Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 427 41. The Eve of the War

When Dick reached the top tower of Wyrmrest Temple, the four dragon kings seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

They separated in four directions and sat on the edge of the inner circle of the temple. Alexstrasza stood up slightly, stretched out his hand, and made a gesture of please to Dick. The seat on the southernmost side was obviously for He is ready.

Dick nodded to this very simple and very hot mature queen, and Ysera sitting beside her, this green dragon queen is also an old acquaintance, um, and the serious bronze dragon king Nozdo Mu, Malygos, the blue dragon king who has suffered a lot and has a deep hatred.

In fact, if the two queens could dress more formally, the seriousness of this meeting might be higher, but the aesthetics of dragons is different from that of humans, so the queens don't feel that their clothes have anything to do with it. question.

Naturally, it was inconvenient for the paladin to dwell on this issue. In order to avoid appearing impolite, he took the initiative to lower his head slightly, and stopped looking at the appearances of Alexstrasza and Ysera that were almost exuding a sweet aroma.

Dick, maybe I should call you by another name.

Nozdormu glanced at the paladin with his long and narrow eyes, and an inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, Is the journey to the Broken Isles going well? Great Guardian?

Dick raised his head upon hearing this, and he looked at Nozdormu, the dragon king who kept watch over time and knew all the secrets, so it was undoubtedly pointless to pretend to be in front of him.

So he nodded, It's not bad, I got what I wanted, and I got what I wanted.

Nozdormu nodded and stopped talking, but Malygos, who was sitting beside him, spoke in a bad tone,

Then let's talk about the civilized world while you're in a good mood!


Dick looked at Malygos suspiciously, he shouldn't have offended him recently, right? Or, has the old dragon's mental condition become more serious recently?

In the past three months, the Demon Hub has detected magic activity from the dark door in the cursed land, and the total has reached 27 times!

Malygos stared at Dick, his tone neither sad nor happy, but the dissatisfaction contained in it still made the paladin frown, but the old dragon's narration continued, The magic observer detected different numbers of Creatures frequently come and go to the portal that tore through the barriers of the planes. The most recent time was 7 days ago. Thousands of creatures suspected of being highborne were detained through the portal of darkness and went to the broken Draenor.

I don't care what deal you have with those guys in Draenor, but Dick! You have to understand that every opening of the Dark Portal will vibrate the magic net of Azeroth. This vibration may be Beneficial, maybe harmful, but this cannot cover up your reckless actions. The high elves of Quel'Thalas have restarted the erosion of the local magic net, and the mages of Dalaran have restarted the dangerous wormhole research , even Karazhan, which has been silent for a long time, has begun to open those void rifts, and these forces are all related to you!

And the spaceship that fell from the sky before! It took me half a month in the Nexus to repair the torn space barrier! The lives of those who call themselves Draenei are only related to your Theramore A connection was made.

The light leaking from Malygos' eyes became stronger and stronger, like two blue flames,

So, if you continue to use magic to act recklessly like this, I have to consider taking back the authority of the magic net!

Malygos! Hold back your anger, can you say that casually?

After the Blue Dragon King finished speaking, before Dick could react, the Red Dragon Queen loudly stopped the old blue dragon's thoughtless speech. Malygos did have the ability to withdraw the authority of the magic net, but once he did that, he would It means that Azeroth will instantly decline from a highly developed magical civilization to a low-magic world, or even worse, a world without magic power.

The magic net still exists, but all mortals' power to use magic will be directly erased.

This is almost no less than the trouble caused by the restart of the world.


Malygos closed his mouth resentfully. He probably realized that he was a little too aggressive, but Dick smiled indifferently. He leaned on his seat and looked at Malygos with a playful look. , this mighty old blue dragon,

May I think that you are venting your anger on me? Lord of Magic, I know that your consort, the tomb of Sindragosa, the powerful blue dragon who fell in the Dragon War, has just been killed by Arthas' subordinates. The knights dug it open, that poor dragon is about to be made into a bone dragon and dedicated to the Lich King who is about to wake up, you must be very angry.

Dick's eyes narrowed.

So I guess, you are using me to vent your anger, ah! But I forgive you, after all, all the anger is the pain of your own incompetence!

Saying this sentence, the atmosphere that had already calmed down was immediately detonated. The old blue dragon almost gritted his teeth and said word by word,

Mortal! Do you know what you are talking about?

The smile on Dick's face also disappeared, and his body moved forward slightly,

I am not a mortal! Watch your words, Malygos, you should call me the Great Guardian! Lord Norgannon did not give you authority to let you harm the world. If you plan to do so, you are planning to rebel ! And I am obliged to stop your rebellion in advance!

Not to be outdone, Malygos raised his eyebrows,

Then you can try it! Right here, now!

But at the next moment, Alexstrasza stood up from the chair and stopped loudly,

Enough is enough! Malygos, Dick, you two, enough is enough! We are not here for meaningless internal struggle!

Ysera and Nozdormu also stood up. The Red Dragon Queen glanced at the dragon kings, shook her head, and returned to the sitting position just now. She breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Malygos who lowered his head. Tone down a bit,

Okay, Mr. Malygos, I admit that Dick's words were a bit extreme, but you really have to take back what you said earlier. You and I both know that it is impossible for a mere Dark Portal to have any impact on Azeroth. Otherwise, you would have fought out the orc invasion in the past twenty years, so let’s stop this stupid debate. Let’s talk about it at the beginning.”

The undead are invading our sanctuary. If they succeed, thousands of dragon bones will fall into their hands. We all know what they will do with them! So now we have a common opponent, Di Knight Ke, we are for the dignity of the dead, and you are for the tomorrow of the survivors. I now officially propose that the dragons will join this war, but only in the Dragonbone Wilderness. Outside of this battlefield, you have to rely on yourself.

Dick froze for a moment, what kind of rhythm is this? In the previous life, these giant dragons didn't care about the undead war at all!

But he glanced at the expressions of the dragon kings, and even Malygos, who was still angry just now, became calmer. Obviously, this was discussed by the dragon kings before, so he pondered for a moment, then nodded .

I very much welcome the dragons to join the Northern Expedition. In fact, as long as this news spreads, I believe our soldiers' morale will be boosted! But...

Dick touched his palm, he was a little hesitant to tell this matter, and finally decided to explain it first,

Actually, what we are going to fight may be two wars! Besides the undead, I also have a war that started tens of thousands of years ago, and I need your help.

The sands of time on Nozdormu's shoulders turned faster, he asked softly,


Yes, Ulduar! It's time for the guardian dragon to return to the system of Titan creation. After the war of the undead is over, I will start the battle to regain the city of Ulduar, the city of Titans. If you can, I also welcome You join in!

The paladin stood up, a flash of lightning flashed across his fingertips, Rayden, the previous Great Guardian, placed this responsibility on me, but I alone cannot fight against Ulduar's attack. Evil forces, I need help, but this is a war beyond mortals, they can't even get close to Ulduar! Only titan-forged can, only you and me.

That will be the last battle of Azeroth. Your former friends and relatives will fight with you. Odin and I will be the commanders of this war. We will face the former guardians. It has been infested by the ancient god Yogg-Saron for too long, and no one wants Ulduar to fall completely, so we have to take the initiative.

Dick took out a teleportation beacon from his arms, he looked at Alexstrasza, who nodded at him, and Dick, who got permission, crushed the beacon stone, and the teleportation door flickered All of a sudden, it appeared on the top floor of Wyrmrest Temple,

For this battle, I found Uldaman's Titan Legion, Pandaria's Titan Legion, and Odin's Heroic Spirit Legion. Saron, we really need to be united.

So, please allow me to introduce some old friends for you!

Dick's heart moved, and Lady Anwena, who was still in the Fortress of Fearlessness and was recovering her body, yelled and sent all the people waiting in the hall into the portal, and she was the last one to jump. went in.

In Wyrmrest Temple, Heimdall, Azadas, Aronnaya, and the little blue dragon princess Stellagosa walked out one by one. Heimdall looked somewhat familiar with Nozdormu, and Aronnaya Ze and Ysera have an affectionate treasure. Azadas looked for the familiar figure in the Dragon King, but he never found it. Finally, when the blue dragon princess appeared, Stellagosa, Malygos He stood up directly from the chair, and even brought the chair behind him down.

You... who are you? Son, why have I never seen you?

The old blue dragon looked at Stella Gosa, and then at the silent Dick. He was even a little nervous. It was really unimaginable that this kind of situation happened to the well-informed old blue dragon.

Stellagosa also looked at the high elf in front of her with a similar temperament to her grandfather in confusion. She felt a kind of pressure from the elders coming from him, so after pondering for a while, Princess Blue Dragon decided to answer this question. question.

You... hello, strange elder, my name is Stellagosa, I come from the blue habitat of Azsuna, you may know my grandfather, his name is Senegos.

Dick stepped forward at the right time, and lightly patted Princess Blue Dragon on the shoulder, realizing that she should not be nervous, and then introduced to Stella Gosa,

This is Lord Malygos, the current king of blue dragons, the king of magic, yes, he is also the original group of Mr. Senegos, an elder who is the same age as your grandfather, you should call him ...

Call me grandfather, boy! Senegos, by the magic, I thought he was... so good, this is so good!

Malygos stretched out his trembling hand, and when he approached Stellagosa, he suddenly retracted it, and then looked at Stellagosa nervously. At this moment, all the anger, all the indifference, All hostility disappeared at this moment. The King of Magic looked at Dick and asked the question he was most concerned about.

That blue habitat... how many blue dragons are there?

Nearly 800, most of them are baby dragons and young dragons, and because Azsuna's magic node was exhausted very early, Senegos didn't hatch all the blue dragon eggs, and there should be some stored in Azsuna In the last magic node.

Dick looked at Stellagosa, who immediately explained knowingly,

Azsuna's magic power nodes are not enough, so grandfather had to stop absorbing magic power from the outside world. We still have nearly 300 blue dragon eggs sealed in the magic power cave. In fact, if Mr. Where did the elves of Mar get the Eye of Aman'Thul, my grandfather probably couldn't survive the previous weakness, he saved us, he saved all the blue dragons in Azsuna.

Malygos' face became tense immediately,

The magic power is exhausted? No! It can't be like this. The development of the blue dragon must have enough magic power, and those blue dragon eggs must have sufficient magic power to grow healthily. They must be sent to the Coldarra, child, you go with me, Coldarra has enough magic power, that inexhaustible magic power, don't have to suffer any more.

After finishing speaking, Alexstrasza's voice also sounded,

This is really a big gift, 800 pure blood blue dragons, which is almost the sum of all newborn blue dragons in the past 2000 years, and Senegos, I know him, is a brave hero blue dragon , thank you, Dick, for giving Malygos new hope.

Malygos also reacted, and he saluted Dick solemnly, I'm sorry, Knight Dick, I apologize for the dishonorable duty just now, thank you for everything you have done for my people and relatives, but please Forgive me, I have to rush to Azsuna now, magic is on top, I have wasted too much time on useless hatred in these ten thousand years, Senegos... he is right, his contribution to the blue dragon is more than I was out too much.

Dick shrugged, Malygos and the still somewhat dazed Stellagosa disappeared in Wyrmrest Temple under the flash of teleportation, from Northrend to the Broken Isles, to ordinary people, that was It takes at least a month's journey, but for the king of magic, as long as he knows the exact location, it is just a matter of teleportation. With the blessing of magic authority, there is no place in this world that Malygos cannot go .

But Senegos, a blue dragon who is not much weaker than Malygos, wanted to hide himself. Even Malygos had a hard time finding him, but fortunately, this dispute that lasted for ten thousand years finally came to an end That's enough for a chance of reconciliation.

But amidst the peace, Nozdormu's voice sounded in Dick's ears,

The Blue Habitat originally only had 121 blue dragons, but before I noticed it, it increased to 834, and there were 300 more blue dragon eggs that hadn't hatched, nearly 10 times more, which led to Ah Suna's magic power dried up 200 years earlier... So tell me, Dick, does this timeline that shouldn't appear have anything to do with you?

The paladin blinked at the bronze dragon king,

You see, there is nothing wrong with breaking the rules once in a while. There are more than 100 blue dragon eggs hidden under Wyrmrest Temple, but that won't change anything. Believe me, Mister Nozdormu, this is the only way to save you a little bit. Brothers.

Time... this is a very serious topic, but... I admit, you are right, for Malygos' sake, there will be no next time!

Drip...Dragon Calamity - Blue Dragon Calamity Completed

Completion: 4/4

Twisting speed +5%, the current twisting speed is 51%, more than 50%, talent enhancement +1

Talent Enhancement: Crusader Strike +1, damage increase increased to 400%.

(It can be regarded as fulfilling the promise, racking my brains to give Malygos a different future, in fact, I like this old blue dragon, and Senegos and Azure Habitat appeared too late, if they appear It’s early, and it’s estimated that it can save Malygos’ crazy end, and personally, Senegos is definitely 10,000 times more qualified to inherit the position of King of Magic than Zhan Wuscum. To reiterate, because of Anveena’s Reason, I hate Kalecgos! Very, very, very disgusting! A man who let the woman he loves die, what a thing!

And the most deadly factor of all Malygos' madness is the blue dragon army that is dying day by day. As long as this problem can be solved, the blue dragon king may still recover... By the way, don't ask me why there are so many more blue dragons , Deer helmet was not a vegetarian 10,000 years ago~)

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