Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 414 28. I don't need to know who you are

Talisa is an ordinary but extraordinary Nightborne born in Suramar City.

Her background was not noble, neither a management nor aristocrat, but she relied on her own efforts to become the chief arcanist in the city of Suramar.

This is definitely a very good result for the environment where nearly one-fifth of the people in the whole city are mages. It also proves Talisa's talent. Even during the reign of Azshara, she His genius will also be reused. In fact, Elisande is a very wise ruler except for the brutal methods of ruling the city.

At least in the first few thousand years, her rule was very effective. During the War of the Ancients, she rejected the battle between the two sides and preserved the existence of Suramar to the greatest extent. When the Well of Eternity was about to explode, Elisande took With the necessary means, he used the Eye of Aman'Thul to set up a magic shield for the city to protect the entire city during the big bang. Even if the sky and the earth were torn apart, Suramar was preserved.

This alone is enough for Elisande to gain the support of most of the old elves in the city. Faced with food shortages and the people suffering from the loss of the Well of Eternity and no magic supply, Elisande pioneered the Magic and food come together to create products like magic wine.

Almost by himself, he saved the entire city. It was also at that time that Elisande's rule reached its peak.

But everything has pros and cons, as is the case with Elisande, and so is the magic wine.

Especially in front of the people who are extremely hungry for magic power, you can't expect them to remain rational, so the magic wine began to flood, almost from the very beginning. For the stability of the city, Elisande and other spectators There is no stopping this flood.

But when they found out that the situation was not good, the magic wine had become the most important thing in the lives of the Nightborne, and no one could remove it from their lives except the real gods.

In order to supply more and more magic wine and maintain the city's magic shield, Elisande built the Nightwell to continue the life of the city with the energy of the Eye of Aman'Thul.

Talisa was born in such an environment. All the peers around her were transformed into their current appearance by huge magic power when they were babies. Before Talisa learned magic, she didn't think that their appearance was worthless. What's the difference? It wasn't until after she learned magic that she saw the magical images of the round, plump, beautiful, and noble Highborne that she realized that they... had been distorted.

Thousands of years have passed in this way, the children of the night have a growing demand for magic wine, and it has almost become a daily necessities that must be drunk three times a day. In this situation of extreme unequal distribution, the flames that make the whole city ready to move have been secretly burning bigger and bigger.

Elisande noticed this, and she began a brutal suppression. Those night children who disobeyed her were exiled outside the city and lost the supply of magic power. They soon became irrational withers. This kind of suppression It had been going on for hundreds of years, and as Khadgar saw it, the city was glamorous on the outside, already crumbling inside.

Talisa stood in the Hall of Order, the control center of the Nightwell, surrounded by corpses of guards. The companions who followed her suffered heavy casualties, but they managed to break into the Nightwell, although Elisande quickly They will find the abnormality here, and the time left for them may not even be 10 minutes, but Talisa thinks it is worth it.

Akando, she exhausted all the ancient books to find this miraculous tree that can reconcile the magic power of the body, but in the handbook of an old mage, she found that Akando had long since perished. Talisa was desperate, and then At this time, Rommath appeared, and Talisa was not an idiot, there were no idiots who could become a mage.

At the End of the World Tavern, Rommath showed evidence, a leaf that fell from Arkandor, the silver-blue leaf that seemed to be dancing with starlight, it was the result of the reconditioning of the Miracle Tree by the polymaths of Syndra. When the growing conditions were stable, the fallen leaves of Akando became the light of hope for Talisa.

Just putting that leaf on her body is enough to make Talisa not need to drink magic wine for a whole day. This has also become the hope for those oppressed who follow Talisa. I was destroyed along with this hopeless city, and I didn't want to become those unexamined walking dead on the street when I was old and frail.

The Chief Arcanist clutched the wound on his stomach, and pierced through one of the nightwell's energy directors with his sword. The next moment, a ripple appeared in the left front of the purple shield covering the entire city, which rapidly expanded into a crack, and finally completely spread.

The moment Elisande's roar resounded through her magnificent palace, a flash of lightning burst into the city.

Dick looked at the huge Suramar in mid-air. He had been here countless times in the game. Naturally, in reality, he couldn't rely on the experience of the game alone, but the Hall of Order was too conspicuous. In the tall tower in the center of the city, he turned around and rushed between the tall towers.

Behind him, the maple leaves of Suramar fluttered all over the sky under the shaking of the earth. When Jianxi and Taixi took the lead in smashing the solid wall of the city and rushed into it with the mogu guards, when Anubisath After crossing the wall and entering the city, when the earth spirits cheered and pushed to the entire northeast of Suramar's city wall, when the Silver Knights rode on their horses and held their battle flags, they broke into this city that had been covered in dust for thousands of years in the holy light. when the city.

Everything has changed... As Dick advances faster and faster, the wheel of history turns faster and faster, and all obstacles in front of it will be ruthlessly pushed down and crushed, just like this Suramar like the city walls.

No one can suspend the faster and faster wheels, no one can do it all!

Ruhr rushed into the hall of order with the magic swordsman. His thin face was full of ferocious expressions. He smashed the stone gate closed by the rebels, and saw the remnants and defeated soldiers inside.

The leader of the magic swordsmen in Suramar, who is known for his cruel style and greedy character, pulled out his dark green green sword from his waist. He looked at Talisa, who was pale and clutching her stomach,

I knew you were unreliable! You bastard of humble origin!

Ruhr's narrowed eyes flashed a cruel light, he stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked his lips, I will cut off every bone in you, watch you howl, wait for your begging for mercy, But I won't forgive you, I'll throw you to the zoo to feed that stupid dragon...Look at your eyes, it's so annoying, go to hell!


Ruhr's figure flashed through the air, leaving behind a few afterimages. As the strongest magic swordsman in Suramar, he is undoubtedly the top in terms of attack power.

But Talisa is not weak either. Although she was injured, her pupils dilated just before Ruhr's sword pierced her arm, and her figure disappeared in place with the light of teleportation, but when she reappeared , There was a scar on her arm.

However, this first confrontation was quickly interrupted by shouts and noise from the outside world. Ruhr turned his head and asked loudly,

What happened outside?

No one answered behind him, but Talisa endured the pain in her arm and said word by word, Alisande's rule is coming to an end, she is arrogant and let her last hope flow away, I will not To die with her...I want to live! I want to live like a human being!

You colluded with those lowly low elves?!

Ruhr turned his head back and looked at Talisa viciously, like a crazy wolf dog,

Shame on you Suramar! You want to live? Die now!

Ruhr and the magic swordsman behind him rushed towards the resisters who were still persisting. These remnants were the opponents of the magic swordsmen who were armed to the teeth. They were beaten to pieces almost as soon as they touched. But at the moment when Luhr strangled Talisa's neck and was about to stab the magic sword into her heart with a smirk, a silver thunder burst into the passage, and Luhr felt his face was about to be pierced by a hard fist. It shattered, and the whole person flew upside down.

In the midst of the power of the gods, Dick's figure appeared in front of Talisa. He looked at this somewhat ugly, but stubborn and unyielding Arcanist in his big eyes, and thought of the game and Talisa's adventure story, his voice also softened a bit.

You are Talisa? Chief Arcanist of Suramar?

Talisa also looked at the human with silver lightning dancing in front of her and a strange-shaped long sword on her back. She instinctively felt that this guy was a great guy, so after hearing Dick's question, She struggled to lean her body against the cold wall, nodded, and said weakly,

Yes, that's me. Are you from Mage Rommath and Mister Khadgar?

Dick didn't answer this question, but pointed out of the passage,

My army has entered the city. I need you to appease the civilians and take over Suramar. We don't want to see some regrettable things, don't we?


Talisa was having trouble turning a corner, Dick nodded, Yes, it's you, from now on, you are the new city lord of Suramar, I hope you...

Damn it!

A loud voice interrupted Dick's words. Ruhr struggled to stand up from the pile of stones shattered by lightning, leaned on his magic sword, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and shouted at Dick,

You idiot! Do you know who I am? How dare you! You bastard! You...


Before Luhr could finish his words, he saw Dick in front of him turn into a flash of silver lightning. The next moment, his neck was strangled by a cane like iron tongs, and his whole body seemed to have hit a fast-moving big car. Like a truck, in the unbearable and terrible impact, Ruhr's whole body sank into the solid wall, leaving a human-shaped depression on the wall.

In the small storm of dust erupting on the ground, Dick tilted his head and looked at Ruhr who was spitting blood from his mouth. He withdrew his hand and wiped the blood on his hand with a handkerchief. His eyes were indifferent, still With a trace of undisguised impatience,

Why should I know who you are? The Black Temple will be your home, miscellaneous, and Illidan would love a noisy fellow like you... Good luck, Big One.

After finishing speaking, the paladin turned his head to look at the control center of the Nightwell. It was a shaft leading to the ground, where the Eye of Aman'Thul should be placed. The paladin made a please gesture to Talisa, Then it turned into lightning again and disappeared into the shaft.

The chief arcanist picked up a magic blade from the ground to support his body, and walked in front of Ruhr. The nightborn swordsman was in good health and was still alive, but his condition was extremely bad. Seeing this In one scene, Talisa chuckled happily.

She patted Ruhl's body embedded in the wall like an old friend,

Good luck, big man...

The companions who followed Talisa supported each other and walked out of the passage of the Hall of Order. Outside the hall, the entire city was already in chaos.

After the mogu guards really started to charge, relying on Suramar's magic guards and those exquisite magic creations, they couldn't stop these fearless stone monsters at all, especially when the huge Jianxi and Taixi swung their weapons, it was almost impossible. It's no different than demolition.

Earth spirits and mogu are mixed together. They shape clay and stones, put armor on mogu soldiers, and make their weapons more threatening. The soldiers of the Titan system are not as simple as one plus one minus. After the two phases are combined, they will explode Produced a greater energy.

The magic guards retreated steadily, and there was a bit of chaos in the civilian area and the commercial area, but no soldiers attacked there, so Talisa and her companions quickly moved towards that place after the swarm of paladins charged.

The order is being reorganized. Talisa looks up at the magic shield that is gradually spreading in the sky. The cage that enveloped the city for 10,000 years ago is being opened, and the fresh sea breeze blows from the bay with a hint of fishy smell. Come on, Talisa took a deep breath, the concentration of magic power in the air was decreasing, she felt a little uncomfortable, but she liked the smell.

The taste of freedom.

Well, the plot of Big Sister Surama is not over yet, but there is not much about her story in this volume, she will appear in the future, how should I say, I don’t play much in 7.0, but Surama I still have deep feelings for this place. . . After all, he died so many times. . . Being chased by a group of drug addicts is not a happy thing. . .

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