Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 31 15. Final Volume - Stratholme Night

His Royal Highness, I.

Dick opened his mouth to say something, but he found that he had nothing to say.

Alsace smiled, and the thin prince sat on a chair. He looked at the embarrassed Dick, fell silent for a few seconds, and then said,

Do you think I should go to Northrend?

this problem!

Dick's heart trembled, and Arthas actually asked this question. If he could dissuade Arthas from going to Northrend, wouldn't the second Lich King not appear? Most importantly, once the fate of Alsace, the absolute protagonist in the next 7 years, is changed, how much will the world turn around?

Dick didn't dare to think about this question, but facing Alsace's eyes, he pursed his lips and said firmly,

No, you shouldn't be going!

Oh why?

Alsace was a little curious. Although he didn't intend to change his mind, he still asked,

Malganis fled there, and I must kill him. This is my duty and my atonement! Why do you think I should not go?

Because it's a trap! A trap for you!

Dick calmed down. He also sat across from Alsace, and said in a cautious tone,

I believe that with your wisdom, it shouldn't be difficult to find out, from the deliberate death of Kel'Thuzad, to your attack in Zulmartha, to the appearance of Mal'Ganis, and even the destruction of Stratholme. There is an invisible hand pushing behind you. His purpose is to lead you to Northrend, a continent that has been eroded by dark forces. In this case, you should stay in Lordaeron instead. Don't go on an adventure alone!

Dick spoke more emphatically,

You can't take all the responsibility of a country on your shoulders. To change the future of this country, everyone needs to act together!

When Alsace heard this, he fell silent. Ten seconds later, a struggling expression flashed across Alsace's face. His Royal Highness made a gesture, and Farric, who was standing at the door of the tent, immediately put down The curtain of the tent was guarded outside the tent with guards. This was Alsace going to have a secret talk with Dick.

However... from the things left by Malganis, I discovered the huge power of the Scourge of the Undead, which made me almost desperate. The secret that can check and balance the undead! I must go there! I must get that sword!

Alsace told Dick his secret, and Dick felt cold inside.

History has changed after all!

Originally, after Alsace arrived in Northrend, he heard about the existence of Frostmourne from Muradin, the dwarf prince of the Explorers' Association, but now, Malganis took the initiative to reveal this magic sword that can command the undead. .

This cunning dreadlord didn't use any more tricks. On the contrary, he put everything in front of Alsace. Facing this conspiracy, the only way to break the situation was the sword, but this demon concealed the most important thing. Information.

Frostmourne can indeed command all the undead, but as long as you hold it in your hand, the first sacrifice is your own soul. At that time, even if Arthas has Frostmourne, so what? He himself has become a victim of that magic sword, how can he rely on it to save his country?

However, Dick couldn't say this fact, because even if he said it, Alsace, who had pinned all his hopes on that sword, would not choose to obey. Alsace had his own set of standards for judging affairs. Dick wants to change it with two sentences, how easy is it?

But Your Highness, have you ever wondered why Malganis would reveal such important information to you? That sword must be weird! If it is really so powerful, then how could Malganis reveal it to you? Where will it be given to you? This is a complete clumsy lie!

Dick gritted his teeth and cursed, then looked at Alsace again, and said,

If you need powerful power, I happen to know the location of an artifact of order left by the Creation Titan. That is the power you need to pursue! Instead of pinning all your hopes on a magic weapon that you don't know the so-called On the sword!

Alsace didn't speak. He looked at Dick with curiosity in his eyes. Finally, he clenched his fists in front of Dick.

Of course Malganis has no good intentions. That sword has side effects, that is, people who are not strong enough will sacrifice their souls! I know this, but I am willing to take a gamble, as long as I can tame the sword Sword. Everything will.

But you can't tame it! That sword is from the Burning Legion.


Just when Dick told the secret of Frostmourne, a golden light appeared in the tent, Arsa's expression froze on his face, and everything around him, including the roar of the sea and the sea wind, all stagnated. In the air, Dick's eyes swiveled back and forth, and he knew what was going on.

Time stands still on a large scale!

There is only one creature in Azeroth that can do this, the Guardian of Time - the Bronze Dragon.

Little guy, I know your identity, and I really hope that you can reverse the fate of the whole world, so I can tolerate your small troubles, but Arthas can't. He is one of the foundations of all timelines. You If his move to Northrend is changed, then the entire timeline will enter time riots, which is an adventure you cannot afford the consequences!

Don't try to change the major events that will affect the entire world process. Those are the pillars of the timeline. You have to start with small events, understand? When the world is reversed to a certain extent, wait until the new pillars of the timeline are formed. It is not impossible to change these major events, but now... at least now, not yet!

I am Nozdormu. Time Dragon King can come to the Cavern of Time to sit down if you have time. I look forward to your visit, Time Traveler.

The next moment, everything returned to its original state. The expression on Alsace's face was still vivid, but Dick couldn't continue after half of what he said. Except for him, only a few people in the whole world knew that just now, the world's The operation stopped for 2 seconds.

Your Highness, you'd better not take any risks!

Dick seemed a little discouraged. With the mysterious Nozdormu showing up to warn him, Dick naturally wouldn't risk the destruction of the world to persuade Alsace. He once thought he could change everyone's life. Fate, such as Dalyan, such as Uther.

But now, the fate of this poor man in front of him, Alsace Menethil, he can't change

This feeling of powerlessness is too bad!

Arthas also saw the expression on Dick's face, but he took it as sadness, so he patted Dick on the shoulder.

Don't worry! I'll be victorious, I'll be back with that sword, and I'll save the country!

Looking at Alsace's confident smile, Dick suddenly felt a burst of sadness. He suppressed his sadness and asked another question,

Your Highness, Stratholme, you don't have to show up for that matter, and leave it to Farric or Marveen. I believe they are willing to do everything for you, but why do you have to do it yourself? Are you Future king, your reputation should not be wasted like this!

Facing this question, Alsace's expression turned serious,

I won't do that, Dick! Everyone has their own responsibility, and it is my responsibility to save this country. I will never pass my responsibility on to others, not to mention, Farric and Marvin have already You have done enough for me, and they should not be allowed to bear such a bad name!

His Royal Highness, I understand!

When Alsace said these words, the obscure holy light in his body churned again. Dick took a deep breath, stood up and saluted Alsace,

Then, I wish you all the best, my lord!

Wait, Dick!

Alsace stopped Dick who turned around, and put a letter of authorization with his seal in Dick's hand.

There is still a group of undead entrenched in the deepest part of Stratholme. This is why I came here for you. Before I come back, you must block them and prevent them from spreading to East Dalomere! Destroy them if you can!

Trigger task, Alsace's entrustment

Hold on to Stratholme until Arthas returns, or destroy the entrenched undead!

(Note: This task is the last task of the large historical node - Stratholme. After completion, this historical node will be completed.)

Dick took a deep breath, and took the authorization letter with both hands. He glanced at it, and the item information jumped into his eyes.

Certificate of the Temporary Lord of Stratholme


Using: Incorporate Stratholme into an add-on template

Explanation: The lord authorized by Menethil's royal family proves that he possesses completely unreasonable mysterious power!

This flimsy power of attorney seems to weigh a thousand catties in Dick's hands. It is not just a simple power of attorney, but also represents Alsace's trust, especially after Dick has done something equivalent to betrayal. After the move, this trust is already a rare thing.

Dick suddenly opened his arms, embraced Alsace who was caught off guard, and patted behind him vigorously,

Be sure to pay attention to safety! If it is really irreversible, then remember, don't get out of that sword! I will save you!

Alsace was a little at a loss by this intimate gesture, but after Dick finished speaking, he turned and left the tent. Alsace sat on a chair, pondering Dick's last sentence.

What do you mean by don't leave the sword? Hehe, Dick, this is really a strange guy! Straightforward and mysterious, I really can't hate him!


A week later, Alsace was gone.

With 3,000 elite soldiers and more than 20 ships, they quietly left the Eastern Continent from the coast of East Dalomere. The pursuit of the Knights of the Silver Hand is still going through a long and cumbersome process, Uther Er actually knew in his heart that this was Alsace's expression of apology before he left.

As the crown prince, he can't keep his promises. To be able to do this is because he has surrendered.

This also dissipated a lot of the tension in the entire Knights of the Silver Hand. After all, in this history, Arthas was not with Jaina, and naturally he would not feel abandoned. What he did comforted his already battered soul a little bit, so His Royal Highness would not become so extreme.

The Stratholme Defense Guard convened by Dick officially entered Stratholme's defense line a day ago, that is, the line from King's Square to Fountain Garden. With the help of the civilians, they quickly built a solid line of defense. The knight Saidan Dathrohan also brought another Silver Hand knight to station in the Scarlet Zone in his previous life, which is now the Stratholme Military Zone.

The two lines of defense, one in front and one behind, suppressed the undead in the deepest part of the city. After several investigations, Dick already knew who was in command of the elite undead.

Rivendell, the traitor!

As night fell, Dick carried the Flame of Justice on his back, held a lantern in his hand, and led a few young knights to patrol the perimeter of the defense line. When he walked to a remote place, Dick suddenly heard a suppressed cry , He shone the lantern in that direction, only to see a beautiful woman in a white priest's robe, with an extremely hot figure, holding a letter, hiding in the corner of the line of defense, crying pear blossoms with rain.

Ahem, Ms. Whitemane, is there anything sad about you?

Dick laughed and looked at the beautiful woman who made me feel pitiful, but he got a big white eye,

Don't be hypocritical, Dick Knight, this really sickens me!

The beauty turned her head and saw Dick's young face, she stopped crying immediately, sneered and mocked Dick, twisted her swaying body, put away the letter in her hand, and walked into her room .

Dick looked at the perfect back and shook his head, no wonder that scumbag Renault killed his father for this woman, he is simply a charming fairy!

But what does this have to do with me?

Dick looked at the deep darkness inside the miserable Stratholme, shrugged his shoulders, and continued to patrol forward with a lamp.

The night was still cold, but after Stratholme regained its popularity, it seemed brightly lit here.

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