Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 240 34. The Awakened Divine Weapon

The frontal battlefield of Silithus was quite tense. The coalition forces and the insects repeatedly fought over the line of defense at the original Beetle Wall. After Dick broke the seal, it became a loose line full of rocks. Battlefield of blocks and debris.

The most aggressive ones are the human heavy cavalry on the left flank of the battlefield. They are very fast and wear heavy armor. The leader of each team of knights must be a paladin. Under the radiation of the halo spell, the threat of heavy cavalry is huge. Even if it is a ferocious insect warrior, if it is hit by a heavy cavalry from the front, it will be knocked into the air. If it is less lucky, it will be trampled by the horse when it lands, and its body and flesh will be crushed into the ground. earth.

But they are also the ones with the highest casualties!

Even with the cover of dwarves and goblins constantly dropping engineering bombs from the sky, the heavy cavalry of the Seventh Legion led by Leoric still suffered an astonishing 30% damage, which is enough to collapse any other troops The battle damage was relatively large, but on a large battlefield with hundreds of thousands of insects and a slightly smaller number, but not less than 100,000 insects, the damage of Leoric and his subordinates was already considered a medium scale.

The first batch of orcs, humans, and dwarf warriors who rushed into the battle line were basically wiped out. Even the orc wolf cavalry, known for their flexibility, had withdrawn from the battlefield due to heavy casualties. The last batch of reserve soldiers had been sent to the front line , even the night elf sentry, which was quite slender compared to the bugman, had no choice but to stand up in front of the mage group and the shooter in the form of a second layer of defense.

Once the first line of defense is breached, these night elves will have to sacrifice their lives to delay the attack of the insectoids.

There is no romantic war, any war is so cruel!

This is still in the situation where the left wing of the bugman is suppressed by the wilderness demigod and the giant dragon. The fighting power of the Qiraji is too amazing, but it is not just bad news.

The excellent combat effectiveness of these worms proves that they must be elite soldiers in the evil kingdom of Qiraji, and such a number is almost all the elite soldiers that the Qiraji Empire can produce. The sacrifices of giant dragons and night elves 1000 years ago also It was not without results. At that time, the war potential of the Qiraji Empire had been developed to the maximum, and even the most noble people like the twin emperors had already gone into battle shirtless.

Although the 1,000-year recuperation slowed down the vitality of the Qiraji Empire, the reproduction of the insects is also regular. The weakest workers must be the most, and the number of combat-type insects will definitely not be too many. The seal of the upper beetle wall cut off the expansion of the Qiraji Empire from the root. Insects also need to eat and reproduce. Calculated in this way, after nearly 80,000 fighting insects died in battle, the war potential of the Qiraji Empire is At least they have to be severely discounted.

Calculated in this way, even without the birth of Dick, relying on the refueling tactics of the entire civilized world of Azeroth, the Qiraji Empire will eventually be defeated. Its area is too small, and even one of the Stormwind Kingdom There are no provinces, which determines that the Qiraji Empire is doomed to be a short-lived evil civilization.

However, in the cruel battlefield, not many people have the mood to calculate these things. In the rear of the battlefield, near the wounded barracks, Dai Lin, who just came off the battlefield, was almost covered with white bandages on his upper body, and the blood flowed from the It oozes out, and Jaina, who is pale, is carefully handling the wound on her father's shoulder.

The magic power of the eldest lady has been completely exhausted, she has not yet entered the hero level, and she has not yet fully controlled the magic power. In fact, those who can still continue to cast spells are those super mages who can already use every trace of magic power to the extreme .

Of course, the mage group of Quel'Thalas lasted longer. After all, the magic-rich physique of the high elves definitely meant that their battle time was much longer than that of human mages. The pain he endured was several times stronger than that of a human mage.

Liadrin, a high elf lady wearing silver battle armor, was also sitting on the chair next to her in a tired posture. She was also just torn from the battlefield. Erigor was worse than him. Commander, the position of his banner was attacked by Qiraji lashers. The old knight almost lost one of his eyes, and now he is still hanging his arm with a bandage, barely leaning on the pillar of the tent.

Everyone's expressions were ugly, and the commanders present suffered heavy casualties, but fortunately, the insects couldn't hold on any longer, because the assassin troops led by Theramore's Warden kept harvesting insects on the battlefield. The name of the human commander, on the right-wing battlefield, the insect people who were under the onslaught from the orc side had already experienced chaos and collapse several times.

This represented that the tough battle had finally come to an end, and after paying a terrible price, the coalition forces were finally about to win the first battle.

This is the good news among the bad news.


The curtain of the tent was lifted, and several archdruids walked in with each other's support. The last archdruid, staghelmet, who walked on his always gloomy face, showed a rare relaxed expression, and raised his hand , General Rajax's ugly insect head was thrown on the ground in the center of the tent.

The green insect blood and stench made the smell in the tent much worse.

But this move made the expressions of the other commanders come alive.

Rajax, the 1,000-year-old butcher has been killed!

Malfurion used the green light in his palm to heal the injury on his other arm, and said to the others,

The worms are in chaos, and we're about to win! Now we're just waiting for news from Dick.

Hearing this, everyone reacted differently. Jaina's expression was a little tangled. After hearing Dick's news, her hand movements were scattered and touched Dai Lin's wound, which made the admiral's face darken. When he came down, he snorted coldly and asked what Jaina and Liadrin had always wanted to ask.

Speaking of which, where did that annoying guy go? Listening to you, he seems to be doing something important?

Malfurion turned his head and looked at Brian Bronzebeard, who was sitting aside and studying a strange machine with several dwarf craftsmen. The smell of gasoline mixed with blood in the air made the druid frown uncontrollably.

Okay, Brian, put down that bomb you're holding, and let the commanders introduce what you and Dick have discovered.

Hearing this, the dwarf put down the wrench full of black oil, wiped his face with a rag beside him, and muttered,

This is not a bomb. I have studied the terrain here, Malfurion. At the end of the war, it is impossible to completely fill the qiraji nests with ordinary methods. Only by relying on such an unreasonable large It takes a bomb to completely blow up that wicked crypt, okay okay...don't look at me like that, I'm just saying.

Anduin, the little prince who came to Silithus with Silver Dawn, picked up the glass of water on the table and handed it to the dwarf. He drank the water in one gulp, then touched his mouth, leaving Anduin looking at the black stain on his shoulder with tears in his eyes.

The dwarf cleared his throat and said,

Three months ago, the boy Dick asked me to help him find some remains of the Anubisath kobolds. I thought he was going to study the weaknesses of those obsidian giants, but I didn't expect Dick to have more tricks. I spent Within a month, four still intact Anubisas were found in Silithus and shipped to Theramore. As a result, after my research with Dr. Harrison of the Stormwind City Library and Kid Dick, Next, we discovered a big secret!


Anduin asked curiously, the dwarf glanced at him, and said mysteriously,

Did you know? Those Anubisath kobolds are one!

Faced with this big secret, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, all with blank faces, please forgive them, except for a few mages sitting here, the others even Anu This is the first time I've seen something like Bisas, and don't expect them to understand these ghost things.

Brian curled his lips a little unhappily, and explained impatiently,

You just killed several Anubisaths. Didn't you realize that every time an obsidian giant dies, the other obsidian giants will become stronger? The last one even killed General Dai Lin, Chief Thrall and Ty Ms. Rand shot it together to kill it. This is the secret! They share a spirit! Although it looks like 6 obsidian giants, they are actually a whole!

Dai Lin waved her hand impatiently,

Prince Brian, just tell us directly, what did Dick do?

Hearing this, the dwarf seemed to want to refute, but finally shrugged,

Okay, let me just say it straight, the magical boy Dick has a way to make those Anubisaths stand on our side, this time he ventured into the thousand-year-old battlefield after the ruins, just to find the most powerful Anubisasis The powerful one, use it to enter the obsidian giant's spiritual network and control them!

As soon as the dwarf's voice fell, there was a wave of shaking from outside the tent. Nearly 10 seconds later, there was another cheer like a tsunami, which caught all the commanders off guard. Kul Tiras Commodore Matthew von Proudmoore ran into the tent in a panic. Dai Lin frowned at this gesture.

Okay, Matthew! You are also a veteran and a general after all, what does it look like to be so flustered!

The brigadier general couldn't help touching the sweat on his forehead. This distant royal relative with one-eighth of Proudmoore's blood was indeed a qualified general. It hurts to wake up, but right now he can't care so much.

Another obsidian giant has rushed out! There are a lot of them, Your Majesty, there are at least 30 of them!

What? 30 heads!

Before Dai Lin could speak, the orc chief Thrall stood up with a look of surprise on his face, but soon Matthew realized that he had said something wrong, so he quickly changed his words,

No, no, everyone, you misunderstood me, those giants are on our side this time! Uh, I mean, although they were slaughtering our soldiers just now, but now...forget it, I can't tell Come out and see for yourself!

The commanders hurriedly got up and walked out of the tent. Jaina and Liadrin supported Dai Lin, who was a little weak, on the left and right. When they walked out of the tent, they saw the bugman camp at first glance. The Anubisath giants who were massacred here.

Those black giants made entirely of obsidian held a variety of stone weapons in their hands, and every blow could leave a bloody gap in the bugger's camp, especially the one in the center was bigger than the others. Anubisath is even taller, and the blue Anubisath warrior who is still wearing armor, the stone sword in his hand sweeps ruthlessly, just like a mass of moving blood and yellow mixed killing storm.

Desert! Throw up your gravel and block the sun's rays!

Accompanied by the furious roar of the blue Anubisath, groups of yellow sand storms appeared in the already collapsed bugman camp. After realizing that the obsidian giant was standing on their side, the commanders of the coalition forces immediately seized Opportunity, all the soldiers pressed on, even the recruits who were trembling just now raised their weapons and started chasing and killing those panicking bugs.

The young druid Electrolux Claw, who was in charge of protecting Prince Anduin, held the little prince on his shoulders. The latter looked excitedly at the scene of those giants slaughtering the insects. Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the bloody sunset In the middle, the little prince looked at those obsidian giants covered in light coats, and couldn't help but say,

My God, these giants are like warriors of the gods!

The old dwarf watched it carefully several times with the telescope in his hand, and then exclaimed excitedly,

There is someone on that blue giant's shoulder! I can see clearly, it's Kid Dick! He really did it! That guy who can always perform miracles!

The little prince cheered, took the telescope handed over by the dwarf, looked at it carefully, and then proudly said to the others,

That's my mentor! A hero!

Father, look, he is better than those young talents you have chosen for me!

Jaina gently helped her long blond hair, she looked at her father, this time, there was no hesitation in Missy's gaze,

Anna, do you know what your choice means?

Dai Lin looked at his daughter, the familiar face brought him back to his youth in a trance, the same stubborn blonde woman, he shook his head and looked at his daughter seriously.

It is impossible for me to accept a commoner as the prince of Kul Tiras, and it is impossible for the nobles to accept it either.

There was a heartfelt smile on the corner of Jaina's mouth,

I only love magic and Dick in my life. The throne means nothing to me. Fenna will be an excellent ruler. She is more suitable for that position than me.

Liadlin quietly held Jaina's hand and used practical actions to support this strange friend. Dai Lin kept a cold face and did not answer Jaina's words. He looked at the battlefield and the coalition forces Under the leadership of Anubisath, he stormed into the ancient battlefield thousands of years ago. After a long time, he turned and left without saying a word.

Then... then I wish you happiness, my child.

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