Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 425 39. Enqira's End (Part 2)

Enqila, this city is a city built by the Nerubians of the Kingdom of Azjol-Nerub in the Borean Tundra, which is the border of their rule. Those Nerubians who can use magic, use extremely superb skills , On this snowy field shrouded in white snow, this golden city was piled up.

It is said that in the old days, under the direct sunlight, the city was as magnificent as if it were painted with gold.

But now, this city is surrounded by a gloomy atmosphere and a thick layer of ice. Yes, the elite undead from the entire Borean tundra time live in it, even in the thick, aisle of the demolished city gate , are covered with patrolling tall abominations.

Perhaps because it is closer to the Icecrown Glacier, the abomination here appears to be larger and more aggressive. Clouds of dark green air spread in this corridor, which is disgusting. The disgusting green gas is everywhere in this city. Yes, but Nerubians, skeletons and even liches, constructed creatures with undead fire burning in their eyes, make people dizzy at a glance.

This is a city that cannot tolerate life, a city that is dead.

In the most central inner city of the city, there are three psychic towers distributed in three different directions. They used to be the place where nerubian nobles lived, but now they have been transformed into psychic towers for commanding the lower-level undead. .

The high-ranking priest, Andoras, walked back and forth in his spire of pain a little restlessly.

This is a high elf wearing a red robe, but his thin face and the red light shining in his eyes prove his identity, he is an undead.

He used to be a mage captain in Quel'Thalas. He died in the battle of the natural disaster invasion. Invasion of the tundra.

For becoming an undead, Andoras expressed regret, but after being controlled by Frostmourne, he felt that this was not a bad thing. He had endless time to explore the secrets of magic, Essentially, he becomes a lich-like creature.

This group of guys who study magic generally look like this. Once they find something more worthy of research, whether life exists or not is meaningless.

But recently, Andoras' relatively happy undead career has encountered trouble.

First of all, the big man in Naxxar in the floating city above his head received the news that another floating city, Talramas, had fallen, and asked Andoras to send some soldiers to the east of the Borean Tundra to check. What, but another thing is very unpleasant.

The big man in Naxxanar probably felt threatened, and ordered that the entire Enqira's magic power must be gathered in Naxxanar's floating magic circle to ensure that it could be lifted into the air at any time. The direct consequence of this order That is, Andoras' magic research had to come to a standstill.

This made him even more manic, especially after leaving his beloved laboratory for 2 full days,

That damn bastard! I'm going to chop him up! I swear!

Andoras walked back and forth violently on the ground of the Tower of Pain. After becoming an undead, he no longer pursued the luxury of the high elves. Some little spiders running around, throwing some bones farther away, those his test subjects. After they died, they didn't bother to throw them away, and they ended up like that.

It's disgusting here!

A trace of ruthlessness flashed across Andoras' skinny face. He leaned on his green staff and strode out of the Tower of Wisdom. He made up his mind to go to Naxanar. The research on improving the plague has reached the most critical moment, how can it stop here?

He has a purple scroll in his arms, which is part of the traditional keystone leading to Naxanar. He can only go to the floating city if he gathers the scrolls of the other two Spiritual Towers. Before that, he had to go to the Blood and Withering Tower, but those two Nerubians were quite easy to talk to. Their dull personality made them basically ignore the conflict between Andoras and that honored guest. .

But at the moment Andoras was about to walk out of the spire of pain, the high elf mage suddenly turned his head, his red eyes fixed on the corner of the hall, he clenched his staff tightly, and shouted in a jerky and sharp voice,

Who's there! Get out!

Of course, it's not just a warning, but also a brimstone and fire thrown out at random. After becoming an undead, the energy in the body is more inclined to shadow and frost, but for a strong enough mage, other types of magic are not impossible. Use, such as Andoras.

But how can an assassin who can lurk under his nose for so long be a weak hand?

Tao Shi's figure jumped out of her hiding place before the brimstone fire rushed over, borrowed strength from the top of her head and the wall next to her twice, and landed lightly on the ground, holding a golden thorn sword in her hand , the leather armor on her body was replaced by a set of gray-black dragon scale armor, her eyes narrowed, and two small fangs protruded from the corners of her mouth.

The agile pandaren assassin looked at Andoras in front of him like a hunter who had spotted his prey.

Wow, a bear man!

The flame in Andoras' left hand was surging, exuding blazing heat. After becoming an undead, the high elf seemed to have become arrogant. He looked at Tao Shi, and a trace of disdain flashed across his skinny face.

When will you wild beasts be able to walk on the ground openly? Go back and catch rabbits!

The flames in his hand split into three strands and lashed towards Tao Shi. The Pandaren Assassin kept retreating, while Andoras became even more rampant.

Look, when I find you from the shadows, you're dead! I'll hang your head on the walls of En'Qiraj as a warning to foolish outsiders! This land is a Scourge! Forever!

You are so loud!

Tao Shi's figure flashed and appeared in another direction, but instead of attacking, she hung the rapier on her waist, a hint of sarcasm flashed across that gentle face,

You should look behind you!

Andoras had no chance to look back, because a dark knife wheel made by the master of Ironforge and enchanted by the Dalaran mage was already shining around his neck, accompanied by the headless corpse hitting the ground On the ground, the out-of-control sulfur fire completely wrapped up the corpse immediately.

In just a few seconds, the smell of burned corpses filled the psychic tower. Nasha weighed the purple scroll in her hand and gestured to Tao Shi to retreat. The two disappeared into the darkness. in the hall.

Almost at the same time, the undead lords in the other two ziggurats were also killed by the watchmen and assassins. The undead in the holy city of Enqila lost three leaders at the same time, and rioted almost instantly. At the same time, along with three fireworks rushing into the sky, the sound of vibrations on the ground also sounded from the land southeast of En'Qiraj. Mograine personally led the team, the Scarlet Crusade, the Silver Hand, and the Silver Dawn For the first time, the paladins mobilized as a whole, and the horses in battle armor galloped across the snow field, trampling the snow on the ground like a moving blizzard.

Seen from the sky, a golden stream of iron appeared on the entire ground, pointing directly at the outer wall of Enqila in the flying snow, and a group of mammoths foraging on the snow field of Enqila was alarmed. They fled in all directions in a panic, and those vultures cruising over the snowy field were also frightened by the pervasive murderous aura, flapping their wings towards the sky in a panic.

Mograine was wearing heavy armor, holding the streamer-like Ashbringer in his hand. His youngest son followed behind him, also holding the bloody long sword of the Warbreaker in his hand. Behind them was the resolute Luo Danlun's paladins, after splitting, misunderstanding and even hostile mutual harm, these three paladins merged again.

Their beliefs are still different, but when they are united, nothing can stop the progress of this torrent of steel.

Give it to me. Break it open!

With a distance of hundreds of meters from the city wall, the old knight swung the streamer epee in his hand, and slashed downwards fiercely. A light blade that pierced the sky fell from the sky, and precisely slashed at the very center of the city wall of the Holy City of Enkira. , accompanied by the beating of the ground, the chopped flying sand and rocks surged into the sky, and that section of the city wall and the chaotic undead behind it were completely destroyed in this hot light.

Accompanied by the charge of the knights, the dwarf engineers outside the position also began to quickly turn the huge, black steel cannons, aiming them at the floating fortress Naxanar, which had already begun to move in the sky. After the reconnaissance three days ago, Mograine borrowed this dwarf artillery from Old Fording, and they also used anti-aircraft artillery to blast through the floating fortress Tal in the eastern war. Lamas, now, they need to reproduce that miracle.

The leader of the dwarves, Major Fitzranker, held a telescope in his hand, and after careful investigation, he shouted to the eager dwarves,

Okay, okay! Boys, aim at coordinates 87, 90, and 65! Teach those damned undead a lesson!

With Fitzrank's left hand swung down, dozens of anti-aircraft guns fixed on the ground opened fire at the same time, hot projectiles flew out of the gun bores, most of them hit Naxanal, but due to the The lesson of Talramas, this large floating fortress also opened the magic shield when it was not activated, so after the shells filled with strong gunpowder exploded, they did not hurt Naxxanar subject.

However, the explosion of these shells abruptly interrupted the counterattack brewing in the floating city.

Standing in the command center of Naxanar, Marwyn on the top platform was also staggered by the shock. He looked fiercely at the paladins who had rushed into the chaotic holy city of En'Qiraj, and looked again. Seeing the unresponsive three communication orbs, the captain of Alsace's guard shook his hand violently.

The paladins' surprise attack was very precise, like a big hand, stuck on Marvin's neck, the whole process was very fast, even if this high-ranking undead lord started to gather the undead army now, it would probably be too late.

Marvin glanced at the battlefield that had been completely cut open, and shouted at the cursed mages behind him,

Retreat! Go back to Dragonbone Waste! Send a message to Azjol Nerub's nerubians and let them gather on the frozen riverbank as quickly as possible! I will make these paladins come and go!

A few minutes later, Naxanar, who had suffered another round of shelling, finally lifted off with difficulty, but at the moment Marvin looked away, a sharp sound of breaking through the air quickly pierced through the air. The thick magic shield surrounding the entire Naxanal appeared in front of his eyes. The high-ranking lord only had time to lower his head when he heard a bang.

The Saron Iron Helmet on top of his head was thrown into the air by the light arrow, and fell to the ground again, the hard surface had already been penetrated.

This shocking blow made Marvin's heart that had stopped beating feel fear again. He looked up, and at the edge of the distant snow field, there was a portal standing there, held by an indifferent high elf. Holding a magnificent war bow in his hand, he was the one who shot that blow just now.

The elf wore a black eyepatch, and the only remaining eye was shining with the cold light of a hunter. He seemed dissatisfied that Marwyn escaped the blow, and was about to draw the bowstring and shoot the second arrow.

Marvin hurriedly backed away. He didn't want to try the second arrow, but the sound of a sharp weapon piercing his body from behind made him unable to turn his head back. It was the watchman wearing a dark green blade cloak and holding a knife wheel. There was a pandaren assassin in dragon scale armor, and at their feet were the cursed mages who manipulated Naxxanar.

As he turned his head, the last mage had his throat slit by the Watcher, leaving no one alive.


Ma Weien pulled out the double icy blades at his waist, and with the surge of dark magic power, a dozen icy corpses stood up from Ma Wei En's side, a grin appeared on his skinny and pale face,

Do you want to fight here? You picked the wrong opponent!

Oh then let me be your opponent, Marvin, old friend!

Under the clear sky thousands of miles away, purple lightning flashed. Hearing the familiar voice in his memory, all of Ma Weien's emotions disappeared. He turned his head and saw the strange-shaped long sword with thunder and lightning, dressed in blue and white. Plush coat figure.

Those eyes were still as ordinary as he remembered, but the light that emanated from them made people dare not look directly at them.

Dick. You are finally here. How can this stage do without you? Unfortunately, I may not see the end.

Don't worry, Marvin, you don't want to see the scene where the natural disasters are completely defeated. I will give you a pain. In the name of memory.

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