Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 246 40. Ancient Evil

From the perspective of the entire universe, the ancient gods are not too powerful creatures. They are just the vanguard of the indescribable void forces that are thrown on every planet that has the young titans to corrode and infect them. The soldiers couldn't beat it.

In the ancient years of Azeroth, there were five ancient god seeds that descended on the planet Titan, which is said to be an extremely powerful larvae, but they fell into infighting as soon as they landed. Four were eaten, but except for the most powerful ancient god Y'Shaar, who was beaten by the Titan Guardian and had to be dealt with by the Titan himself, the other three ancient gods were defeated by the Titan Guardian's attack and were imprisoned. Into the prison of the Titans.

But this is for those powerful cosmic creatures. For the natives of Azeroth, the ancient gods are unimaginably evil. Unlike other powerful creatures, although these guys have twisted and hideous bodies, they The most powerful weapon is their twisted mind and chaotic essence.

It is said that in the land where the ancient gods descended, the minds of ordinary creatures will be distorted, burned, and either die, or survive in a distorted way, accepting the transformation of chaos to become another ghost.

These guys usually have sinuous and disgusting, slimy tentacles, eyeballs growing everywhere, bright fins or scales, slender or thick limbs, unimaginable chaotic appearance, which is synonymous with distortion, and body It will take a chaotic stance, and any order creature will feel disgusted and depressed after seeing it, which is not what a normal creature should look like at all!

For example, the guardian of the ancient god who was just beheaded by Dick is a disgusting guy named the Faceless Man. The upper body is like a fish, the lower body has legs, the left arm is a tentacles that can be extended at will, and the right arm is white. Bone claws, an eyeball swaying around on the shoulder, and scalp-numbing tentacles growing under the neck.

There will be such a guardian around every ancient god. Dick saw this thing in the tomb of Tyr's Fall. At that time, he had almost no power to fight back against this guardian, but now, it is just less than After 3 minutes of fighting, the wind-chasing sword, which was covered with sharpness and scorching heat on the outside, and shrouded in the power of wind and thunder on the inside, precisely pierced into its heart.

No one knows how many hearts this weird thing has. In short, after Dick poured the power of order into the Wind Chaser Sword, the silver flame rose up quickly as if it had encountered oil, and ignited on the huge corpse. , quickly burned it to ashes all over the place, and then dissipated strangely on the khaki ground.

The paladin raised his head and glanced at the top of the tunnel, which had become different. The loess under the Silithus desert had disappeared, revealing a hard stone building with strange pictures engraved on it.

This is where the Titans sealed C'Thun. Without taking a step forward, Dick could feel the sense of chaos in the air. It was the first time that the power of order was so active. It seemed to have a life of its own. Similarly, without Dick's order, it actively spread from the Silver Fist, forming a translucent silver halo on the paladin's body surface.

Like an awakened fighter, shouting and roaring towards the surrounding enemies!

The left arm was not as hot as before, but this warmth gave Dick a special feeling, the Silver Fist was eager to fight!

Fight not orcs, not corrupted dragons, but its natural enemy, Chaos!

It's longing for a real fight!

Outside the circle of light, every time Dick takes a step forward, a ball of sparks will explode in the silver light and the air. In this world, order and chaos collide so violently for the first time after ten thousand years. For the first time, the power of the fist was fully displayed in front of Dick.

Wherever this fist went, chaos dissipated at a touch, and even became more courageous as the battle progressed. A shelter of order was built around Dick, and the invisible darkness dissipated behind him.

The paladin has a feeling that the places he walks are all places of order.

It is difficult for his poor imagination to imagine what kind of existence Tyre, the King of Order, should be. How strong should the silver fist be in Tyre's hands?

This feeling of inferiority did not make Dick fall into meaningless confusion and guilt, but inspired his inner courage. He vaguely understood what the Road to Titans given by Norgannon was. Meaning, but it's like looking at a flower in a fog, it's not true.

But no matter what, after the chaos unintentionally released by C'Thun was completely dispelled, Dick finally came to the end of this Titan's secret passage, where there was a room that was not guarded, nor was it actually Without guards, this road is just behind the twin emperors, and it is guarded by the powerful earth-boring insect Oro, so ordinary people can't get in at all.

That's the best defense.

Dick pushed open the black stone door, and three light yellow halos shrouded the ground in the darkness, enveloping three humanoid creatures, a night elf in red robes, a high elf in green armor, And a dwarf in a blue blouse.

This is the heroic dragon that has been trapped for 1,000 years, the red dragon prince Kelesstrasz, the dream girl Merlinsera, and the blue dragon prince Arygos. C'Thun trapped them here and absorbed them. As a source of energy to escape from prison and shape dark creatures.

The power in Moam, the eccentric Obsidian Destroyer Lord, comes from these three dragons.

It is worthy of being the direct descendants of the most powerful guardian dragon. After being trapped and tortured for 1000 years ago, their minds can still stay awake. This has to be said to be a miracle, just like being trapped in time. The poor people in the stream, their eyes are obviously moving, but their bodies just can't move.

In this room that has been silent for 1,000 years, they heard the whispers of the ancient gods every day. Dick couldn't imagine such an environment. He walked in this indescribable silence and darkness for less than 30 minutes. I already felt extremely depressed, and I could even hear my own heartbeat, but these three giant dragons have been trapped here for 1000 years, which is terrible.

The paladin felt creepy just thinking about it, so he stepped forward quickly, and punched the light yellow light circle around Arygos' body. The silver fist and the light circle touched together, and the silver light burst out in the center, just It was like hitting the water with a fist, and even turned the waves.

Failed to break!

Dick gritted his teeth, and punched out again, but failed to break through, but the pale yellow light curtain had already jumped. When the third punch was thrown out, the silver fist burning with the silver holy flame was directly in front of him. The air was smashed!

Just like the glass that opened at the same time, an impact-shaped depression appeared in the light curtain. The paladin's eyes lit up, his hands were like claws, and he clasped the edge of the depression. The formed light curtain was pulled apart abruptly!

dang lang

There was a crisp breaking sound, like real glass being smashed, and the dwarf incarnated by the blue dragon also collapsed on the ground at this moment. Like fish picked up from the water, longing for fresh air.

As Dick guessed, these three giant dragons have actually reached the limit of their patience for a long time, otherwise it would not have been possible for the blue dragon Arygos to fall into the darkness later.

The paladin walked up to the red dragon without resting. Kerestraz's eyes were full of longing and pleading. Dick took a few steps back. The first attempt had already made him guess the strength of the light curtain. , C'Thun is very confident in his own strength, so the chaos used to confine the three dragons is not strong.

Of course, it is also possible that Ke'thun used most of his power on other things.

Like... jailbreaking.

Two minutes later, the red dragon and the green dragon also lay on the ground, but what is surprising is that in just a few minutes, the breath of the blue dragon Arygos became stable, like a bird in the wind. As if the candle flame suddenly shot up high, Dick looked back at the blue dragon, who was also looking at him, and then showed a sly smile.

Don't look at me like that, you are also a guardian, don't you feel the abnormality in this Titan's cage? If I'm not wrong, the power of order in your body is abnormally active. Your spirits are also high, and you're not too tired, are you?

Uh, yeah, what's going on? I feel like I'm being 'charged' again!

Dick asked curiously, and the red dragon took over the conversation. He pointed to the ground, and Dick knew that he was referring to the energy pipeline buried under the stone.

I don't know what charging is, but in order to prevent the recovery of the power of the ancient gods, the Titans have arranged mysterious facilities here. As long as they are the guardians they recognize, they can help the power of the Titans in this cage, regardless Whether it is physical strength or energy, it will recover at an extremely fast speed.

Kerestraz took a deep breath, Of course we won't let you die, junior guardian, it is because of this kind of facility that we have the idea of ​​fighting with C'Thun, it was eliminated Weak, we are strengthened, we are not hopeless!

Only then did Dick feel relieved, but just when he opened his mouth to say something, the surrounding walls suddenly shook violently, and then the dark and chaotic atmosphere radiated in the air suddenly expanded a lot, and it was originally dim The silver halo that came down also lit up here, and a series of sparks danced around Dick.

The blue dragon's body turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the room, his voice was still flowing in place,

K'Thun escaped from prison! Come on! This is its weakest time, and our only chance!

The paladin immediately strode to keep up, but was grabbed by the shoulders by the red dragon and the green dragon. With the surge of the two streamers, Dick's eyes turned white, the silver halo in front of him kept shining with sparks, and behind him The wind, thunder and lightning of the Chasing Wind Sword were stretched so long, this scene looked extremely gorgeous.

However, less than a second later, Dick found himself standing in a hall where he could not see the side even if he looked up. A veil of darkness, the distorted light visible to the naked eye surged in the magic circle in the center of the hall.

That's like a sea of ​​darkness! Right now, the waves called Chaos are surging!

It can be seen that the magic circle is lit up with a golden light, intertwined section by section, like a big net trying to suppress the creatures that rise from the dark sea again, but it can't do it!

Collisions are happening every minute and every second, like bursts of energy storms, colorful lights flashing back and forth in the hall, in one second, I don't know how many restrictions are triggered, but that giant The rhythm that appeared could not be stopped.

It was a monster shrouded in darkness!

That's an eyeball!

A yellow pupil with a blue slit and a deep black light in the center of the eye. Below the eyeball is a mass of fleshy tentacles that undulate in the sea of ​​darkness, like a gray-white giant. An octopus appeared with an eyeball on it.

And at the moment when this thing appeared, around Dick and the others, in several black light curtains that shrank in a circle, the thick one was covered with barbed meat hooks, and even had claws, and it was covered with densely packed eyeballs. Its tentacles protruded out, like the guard of this evil thing, and slammed towards Dick and the others.

The Unicom tentacles launched an attack together with the eyeball. Its pupils flashed for a moment, and a black energy shot straight at Dick. The energy intensity was so high that it was terrifying. The chaotic atmosphere in the room suddenly doubled in thickness, as if invisible hands pressed tightly on the shoulders of the paladin who was trying to avoid it, holding him in place.

Sure enough, the first one that the ancient evil thing C'Thun wanted to kill was Dick who possessed the power of order!

That was the guy who threatened him the most!

Order and chaos are always opposites that cannot coexist, a boundary that is harsher than life and death.

Either it died, or Dick was smashed to pieces, there would be no third ending.

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