Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 270 18. Disc of Uldum

In the fierce winds and sands of Uldum, the sun is so vicious that people want to go crazy.

Dick was riding on the Pegasus star, and the faint golden light of the Naaru shield was shining in the sun. When he passed the farmland opened up by the tol'vir on the oasis, many tol'vir farmers would point to him , but the speed of the star is too fast, like a meteor flashing by, leaving this world with only beautiful star trails.

Temperature is meaningless to astral creatures, so Xingzhao is very active, especially after drinking sweet water, this astral Pegasus even purred comfortably with its big nostrils during flight Voice.

Dick is also in a good mood. He has just finished exploring the obelisks of the stars and the obelisk of the moon with the scepter of Orsis in hand. He is about to rush to the last and most mysterious obelisk of the sun. Complete, Dick, who has done the Uldum series of missions more than once, knows that the most critical item to open the Hall of Origin is hidden in the secret room under the Sun Obelisk.

The Ark of Promise!

In the past, Dick didn't have a deep research on the background of this game. He only knew that this map was made according to a certain civilization, and even referred to many stories and legends. At one time, Dick thought it was just some crazy After brainstorming, Dick didn't know that it was not that simple until he actually came to this world and saw the scenery here!

Especially the things associated with the mysterious Titan, it's definitely not that simple!

In the secret room of the Obelisk of the Stars, Dick was attacked by four stone statues created by Titans, but after taking out the Orsis scepter, they stopped the attack, allowing Dick to take out the deepest part of the Obelisk of the Stars In the secret chamber of the Moon Obelisk, Dick was not attacked, but almost fell into some mysterious, highly corrosive liquid, and finally in the deepest part of the secret chamber, Dick Found a scarab emblem.

In the secret room of the Obelisk of the Sun, Dick gave the Orsis scepter, the key and the scarab emblem, and finally found what he wanted!

It can be concluded that these buildings were not left by the Titans, but they are absolutely inseparable from the ancestors of the Tol'vir. They did not leave a single word, and it may be the severance of the inheritance, but if the Pharaoh of the Tol'vir really believes that only Orr They would be naive if a Sith Rod could open the Forge of Origins.

The first generation of Titan Guardians thought very deeply about keeping the secrets left by the Titans, and even split their tribe into three, that is, the three big tribes of Uldum today, sticking around the three obelisks .

But these have nothing to do with Dick. He knows that as long as he finds the Ark of Promise and takes the ark to the basin called the Cradle of Ancients, the Ark will be opened, and he will also get the real key to enter the Hall of Origin.

Yes, the Orsis scepter that Senxia worked so hard to get is just a clue leading to this key!

That was the layout of the first generation of tol'vir throughout Uldum. It was too cumbersome. If it was replaced by Brian or Harrison to solve this problem, I am afraid that wasting ten years here may not necessarily find the really important clues. This is the advantage of foresight.

The corners of Dick's mouth twitched. He had never been so thankful for the vague memories in his mind.

Behind him, a khaki tower stands tall on a yellow hillside, like a lonely lighthouse, or like a long sword piercing the earth, at the highest point is a curved surface inlaid with glass-like decorations , shining brightly under the sunshine, there is the place he just left, the Obelisk of the Sun.

The three obelisks were erected in three different positions in Uldum, forming an equilateral triangle, with two corners corresponding to Uldaman in the Eastern Continent and Ulduar in Northrend. The last corner points to a valley bottom in the southwest of Uldum, almost one step away from the Sun Obelisk.

The ancient cradle, it is said that here is the place where the first batch of creations of the Titans appeared, and once conceived the first batch of life in this world.

But in the reshaping of the terrain tens of thousands of years ago, it was also shaped into a dry valley with no signs of life.

It doesn't look any different than anywhere else.

But Dick knew that this place was different!

Especially when he was standing in the middle of the ancient cradle, that kind of different feeling came over his face, just like the feeling of a child returning to the mother's body, and when he took the Ark of the Promise from the storage ring, he In a trance, I heard a dull bell.

That seemed to announce that history was repeating itself. The cold Ark of the Covenant slowly trembled in his palm, and the paladin respectfully placed it on the ground. He was 100% sure that it was a creation made by the Titans themselves, even though it did not look like it. It's not gorgeous, but what it contains is definitely far beyond his imagination.

Moreover, in the illusory legends of the tol'vir, it is said that if the Ark of the Promise is forcibly opened without following a specific method, it will lead to destruction.

Dick now believed the rumor.

Because he could feel that a special force was slowly recovering in the stone box in front of him.

The power was familiar to him, he had felt the same power in Uldaman.

Dick took a step back cautiously. He saw a black crack appear on the edge of the Ark of Promise, and then a white light curtain swept across his body and the entire surrounding environment. The paladin did not feel any special perception , but the next moment, the entire ground began to shake violently, the ground broke open, and the dry ground was cracking rapidly.

The hillside in the distance was moving regularly like an earthquake. The paladin leaned on the ground with the Wind Chaser Sword behind his back and kept his balance in front of him. Then he saw above the Ark of the Promise, a cloud of blue light The stereoscopic image is spinning rapidly, that is the terrain of the ancient cradle and the obelisk of the sun around it.

Damn... what is this thing doing!

The paladin felt something was wrong, and the next moment, the sound of water gushed out from the ground. Dick looked down, and the ground without a trace of moisture had been submerged by the rapidly rising river. Farther away, a white light curtain Wherever he went, the khaki-yellow land turned into a grassland with luxuriant green grass, as if he had changed into a living person.

In the distance, the originally barren obelisk of the sun, after being swept by the white light, even became covered with moss and green vines, as if it had been in a humid environment for thousands of years, and Tall trees appeared out of nowhere around them, and there were even beasts on the trees. Dick even saw squirrels!

When the last whine of the earth died away, Dick's place, the originally lifeless valley, had become a paradise of beautiful environment no less than Mount Hyjal.

The place where he is is the central island of a beautiful lake. Around him, there are clear lake water, among which there are swimming fish of various shapes, and even lotus flowers and lotus leaves. The most exaggerated thing is that around the lake , there is even a group of beautiful white cranes strolling, and the farther place is covered with green trees and the fragrance of flowers. The beautiful fox sleeps lazily on the side with its big tail covering its face. In the sky, even There was a rainbow after the rain.

All this looks like a dream, like the most harmonious scene of life.

This is the real cradle of antiquity.

Dick stood there like an idiot. After being stunned for a few minutes, he couldn't help squatting down, and touched the lake water next to him with his hands. It was so cold!

This kind of coldness made his chaotic thoughts clear up immediately, and he thought of a possibility, which made him shake his head uncontrollably.

If the reshaping of the terrain tens of thousands of years ago hadn't happened, this place might have looked like it is now!

hell! Inside the Ark of the Promised Covenant, it was a miniature melting pot of origins!

Some mysterious mechanism of the ancient cradle awakened it, and that thing relied on the Titan energy operating in it to reshape the ancient cradle and the surrounding terrain into what it looked like tens of thousands of years ago! Remodeled into what Uldum should be!

This kind of power... this kind of world-changing... is terrible!

Cold sweat broke out on Dick's forehead. He thought that the reshaping of the origin furnace of Uldum would be as violent and painful as a cataclysm, but after seeing the reshaping process of this land, Dick realized that he It is too simple to think, once the power of the origin furnace is really fully activated, I am afraid that the creatures on the land of Azeroth will usher in the doomsday of destruction without knowing it!

At that time, a most beautiful new Azeroth will appear, but that also means the end of the old life!

This kind of reshaping can even create life out of nothing!

Look at those squirrels and foxes, and those fish and cranes! Those things shouldn't exist!

This completely irregular way of operation filled Dick with awe. The more he watched, the more he understood how deep the water behind this world was, and what kind of terrifying power those titans possessed!

Isn't it the authority of gods in myths and legends to create life?

Dick rubbed his head, he suddenly realized that for the people of Azeroth, Titans are gods?

When he really saw this miracle, Dick Muran realized that he had underestimated Titans before!

He stepped forward, and the Ark of the Promise seemed to have completed its mission, and it had turned into a stone connected to the ground. Dick gently pushed it away, and there was a platinum disc and two Titan characters in it.


Hope in the ark?

Dick couldn't help laughing. The Titans' feelings for Azeroth are really deep. This should be one of their backhands. In case the evolution of this world is interrupted and all life is wiped out, then probably this The Ark of the Promised Covenant buried in the Sun Obelisk's Chamber will open, and presumably activate the Origin Furnace to reshape the surface environment.

At this time, Dick finally understood why Uldum became a desert tens of thousands of years ago.

At that time, the follower of the Great Guardian Raiden, the leader of the stone guardian Mogu, the Mogu Emperor Lei Shen, who had seized Raden's Titan core, planned to seize the furnace of origin to support his hegemony, but suffered from the original tol'vir Ambush by the ancestors, those valiant tol'vir detonated the titanic energies of the Forge of Origination.

The primitive and violent energy killed Thor on the spot, and at the same time reshaped the terrain of Uldum, which was still a grassland at that time, into the great desert it is today.

Now it seems that that should not be a normal process of reshaping the terrain, but the efforts made by the ancestors of the tol'vir to resist Thor. They did not open the origin furnace according to the clues left by the Titans, but opened the large forge with violence. The Ark of the Promised Covenant, which led to the coming of destruction! Turn your homeland into a barren desert.

Dick held the platinum disc in his hand, and he had another disc of this kind in his hand! In Uldaman, he had obtained the Norgannon Disc, and the texture was almost exactly the same!

This is the key to open the furnace of origin! He got it!

The paladin stood in the midst of a reborn land, holding the golden feather embellishment fluttering on his chest with his left hand, feeling the warm temperature, Dick turned his head to look at the location of the Hall of Origin.

Wait for me, Anwena, I will wake you up soon!

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