Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 430 3. The Storm Cliff Landing Battle (Part 1)

The resurgence of Arthas throws Northrend into chaos.

The significance of the existence of the Lich King is not how high his individual combat effectiveness is, but his will and overall command. Without Arthas coordinating the overall situation, the Vrykul in Howling Bay and Azjol Ni Rubu's Nerubians, Dragonblight's Undead, and Zul'Drak's Constructed Colossus all acted alone, neither of them willing to obey the command of the other.

Before Alsace fell into a deep sleep, he handed over the command to Kel'Thuzad. That lich did a good job and once messed up the Eastern Continent. But after Kel'Thuzad also betrayed, the entire undead society became very loose. , which also caused the Borean Tundra to be broken.

In fact, if Arthas woke up a week earlier, on the day Enqira was attacked, Azjol Nerub's nerubians would come out in full force, and if they wanted to capture Enqira, the coalition forces would have to do Prepare for a protracted war.

To put it simply, the undead natural disaster without Alsace is equivalent to a Go game controlled by a mentally retarded AI. It can only defend passively and cannot make effective attacks. Someone who is a little smarter can tie the game. But after Alsace wakes up, It becomes a game of opponents of the same level, and it is likely to have to fight until the last moment before the winner can be determined.

The difficulty has directly increased several times!

The most direct manifestation is that other battlefields other than the Borean Tundra suffered heavy setbacks at the same time.

The Vrykul in Howling Bay rushed out from their great tomb, Gjalerbron, and Utgarde Castle, and caught the orc armies stationed in the Western Fortress and Giant's Plain by surprise. If it wasn't for the Saurfang Overlord and Vol'jin leading their own personal guards, one left and one right withstood the tide-like giant charge, Gavincent's siege vrykul came from Vaga again. Rudd rushed into Utgarde Castle and made a fuss, fearing that the orc colony in Howling Bay would be declared bankrupt.

The worse news is that the Amber Pine camp of the Stormwind Kingdom and the base of the Moon Creek Brigade were attacked by undead trolls from Dak'Saron Fortress and werewolves from Blood Moon Island respectively, causing heavy losses. The Ultiras fleet was mooring at Risk Bay for supplies, and provided shelling help in time. I am afraid that the newly established Amberpine camp will be breached by those trolls.

The worst thing was that at that time, a night elf emissary was visiting the ruined World Tree ruins Vordrassil, and was attacked by undead trolls. Tall night elf envoys would be killed on the spot, but they also lost a lot.

The Drakkari trolls of Zuldak originally entered the counterattack against the undead construct army with the help of the Zandalari trolls who came to aid them, but they were raided by an army of death knights, Gudak, the troll city of Zuldak , the Drakkari troll had to return to help, which caused the previous counterattack to fall short.

Even the Borean Tundra, which has ended the war, has suffered crazy attacks from the Nerubian army from Azjol Nerub, and they have even sneaked into the Dauntless Fortress from the ground. , accidentally discovered the Nerubian's movements, I am afraid that the Fearless Fortress, which was empty at the time, would really be breached by a surprise attack.

However, the paladins led by Mograine and Fording also suffered almost crazy provocations. Mograine and the crypt lord Abu Barak fought fiercely on the snow field for nearly 30 minutes. In the end, Anub'arak was seriously injured and escaped. The paladins also suffered heavy casualties.

For a while, the Northern Expedition, which was already on the right track, was suddenly cast a shadow.

Only then did everyone realize where they were and what kind of opponent they were fighting against!

However, this also accelerated the process of the Northern Expedition. After realizing the value of Northrend, the rulers of various forces changed their minds and realized that this battle did not seem to be unprofitable. Even the most war-weary The goblins also actively started their activities.

The ore and the oil buried in the ground are meaningless to the giant dragon, so under the instruction of Dick, Warren, a big goblin businessman, made a bridge at an extremely fast speed, and several major consortiums sent envoys to join forces within a day. They paid a huge amount of gold coins for all the mines in the vast Keel Wilderness, but they will reap a high-quality mineral deposit that can be mined for at least a hundred years.

The dragon who got the gold coins and the goblins who completed the contract were very satisfied. Before Dick left, the goblin mercenaries had set out from Booty Bay and Steamwheedle Port, ready to use force to defend the property of the trade princes.

Storm Cliff, this is the highest place in Azeroth, its average altitude is above 5000 meters, it is no exaggeration to say that an ordinary person can hardly breathe here, which is why Dick can only bring himself No matter how many ordinary soldiers come to attack Ulduar, it is useless because the environment here determines that it is not suitable for mortals to survive.

And the most troublesome thing about the storm cliff is that this place is surrounded by mountains, almost a valley surrounded by mountains, and there is almost no way to enter here except for flying mounts.

Of course, this question was nothing to Dick.

Accompanied by the thunder that pierced the sky, Dick's figure appeared at an altitude of several thousand meters, and there were lightning bolts around him, and there were almost thin gray clouds under his feet. Northrend was already close In the North Pole of Azeroth, in the highest mountain range of this continent, the temperature can no longer be described as cold, and the weather here can hardly be called sunny, it is very bad weather!

He looked forward, his figure disappeared in the falling snowflakes, and when he reappeared, he was standing on the land of the storm cliff.

Dick looked at his waist buried in the snow. The snow here is at least 1 meter thick. From this alone, it can be judged that no one has been here for a long time.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The latest war that took place here should have been tens of thousands of years ago when Er fled here. Since then, this place has become a peaceful place, but under this calm, the hidden What is there is a deeper evil, derived from the evil in the beginning of this world.

Faced with it, Dick hardly dared to be careless.

The paladin took out a stone engraved with Vrykul's unique runes from his arms, and threw it into the snow in front of him. A few seconds later, a golden circle mark formed on the snow in front of him, and his body suddenly In a flash, accompanied by the sound of a sharp blade piercing into steel, the body of an iron dwarf spy who was hiding in the snow in the distance and peeping out to observe Dick was pierced.

The paladin frowned and took back the Windchaser Sword without a trace of blood, looking at the corpse of the iron dwarf that was almost cut in half. They were almost exactly the same as the dwarves in Ironforge, the only difference was that their bodies were It is made of hard metal, and it is engraved with various runes, which looks extremely mysterious.

This is an iron dwarf under Loken's command. From his blood-red eyes, it can be seen that the creature's thinking has been occupied by chaos, and after the iron dwarf was killed, within 10 seconds, the ground Started to tremble, Dick turned his head, and dozens of iron dwarves were rushing towards him.

It's like stabbing a hornet's nest!

Dick cursed to himself, and with a wave of his hand, a web of lightning struck towards the iron dwarves, knocking them into the air and scattering them. Dick didn't even care about the outcome of the battle. He had only been here for less than 5 minutes. It was discovered by these iron dwarves scattered on the cliffs of the storm. Obviously, Loken was full of eyeliner everywhere, and it was meaningless to hide.

Dick didn't even intend to hide it.

With a golden light piercing the sky and shining into the rune that Dick threw into the ground just now, Valagar's gate of the sky opened again. This time it was not a heroic spirit projected. Team after team of tall vrykul spirits stepped out of the light.

As Valagar's teleportation device, the Gate of Heaven can project an army of 500 people at one time, and it takes a day to recharge in the middle, so these 500 people are all the support Dick can get on the first day.

But it's enough. The paladin needs the rune mages of the Heroic Legion to build a permanent portal to bring the Mogu Legion and Earthling Legion assembled in the Broken Isles. He only needs to hold on here for about half a day. , you can wait for your own army.

In this damned place, ordinary magicians are useless at all, and can only rely on Odin's support.

Walking at the back of the heroic spirit was the tall Heimdall wearing the wild armor. The moment the heroic spirit leader stepped out of the light circle, the golden lightsaber disappeared into the black sky full of lightning.

Ah, Ulduar, the Storm Peaks, I haven't been back for tens of thousands of years!

Heimdall moved his shoulders in the heavy falling snow, looked at the rune mages who were already busy preparing to build the portal, and then strode towards Dick. This guy has a straightforward personality, and he asked directly,

What are you going to do? Go directly to Ulduar? Or go steady?

The paladin glanced at him, and he asked a stupid question. Dick raised his hand and pointed to his head, Of course it's steady and steady! The entire Storm Peak is full of Loken's fallen servants, even if we So what if we can rush into Ulduar? If we can’t solve Yogg-Saron in a very short time, we will be in danger of being attacked from both sides.”

Dick's voice eased a bit, and he realized that Heimdall was not joking, but was testing his commanding ability, so he paused, organized his words, and stretched out his hand to draw a line in the air in front of him. The general topography of the Storm Peaks, explained in detail,

Hodir, Thorim, Loken, and Mimiron's families live in the Storm Peaks. Their numbers are extremely large. It is almost impossible to bypass them and attack Ulduar. My plan is, First get through the line from Danny Finley to the Temple of Storms, where we will encounter Thorim's family, but those Vrykul are creatures cursed by flesh and blood, and their combat power is nothing compared to the Heroic Spirit Legion!

Dick paused, drew a circle on the right side of the first line, and focused on it, I am most worried about Danny Finley's frost giants. Those Hodir's families are extremely numerous, and it is difficult to Deal with it, but taking this place back is equivalent to taking back the Creator Engine! This is the key point, where we can get sufficient supplies and energy supplies, and there are still some unactivated Iron Legion.

The paladin glanced at the unresponsive Heimdall, coughed lightly, and continued,

The second key point is the Lightning Hall, where there is a furnace of will, but to get there, we have to break through the Rock Hall and the Holy Altar of the Creator, where Mimiron's family is located, and there may be one or two people there. However, after the two largest barracks in Ulduar were taken back, the main body of Ulduar became a real cage. The land of defeat!

Papa papa!

After hearing this, Heimdall nodded and clapped, Not bad! If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I really couldn't imagine that you would know so much about the Storm Peaks, but this is your secret, I don't care, you said That’s right, it’s almost impossible to rush into Ulduar to solve all the troubles, it’s better than Tyr’s back then, and he can only take back the platinum disc by stealing, and that explains everything.”

Heimdall turned his head to glance at the snowflakes rising from the ground in the distance, reached out and took off the storm sword behind his back, and nodded to Dick.

Master Odin handed over the command of the Heroic Spirit Legion to you, but there are only 1W6000 people. We are not stingy. The war with Hela has been going on for tens of thousands of years. Most of the Heroic Spirits are damaged. They must go through enough recuperation before they can continue. In combat, heroic spirits are different from mortals, although they are stronger, but the wounds of the soul are difficult to heal, you have to understand us.

The paladin also noticed the second wave of enemies attacking from a distance. He also pulled out the lightning-filled Wind Chaser Sword and smiled at Heimdall.

I can understand, in fact, as long as we regain the Creator Engine, we will have no shortage of ordinary soldiers, but the next 2 days are very difficult, I suspect that at least one guardian may appear in the end, and I don't know if it will be Tori Mu, or Loken?


Heimdall touched his waist with his left hand, and a throwing ax landed in his hand. He threw the throwing ax out of his hand without looking at it. The weapon whizzed and knocked down the tall and tall man who jumped out hundreds of meters away. The iron vrykul's head was pierced, and the heads of a dozen iron dwarves behind him were chopped off.

Loken had better not come. Although Lord Odin can't leave Valagarh, his Gungnir has been looking for a chance to pierce that traitor!

After finishing speaking, Heimdall raised the golden storm sword in his hand. Under the sky filled with black clouds and lightning, anger that had turned into gold surged around his body, just like Dick In the scene where the Holy Light was used, the ferocious vrykul yelled even louder than the flashing thunder in the sky.

Odin's warriors, charge with me!

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