Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 251 45. After the War

When Arygos dragged his body full of scars and dragged Dick out of the wreckage of C'Thun, the paladin had been corroded beyond recognition.

Of course, Kesuen was even worse. After reaching a saturated level, the Titan energy bursting out from the different space inside his body broke through its shackles, like a nuclear bomb that was detonated, easily killing Kesu. Eun's body was torn to shreds.

Although it is said that the ancient gods can still live in the form of chaotic souls after being separated from their bodies, when the golden and blue titan energy fills the hall, it is impossible for any chaos without order to survive under such circumstances of.

Not to mention the extremely weak C'Thun, but this doesn't mean that C'Thun is dead.

In fact, on the continent of Pandaria, which is still shrouded in mist, there are still 7 remnants of the strongest ancient god Y'Shaarj who was killed tens of thousands of years ago. The ancient gods will not really die, but At least this time Dick took the risk of his life and indeed defeated all of C'Thun's consciousness.

Even if the chaotic energy it left on this land gathers to form again, it will only form another monster, and it will never have the chance to become a true ancient god.

So in theory, this blow with the power of the prison itself really killed C'Thun.

They did what even the Titans couldn't do, but it was also because Ke'thun committed suicide and gave up the connection with Azeroth, otherwise even if they had the ability to kill the ancient gods, Dick and others would not be able to do so. Don't dare to take the risk of harming the planet itself to kill a weak ancient god.

From this point of view, when Deathwing suggested that C'Thun escape from prison, he probably didn't have any good intentions, otherwise the wily Black Dragon King would not have allowed Arygos to witness all this.

Ke'thun's body exploded by the energy of the Titans was scattered everywhere, staining the whole hall with a disgusting smell. The red dragon Kailestraz, who was supported by Merlinsera, bent down and took Ke'thun En's last remains, the yellow eyeball that had shrunk to the size of a human head, was in his hand.

The eyeball still exudes the smell of chaos, but it has lost its spirituality.

It would be a good offering for cultists, but it would no longer be a sacred object to be worshipped.

Arygos saw that the skin all over his body was corroded, and even exposed the white bones. Dick was left with only one breath. He gritted his teeth, and a wisp of blue liquid bloomed on his fingertips, which made Merlene Sera raised her eyebrows.

You want to separate your source of power? This will make you weak! And I don't think His Majesty Malygos will understand your actions. The number of blue dragons is already very small.

Without looking back, Arygos put the lingering blue liquid on Dick's bloody body,

He already has the power of the green dragon, the red dragon and the bronze dragon in his body. I can guess why my father didn't give him the essence of the blue dragon, but I can't just sit back and watch him die like this. He shouldn't die like this. , he will become an excellent guardian, greater than you, than me, even greater than my father.

The dwarf, whose face became ugly, shrugged,

Besides, I just did what I thought I should do. I need you to take him to the Emerald Dreamland, Maileen. Only the healing technique cast by Her Majesty Ysera can cure this ancient evil. Corrosive wounds! I will take Karen back to Wyrmrest Temple.

It's time to tell everyone that we are still alive, and celebrate the birth of a true guardian!


No one knew what happened to Dick, and Anachronos only informed the commanders of the coalition forces. However, after learning that C'Thun was dead, the Qiraji Empire collapsed, and Dick was safe and sound, everyone was relieved. Take a breath.

The frontal war is over!

But the trouble is not over yet. Although the Qiraji Empire collapsed, at least tens of thousands of insects have escaped from the Qiraji Temple. These guys who are good at lurking underground will become more and more crazy if they are out of control. , at least within ten years, the situation in Silithus will definitely not be too stable.

But this great desert itself is an alien place in the civilized world, so no one will care about the situation here except the druids of the Cenarion Council. In fact, the leaders of all countries have their own troubles thing.

After this battle, the number of adventurers who withdrew from the temple with the remaining army was very small, but compared to the number of nobles in this world, there were many. Druids and paladins didn't care, they just paid a little more glory and money. Risky, but for the human world, the sudden emergence of so many small nobles will definitely cause an earthquake if they are not well arranged.

But to be honest, it's not a big deal, because they don't have fiefs, they just enjoy titles and some privileges, and if they work well, they can also strengthen the country. These adventures can survive the siege of bugs All of them have two talents, and they are all talents that are very welcome by the military of various countries.

Sometimes all they need is a chance, and the Battle of Quicksand gave them this chance!

It is worth mentioning that Archbishop Benedictus was the first big shot to leave Silithus. A cultist rebellion broke out near Lakeside Town in Stormwind City. This incident forced him to return to Stormwind City early, which made him Liadrin and Velinde, who had secretly arranged many methods at C'Thun's Fallen Land, were a little disappointed.

As Dick's most trusted subordinates, they know the true identity of Benedictus. When they invited the archbishop to Silithus, Dick had a plan to eradicate these rats. Now it seems that this arrangement means are useless.

On the fifteenth day after the war, the last army, the Argent Dawn from Theramore, left the ruined battlefield. They will pass through the Un'Goro Crater, enter the Tanaris Desert, and then take the Kul Tiras at Steamwheedle Port. The warship returns to Theramore.

The departure of Silver Dawn signaled the official end of the War of Quicksand, but the ruined battlefield and Cenarion Fortress did not calm down. The situation in the northern border gave the druids a good idea. The mercenary union mentioned before the war It was also opened in the ruins of the battlefield. The druids provided supplies and tasks, and the old mercenaries who were unwilling to accept the recruitment of other forces formed the management team, officially opening the Silithus Hunting Ground.

Every day, a steady stream of adventurers enter this great desert that no one cares about before, and there are guys everywhere with the idea of ​​making a fortune and making a fortune. Gadgetzan's Steamwheedle Port Trading Company quickly smelled the gold coins. Fragrant, after they joined, a formal trade route had taken shape, and those frustrated adventurers who were squeezed out of the northern hunting grounds by other adventurer groups quickly found new targets.

That is in Silithus, the place where countless warriors are buried.

A month later, the War of Shifting Sands Monument was erected in the hands of dwarf artisans in Ironforge.

It was a solemn monument, a sculpture made of the best white jade, and the mages blessed it with strong magic, so that it could be preserved in this piece of quicksand for at least 1000 years. Mr. Alex accepted the official commission from the coalition forces and personally designed the top-level sculpture.

It was a huge sculpture. On it, under the guidance of the high-level coalition forces, warriors of all races drew their swords and charged. Opposite them were densely packed ugly bugs. Their evil leader was entrenched at the end, Alex The images of the twin emperors and C'Thun have been restored. In the sculpture, one side of the coalition forces is white, while the worms are dark green, intertwined with light and shadow. There are blurred images of giant dragons and demigods on the top of the stone sculpture, and the other side is Blinding shadows.

At the bottom of the stone sculpture is a stone platform piled up with thousands of real insect corpses. Those hideous, terrifying shapes that make ordinary people shudder, truly set off the difficulty and glory of this battle.

At the forefront of the coalition forces, a paladin with a strange and solemn face mask held up a warhammer, symbolizing the courage and unyieldingness of the civilized world. That was Dick, and everyone knew it.

It was he who ignited the courage of the soldiers before the battle, and it was he who released the soldiers of Titan at the most difficult time, and it was he who went deep into the abyss alone and faced the ancient gods at the most dangerous time.

It is worth mentioning that at the end of this sculpture, adventurers with disheveled hats also shouted to charge. This is probably the first time in history that these humble guys appeared in such a positive form.

This has also made countless mercenaries talk about it, especially those adventurers who have returned with honor. They have almost become a ray of light in the dark world, giving countless similar people a better hope. Every year, countless travelers risk their lives. All kinds of dangers come here for pilgrimage, as well as the descendants of soldiers who survived and adventurers.

Everyone standing here will be shocked by the momentum and significance of this sculpture. The unspeakable heaviness makes this place an unskippable stroke in the history of Azeroth civilization. Flowers and mourning may not be able to make the heroic spirit of the warrior Consolation, but the commemoration from the whole world makes their sacrifice meaningful.

Next to the sculpture named Battle of Quicksand, there is also a solemn monument, on which Dick's speech before the war is written in seventeen languages, as well as the documentary of this battle.

In the 23rd year of the Dark Portal, 170,000 warriors from Azeroth gathered here to fight against the dark Qiraji!

The war lasted 5 months and 17 days, more than 90,000 people were buried here, and the Qiraji finally collapsed.

Here is the glory, here is the courage, here is the victory!

This is not the first time we have given our all to this world, but this time will be remembered by history.

We once again use our courage to declare to the world: we are not ants!

Courage never dies, justice never dies!

Twenty-third years after the end of the Quicksand War, the last large insect nest hidden in Silithus was completely destroyed by an adventurer group named Elwynn Forest, and the established Qiraji civilization finally dissipated in into history.

Although this place is shrouded in the remnants of C'Thun, there are still bugs born, but they have returned to the wild and can no longer threaten this beautiful civilized world.

This concludes the second quicksand war, and the last quicksand war, Silithus, has since returned to peace.

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