Liadrin's words and was about to speak to comfort Jaina, but the moment he spoke, there was a sudden intense heat in his chest, and he could feel the red crystal shards without bowing his head. The beating seemed to have his own life. This special perception made his body tremble slightly, and then subconsciously raised his head to look at the sky.

This action woke Jaina and Liadrin, and the two raised their heads, only to see a small black speck whizzing out of the clouds in the cloudless sky, followed by an obvious turning of the head , and then fell from the sky, and its landing point happened to be where the three of Dick were!

Thanks to the excellent eyesight of the three people, they could clearly see the whole picture of the thing falling from the cloud. It was a crystal, a prismatic, hexagonal black crystal, when it fell from the cloud , the crystal rotated in the air, and then shot out many small crystal pillars in all directions, which were exactly the same as the crystal, and flew out in all directions.

From Dick's side, it looks like a meteorite that is rapidly disintegrating, roaring and falling from the sky. According to its speed, it will hit the sea in front of the three of Dick in at most 10 seconds. .

Do you need to break it?

Jaina moved her ten fingers, the cold breath was beating in the palm of her hand, her face was ugly, obviously because this ghost thing disturbed the date of the three people, I'm in a bad mood now, I think, break something, maybe Makes me feel better.

Dick stretched out his hand to stop Jaina's movement, and his left hand started to feel hot again. Obviously, this falling thing is definitely not a good thing, and the worst thing is, Dick has seen this kind of thing before!


The black-purple crystal hit the sea surface, stirring up waves like a sea tide. The eldest lady propped herself up with one hand in front of her, and the sea water that rushed towards the three of them turned into little ice beads and landed one meter away. On the beach, Liadrin drew out the Dragon's Call, but was dismissed by Dick.

You two! Back off!

The paladin stepped forward, and there was a strange change in the sea water in front of him. He glanced behind him, and the stern gaze made the two girls stop immediately. From Dick's expression, they also felt the truth of the matter. Something was wrong, Liadrin moved her steel gauntlet, swung to block Jaina, and the young lady's primordial flow was also held in her hand.

Regardless of the cold sea water, Dick strode towards the weird crystal standing on the edge of the coastline. The sea water around the crystal seemed to be pushed away from the crystal by an invisible force field. The thing floated on the wet sand, slowly Spinning and approaching, Dick saw strange runes on the surface of the crystal, each side had different runes, and each side was different.

As if sensing Dick's approach, the crystal buzzed, and after Dick pulled out the Brotherhood Sword from his backpack, the crystal melted quickly.

It really melted, like a candle being burned by a flame, the black liquid seeped into the beach, and Dick's scalp felt numb immediately when he took a closer look!

Where is that thing liquid! It is clearly a black weird bug the size of countless hair strands! It looked like a beetle, but it was black all over. It made a sharp cry, and Qi Qi rushed towards Dick.

Qiraji! Hell!

Dick's complexion changed drastically, and he took a step back. The sword of the Brotherhood in his hand pierced the ground, and the silver holy energy spread under his feet, instantly evaporating the seawater of the prototype with a radius of one meter around the paladin. The swarm of insects stood in front of him, but in the face of the scorching barrier, those black insects were not afraid at all. They let out chaotic screams and rushed over fearlessly.

The moment the first wave of insect swarms set foot on the scorching soil, they were burned to ashes, but the subsequent wave of insect swarms forcefully protruded the burning ring into nearly a third of the area. The rushing black torrent was considered to have dissipated, but it was not over yet. When Dick retreated to the beach, the sea surface in front of him began to roll with boiling waves, as if the sea water in front of him had been boiled.

blood! Blood like a red tide was spreading on the sea surface, and the eyes were all scarlet. It was fish in the shallow sea, and those insects were attacking those fish. The situation in front of them was too weird. A few minutes later, the black beetle that had grown to the size of a human head jumped out of the sea again, and was frozen into an ice sculpture by a small blizzard waved by Jaina.

After 3 minutes, bugs with the same size as children rushed out again. After 7 minutes, the number of bugs that rushed out in the last wave was very small, but their bodies had become the same size as adults, and their attack and defense power They are much stronger.

Although he was still vulnerable to a guy like Dick, after Liadrin stabbed the last hideous bug to death on the beach, the entire quiet and beautiful sea had turned into a Shura hell. In the meantime, the fish that were eaten in the water with only their skeletons left, even including the ferocious hammerhead shark, the stacked fish bones made Jaina tremble all over, and Liadrin held Dick's hand with some fear. arm.

In just 7 minutes, there is no living thing in the sea area in front of me!

The terrifying growth speed and super attack power of those bugs, as well as the fearless madness, stunned all three of them. Even Dick, who had experienced this scene himself, saw such a scene in the real world. He couldn't help but clenched the red crystal on his neck that was no longer hot.

What's that? Dick!

Jaina's voice was still a little trembling. It could be seen that the sudden scene frightened the young lady. As a mage, she could see farther than others. Most of the small crystals that were thrown out by the giant crystals were It fell into the swamp outside of Theramore. Once it was hatched and it was not contained in the early stage, it might take less than 3 days for Theramore to be finished.

That's the Qiraji...the Zerg, the creature that once destroyed the ancient troll empire! Go back to the palace, a crystal should have fallen there too!

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