Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 263 11. Wound - Betrayal

Fairbanks was the last one to leave the battlefield amid the siege of the undead because he was about to cut off his rear. When his body was covered with wounds, the loyal servant of the old Mograine couldn't help but look back. Glancing at the battlefield, he saw that scene.

That scene made him live in pain and despair all his life.

Renault Mograine, this young man who has rapidly grown into a model paladin in the past 2 years, behind the old Mograine, the Ashbringer, from the old knight's unsuspecting back, will fight The sword of the Grand Crusader viciously pierced the heart of the old knight, that is, his father.

This fatal blow! Fierce and vicious!

This is almost a scene that Fairbanks has never seen even in his most desperate dreams.


Renault the bastard, he has done this terrible crime!

Fairbanks felt his whole body was filled with rage. He wanted to rush back now and kill that bastard Renault with his own hands, but he couldn't. He knew that he couldn't fight the undead before him. He knew that if Old Mograine's death here would cause such a shock to northern Xinjiang, he couldn't watch this scene happen.

So Fairbanks almost gritted his teeth, slapped his whip frantically, and rushed towards Andorhal's barracks. He had to pass the news back! must!

Renault! He must die!

On the battlefield, Dathrohan and Kurtaz watched this scene of relatives killing each other without any fluctuations. Although Mograine was a real epic hero, he suffered such a fatal injury. , is no longer a threat.

The excruciating pain came from his heart. Old Mograine looked at the long sword protruding from his chest in shock. He felt that the strength in his whole body was disappearing rapidly. He breathed heavily, and his body fell to the ground. The light is flashing rapidly.

With the Ashbringer leaning on his body, the holy light all over old Mograine's body was beating rapidly, but the long sword was not drawn out, and even the holy light could not heal the wound.

Renault let go of the hilt of his sword, and took two steps back. He seemed a little confused. He looked at his hands and the blood stained on them, and then at the old Mograine half kneeling on the ground, breathing in pain. Can't believe I did something like this.

But soon, his gaze became firm, and a wild smile bloomed at the corner of his mouth.

Son. Why are you doing this, why are you doing this!

Old Mograine opened his mouth and spewed hot blood. His strength was rapidly draining. I don't know if it was an illusion. The old knight felt a burst of coldness all over his body. He turned his head with difficulty and looked at Renault. , For the first time, he felt that his child, this lost child, had become so strange.

You're not Renault, you're that dreadlord, right! Give me back my child!

Reminiscent of Dathrohan's situation, the old knight's heart was full of hope again. He leaned on the holy blade with difficulty and wanted to charge up, but his staggering figure was knocked down by Renault's punch, and even the Ashbringer was also knocked down by Renault. Got it.

Ah, look at this sword! What a beautiful sword!

A sinister voice appeared in the darkness behind Renault. Balnazar, the dreadlord who once disguised himself as Dathrohan and swaggered around in the Silver Hand, grabbed his chin with his claws and looked at the lying on the ground. Old knights of the earth,

I disappoint you, paladin, I don't have any control over your child, look, he can still use the holy light, he is normal!

The dreadlord looked at the desperate expression on old Mograine's face, which he enjoyed, and lowered his voice.

I just quietly aroused the darkness in his heart. God, I can't imagine that a righteous paladin has such a dark heart! Do you know? Mograine, he didn't have it because of me. Patricide, he always wanted to kill you! Especially since you took that girl away from him! Hahaha, look, stupid love makes people blind and crazy!

Reynolds, my son! Tell me, tell me, it's not true!

Old Mograine is now like a dying old man. He stretched out his hand to Renault with difficulty. After losing the comfort of the Holy Light, Renault discovered for the first time that his father's face was already full of wrinkles. The palm full of strength also became weak.

Whitemane. No, not only Whitemane, but also Dalyan. His glory and everything about him should belong to me! They are all mine!

Lei Nuo suddenly realized that his father, the mountain-like shadow was about to dissipate, and he was the one who crushed the shadow, and he immediately felt relaxed all over his body.

I have been better than him since I was a child. I am the eldest son of the Mograine family. I should be stronger than him! Look at him, being valued by a mud-legged paladin, and still enjoying himself. He should have just fallen into the mud pit , but he got the weapon, the artifact? Right? You think I don’t know? No! I know it! It’s the artifact that made him, look! How unfair the world is! It should have been me of!

Renault waved his hands wildly and shouted,

I am the hope of the Mograine family, never Dalyan, you think I don't know? You expelled Dalyan from the family to protect him! Send him to the safe place of Theramore, but You left me in this dangerous place, I persisted, you don't know, during that time, the gentle Whitemane was my only support! Even after being humiliated by that unknown Dalyan, she didn't leave Me, she is the light of my life! But you! You! You took her away from me!

You made Whitemane a nun! You sent her to another continent! Damn! You took everything from me! Where were you when I was humiliated by Dalyan? When I was surrounded by undead, you And where? You are not a good father! Mograine, you never were!

I even envy Dalyan, he can get rid of your shadow and live freely! Every day with you makes me feel depressed! Do you know?

When Lei Nuo talked about the excitement, he even stepped forward and kicked his father over, but he seemed to have kicked a hot iron plate, and took two steps back in fright, and then he held the already extinguished Ashbringer, his eyes were full of satisfaction.

Look, I also have an artifact! This is what I deserve, I am destined to be better than that guy Dalyan! I see my future! Hahahaha, father, die in peace, I will inherit the Ashbringer name!

Dathrohan watched this scene indifferently, seeing Renault's ugliness, a mocking smile appeared on his thin and cold face.

Pathetic scum is disgusting.

After finishing speaking, Dathrohan picked up his epee, turned around and left the dust-settled battlefield, Kurtaz even spit on the ground, then turned around and rode his death horse, and headed towards the battlefield. Mercedes ran in the direction of Resfa.

Even after being transformed into an undead, this dwarf still has a lot of character.

Bannazar did not leave. The Dreadlord, who had re-selected his camp, watched the confrontation between Renault and Mograine with an attitude of watching the show. As a guy who is good at seducing people's hearts, this kind of scene is simply too much for him. It was better than the best drama, and he could even feel the joy coming from his soul.

But after a few minutes, Bannazar also lost interest. Watching a young man bully an old man who lost his strength, and the old man's heart was ashamed, made him unable to arouse any interest at all.

Enough, enough! Kill him, Raynor! Don't forget what you promised the Grand Lich, we have many ways to make your life worse than death, you know.

The Dreadlord flicked his fingers at Lei Nuo, the gesture made Lei Nuo a little scared, but the paladin clenched the Ashbringer in his hand, took a deep breath, and it was a kind of encouragement for himself, then he approached and lay on the ground, Mograine who is like a gossamer.

Father, die in peace! I will take back everything that belongs to me!

Lei Nuo raised the dim holy blade, turned his head, and slashed the blade of the sword in his hand.

But at this moment, Balnazar suddenly looked up at the sky, and in the dark sky, a red light was rapidly expanding.

The face of the Dread Demon King changed drastically, and he quickly turned into a bat and disappeared on the spot. Before Lei Nuo could react, the howling wind pressure and the edge of the blood-colored giant sword grazed his chest.

The same scene changed again. Renault, who had the upper hand just now, was thrown flying by this crazy wild blow like a puppet covered in blood.

The Ashbringer slipped from his hand, and just before falling to the ground, he was firmly held by a gauntlet wrapped in steel.

The surrounding undead were also cut into pieces all over the ground under the sudden light of swords and swords. When Lei Nuo held the shocking wound on his chest and stood up from the ground with difficulty, he saw the dying old man The figure behind Mograine's back, the figure that made him gnash his teeth and hate him for two full years.



Renault looked at Dalyan, and Dalyan also looked at him, one side was hatred, the other side was indifferent, Dalyan looked at his brother with eyes pierced by knife marks, as if he was looking at a pile of stinking garbage.

I will kill you myself, Renault, but not now! Wait in despair, in the name of Mograine, you are dead, I swear!

Dalyan raised his head to look at the sky, two griffins were flapping their wings in the dark low sky, Tyran had already dropped the rope, and Dalyan quickly tied it to Mograine's body, but just as he When he was about to leave with the rope, a gloomy voice sounded behind him.

No, no, soldier, I can't let you just take him away! It's something the big shots ordered, you shouldn't take it away!

Along with the sound, there were two fierce bone claws that broke through the wind. The blade of anger in Dalyan's hand was behind him, and the bone claws collided with each other, making a steel-like impact.

Taylan! Take the big knight and go first! Quick!

Dalyan's shout revived Tyran Fordring, who was controlling the griffin, and he quickly tightened the cowhide rope in his hand, and when he put the dying old Mograine on the griffin, the young man The knight looked back at the sky when he looked at it, and the dense black shadows had completely filled the sky.

That's a gargoyle! There are even frost wyrms!

Damn it, I can't withdraw it!

Tai Lan gritted his teeth, and looked down. Dalyan was already tightly entangled by the Dreadlord. The gargoyle was moving very fast. If he didn't leave, it would be too late!

Go! Tailan, don't worry about me, go!

Dalyan yelled towards the sky while fighting the Dreadlord, Tailan turned his head again, glanced at the gargoyle that was getting closer and closer in the sky, had to control the griffin, and flew towards Tirisfal.

But how could the Dreadlord let Tai Lan leave so easily?

He gave up the fight with Dalyan and turned into a bat, flying in all directions. As long as it gathers and forms again, it can appear next to the griffin.

But just as the bats flew up, what came oncoming was a storm of sword blades that had danced into a blood-colored gust of wind, covering almost all the bats in it.

Dalyan's cold face loomed in the storm,

I know how to deal with you! Demons! In Mount Hyjal, I killed too many demons. Do you think you won't get retribution for wantonly hurting my relatives?

Scum! Your retribution is coming!

(Thanks to the dock brothers, who die for their confidants! Thank you!)

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