Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 444 17. The Drakkari Troll's New Friend

Zul'Drak, land of the gods in troll language.

This is the territory of the Drakkari tribe of the frost trolls. In the ancient times of Azeroth, the Drakkari trolls thrived on this icy and snowy land. They were once among all the troll tribes in Azeroth. One of the most well-established and most numerous tribes.

Moreover, unlike the Amani trolls and skull-splitting trolls who have basically lost all their territory, the Drakalai tribe still maintains a fairly complete social class, and even has its own unique civilization. The entire Zuldak is from southwest to northeast , which were divided into farming area, colosseum, and sacrificial area in turn. In the long time, the trolls here actually lived quite peacefully.

They are also allies of the Zandalari, the staunchest kind.

However, as the tide of darkness swept across the world, the Drakkari tribe was not spared. Endless undead poured into Zul'Drak. Under such power pouring, the Drakkari troll kept retreating and finally gave up completely. The outermost cultivated area, around the Colosseum area, is struggling to resist the invasion of the undead.

Now, with the help of a group of despicable trolls who have taken refuge in the natural disaster of the undead, the Colosseum on the second floor is also in danger of falling.

Expanding the angle of view to the entire Northrend, Zuldrak suffered the most severe undead invasion. The three natural disaster floating cities, Voltarus, Zelramas, and Korramas, were arranged in The southern area of ​​Zul'Drak, plus a fortress city Dak'Saron Fortress that has been completely occupied by undead trolls, spread the undead plague almost non-stop throughout the entire Zul'Drak territory.

This is also the source of soldiers that Alsace attaches great importance to, because in Northrend, which is sparsely populated, it is not an easy task to find enough corpses.

On the desolate snowfield of Zul'Dak, there is a tree with a long history. It is said that it was planted by the leader of the first generation of Drakkari trolls. The most stubborn old man, unwilling to succumb to the arrangements of fate.

This tree is revered by the trolls as Sim Torga, the closest place to nature.

Right now, an important meeting is going on under the shade of the Himtoga tree. On the land outside this tree, endless snowflakes are drifting, like the deepest shadow cast on this land, icy cold And silent, as death comes, silently.

The voice of God Loa is missing one more.

The old troll Goraya was still as weak as before, as if he was going to die in the next moment. He was sitting on a pine chair, and a furnace of special incense was placed in front of him. Goraya inhaled it into his nose, as if he was having a special communication with him.

Two trolls dressed as priests stood on his left and right, one was wearing a green snake-scale robe and the other was wearing a gray robe. They were the priests of the Drakkari trolls, but now they were clearly standing on Zandalar. On the priest's side, and opposite them, is Uther, the head of the Ebon Knights, with an indifferent face.

Jinrok the Breaker, the former Zandalari priest guarding outside Zim Torga, the power from the Thunder Peak caused a terrifying mutation in his body. This once thin priest has now become stronger than anyone The barbarian is huge, with blue-purple magic lines scattered on his body. He is stronger than before, but he is also more irritable. Only Goraya's voice can calm him down.

The God of War Jalak and the invincible Heridon are currently fighting against their former kindred. The internal problems of those Drakkari trolls are much more serious than the simple invasion of natural disasters.

Those priests and betrayers of Drakkari committed an unforgivable crime in the eyes of the trolls - stealing the power of the loa!

So Goraya has to face two enemies, Scourge and Drakalai, he can't handle it, which is why Uther came.

After a few minutes, the meditating old troll raised his hand and opened his eyes.

3 months ago, the god Akali fought and died protecting the temple of Drakkari, but the traitor of Drakkari, the blasphemous Galdara, desecrated the body of the mighty loa Akari, Confining Akali's divine power and soul in his body, trying to use this to reach the realm of the gods, this is an unforgivable sin!

Goraya's eyes swept back, and the priest Drakalai who was seen by his cold eyes couldn't help but knelt on the ground,

And you! Sladelan and Morabi, although you did not drink the blood of the gods voluntarily, you still committed a great crime and deserve to be executed! But the situation is bad now, so I will spare your lives for now. If after the war You are not dead yet, I will personally preside over your punishment, you will be hanged on the frozen cliff, and endure the cold wind and bone-scratching torture until the great snake god Siletus and the fierce mammoth god Mato Till Si forgives you!

Hearing this cold voice, Sladelan and Morabi heaved a sigh of relief at the same time, which meant that they temporarily survived, but this kind of internal affairs of the troll was obviously not what everyone liked to hear.

Troll, stop playing tricks, tell me, where should we go? How much should we kill?

Uther rubbed the bony hilt of the Demon Sword Apocalypse impatiently, and the breath of death that came out from time to time made the giant tree Himtoga sway, and even angered the god who was resting under the tree. The panther god of the trolls, a powerful creature named Harkoa.

It raised its head, and the head, which was the size of ten adults, was staring at Uther closely. The blue aura flowing from the eyes was cold and mysterious. This snow-white head was covered with black spots all over its body, and there were stars on its body. The wandering troll god is obviously in a bad mood. As one of the five beast gods protecting Zuldak, it watched its companions being killed by believers or died in the attack of natural disasters. The beast god was furious to the extreme.

Now smelling the power of death that made it so disgusting, Hakea couldn't help it.

Okay, great Hakya, rest your anger, they are not enemies!

Golaya stood up tremblingly, and bowed respectfully to the cheetah god, which made Hakea stop her preparations to attack. The old troll turned back and looked at Uther with a blank expression. you,

Mighty death knight, you are the same, your anger is burning in a meaningless direction, we are not your enemy! Remember this!

Uther didn't speak, the old troll breathed a sigh of relief again, walked to the periphery of Himtoga, pointed to the tall fortress looming in the wind and snow to the southwest,

That was Dasakron Fortress, once one of the most glorious cities of the Drakkari trolls, but now, it has been occupied by the shameful traitor, Drakuru, the bastard who joined the Lich King, he thought he could win Everything he wants, but he doesn't know, all he can get is defeat!

Goraya turned his head and looked at Uther,

Can you bring him down?

The leader of the death knight grinned, I can...but what can I get? Trolls, death makes us more realistic, and the glory has left us, so I need a reason, although I am happy to give those who turn to the Lich King A lesson for the bastards.

Golaya seemed to have considered this situation long ago. He rubbed his wrist leisurely, and on the arm that was exposed under the wrist from time to time, a smear of blue-purple lightning rune was on his skin. Gone.

Obviously, Jin Rocco was not the only one who accepted the strengthening, it was part of the agreement, and Dick was a person who abided by the agreement.

I know, your greatest wish is to destroy that dark king.

Goraya looked into Uther's ice-blue eyes, The whole Zul'Drak will be your soldiers!

Uther shook his head, Not enough! I prefer to use my own power to complete my revenge.

Goraya's eyes narrowed, and he spread his hands, This land is so barren, and Drakkari has a lot of wealth, but that is meaningless to you, and the powerful dead bones are all destroyed by the Lich King. So I'm curious, what do you want from this land?

Uther chuckled, and his eyes glanced at Hakea lying under the tree. The kind of existence whose extreme physical strength has reached the extreme, even if it is not far from the apex of life energy, that kind of existence is almost for war. In the depths of his eyes, a flash of greed flashed through the body that was born.

Maliciousness is gathering and dispersing, the cheetah god Hakea obviously senses Uther's maliciousness, but it doesn't care, although the death knight is strong, but facing this kind of beast god who is only one step away from the demigod, it is not bad. Not to mention a threatening opponent, the only thing that can make Hakea afraid is the Bone Demon Sword in Uther's hand.

It bared its teeth at Uther, which was an undisguised provocation, but the next moment, Uther withdrew his gaze.

His greed completely fell into Goraya's eyes, the old troll said in a deep voice,

You're after something very dangerous! Uther! That's something that even Dick wouldn't touch!

I know

Uther interrupted Golaya's dissuasion, he waved his hand, and pointed to the northwest again, I know that the loa is your supreme belief, and I also know that they have power beyond the world, so naturally I won't To piss off those crazy souls, I want something else!

The death knight's tongue licked his dry lips, and he lowered his voice,

A month ago, the undead natural disaster besieged the altar of Siletus. In order to resist the undead, the Drakkari troll ruthlessly killed the snake god Siletus and distributed its power to many soldiers. This is a sad thing, but I know that the body of Siletus was put away by you. I want that body!

In my hands it will become the sharpest weapon to destroy the undead, but it is worthless in your hands. Those damn trolls also killed the mighty Akali, didn't they? The body of the rhinoceros god This is the best, but it’s gone, so.”

Uther glanced at Golaya, and his tone was extremely firm, I just want it! The body of Siletus.

tsk tut

Goraya chuckled with unknown meaning while looking at Uther,

You are indeed a greedy bastard. But you are right. Once the beast god is killed, the soul will belong to the group of Loa. It is really useless for us to keep that corpse, and the wind snake god Kui Sluen was also plotted against by her prophet. But there are only bones left, so you should not dislike it.

Uther frowned. He didn't believe that the troll in front of him would do such a good thing as buy one get one free, so he asked directly,

So what's the price?

Goraya waved his hand, We are friends, aren't we? I'd love to give you the bone, but the bone of Quesrun was hidden by her prophet, and he hid in the altar of Quesrun , he thought we couldn't find him, so stupid!

Uther waved the blood-red cloak behind him, and the snowflakes on the ground flew in the air with this wave, Let your people take me there, and I will help you get rid of those guys, and Dazakron The fortress belongs to us, and the rest is your own business.

There was a smile in Goraya's eyes,

Of course, a deal! You will be the Drakkari troll's new friend, I have no doubt about it! By the way, those three natural disaster floating cities.

That will be Ebon's trophy, the bridgehead against the Lich King, so...don't be fooled!

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