Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 220 14. The Wind-Kissed Spirit

The four elemental worlds are very magical places. According to shamans and mages, they are the source of magic elements in the air of Azeroth, the sky wall hidden high above the sky, and the abyss in the endless trench. Throat, the continent of deep rocks under the earth, and the realm of the source of fire hidden somewhere unknown.

These are the four elemental planes attached to the present world of Azeroth in the ancient times. Their existence is similar to that of the Emerald Dream, but the Emerald Dream is more complicated and larger.

According to the legends circulating in Azeroth, the four elemental monarchs are all moody characters, and when the ancient gods appeared, they joined the camp of the ancient gods at the cost of being able to appear in the present world, but were chased away by the furious Titans. Back to the elemental world, set up the elemental territory, until now, the elemental territory is still stable and abnormal.

This territory is a restriction on the elemental lords, but in fact, weaker elemental lords can appear in the world in the form of descending. For example, a wind elemental lord from the wall of the sky is standing still for a while. The breathless wind blowing out of the air was the main body, appearing in front of Dick and the terrified Demitian.

When the indistinct image of the storm appeared, Dick felt like he was about to stop breathing.

The light gray breathless wind gathered on the land in front of me from all directions, and the combination and matching of countless lines visible to the naked eye finally formed one after another lingering storm, slender and graceful, piercing straight from the ground into the sky, as if about to roll Take all the air, and it's like a gentle breeze blowing across your face.

Dick could feel the pressure, but not the fear.

This seems... seems like a calm wind elemental lord?

Although he has never fought against elemental creatures from the beginning to the present, just judging from the power of this elemental lord, this is definitely not a good thing. The constantly beating numbers in the paladin's eyes gave him a Worse perception.

Elemental creatures... Such weird things actually follow the template of legendary creatures!

This means that elementals are as difficult to deal with as dragons!

But when the storm that seemed to destroy the world before the two of them subsided, Dick finally saw the name of the elemental lord.


Elemental Lord/Hero/Legendary Creature Template


Explanation: You may not have heard her story, but you must have heard her gentle voice. She is the most beautiful pearl in the sky wall and the gentlest night breeze on the earth. The warriors who pursue freedom will get this Blessings, they always call her The Wind Kissed Spirit.

When the paladin saw this name, his eyes lit up, and all the pressure disappeared.

Because he recognizes this elemental lord, he is most likely the only one in Azeroth who knows the story of Aisher.

And Dick didn't expect his luck to be so good. He thought he would have to fight a furious elemental lord, but looking at it now, maybe he didn't need a weapon at all?

However, the paladin knew Aishier, but Aishir didn't know him. The moment he arrived, the elemental lord let out a cold snort, and all the air in the entire Crystal Valley was suppressed at this moment. Dare to stand in front of her on the bodies of Dick and Demitien.


Dick, whose whole body seemed to be five times heavier, put the sword of the Brotherhood on the hard ground. His armor and bones made crackling sounds, and the holy power was activated involuntarily. , Dick could barely hold on.

But on the other side, Demitien, the unlucky cultist, is not so lucky. He has just been emptied of the chaotic energy in his body by Dick, and he is still just out of the dying state. Under the heavy pressure, the cultist only had time to let out a wail, like a catfish caught out of the river, lying on the ground and rolling back and forth, with blood bleeding from the corners of his mouth, eyes, nostrils and ears, he tried hard to breathe, but couldn’t .

The cultist's hands clutched at his neck in vain, but not a single breath of air entered his lungs, instead, the life-sustaining air was squeezed out of his lungs, his eyes were bloodshot rapidly, and he was dying!

But Aishier didn't show any mercy at all. Her voice was like the coldest wind in the Northland. It was the sound of tens of thousands of wind whistling together, which could freeze the bone marrow directly when people heard it.

Dare to blaspheme Sunderland's offal! It seems that several years of imprisonment have not made you understand your unforgivable sin! Even if you die, your soul will endure ten thousand years of torture on the wall of the sky! I swear, you I will definitely repent in the wind that can cut my soul!

Demitien looked at Dick pleadingly with two bright red eyeballs, it was his last hope.

Dick didn't disappoint him.

Aisher...stop...stop...I can...I can save...Sunderland! Stop...get off!


The violent gas explosion resounded throughout the Crystal Valley. The Paladin's body was like the weakest leaf, fluttering around in the strong wind. He had no choice but to open the Holy Avenger, and the four wings of the Holy Light swept his body Wrapped up, under the heavy holy light, he slammed into the crystal wall behind him with difficulty, and finally stood firm.

Demitien also saved his life because of this. He lay at Dick's feet, breathing in the air frantically, and the terrifying experience of being on the verge of death made Demitien look at his body more and more solidly. Aisher's eyes were full of fear.

Ten seconds later, the gust of wind stopped, and a woman image completely composed of light blue storm and mist appeared in front of Dick. She was at least twenty meters tall. Although the elements possessed the purest magic power, these The guys don't know how to use magic in detail, so they rarely see their avatars.

The current Ai Xier, even in human form, her face is a blurred storm, and she can't see her facial features clearly at all.

Dick finally understood the temper of elemental creatures. Aisher, who is said to be the lord with the best temper among the unruly wind elements, seems to be relatively speaking. If another elemental lord came over today, I am afraid that Dick would The best ending is to escape with injuries. know, what do you mean by what you say?

Ai Xier's voice is no longer the indifferent north wind, but has turned into an unpredictable south wind. It looks soft and gentle, but in fact the killing intent hidden in it has not diminished at all. The paladins have no doubts at all, if He is just a liar with nonsense, and after being exposed, it is very likely that he will be torn into powder by the strong wind blown by Aisher in the next second.

Don't doubt the power of the elemental lord. The most proud achievement of the wind elemental lord of the sky wall was when the Titans came to this world again. Together, the Lord of the Wind can rival even the Warriors of God from the Pantheon!

Although faced with the attack of the most powerful guardians, they finally failed, but this is enough to prove their strength!

Moreover, the wind element is also a very strange existence among the four elements. When these wind elements with unpredictable personalities are really furious, even the strongest Balrog Ragnaros can only back away.

This is not Dick's imagining, but a fact that actually happened.

Facing Aishier's question, Dick shook his body, shaking out all the yellow sand in the cracks in the armor, and then replied seriously,

Of course, Windkissed Elf! I will take responsibility for what I said! And maybe you don't know it yet, Ragnaros the Balrog...

Don't... mention that name in front of me!

Dick's voice was interrupted. Aishier's anger towards the Fire Demon King was obviously beyond the paladin's imagination, so he could only briefly say,

In short, the eternal enemy of the wall of the sky, 300 years ago, brought himself and his subordinates in the realm of fire to the present world, under the distant Blackstone Mountain, in a place called Molten Core , there, there are traces of Gal, the betrayer of the Sky Wall, and Geddon, the loyal servant of the Firelord, and I have enough reasons to believe that from them, we can learn about the final whereabouts of Prince Sunderland .”


Ai Xier's feminine voice suddenly became indifferent again. This change caught Dick a little off guard, but after nearly 10 seconds of silence, Ai Xier spoke again, this time her voice became joyful, Like a young little girl.

I asked about the wind in this world, and they told me that what you said is true. After Sunderland left, I haven't paid attention to this boring world for too long, and I missed such good news. It's very Well, very good! My Sunderland... very good.

Accompanied by the joy of the wind kissing the elf, in an instant, the strong wind in the entire Crystal Valley became softer, really like lovers touching each other's cheeks, Dick even smelled the smell of love from the wind, he remembered Jaina and Liadrin.

It's really... amazing.

Human! As long as you can save Sunderland, the entire wall of the sky will be grateful to you! The increasingly moody Wind Rider simply ignored the invasion of the Fire Realm, and he actually started to contact the revived ancient gods again. Going to redo that crazy plan, but we won't be following it in a no-win war, the power of the titans never left this world!

The Skywall needs a new leader! All the winds are longing for Sunderland's return!

Ai Xier inadvertently revealed a big secret, this secret made Dick feel numb all over, he took a breath of sweet air with difficulty to calm himself down, the most important thing now is The battle of quicksands is coming, so he said again,

Dear Wind Kiss Elf, I dare to make a trivial request to you!

Speak! Warriors of mankind, the generous sky wall will satisfy your request! In return you bring back this good news that will make the sky wall boil!

Ai Xier promised decisively, full of heroic feeling, so the paladin continued,

It's like this. We have a very important thing that fell into the water elemental world - the throat of the abyss. I know that although water elementals and wind elementals are not allies, you are the only elemental forces we can contact that we can deal with ...

You don't need to say it, it's fine!

Aisher interrupted Dick and said bluntly, As long as I see Sunderland, your request is simply trivial! It seems that you have also contacted the Hydraxian Legion of the Tidehunter? That group The nature of the water elementals is just like that, no one can make them do anything except the order of the elemental lord.

However, since you are going to the Molten Core to fight against the mortal enemy of the water element, then I believe that the tide hunter will be willing to give you a little help. It is impossible for human beings to reach the residence of the Fire Demon King, even if it is a clone in this world No, how about it, as an advance payment, I will help you contact Duke Hydraxis who is loyal to the tide hunters! He will be very willing to help you enter the Molten Core.

But remember! Humans, if you fail to bring back and the world will soon see the wrath of the Skywall.

It really is the wind element with an elusive personality. He was very happy just now, but his face changed in a blink of an eye. Dick was also a little uncomfortable. He felt that these elements were too domineering, so he simply said what he hadn't said. When he came out, his tone became much tougher.

I will bring back Prince Sunderland! But in addition, my allies in this world, the Dark Iron Dwarves who are now enslaved by the Fire Demon King, will also help us in this epic battle, but They cannot bear the punishment of betraying the Balrog King, so I hope that if I bring back Prince Sunderland, you can launch an attack on the Fireland, even if it is to divert Balrog's attention a little bit!

Weak creatures... so pitiful, they can't even control their own destiny.

Ai Xier sighed, which made Dick roll his eyes. He said that it was as if elements could control their fate. The elemental lords of the source realm were all directly killed, which was 10,000 times more miserable than the current Azeroth.

But Eicher finally gave a definite answer.

Sunderland's anger towards the Balrog will not be lower than mine, and he is also the most capable prince of the Sky Wall. Until now, the wind of the Sky Wall still echoes the legend of Sunderland, believe me , if you can rescue my beloved Sunderland, he and his eternally loyal Legion of the Four Winds will be more than happy to grant your small request.

Only then did the paladin heave a sigh of relief. He clenched his fists and whispered to the gradually dissipating storm in front of him,

Wait for my good news! Asher, the wind-kissed elves, when I bring Sunderland here, I hope to see the promises that have been fulfilled.

Go, warriors of mankind... Jingfeng never promises easily, but we will never break our promises!

(I know the story about Prince Sunderland and the Wind Kissed Elves is fake, but that story touched me and many brothers, so let's use that story here.

Of course, I deleted the legend of them repelling Sargeras, which is obviously impossible. )

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