Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 408 22. The Blue Dragon of Azsuna

Just when Andu was struggling back and forth because of the choice of freedom and survival, Dick was walking through the desolate land of Azsuna. looking for something.

In this desolate land, such a gallop would have little effect, and no one would notice the guy rushing through the air.

Ten minutes later, thunder light fell from the sky, like a blue sharp sword, and Dick's figure appeared on a piece of blue broken coast. He looked at the surrounding scene, and the memories in his brain were obviously a bit chaotic. The reality is different, especially in Azsuna, a land that is no smaller than a province of the Stormwind Kingdom. It is absolutely not easy to find a ruin in memory among the ruins scattered all over here.

He maintained a pensive posture on this quiet blue coast, and no one would bother this seemingly unfriendly guy, until a few minutes later, three shadows rushed from three directions, and finally stopped. By Dick's side.

Damn! Boss, this place is even more desolate than the Burning Plains. Except for those stupid murlocs and Naga, I hardly saw any creatures! And those difficult undead, they seem to be related to the undead Scourge Those ghosts are different.

Darth was carrying an orange, lightning-like spear, tilting his head and looking at Dick,

Boss, are you sure you're looking for the right place? What magic school is really here?

This rude dragon man has changed a lot now. Even in human form, it can be seen that he is different from before. He is at least 1 meter taller, like a 3-meter giant, with swollen muscles and a well-proportioned figure. That face was still so ugly and fierce, but those eyes became full of energy. When he was concentrating, there was even blue lightning on the edge of those yellow eyes.

He was wearing blue armor and looked like a rough warrior, but the long spear on his shoulder showed his extraordinary, it was like an orange stream of light, among the sparks, Converged into the shape of a Pandaren spear, the temperature was extremely astonishing, Das just leaned it on the ground, and the solid stone slab was even burned through.

And Demeter standing beside him still looked the same as before, wearing a green armor with two stabbing swords hanging from his waist, but the blue lightning flashed across his body from time to time, which also proved that he also passed through Thor's Peak The transformation of energy is no longer that ordinary green dragon.

He did not express his impatience, but carefully looked around at the collapsed ruins, and said in a very precise tone,

I have been searching here for a whole day. The buildings here have a strong elf style. Obviously, this is one of the relics of the Well of Eternity explosion 10,000 years ago, so what the Lord wants us to look for must be a 10,000-year-old school. The Academy of Magic years ago.

As he said that, he looked at Das and shook his head, Don't you know how to use your brain?

Bastard, what kind of eyes do you have!

Das snorted dissatisfiedly, and turned his gaze to Dick, who didn't answer immediately, but looked at the third person, Tao Ya, who was still wearing the Shado-Pan costume.

Unlike the other two guys who like to bicker, she is very calm and confident. She has obviously discovered something. Seeing Dick's gaze, Tao Shi pointed to the east of the coast and replied,

Over there, at the mouth of the river there is a piece of wreckage of a palace. There are many ghosts wandering on it. They have their own wisdom and memory. Through communicating with them, I can basically confirm that the Nazaras Academy of Magic you are looking for, It should be right there.

After the pandaren sister finished speaking, she pondered for a while, touched the hilt of her waist,

But that place has been sealed off, and the ghosts in it are...unfriendly.


Dick shook his head, I don't have time to play with them... Darth, how many people did you bring?

The dragon man patted his chest, Don't worry, boss, I brought all the mogu assassins under Jian Xi's command, as well as Eragon, which is enough to capture a stubborn ruin, just look at it.


Dick pointed to the east with his left hand,

Tao Shi, take Darth and the assassins there, and I will give you 5 hours. I want to see the ruins of a cleared academy. Demi, come with me, and we will meet your fellow clansmen.

The green dragon froze for a moment, then subconsciously asked, You mean, there are green dragons in this place? It's impossible. If there is, there's no reason why Das and I can't sense it.

Of course not a green dragon.

Dick's figure turned into thunder and disappeared in the northern sky, and his voice remained in Demeter's ears,

It's the blue dragon... a group of blue dragons who have been isolated from the world for nearly ten thousand years, come with me.

The speed of the thunder light is very fast, just in a trance, a flash of thunder light flew towards the north, and Demeter hurriedly transformed into a dragon shape to keep up, but with the surge of green mist, this transformation process was the same as before. There is a slight difference, the green mist is mixed with blue thunder light, accompanied by a deep dragon roar, a giant beast completely different from the previous green dragon flaps its wings, bringing out a scorching and scorching smell. Air, flew to the sky.

Similar to Darth's strengthening, the dragon form of Demeter has become even bigger, at least two circles larger than before, which makes him 50 meters long from head to tail, and has already broken away from the level of a young dragon, and Different from ordinary green dragons, Demeter's scales are covered with visible thunder, flickering on his shining scales, and even his wings become more brilliant, just like a pair of radiant wings in a dream.

His four sharp claws have also become larger and sharper. The position of the dragon claws has completely turned into blue crystals, and even natural magic lines of blue light appear on his body.

On the crown-like sharp corners of Demeter's ferocious head, there is a storm of thunder and lightning gathering, and with the blue lightning spots drawn from the extension of his huge dragon pupils in the air, the green dragon can see It looks full of power and mystery.

It looks like another dragon called Storm Dragon in Stormfjord, but it is far more powerful than that subdragon creature.

This is the result of the energy transformation of the Titans left by Thor's Peak, perfectly injecting the power of lightning into these guys' bodies. It is said that those Zandalari trolls have changed even more, but Dick has not seen them yet. Unfortunately, not everyone can accept this transformation.

At least one's own strength or body must be strong enough, otherwise it is likely to be completely assimilated by the thunder and lightning in the surge of violent lightning energy.

This is a process where dangers and opportunities coexist.

In the azure habitat of Azsuna, Senegos's huge body lay prone in the blue, substantive magic pool water, groaning in pain from time to time.

The body of this old dragon is extremely huge. In fact, it is already almost the same size as the body of the blue dragon king Malygos who appeared once before. The claws, dragon horns and parts of the dragon wings have also changed over a long period of time. Blue crystals and mysterious and complicated magic lines spread all over Senegos' body, which showed the strength and qualifications of this old dragon from the outside.

But he is sick now... this is normal, blue dragons, like other dragons, need a special external environment to survive, as they grow older, their size becomes very large, at the same time, they need to stay healthy The required magic power will also double. If it is the magic hub where all the magic power gathers in Azeroth, it will naturally be a no-brainer to supply the magic power needs of old blue dragons like Senegos.

But this is not the Nexus, it is just a piece of dilapidated land left after the explosion of the Well of Eternity. The blue dragons living here are all descendants of Senegos. Energy, such a little magical power, is extremely difficult to supply to adult blue dragons, let alone the first-generation blue dragons like Senegos.

So this old blue dragon has not taken the initiative to absorb the almost exhausted magic power of this land for thousands of years in order to survive safely for its descendants. It is just stubbornly and difficultly relying on its own magic power to survive.

As for why the old blue dragon didn't take the initiative to take the tribe out of this land that died 10,000 years ago... probably like Malygos, he also has a knot in his heart.

The granddaughter of the old blue dragon, the third-generation blue dragon princess Stellagosa knelt beside the magic pool, looking at her grandfather worriedly. The grandfather in her memory will always be the giant dragon so powerful that the world fears it. He had never been so weak as he thought.

Beside Stellagosa, more than a dozen baby dragons just hatched from dragon eggs, only the size of a human head, flapped their wings, and held the irregular blue magic power crystal with four small claws. , flew out from the blue cave not far away, and threw it into the pool of Senegos.

The eyes of these little ones are still ignorant, and some mischievous little ones will even secretly nibble on the magic crystal to satisfy their greed. This sneaky little action somewhat dispelled the sadness in Stellagosa's eyes. She produced some fragments of magic power crystals, fed them to the little dragonlings who surrounded her like puppies, and then patted their heads,

My grandfather is very painful, so you can't be lazy, you know? Go and move the crystal.

The little dragons whined a few times, as if they were being coquettish, but soon, they were fighting in groups, and flew to the cave where the magic crystals were stored in the blue habitat.

Adult dragonmen can move more crystals at one time, but now only the young dragons are idle. After Senegos fell ill, all dragonmen and giant dragons in the entire habitat took action. The various magic nodes in the body absorb magic power, trying to save Senegos's increasingly weak body.

But this is not enough!

As the blue dragon princess of Azure Habitat, Stella Gosa understands the dire situation better than anyone else. The old blue dragon has suffered a lot from the loss of his body over the years, and this time his body was almost completely broken. To make up for the deficiency in Senegos' body, even if the magic power crystals stored in the entire Azure Habitat are emptied, even if all the blue dragons dig out the magic power, it is not enough!

It is no exaggeration to say that Senegos' own strength is almost the same as that of Malygos except that he does not have the magical authority given by the Titans. To fill the empty body of the King of Magic, even if Quel'Thalas is currently It will take a long time for Arkando, the miracle tree that has just resumed normal growth, to move here.

These incredibly powerful magic dragons are like an oversized magic storage battery.

Grandfather, you must survive!

Stellagosa put her hand on the crystallized dragon horn of Senegos, prayed silently in her heart, and made up her mind, Even if it is to attack Suramar City and seize the magic source of those stingy highborne, , I will also save you, I swear!


The second after Stellagosa made up his mind, the magic shields above their heads shook for a while, as if they were being attacked. Princess Blue Dragon suddenly looked up, and saw a smear of purple in the sky. The thunder light was descending from here, crazily impacting on the magic shield that had already appeared.

The magic shield that has surrounded the blue habitat for nearly ten thousand years, under this blow, even showed depressions and cracks like broken glass, and the next moment, the shield shattered!

And Senegos, who was in a coma, seemed to feel the invasion of foreign enemies. His eyes suddenly opened, with a touch of determination. The huge body nearly 100 meters long stood up from the pool with difficulty. At this moment, The chaotic magic storm surged crazily, and the old blue dragon sprayed the thunder light that had just landed with a mouthful of destructive breath.

The next moment, accompanied by the golden holy flame and the overwhelming wave of holy light, between the figure and the magic breath of the blue dragon, there seemed to be a thick wall of holy light, but at the level of Senegos The full blow of the old blue dragon was not so easy to bear. Dick's body seemed to be hit by a chariot advancing at full speed, and he quickly retreated nearly a hundred steps, and the ground was plowed two times Cracks like ditches.

After the three layers of holy light barriers were broken, the final power of the magical breath was exhausted. Just as Stellagosa turned into a blue dragon and rushed towards Dick, the voice of the paladin also sounded.

Okay! Senegos, I'm not here to fight! I've brought news about the Nexus!

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