Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 447 20. The Day of the End of Darkness

Under the will of the sword-bearer, the death judgment ruthlessly chopped at Dakulu's head. The troll crossed his hands with the strange-shaped fist blades on both hands, and blocked the airtightness in front of him, precisely slashing the deadly One blow was blocked.


The huge force of the collision came from the hilt of the sword, and Uther's hands trembled. The power of death wrapped around his arms and body dissipated the shock that could tear his body apart. The troll laughed sinisterly and waved his arms outward. Open, two dazzling blue light blades bloom in the air in front of him, this is his counterattack, sharp and deadly.

The dark bat wings behind Uther bulged, and the light blade hit the bat wings, making him take two steps back, while Dakuru took three steps back.

Different from ordinary trolls, at this time, Dakuru's body, which has accepted the dark power of the Lich King, has collided and twisted, just like those troll savages with extremely huge upper bodies, but the difference is that Dakuru Kuru's body is enlarged in proportion, so it doesn't look very weird, but it looks extremely huge.

Like other trolls, his waist is hunched, but even so, he has reached a height of 5 meters. In front of Uther, who is more than 2 meters tall, he is like a behemoth.

What the Lich King bestowed upon him was not simply death, but also the ability to manipulate undead and frost, so outside his dark blue skin, the thick layer of frost, like a veil symbolizing uncleanness, shrouded Being beside Dakuru is not just a status symbol. In fact, the frost effect of this layer is more like a halo. Every time Uther approaches Dakuru, he will be seriously reduced by this layer of frost. attack speed.

This turned the battle between him and Dakuru from a raid into a brutal tug-of-war. In less than 5 minutes, the two berserk energies of darkness and frost have successfully dismantled the entire Dasa clone. The top floor of the fortress, and as the battle progressed, the platform and ruins at the top of the fortress were getting bigger and bigger.

Any creature that enters this battle circle can easily shred anything with just the impact of staggered energy, but even in the tug-of-war, Uther has the upper hand, and there is a constantly expanding and beating chest on Dakuru's chest. The wound, which was torn open by the death verdict, was less than a finger away from his heart.

But the wound did not flow out like fresh blood. On the contrary, what dripped on the messy ground was black pus and blood. Obviously, this was the torture brought by the apocalypse.

Haha. I won't die in this place!

Drakuru panted heavily, moving his sore arms, he endured the pain that was acting on his body and soul at the same time, and looked at the silent death knight in front of him, this guy was so powerful that he had never seen before. Even... even comparable to Alsace when he first met, this discovery made Drakuru's body tremble a little.

He always thought that he was on the winning side, but after Uther appeared, his idea began to waver, but he had no way to turn back, and he didn't talk about things far away, even if it was close at hand, this The death knight would not let him go so easily.

I've come so far, I've stood on the side of darkness, I won't lose! I won't lose!


Before Drakuru finished speaking, the dark wings behind Uther opened suddenly, like a preying bat, and rushed towards the troll. The blade of the bone sword was covered with sharp barbs, Even if it is only scratched by this vicious weapon, the strong corrosion inside will rush into the body along the wound, wreaking havoc crazily.

Drakuru had already tasted that taste once, he didn't want to taste it again, so he chose to retreat, and with Drakuru's arms waving, ice-blue energy gushed out from his palm, building a A thick wall of ice, of course he doesn't expect this wall to stop Uther, he just needs to buy a little time!

Yes, just a little time!

The troll turned around and took out an exquisite bottle from his arms. There was a blue viscous liquid flowing in it, exuding the smell of magic power. It was magic essence, a rare resource of trolls since ancient times. Of course, you'd better not Find out how this thing was made.

He threw the magic spirit far away, and precisely hit the big brazier behind the top of Daksaron Fortress. The magic spirit poured into it, and the extinguished black brazier was ignited at this moment. The flame danced on the brazier, and in just an instant, the flame jumped to a height of two meters.

Obviously, this is definitely not as simple as an ordinary brazier.


The ice wall made by Dakuru could not even hinder Uther's progress. The moment Dakuru turned his head, the ice wall behind him had been broken by an unbearable force and turned into complete ice. Sprinkled in all directions.

Uther looked at Dakuru, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, there was an obvious inhalation movement in his chest and abdomen, and with the bat wings behind him disappearing in vain at this moment, Dakuru realized that something was wrong, but still Before he could react, the head of a bone dragon made entirely of frost had appeared above Uther's head.

Accompanied by the movement of the death knight spitting out the air, the giant frost dragon also sprayed a deadly frost forward. The real frost, the flow of ice after being condensed by the huge transformed death force, is just the moment of contact. Kuru's raised arms were already frozen, and the frost seemed to have its own life, spreading upwards along his arms, and finally, the bone dragon's head turned into a little frost flower and dissipated. At that time, the wings on Uther's back appeared again, and Dakuru, except for his movable head, his whole body had been sealed in the ice.

This is not the same as the storm caused by Thassarian. With Uther's manipulation of death, Dakuru can't break free at all.

In fact, if it weren't for the halo of ice that was in the way, he wouldn't be able to survive at this moment at all.



The ice that had just formed exploded in the next second, and there was the bone magic sword that pierced Dakuru's heart. Uther's height, arm length, and blade length were just right for the bone sword to pierce. pierced his heart.

The troll's expression changed drastically at this moment. Before he felt the pain that made his eyes go black, he heard Uther's voice, which was the first time he heard his voice after the war started.

If you are afraid, then die with fear.


Dakuru pushed Uther away with his last strength, and the bone demon sword also left his wound, but the black blood sprayed, and the double pain of the greasy poisonous snake gnawing at the heart and body made Dakuru Kuru staggered and fell to his knees on the ground. He opened his mouth to spit out blood with pieces of internal organs. He clutched his chest and struggled.

No I won't. Not die.

Master, master save...uh.

Dakuru's huge body smashed into the land covered by ice and death. Behind him, Uther put away the bone sword indifferently. However, the next moment, he saw the faint blue light that had been ignited. The flames, and the constantly oscillating power in the air.

The bat wings on Uther's back swelled, covering his body completely, and then retreated rapidly, but it was too late.

A faint blue sword edge swung down from the air. Although Uther had avoided the scope of the battle, under the invisible edge that flew out, his dark bat wings blocking his predecessor seemed to be It was cut easily like butter that met a hot knife.

The death knight held the sword in his left hand and the crossbar in his right hand, blocking the death judgment above his body, and collided with the invisible edge. At this moment, the ground under Uther's feet was broken layer by layer, and even buried under the bend of his foot. On the ground, Uther's body trembled, but finally blocked the blow.

Further, we haven't seen each other for a long time.

A thick and low voice came out of the air, and a phantom broke through the air and appeared on the top of Dasakron Fortress. It was a guy wearing a helmet of dominance and a skeleton armor. He was the master of death. , that was the former king of this land. Substantial death screamed behind him, and fear, accompanied by the moment he appeared, had already begun to wail.

The cold wind of the entire Zul'Drak was blowing at this moment, as if welcoming his own king, and Uther's image was reflected in his ice blue eyes, which was substantial hatred.

He will never forget that last time, it was this guy who almost killed him, completely, even his soul was completely wiped out.

And of course, that damn sword

Of course it wasn't Alsace himself who came, it was just a phantom that he split with the help of Drakuru's burning magic essence, but the sword that was cut just now was really swung by him, otherwise Uther's current level , it is impossible to be injured by a phantom.

Alsace! Since we parted last time, I've missed you very much!

Uther's voice became agitated in vain, and together with the agitation, there was also the magic sword Apocalypse in his hand. It felt the breath from the same source from Frostmourne. Uther's hand was beating wildly, the greedy soul hidden in the sword was affecting Uther, after it completely surrendered, this almost never happened.

It is ordering him!

It was driving him, asking him to fight Alsace, it was already impatient, wanting to reunite with his brother.

Presumably, Frostmourne, who is far away in Icecrown Citadel, has the same impulse, but neither side holding the sword is a person who will be affected by this kind of emotion. Uther raised his head and looked at the floating place with cold blue eyes. Alsace in the sky,

What a pity you didn't kill me in Naxxramas, Arthas, that's your last chance! I'll be 'visiting' you soon, with the mightiest warriors in the entire world, Break through your damn mouse hole, catch you, and strangle you to death!

I swear I will! And it won't be long!

Every word of this voice is gnashing teeth. It's no wonder that the grievances between these two people are hard to describe in words. However, facing Uther who seems to be dominated by emotions, Alsace's reaction is much colder. , he glanced back at Dakuru's body, looking at the wound pierced by the apocalypse, the Lich King shook his head regretfully, Dakuru expected the Lich King to save him, but that poor troll obviously didn't You know, the guy who was killed by the apocalypse can never be saved.

His soul has become the plaything of that magic sword.

It's a pity, that's a good pawn but that's okay, I have plenty of guys like him.

Alsace's figure slowly faded in the air, and he looked back at Uther again,

Celebrate this victory, Uther, you will have no chance soon. Angatha will be your final graveyard, you and I both know this!

I always knew that when your wretched soul knelt before me begging for forgiveness, I would ruthlessly turn you down Yes, this is how this war ends, yours and others All souls will be in my pocket!

Hahahaha, you are walking with death, but unfortunately, that is my ally!

Alsace's figure finally disappeared amid deep laughter. Uther stood there for a long time. Finally, he raised his head and looked at the entire Zul'Drak from the top of Daksaron Fortress. A few flames danced in the air , That is the burning natural disaster floating city.

Obviously, there's good news coming that they've won, and that's enough, isn't it?

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