Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 234 28. Quicksand Scepter and Beetle Wall (Part 2)

Sometimes, the fate of the world will be in the hands of mortals. This is very rare, especially in this magical world where mysterious power exists. appeared.

But since the invasion of the Dark Portal, the stage of the world has shifted from mysterious creatures to mortals. From the Battle of Mount Hyjal to the current Battle of Quicksand, the protagonists of the stories have always been mortal creatures, and the giant dragon representing mysterious power And the demigods, but they have been hidden behind the curtain of time.

Dick held the quicksand scepter in his hand, and hundreds of thousands of people were watching him. Behind the crumbling wall of beetles visible to the naked eye, there were also countless pairs of malicious eyes watching him, but the holy The knight is not panicking.

He turned around and held up the quicksand scepter in his hand. Facing the soldiers and generals lined up on the quicksand, the paladin was a little annoyed.

At this time, he should say some inspiring words, but Saurfang Overlord's lines in the Battle of Quicksand, he had already said it once when he attacked Stratholme, so should he bring it up and say it again? ?

No, the paladin shook his head, he took a deep breath, and then said,

I, I am the Northern Earl of Theramore, Lord of the Order of the Argent Dawn, Protector of the Holy War on Mount Hyjal, Knight of the Dawn of the human world, Conqueror of Blackrock Mountain, and Destroyer of the Firelord! You all know me , Many of you have also fought side by side with me!

But today, I didn't come here with those prestigious titles and identities. I am standing here as a warrior of the human world, as a protector of Azeroth!

3,000 years ago, my ancestors established Arathor, the first human country in the wilderness of the Eastern Continent. She was conceived in resistance and freedom, and pursued the creed of protection and oath.

Now we are waging a great war to test the bravery of the sons of this nation, to test the world that holds high the banners of justice and liberty.

Today! We are gathered on a great battlefield of this war between justice and evil, protection and killing. We are here to dedicate part of this battlefield to the heroes who died for the existence of this world. Come as their final resting place.

We fight for survival in the yellow sand, and they bless us in the sky!

The bugs will kill all living things in sight for their gods. What can we do for ourselves?

We can only fight to the death! And we must!

We cannot dedicate, we cannot hallow, we cannot hallow this war, for those who fought for this world, heroes living and dead, have sanctified this land and have done far more than we It can be subdued by meager strength.

The world doesn't pay much attention, and won't long remember what I say here today, but it will never forget what the warriors did here! Never forget the blood and sacrifice that the warriors left here! Never forget the footprints of the brave left here!

Rather, we who are still alive! We should devote ourselves to the great task that remains before us! We should draw more from these honorable dead to fight for the cause they so sincerely wanted! We Make the greatest determination here, so as not to let the war dead die in vain!

We have always waged unjust wars, we have always brandished weapons against each other because of greed and arrogance, and our glory has been lost! And I will now lead you to glory that will never die! We will Unite and fight for a common goal among different races and beliefs for the first time!

Dick's voice became louder. Saurfang and the other orc warriors had already clenched their weapons tightly. The tauren even carried Mulgore's battle banner behind their backs, letting them flutter in the wind.

Duke Leoric leaned on his Grand Marshal's sword in both hands. He glanced back. The soldiers in Stormwind City were strict and excited. The fighting will of the young soldiers had been fully inspired by Dick's words. He couldn't help but whisper a prayer.

Tyrande sprinkled pieces of Luna's light, even though Benedictus was unwilling in his heart, he still opened his hand and spread the blessing of the holy light to every legion.

The elves sang war songs in low voices, and the dwarves also sang the tunes of the high mountains. The relatively small number of gnomes and goblins cheered on the aircraft, and the griffins, hippogryphs and biped dragon knights all over the sky held high Weapons, the breathing sound of the entire battlefield seemed to be connected together. There is no weak person who can stand here. These elite soldiers from various countries are aware of the mission they shoulder today. They have all seen the ferocity of those bugs and also They all understand the consequences of these bugs rushing out.

The paladin raised the quicksand scepter high and shouted with all his might,

We are here to win! We will not be crushed by these bugs! We will fight for our loved ones and our country!

We will fight for this world! We will fight for Azeroth!

Warriors, attack!


When the exquisite quicksand scepter touched the seal of the beetle platform, it turned into quicksand and dissipated from Dick's hands. The seal of the beetle wall in front of him also cracked quietly under this blow. In less than a second, the crack was filled with the seal, and on the wall of the beetle not far away, the same crack appeared, like a dying old man who could no longer bear the burden on his shoulders , so at the moment when a new blow came, its body collapsed.

With a height of nearly five meters, the wall of beetles, entwined with vines and special emblems, completely covering one-third of the Silithus Great Desert, collapsed in front of the soldiers, just like houses in an earthquake. Dust was splashed on the ground to block the vision.

When the dust cleared, it was densely packed with bugs!

Different from the worker insects I have seen before, these insects are more aggressive from the appearance alone. Their bodies are deformed, all black carapace, vicious eyes, and large and excessive insect claws. Their number is close to Endless, buggers called Qiraji Lashers and wasp-like Qiraji hunters nearly blotted out the sky beyond the Beetle Wall, and after these battle bugs came even taller buggers, covered in It has a black or khaki carapace, its hands are deformed insect claws, there are sharp horns on the top of its head, and its joints are slender and powerful.

They roared and roared, accompanied by the shaking of the ground, obsidian giants with a height of 10 meters, those obsidian kobolds called Anubisas, holding various giant weapons, in an oversized He came out under the leadership of the black beetle.

It was once a noble creation, but now it has succumbed to the will of the evil master. They are like gods and giants who came out of legends, with black bodies and yellow accessories, and carved into jackals. His head gave people a solemn sense of oppression and power.

You failed to defeat the Qiraji 1000 years ago. After 1000 years, we will wipe out the whole world! Run away, death is behind you!

This is the general of the Qiraji. The difference between him and other Qiraji lies in the weapon in his hand, which is a green long sword made of insect armor and horn, which seems to represent his identity. The commander of the Quicksand War thousands of years ago saw the black bugman, and the deer helmet couldn't help but turned into a black nightsaber, and disappeared in place in a flash.

That's General Rajax, the bugger who tore up Buckhelm's son with his own hands! A bastard who deserved to die 1000 years ago!

The hot wind in the desert seems to be suppressed by the roar of the insects, but the fighting will of the soldiers as a whole makes them not afraid of those strange insects at all. Behind them, blue, red, yellow, and green lights appeared, and the dragons joined the battlefield again. The soldiers cheered and fought side by side with the dragons, which made them feel as if they had entered a mythical story .

This is not over yet, when the space breaks open silently, there is a huge mountain-like rock tortoise with a hill on its back, the snow-white Steppenwolf God, Agamaggan wrapped in thorns, and the white flying in the sky. Giant eagles, the legendary demigods appeared one after another in this desert.

This epic picture made the cheers of the soldiers stop for a moment, but the next moment, brighter cheers sounded in the army formation. It was the gathering of thousands of voices, and it was the unity of will.

For Azeroth!

Under the leadership of Malfurion and Hamuul, the Guardian Druids turned into iron-skinned brown bears and charged towards the bugs. Their wild roars suppressed the meaningless roars of the bugs, like a Signal, Duke Leoric got on his horse, and the low horn sounded on the battlefield.

Admiral Dailin was also rarely riding on his war horse. Behind him, the sailors of Kul Tiras had drawn their swords. The tauren war kodos had already entered the arena. When the night elf sentinels rode black panthers, and the steam tanks driven by gnomes and dwarves roared into the battlefield, the coalition's charge was ready.

The storm and flames summoned by the mages mercilessly hit the bugs' camp, and most of the sky was covered by black clouds. The warlocks, who were accepted by the civilized world for the first time, jointly summoned the rain of flames across the sky. The bolides smashing into the interior of the scarab wall with flickering flames heralded the coming of fierce battle.

At this moment, the entire land of Silithus trembled!

The boundaries between life and death, existence and destruction have never appeared so clearly in the hearts of every warrior, those alien races! Those are not even the alien races that the orcs can communicate with. On this battlefield today, only one side is doomed to survive!

The flags fluttered and the horns sounded.

The sneak attack of the staghelmet sneaking into the shadows made the bugman general Rajax roar angrily. The hatred 1000 years ago finally has a chance of revenge today. The wild druids who sneaked over with the staghelmet are in The insect general and his soldiers were separated at the first time.

When the human heavy cavalry rammed into the bug-man army who also launched a charge, when the first stinky bug blood was sprinkled on the desert, when the hiss of bugs and the roar of warriors resounded through the sky, When the demon hound, which was the precursor of the infantry, was torn together with the insects, it was 1,000 years later, on this piece of eternal yellow sand.

The battle of quicksand has started again!

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