Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 434 7. Forced Recruitment

In the peaceful and desolate land, a different kind of picnic is going on.

Frankly speaking, Maris didn't like his mission this time. He put aside the battle on the front line and came to the desolate land to find an orc. Things that have nothing to do with war, especially war with the undead.

But he still came, and the Hidden Path had already obtained first-hand news from a certain channel. Nathanos Maris, the new member, was chosen as the member of the Hidden Path because of his impressive record and skilled skills. Representatives, participate in the exciting ice breaking action.

For Maris, this is simply a supreme honor, not only because he can realize his oath to kill Alsace, but more importantly, it represents the affirmation of the best group of hunters in the world for themselves .

When a person reaches a certain height and money and status can no longer bring satisfaction, getting affirmation is a pleasant thing.

But for Maris, this is just the beginning. Because of other matters, the Secret Passage can't spare enough manpower for him, so he has to find teammates by himself.

Then he came here, not only because Rexxar was his guide to enter the Mithril Passage, but more importantly, if it is said that when fighting alone, who can make the best hunter in the world feel at ease? , there must be only a few people, and Rexxar is one of them.

This has nothing to do with race, it is purely a recognition of strength and an affirmation of character.

After he explained the purpose of coming, Rexxar's expression was a little lazy. He rested his hand on his chin, flipped through the barbecue in front of him with his left hand, and passed it to Maris after the aroma came out. Pat the big brown bear Misha on the head, throw it a piece of barbecue, and then say,

Are you sure you want to fight the Lich King, and not for some random reason?

Maris nodded, and put the barbecue in his hand in front of the porcupine Hoffer who stared at him with rounded eyes. The wild boar grunted in satisfaction, and walked aside with the barbecue in its mouth.

Of course, look at this. There is also the seal of your Chief Thrall on it. You should believe him, right?

Nathanos took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Rexxar. While the other party was looking at it, he introduced,

This kind of letter has only sent 3-5 copies to each force in the whole world. The coalition forces have spent their money this time, and the high-level minds are still very clear. We are fighting a war of attrition with the undead. It is not those guys at all. opponents, if they want to win, they must win by surprise! They need the sharpest knife in Azeroth to join them, and we are one of them.

Rexxar read the letter carefully, returned it to Marris, pondered for a moment,

Who else? You just said that there are three people. Besides the two of us, who else is there?

The Beastmaster trimmed his nails with the ax in his hand, and glanced at Maris, Beforehand, I won't act with the prey!

Maris waved her hand.

How could it be the prey? I originally planned to invite my mentor, Ms. Sylvanas of the Windrunner family, but the recent situation of the mentor... well, it is worrying, so I chose another guy, in a sense In terms of performance, he may be better than my mentor.

Only then did Rexxar become interested, Better than Ms. Sylvanas? Could it be Rogelio Starchaser who has been in the limelight recently? That General Silvermoon?

No, no, no! It's not him. He has another mission. I'm looking for Naisingwary, Hemet Naisingwary.

Nathanos shrugged, You know, that old lunatic went hunting in the Sholazar Basin and almost killed the leopard consort of the troll. Trouble, but in exchange he gets to do his part.

Just because of responsibility?

Rexxar looked at Maris suspiciously, I don't think the top brass of the coalition forces can trap that old lunatic Hemet, I guess it's almost the same for those big knights to do it themselves. Also, didn't that old lunatic claim that he would never join any party? Any wars between camps?

Nathanos clapped his hands, stood up, turned around and stepped on his horse like a leaf, Everyone has hobbies, and so does Hemet. Apart from hunting, we offered him an irresistible temptation. In short, the only old lunatic in Azeroth who can hunt dragons at an extreme distance of 3000 meters has joined us, do you want to come?

Rexxar also stood up, took off the pendant around his neck and threw it to Maris,

Help me sign up. After I deal with the troubles here, I will take a boat to Northrend.

What's the trouble? Need help?

It's just a fearful demon king hiding here secretly. I can handle it by myself. Wait for my good news.

While Rexxar and Maris were talking happily, far away in Howling Bay of Northrend, this fertile land full of forests and rivers, in the river next to the western fortress of the orcs, a young man People are resting.

Garrosh Hellscream was lying on the grass by the small river, holding some red fruits in his hands, throwing one into his mouth from time to time, savoring the astringent sweet taste, looking at the blue sky above his head , he couldn't help recalling those days on the Nagrand grasslands in the broken Draenor.

At that time, the whole clan had a hard time, and Goya's grandmother was very wise, but there were young people in the clan, and they would always cause such and such things, especially the frequent conflicts with Haran's Nikores. Every time, Grandma Goya would come to apologize.

Garrosh is not afraid of those tall draenei, but he doesn't want to see his old grandmother get angry because of his recklessness, so he will restrain his strength every time, accompany the old grandmother to fish, or listen to Grandma told stories of the past. In those days, I had to do a lot of work every day and go hunting for a long way, but everyone was happy and content.

Every time after winning a battle with those malicious opponents, the old grandmother would always bring out a small amount of fine wine for everyone to drink. The days of singing and dancing around the bonfire are really nostalgic.

This is not to say that the life after coming to Azeroth is not easy. Chief Thrall treats them very well, and Overlord Saurfang also treats them as his own children. Although the skin colors are different, everyone in Ogg Rima has not been discriminated against, and the most important thing is that there is enough food here, so she no longer needs to go hunting every day, but can spend all her time honing her martial arts skills.

But Garrosh also had his own troubles, he had to face the man he had been deliberately avoiding.

His father, Grom Hellscream.

Little Roar still remembers that when he was a child, he often fought with other orc children because of his father's topic, because at that time, his father had a bad reputation in the world of Draenor, and Grom was the first orc to drink the blood of a demon , many people believe that it was Grom who led the entire orc tribe to degeneration.

So in Little Roar's heart, his father is actually a very bad guy, a butcher, and a villain. Run away from the clan and become a wandering orc.

But things turned around. When Little Roar was 14 years old, a human gladiator carrying a big ax came to the Nagrand Grassland. After talking with his mother for a long time, Little Roar was led into the tent, where he saw the black-haired human and the ax in his hand.

It was his father's axe, Gorehowl, the hand of the chieftain of the Warsong clan.

The human named Lagosh told him the story of his father, the man he had never met was dead, died in another world, died in a battle with demons, Lagosh told him, Grom is not a butcher as people imagine, he is a hero, he found his redemption in the last moment of his life.

La'Gosh had come to return Gorehowl, and the dark-haired human told him that another friend had entrusted him with returning the ax, but Garrosh needed a trial, a trial from La'Gosh.

Little Roar chose to accept, the orc was never afraid of a challenge, and most importantly, he had another impression of his father for the first time, and he felt that he had to do something for him.

Take it and swear to it that you will never use this hero's weapon to do dishonorable things!'

Lagosh told him so, Garrosh did, and then Lagosh got up and left, he never seemed worried that Garrosh would break his promise, but in fact, in the next 3 years, howler seemed to have changed For one, he did what he promised.

But when he, led by Thrall and Saurfang, came to the cemetery full of flowers at the end of the Demon Slayer Canyon, he cried for the first time in his life, like a child, a 17-year-old The way a child should be.

Because before the tombstone that recorded Grom's life deeds, he felt his father's life for the first time, which was full of glory, full of regret, did many wrong things, but also did many great things lifetime.

He felt that that was his future path, that man, even after he died, was still silently guiding him in the direction, and he never left him, even if it was two worlds away.

Hey! Garrosh, what are you doing here?

Dranos' voice sounded behind Little Roar, and the young patriarch of the Warsong clan didn't get up, but just waved his hand, realizing that his good friend was coming.

A few seconds later, Dranos in armor and Jolin Deadeye in black robes sat beside Garrosh, and the lively Dranos patted Garrosh arms, and moved their shoulders, and said aloud,

Overlord Saurfang just made a decision. The day after tomorrow, when Uncle Cuige's army arrives, we will head to Dragonbone Wilderness. Finally, we can teach those damned undead a lesson! I can't wait!

Hey, that's your father!

Garrosh bared his teeth, Don't call him Overlord, that's what the humans call him, you know, he doesn't like that name.

Dranos shook his head, No! I think that title is cool! Well, this has nothing to do with us, just now my father gave me a letter, Garrosh, I swear, you will Interested in this!


Little Roar got up from the ground and looked at his brothers who grew up with him. After a few seconds, Jolin cleared his throat, took out the letter from his arms, and read it to them,

In the name of Orgrimmar Chief Goel Frostwolf, Garrosh Hellscream, Dranos Saurfang, Jolin Deadeye and three others, must stay at the Portal of Darkness for 25 years. Before October 17, arrive at Dragon's Rest Tower in Dragonblight, and represent Orgrimmar to participate in the Azeroth Silver Trial, September 30, 25 at the Dark Portal.

Jolin shrugged his head and handed the letter to the bewildered Garrosh,

I won't read the following, it is the seal of all the forces in Azeroth. In short, the three of us were forcibly recruited to participate in something similar to a martial arts tournament. Didn't you always want to find that person? The mysterious Mr. Lagosh? A powerful fighter like him will definitely participate in such a competition.

Martial arts competition?

Garrosh took the envelope, glanced at it for a while, then frowned and said, Why did Thrall arrange such a weird task for us? Aren't we here to fight the undead?


Dranos shook his head solemnly, We are here in response to the call of justice, great warriors who fought for the peace of this world, and of course we will get the rewards we deserve after the war. Look at this land, Garru What, do you dare to say that this place is not more beautiful than Nagrand? More fertile, the tribe needs such a land! Listen to me, brother, don't care what Chief Thrall thinks, I got inside information, this time all forces will participate , the three of us are going to fight for a championship... At least we must be in the top three!

But why us?

Garrosh looked at Dranos suspiciously, Whether it's Thrall himself or the Overlord Saurfang, they are far more qualified and stronger than us.

Uh... I don't know about this.

Dranos shrugged, Anyway, I'm already eager to try, are you coming? Garrosh, the three of us came to Azeroth from Nagrand, but we are the ones who want to win the praise of Goya Zongmu, at least We can't let Chief Thrall look down on us!

Garrosh glanced at Dranos, then at Jorin who was also looking forward to it, stretched out his hand and put his battle ax on his shoulder,

I promised Lagosh that I can't use Gorehowl to do disgraceful things... But it's not disgraceful to compete for the championship. I'll go with you! So that you won't be bullied.

Go away! Jorin, beat him!

Ah... don't slap me in the face! Don't scratch me! Hell, I'm going to fight back!

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