Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 272 20. The Secret of the Guardian-Three Parallel Lines

Not to mention the adventure of the three of Harrison on the bottom floor of the Hall of Origins, Dick and Brian appeared on a large platform made entirely of gold and precious stones in a flash. Brian looked up and saw that the platform was surrounded by dense The energy column is engraved with blue magic lines, and unimaginable energy circulates in it, existing in an orderly, mysterious way that ordinary people can't understand at all.

Dick looked around, and it was exactly the same as he remembered. Four thrones of different shapes were distributed around the disk. They were blue representing magic, green representing life, purple representing destruction, and gold representing eternity and rebirth.

Four unimaginably huge giants sat on the throne. They had different shapes. They should be the four creators in the Hall of Origin. Their names, Dick, had been forgotten.

That's okay though, because when Dick and Brian show up, Anur introduces them tactfully.

This is the real interior of the Hall of Origin. What lies before your eyes are the four creators that Titan personally selected when he left this world. Isist, the magic creator who controls the power of arcane magic!

Accompanied by Anuer's introduction, the female giant sitting on the blue throne stood up. This action caused a blue magic vortex to appear in the space around her, and that kind of energy made Dick tremble with fear.

This is Amunai, the creator of life! He is the master of controlling life energy!

The giant on the green throne also stood up. Unlike Isist, who was completely in human form, this giant was more like Anubisath, and he wore a green goat mask on his head, looking solemn and mysterious. But when he stood up, a green light appeared, and the fresh wind brushed Dick and Brian's bodies, making them feel much more comfortable, and all the fatigue and tension were swept away.

Anur's presentation continued, this time turning his hand to the purple throne,

This is the Creator of Destruction, Satus. He controls the most uncontrollable destructive power in Azeroth! He is the sharpest sword of the Titan!

The giant on the purple throne also stood up. Unlike the solemn Amunay, this giant was in the form of Anubisath. His head was a jackal with purple eyes. As he stood up, the violent darkness And the shadow force tore behind him, the purple halo spread out, pulling out black space cracks in the air.

It's like a god of destruction!

Don't be so nervous, Satus' anger will only be directed at those villains who provoke the power of the Titans, he is the guardian of balance, the most righteous Titan warrior!

Anuer let out a hehe laugh, and after comforting Brian who was clenched his fist nervously, his eyes turned to the last and highest throne.

There was a giant with an eagle mask sitting on it, and Dick and Brian couldn't even look at him directly, because it would hurt their eyes like looking directly at the sun.

That is Rasha, the controller of the power of the sun. He controls the power of the stars that nourish and kill the spark of life. At the most critical moment, the titan allows him to tilt the wrath of a thousand suns on Azeroth, That is enough power to destroy all invaders!


Brian exclaimed, the old dwarf was in a mess in the wind now, he grabbed his orange cowboy hat, Isn't that the name of the sun god in the Tauren legend? They even have the mysterious Sunwalker! This Is that Rasha?

Dick took a deep breath and put his hand on Brian's shoulder to calm the old dwarf,

Believe me, this is that Rasha, Brian, your perception is correct, we are talking to the gods in mythology.

These words made the old dwarf completely calm down, and he even hesitated. When he understood his current situation, Brian felt a little uneasy in his heart, but he also had an uncontrollable ecstasy. The Titan's secret, finally Are you going to show it in front of your eyes?

Tyr is dead. Tens of thousands of years ago, I received news of his death.

A deep voice sounded in the hall, it was the Creator of Life, Amunai, although the voice was low, but the voice was very soft, just like a natural perception, Then you, the envoy of Tyr, or the successor , Why did you come here? It is impossible for Tyr to leave a message here, he doesn't even know our existence!

This sentence completely confused Dick, Till didn't know the existence of the Hall of Origin? How can this be!

Isn't Tyr the guardian appointed by the titans himself?

What does this mean? Why doesn't he know? I mean, the existence of Uldum should not be a secret to the Guardian.

Dick was a little incoherent, but in the face of his doubts, Amunay did not answer, but Anuer gave the answer,

It seems that you don't know much about the secrets of the watchers. The emissaries of Tyr, the guardians of Ulduar and the guardian dragons do know the existence of Uldum, and they also know the Hall of Origin, but they don't Knowing the existence of the four creators, and not even knowing that there are additional guardians in the halls of origin.

Anur explained to Dick in detail,

In the beginning, the Titans created the first batch of guardians in order to expel the ancient gods, and Tyr was among them, but their task was to fight. They were all warriors and jailers, and belonged to the commander of the great guardian Raiden, but they I don't know anything about managing the world, so the Titan set up guardian dragons to manage the world. The dragons are the rulers appointed by the Titans. They determine the change and evolution of civilization. The dragons and guardians belong to the Titans, but they are Two lines that never meet.

What about you?

The eyes of the old dwarf were bright, and he asked excitedly, Anuer let out a deep laugh,

Before the Titans left, the Furnace of Origin was built. The only function of this device is to reshape the entire world after irreversible lesions occur on this planet, and we exist to maintain the reshaped world. .”

Anuer's tone was full of pride,

The guardians and dragons have very high authority, but Raiden, the respected leader who has the highest authority, has given us a secret mission to guard the key to reshape the world! The reshaped world, no There will be ancient gods, there will be no guardians, and there will be no dragons. All life will be re-evolved, but the existence of civilization in the last season will be completely covered up, and even the evolution of Azeroth's protoss can only be done from scratch. In the beginning, the Titans saw the worst, and we were the last resort in that situation.

No one in the world knows our existence, but we are everywhere! The great guardian Raiden is the one who knows everything, but unfortunately, the bad news crushed his mind, and he made a wrong decision in despair. How foolish to entrust the fate of the world to a tyrant!

The sun god Rasha spoke, his voice was like thunder and fire, and immediately attracted the attention of Dick and Brian,

We, the guardians, and the dragons, we are three parallel lines, emissary of Tyr, you should not have known all this, but now the secret has been opened before your eyes. Lord Norgannon has chosen you, and we are willing to It's a choice to take a risk.

The voice of Sester, the Destroyer, also came to mind, like the sound of swords hitting, piercing Dick's eardrums,

We are very clear about the whole world and everything that happened in Ulduar. Once Yogg-Saron truly controls Ulduar's creator engine, we will not hesitate to activate the origin furnace. Mortals cannot fight against the ancient gods, even the dragons No way, the day they break the seal is the time when the world will be polluted, and the reason why you are qualified to stand here and share this secret is because you killed C'Thun.

You performed a miracle. You may not know that when C'Thun escaped from prison, your world has actually entered the countdown to reshape everything! If you can't kill C'Thun, wait until everything is irreparable. , we will activate the Origin Furnace without hesitation.

The last one to speak was Isis, the magic creator. The voice of this giantess was more lively than other creators, but it was also more direct.

Make a decision, emissary of Tyr, we don't want this world to be reshaped, so before Yogg-Saron escapes from prison, you have to perform another miracle of killing the ancient gods, maybe there will be N'Zoth next, anyway This is cruel, but unfortunately, you have no right to refuse!

But. But wasn't the Furnace of Origin activated once?

Dick asked, Didn't that activation consume the energy left by the Titan?

The voice of the paladin echoed in the hall, and the sun god Rasha let out a hearty laugh,

Hahaha, look, the wisdom of mortals! The disgusting and unacceptable traitor named Thor, he has sought Lord Raiden's power, he is indeed very powerful, and the four of us are not his opponents, he gave us The scars left behind have not healed until now, but he ignored the power of this high place, we only activated less than one percent of the energy of the furnace, and killed him.

That's just to warn all villains who covet the furnace of origin!

Satus' voice was still indifferent, This is not a power that mortals can grasp!

Dick's mind was confused. In fact, in Uldaman, Dick knew that the memories in the game could no longer be taken seriously. They were purely for the progress of the game. The power of the sun is tilted to the surface of the planet, how could it be killed by a mere five adventurers?

The game is for the players, but the real world will not change for the savior of destiny.

But now, he had to make a decision.

I will try to kill Yogg-Saron.

Your attempt was costly! Emissary of Tyr.

Isist’s voice is full of playfulness, “Once you fail, the world will usher in reshaping. You have to understand that we are not guardians. What we look after is the power to destroy and regenerate the world. Lord Raiden specially Keeping part of our souls in our bodies is to keep us away from the corruption of the ancient gods, and finally complete the important task of reshaping the world.

This pressure made Dick a little irritable. He scratched his hair and asked again,

Then why didn't you show up when the demons invaded, when the undead raged, when the dragons rebelled, and even when the ancient gods escaped from prison? Even if you don't rely on the furnace of origin, you have enough power to deal with most disasters! There are still ten thousand years left In the previous battle of the ancients, when the world was torn apart, why didn't you show up? What about your responsibilities?

Our duty is to watch over the furnace of origin! Mortals!

Rasha's voice became serious, You are not as important as you imagined, and the vitality of this world is far stronger than you imagined, this is not a secret you should know, tell me now, you are willing to Fight to the death?

But the guardians of Ulduar. After they have been corrupted, I don't have the strength to do all this!

I just ask you, are you willing to try? At the price of bearing the fate of the world.

Brian didn't dare to intervene anymore at this time. Even with the insight of a dwarf, he understood how difficult the decision Dick had to make now. If he failed, the whole world would be reshaped. My God, this kind of The pressure was beyond the imagination of the old dwarf.

Dick clenched his fists, his expression was ferocious, like a beast cornered,

You keep talking about the responsibility of the world! Norgannon also asked me to go to Ulduar to take Varanar to heal the world, and those guardian dragons, mysterious and unwilling to use their power to help! The guardians are all wiped out !Those bastards! Y'all have been telling me I have a choice ever since I set foot on this path!

I never had a choice! Hell, I never had a choice!

The undead are coming, I will die if I don't resist! The devil is coming, and I will die if I don't fight hard!

C'Thun, Nefarian, hell, I feel like I'm carrying the whole world forward! I've tried to pierce a sword through my heart more than once! I don't even have the option to die!

You bastards! You are a bunch of complete bastards!

Dick yelled hoarsely, pointing at those beings who could crush him to death with one finger, this gesture made the old dwarf take a few steps back, but in the end, when Dick calmed down, Lasha The voice sounded again, still so tepid,

Again, would you like to try?

The paladin raised his lowered head, his eyes were bloodshot, Of course! If you want to play, I'll play with you! This one, I bet!

Very well, then you are qualified to wear the crown.

A ray of light shone in the light and shadow of Rasha who couldn't see his expression clearly. It was the luster of a scorching sun, and finally turned into an illusory crown and landed on Dick's head.

It was not just the crown, but what Dick wanted to find, the world blueprint of Azeroth, and Rasha gave it to him without hesitation. It seemed that this was not necessary for reshaping the world.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. This is never a pleasant thing. Go, what Lord Norgannon promised you, and the road to the titan. Lord Raiden has failed. I want to Know where you're going.

We'll see, Dick Bronzan.

Drip... The third phase of Road of the Titans is completed, and the fourth phase Ulduar, Land of the Gods is open.

Description: Go to Ulduar, awaken no less than 3 guardians, and obtain the Shaper Scepter, Valanaar, Hammer of the Ancient Guardian.

Reward: Increased authority, world twist rate +10%

(Thanks to Lao Shui for the reward!)

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