Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 276 24. One-Day War (Part 1)--Add more changes for the famous brothers!

Chapter 276 24. One-Day War (Part 1)——Add more changes for the famous brothers!

It was another early morning, and a rare fog shrouded the entire East Dalomere. It seemed that it was going to rain. In this season of northern Xinjiang, rain is very rare.

On the ruins of an ordinary and bustling town in Darrow County in East Darrowmere, Marduk in black was patrolling in the fog with his own death knight squad. The fog with extremely low visibility could not stop Marduk's attack. Line of sight, in fact they don't need eyes to see at all.

The last time his life ended in the Land of Ghosts has always been an unbearable humiliation for this death knight. Being killed by a much weaker paladin is definitely not a commendable thing. When the district regained consciousness, he swore that he would find the paladin who killed him back then, and give him back the humiliation!

Marduk's resurrection is still short, and he hasn't had time to know Dick's brilliant deeds in the past few years, otherwise this death knight probably wouldn't have such arrogance.

In fact, most of the time, ignorance is a blessing.

At least for Marduk it was.

Today, he will lead his team to attack the intersection of Kaolin. Those paladins and soldiers from the northern border are garrisoned there madly. They will not collapse despite natural disasters. What.

The Holy Light's Hope Chapel is almost the last flag of all surviving creatures in northern Xinjiang. If it is occupied by natural disasters, everything will be over.

Of course, that is also the goal of the undead this time. The Grand Lich Kel'Thuzad brought all the elites of the undead Scourge here to achieve that goal!

The great Lich King is about to awaken! What better thing to celebrate with an orgy of death and despair!

Marduk's godless eyes looked at the distant sky that hadn't fully brightened yet, and a grim smile appeared on his skinny face. He somewhat missed the smell of blood, the feeling of warm blood splashing on his cheeks, and the feeling of his opponent. The wailing and begging for mercy before dying, that kind of feeling can make him feel for a moment that he is still alive, not dead.

But thinking about it, the humiliating memory of being killed by Dick came back to his mind again, which made Marduk snort coldly, turned the rein in his hand, and was about to turn in another direction. As the captain of the elite death knight, he wanted to Go there to claim his new underlings.

The Cultists of the Curse are desperately transforming the corpses that died in battle, so that the elite soldiers of the northern border can be transformed into new death knights. After Kel'Thuzad provided a new flesh and blood magic, this difficult transformation The process has become much easier.

But after Marduk was reborn, he had more or less auditory hallucinations. It seemed that there was a voice whispering something in his ear all the time, but whenever he focused on listening, the voice Will disappear soon again.

This is also the reason why Marduk's mood has been very bad in the past few days. The undead are not without emotions, they just simply hate the kind of emotions that are mainly based on memories, which will make them miserable. The difference is almost sky-high. Inside the Scourge of the Undead, a well-ordered dark society has taken shape.

If they are given enough time, maybe a country that worships death will really be formed instead of the current villainous forces that are neither human nor ghost.

But the moment Marduk jumped his horse's head, the elite death knight turned his head abruptly. He felt the ground shaking and unusual movements, just like those skeleton giants he felt in Northrend back then. The sound of walking.

But it seems that there are not many skeleton giants in this expedition, and those cumbersome guys are placed at the back of the battlefield, ready to be used in the next battle.

So what's coming? Is there such a large-scale biological activity in northern Xinjiang?

Just as Marduk was thinking, the vibration stopped abruptly. The death knight breathed a sigh of relief, and was about to summon the ghouls to take a look ahead. The next moment, a whistling black heavy hammer knocked him and him together. The team was immediately knocked into the air from standing.

A real knockout!

That war hammer is like the size of a battering ram used in the mortal world, the kind of battering ram that requires nearly 50 soldiers to barely push it!

Marduk's subordinates turned into stumps flying in the sky the moment they came into contact with the hammer. Marduk himself even lost half of his body in this hammer blow. When he rolled from the sky to the ground When I saw it, I saw a blue giant, an obsidian giant, at least 10 meters high!

He only saw the female human mage standing on the shoulders of the obsidian giant, and the densely packed human cavalry behind the giant who broke through the fog. When the giant raised its feet, Marduk's eyes turned into darkness the next moment.

Nearly 1,000 undead were stationed in Darrow County. Five minutes later, when the Anubisas War Guard left, there were only ruins and bloody corpses left.

Anubisas, who was as quiet as a stone statue before, now had a red light shining in those eyes on the jackal's head, which was the light of battle!

They hold special metal weapons, just like playing golf, sweeping the weapons on the ground, each blow can leave white traces in the swarming undead sea, the silver hand and the bloody The heavy armored knights of the Crusaders kept charging in between the massacres of the Anubisas guards. The chaotic undead couldn't organize an effective defense at all, so they could only let these crazy paladins do whatever they wanted. Hunt down those commanders among the undead.

And farther away, more than a dozen low-level mages were constantly blasting harmful spells into the body of the Obsidian Destroyer in front of him. Moam impatiently played with the curved cane in his hand, and his sharp voice could not be ignored. Stop whining.

Look at your attacks, they are so weak! God, I miss my brother Ronin so much, he only needs two fireballs to fill my body with strength!

Moam wants to protect the mistress! But I need strength, so you have to hurry up! Squeeze your magic power, rookie, only by constantly squeezing your magic power can your body adapt to extreme combat conditions!

Okay ok! Stop, that's almost enough!

The obsidian Destroyer leader spread his beautiful wings like a chatterbox, opened his hands, aimed at the area where the high-ranking undead gathered in front, and shouted in a sharp voice,

I won't let you hurt the mistress! Moam's mane is full of power!


An energy blast from the peak of a high-ranking lord was like an invisible energy arrow. It flew out of Moam's palm frantically, piercing through everything along the way, and finally exploded in the crowd of death knights and cursed believers who couldn't dodge. Come.

Moam was personally transformed by C'Thun and the Twin Emperors. There is a special device in his body that can concentrate the free energy at one point and explode, just like the bomb from the apex bombing. That blow completely destroyed the chaos The only command system in the undead sea.

Standing on Ossirian's shoulder, Jaina, who kept pouring ice storms towards the ground, saw this scene, and she stretched out her thumbs to Moam on the other side with satisfaction,

Well done! Moam!

The Obsidian Destroyer Lord was very happy. He turned his head, looked at the low-level mages who were almost exhausted, and screamed dissatisfiedly,

Slacker! Trash! Continue to cast spells! Moam found the meaning of life! I love war, war makes me happy! Quickly cast spells!

Okay, Moam, stop torturing them! Let me do it.

The dwarf warlock Wilfred came out with a pipe in his mouth, and soon, the sound of storm-like explosions sounded one after another on the already collapsed battlefield, like the death knell of doomsday, driving the undead to death in Sordo. All the positions arranged on the south bank of the river were in a mess.

In another place, Liadrin is sitting on the shoulders of Elonaya. The giantess has become a stone statue about the size of Ossirian. She throws the cane in her hand towards the undead stronghold of Marris Farm. , the cane quickly split into stone arrow clusters of different sizes in the air, piercing through the defense line formed by the undead with a whistling sound. The warhammers in the game smashed into the sky one after another.

The Shaper is very angry now, and the humiliation of being defeated also echoes in his heart, but as the guy who restarted his core, Dick has become his immediate boss, so Azadas can only pour his anger on these dirty on the corpse.

You twisted and deformed wretches! In the name of guardians, I sentence you to death!

The war hammer in Azadas' hand hit the ground heavily, and the battlefield around him shook violently, like an earthquake, disrupting the formation of the death knights. Beside him, the earth spirit who was not afraid of the earthquake at all They used a variety of weapons to evoke smaller earthquakes. These titan creations themselves have the weak power to manipulate the earth. way, it becomes the best clearing weapon.

Elonaia's hands were spread out in front of her chest, and the ground under her palms twisted violently, finally forming two long stone swords, suspended in the air, the fighting style of this giantess was far better than that of a craftsman. Azadas is even more fierce. Wherever the sword in her hand crosses, the ground will bulge into ravines, overturning everything along the way.

Isn't there a guy who is more durable? These soft things are really uninteresting!

Alonaya chopped down a giant skeleton that could barely reach her chest with a sword, and added another foot, and the guy who stitched up the disgusting corpse stepped directly into the hard ground, whining, While setting off continuous fluctuations on the ground, the defense line left by the undead was turned into ruins.

Liadrin, who was sitting on her shoulder, couldn't help but rolled her eyes. It is estimated that these titan guards dared to say this, let these warriors who haunted the battlefield of gods come to the battlefield of mortals, and use destroy the dead It was indescribable, Liadrin felt that she and the soldiers following the Earthen Legion were like watching a farce of adults beating children.

The vicious undead have no way of causing even the slightest trouble to these titan creations, making ordinary people regard them as death knights of death, and the two together can't deal with an ordinary earth spirit. He is so powerful that he can knock over a galloping death horse head-on with a single hammer.

Even being hit head-on by the death knight, the injury enough to break the sternum of an ordinary soldier, they just got up from the ground indifferently, patted the gravel on their chest, and rushed up again brandishing their weapons.

You really don't belong here.

Liadrin shouted in Aronaya's ear, I can't imagine what your previous opponents were like.

Hahaha, little girl, you don't want to see those twisted monsters!

The giantess laughed and kicked down the poor house of Maris Farm, grabbed one of the liches in her hands, looked around like a toy,

They have disgusting tentacles, suckers that can suck the heads of flesh and blood creatures, criss-cross teeth, and bodies that can't be killed. In short, they are much more difficult to deal with than these gadgets, but we still won!

Elonaya's five fingers slowly closed, and the lich let out an uncontrollable scream. The bones of his whole body were crushed bit by bit by the unshakable force. He tried to fight back, but even It was the mighty Death and Withering, which couldn't print even a piece of gravel on the giantess' finger.

Look, the rat fights back! It's disgusting!

Ka Ka Ka

The toothache cracking sound resounded in the palm of the giantess's hand. She grinded her fist, and the white bone dregs fell from between her fingers. Liadrin's hair stood on end at this scene, and she could destroy an entire body with a wave of her hand. The lich in the small town was literally crushed to pieces like this.

Okay, stop playing, Elonaya, destroy this place quickly, let's pick up Dick!

Liadrin's voice sounded in the giantess' ears, and Elonaya shrugged,

Well, as you wish, sweet little girl.

Azadas, release your rags, this game has made me sick! It's time to end this!

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