The ooze is one of the famous disgusting monsters in Azeroth, these guys are all over the world, maybe they existed in the beginning of everything, but even after all these years, no one can figure out one thing , That is these disgusting soft-bodied snot-like creatures, do they have wisdom?

Of course, this issue is left to the biologists to study. The real headache is the characteristics of the slime monsters. These guys can fuse with almost anything. In their trembling bodies, you can often see all kinds of monsters. The remains of living things, bones, and even a broken boot or two.

The shape of the oozes will also vary depending on their location. For example, there are rare elemental oozes in Anglo Crater, or the jade oozes in the hometown of the Wildhammer dwarves, and the The plasma ooze under the polluted Gnomeregan, and the super-giant ooze Vichydus that devoured many reckless adventurers and soldiers when attacking the qiraji lair, actually the In a sense, the harmless ooze monster lord is still living safely in the Qiraji underground kingdom, and no one dares to provoke it. In short, these creatures can live almost anywhere.

For example, what exists in front of Dick's eyes is the ultimate existence of the ooze on a certain advanced path-the natural disaster ooze, or the plague ooze.

The bodies of these guys are full of deadly venom, which is a natural disaster and plague developed by the crazy curse believers under Kel'Thuzad. Become an undead creature.

This is disgusting!

Facing the dense ooze monsters, Duke Tyrosus couldn't help taking a step back, while Jaina stepped forward. As a frost mage, she has many ways to deal with these creatures, but due to the secret of this operation Sex, she can only use the lowest method.

The mage lady lightly tapped the staff in her hand on the ground, and a icy cold wind bloomed on the primordial flow of the artifact that had already connected with the lady. The strange activities stagnated in place.

Everyone quickly passed through the center of these ooze monsters and entered another hall.

There are all kinds of weird instruments arranged here, and the disgusting green mucus is constantly flowing in the ducts above everyone's heads. Not far away, a giant suture monster corpse is lying on the stone slab, and the cursed cultist wearing a mask It seems to be repairing the tattered but still heaving stitched corpse with evil methods.

That monster! That's the monster that attacked us that day, I thought it was dead!

Cirvanas, who has excellent eyesight, saw the giant stitched corpse that was about to die at first glance, and she whispered to the people around her, It's that guy who sprayed the plague on the battlefield, causing almost all of the Sordo River to die. It is polluted, shall we take the opportunity to kill it?

Dick looked around. In his field of vision, the Cultists of the Damned in this hall were not too difficult to deal with. The only threats were the abominations and all kinds of undead that were constantly shuttling around and moving things back and forth. He thought for a while, then shook his head,

No, this is likely to expose our existence. We need to find Uther first. It is only a matter of one knife to solve Grobles, and we can't lose the big because of the small!

After finishing speaking, Dick held the shadow of the leaves in front of his chest, wrapping a group of people in it. They mixed with the group of undead, and slowly walked towards the center of the hall. The Cultists of the Curse had long been used to the miserable deaths of these undead. They didn't even fluctuate at all. One of the grumpy guys kicked down the walking corpse in front of Dick, and walked away cursing. This sudden incident made Dick break out in a cold sweat.

The Shadow of Many Leaves only distorts the light, but cannot completely disappear the body. As long as the kick just now deviates less than half a meter backward, it will kick on Cirvanas' body.

If the proud high elf general was really kicked, the paladin estimated that it would be difficult for Shiva to tolerate such a situation.

Fortunately, no one else had any accidents. It took almost five minutes for everyone to pass through the abominable hall without any risk. The natural disaster gas in the pipeline caused everyone to suffer. If Jaina hadn't added an ice shield for everyone, I am afraid that everyone would probably lose their fighting power early due to gas poisoning.

To make matters worse, when everyone came out of the pipe, what they faced was a large sunken pit, in which was lying a creepy monster.

It looks like a big vicious dog!

The extra-large one, if it stands upright, it will be at least 3-4 meters high, and it is an out-and-out behemoth.

But the skin of this guy's whole body is festering, and it also exudes a disgusting smell. The thick and twisted white bones can be seen clearly in the festering flesh and blood. The other eye is covered with a muscular eyelid, which seems to be taking a rest.

This guy is lying on the ground. Its four claws with metal barbed rings are deformed and thick. There are flesh and blood residues in the horny black. Each claw blade has the length of an adult body, but the most terrifying It was still its mouth. Kel'Thuzad really deserved to be a genius in biological modification. In order to strengthen the bite force of this monster, he used heavy metal to imprison the half of the monster's rotten mouth.

It is equivalent to putting a pair of steel braces on it, making this deformed monster even more terrifying.

The first time she saw this terrifying creature, Jaina covered her mouth, and the well-informed knight couldn't help touching her neck. Thassarian introduced to everyone in a low voice,

This is Grass. It is a very famous monster in the natural disasters. The Cultists of the Cursed spread all over the world. It is said that this is a gift given to Kel'Thuzad by the Cultists of the Damned hidden in the group of Blackrock orcs. Lava puppies stolen from the dark iron dwarves, this is one of them, the archlich injected all kinds of plagues into the poor creature, it only took 1 month, it became this look!

But Kel'Thuzad's calculation failed in the end!

The death knight shook his head, as if sighing for the lava pup's sad fate,

Its body is too heavy, and its fragile bones can't support it to fight on the battlefield, so Kel'Thuzad can only use it to guard the fort. It is said that this guy has a stomach that can never be full. Kel'Thuzad and The failed experiments of his followers will be thrown to Glass, which is simply the garbage collection machine of Naxxramas.

Cirvanas focused on another place. After Thassarian finished speaking, she asked in a low voice,

You said just now that the Cultists of the Curse are all over the world... In the defense of Quel'Thalas, do these guys who worship death also exist?

Thassarian glanced at the high elf, and from his eyes, the high elf general saw a bad look.

You don't want to know the answer, Elf General, do you really think that the power of the undead in the Land of Ghosts is so great that the Sun King is helpless?

When Cirvanas heard this, a look of disgust appeared on her beautiful face.

“Is the problem within us? This is disgusting!”

Dick ignored Cirvanas' entanglement. He already knew how strong the development momentum of the Cult of the Damned was. The Hammer of Light is almost tied for the number one existence of the most stubborn cult in Azeroth.

The paladin looked at the catastrophe dog lying on the spot and made a gesture. Jaina blessed everyone with the Slow Falling Technique. Everyone was like feathers without weight, holding hands and walking in Fanye Under the cover of the shadow, he quickly passed through the big pit full of stumps and garbage from the air.

While flying in the air, the natural disaster behemoth Glass suddenly raised its head, its green eyeballs twirled in the eye sockets, and only the nose with black nostrils remained. It seemed to find something was wrong, but Unable to find the specific intruder, he finally let out a low hum and closed his eyes again.

After everyone passed through the disgusting pit, at a fork in the road, Thassarian pointed his finger on his forehead. After a few seconds, a smile appeared on the death knight's face, and he pointed to the road not far ahead. black door.

Master Uther is there! Behind that door, I can clearly perceive that he is fighting against something chaotic!

But everyone was not happy at all, because Kel'Thuzad obviously also knew the importance of Uther, so he deployed heavy troops here, a skeleton giant made of disgusting corpses, and a high-level suture abomination , the most terrible thing is that there are actually two liches and many death knights stationed here!

What the hell!

The forehead of the Duke of Tyrosus was wrinkled into a Chuan character. The layout here can almost be used to attack a fully armed fortress. Now relying on a few of them, it is impossible to be broken!

However, after Jaina saw those guarding forces, she turned her head to look at the big pit behind her. In her little head, her quick thinking spun quickly, and finally came up with a mind-opening attention.

Maybe we can 'borrow' Kel'Thuzad's watchdogs, I don't think he'd mind.

There was a flash of light in Dick's eyes, he turned his head to look at Cirvanas, the elf general had already taken off the blossom bow on his back, she moved her neck like an indifferent black swan.

It just so happens that I'm not in a good mood right now, come on, let's play with that dog!

Five minutes later, the death knight stationed in front of the secret hall heard a furious roar from the Scourge dog Glass, and then the entire ground began to vibrate.

That disgusting creature is going mad again!

The elf death knight said to the orc death knight, I go crazy several times a day. Lord Kel'Thuzad has already thrown that disgusting thing into the battlefield.

The orc death knight didn't speak, but the tauren death knight standing behind him complained,

If those weak human paladins can kill Grass, maybe I will cut them with less force next time, and they should do something good for us. That disgusting thing ate my favorite gargoyle yesterday, Hell, I plan to raise it to participate in the gargoyle fighting competition in Icecrown Glacier, I am very optimistic about it! Now everything is over!

The tauren death knight chatted happily with the elf death knight, but the orc death knight who had been silent took off the ax behind his back,

Hey, brothers, your wishes are about to come true!


Glass, that disgusting thing is rushing towards us! Oh, look, poor Jobs got his head bitten off by it, well done, I'm tired of that pretentious lich!

Damn! Let's kill it! Lord Kel'Thuzad has no reason to blame us for poor Jobs! Come on, brothers!

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