Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 452 25. Warriors and Shamans

Dick stood on the ice of Frost Castle, looking to the north of the Storm Peak alone.

Under the black rolling sky, he couldn't see Ulduar, it was too far away, but he knew that Ulduar was there, in that direction, and there must be the end of a certain period of his life .

Everyone has things that must be accomplished in their lives. The names of those things are missions. Dick knows that his mission lies there, the city where the ancient evil Titans are imprisoned, where everything begins and ends.

He put his pipe to his lips, and grunted,

Wisdom is Priceless


Thick smoke was exhaled from his mouth, and then was blown away by the cold wind around Frost Castle, and there were constantly falling snowflakes swirling around him, which made him look like a statue in the snow, not far away , the giant eagle scouts of the frost dwarves have already set off, and they shoulder daily hunting and scouting tasks. After Muradin's arrival, the life pattern of the frost dwarves has indeed changed.

They are adapting to this indifferent valley in another form, where the weak cannot survive, and the frost dwarves are doing their best to get rid of the status of the weak.

This is life, when it appears in a certain place, it will not dissipate easily, but will do everything to survive, then live better, and finally transform the surrounding environment.

Dick likes this world, not only because it has a more wonderful life, but also because of everything in this world, whether it is scenery or life.

I heard your story from Bryan and everything you did for the Bronzebeard family, for me and my brother... Dick, friend of the Bronzebeard, thank you.

A slightly weak voice came from behind, it was Muradin.

Magni had left Frost Castle earlier to go to the front line of Keel Wilderness, and Brian, who couldn't relax, was led by the Frost Dwarves to observe the relics left over ten thousand years ago. Dick was about to leave, and he Not much time to relax.

Sometimes, to be valued too much means to pay a lot, and to be valued by a world means to bear pressure that ordinary people can't even imagine.

The good news is that Dick is used to it. The bad news is that Dick may have to take it for a long time.

What are your plans?

The paladin sat cross-legged on the icy ice. Less than half a meter in front of him was the edge of the Frostburg mountain range. A glance at the cliff would make people dizzy.

Muradin smiled, and sat cross-legged beside Dick, holding a small silver flagon in his hand, his eyes somewhat dazed, too many things have changed in five years, even a human like Lordaeron Great nations were destroyed once, and then rebuilt again. The world has changed too much, and Muradin decided that he needs to wait and see for a while.

But it seems that there is not much time left for him.

Facing Dick's question, he took a sip of his wine, then closed his eyes and said,

Go to Arthas for revenge first, then...then go back to Ironforge.

Don't you care about the frost dwarves here?

Dick smiled and asked again, You must know that without your deterrence, they would be defeated by the steel dwarves within a year. The rebirth of a race cannot be completed in just five years.

Huh...Frankly speaking, I'm a bit at a loss. I don't belong here. Even if I pretend to be a frost dwarf, I'm still a bronze beard. There's already a gap in my heart...They won't leave here either.

Muradin lowered his head, a little frustrated, obviously he had already talked with his clan, and it seemed that the result was not very good.

But Dick didn't care at all. From his current level, a small race with a population of less than 20,000 people was hardly a problem. He leisurely looked at the blue proto-dragon flying in the distant sky, and took a draw of his pipe, and in the smoke, said to Muradin,

You saw our war with the Iron Legion, didn't you?

Well, it's cruel. In fact, if the earth spirits under your command hadn't broken into the place where we store the eagle eggs, our scouts wouldn't show up at all. That's not a war that frost dwarves can participate in. It's too cruel. I I even feel that it's not a war between mortals at's more like a war between gods.

Muradin drank another sip of wine, and looked at the snowy battlefield in the distance. The frost dwarf silently observed all this outside the battlefield. He almost watched the battle from the beginning to the present. Amnesia, but there is no doubt that his warrior instincts are still there, and he can see how dangerous the battlefield is.

This is just the beginning... You should have seen the bullfighting show. At the beginning, the bullfighter will always provoke the bull's emotions, make it angry, make it anxious, and wait until it adapts to the abnormal emotions. The ultimate move will come.

The paladin patted Muradin on the shoulder,

Take the frost dwarves and get out of here. Take them to Dun Morogh. If they don't want to go, let them watch everything here and wait quietly. This place will soon become hell... the real war will be here we go.

The dwarf warrior was silent for a moment, he looked at Dick,

I'm really curious, who are you? Are you really a mortal who didn't have a penny five years ago? You shouldn't be so unknown when I was still traveling in Azeroth.

The paladin stood up and showed a mysterious smile towards Muradin,

Shh, this is a secret. By the way, I heard that you are a master blacksmith who is not inferior to His Majesty Magni. I just need your help with something. I can go to K3 in my spare time. You will be interested in it. ,Believe me!

Muradin nodded, and when Dick turned to leave, he suddenly thought of something, so he shouted to Dick,

Don't go, Dick, I'll take you to see something. I heard that you are about to fight the Lich King soon. This will definitely help you!

Dick turned his head, glanced at Muradin curiously, followed him on the white giant eagle, and flew towards the southwest of Frost Castle under the light and shadow of the gray sky. Within a few minutes, Dick's eyes opened big.

Just below him, under the clouds, there is a valley, which is occupied by undead. Most importantly, this valley is almost directly below the Frost Castle Mountain Range. Most importantly, this The valley lies within the icy walls of Icecrown Glacier!

A natural breakthrough!

The paladin immediately recognized the place he had completely forgotten, and Muradin shouted to Dick,

Here... here is called Echo Valley by the Frost Dwarves. It is the area bordered by Icecrown Glacier, Crystalsong Forest, and the Storm Cliff. There is a path leading to this area from the Frost Castle, which was left by the ancestors of the Frost Dwarves. Secret way, if you need it, I can open it to you!

A flash of light flashed in the eyes of the paladin. Muradin's gift came too timely. The Icebreaker originally only had two landing ports, and both of them were too far away from Icecrown Citadel. Now there is Echo Valley, the warriors You can even rush into the vicinity of Icecrown Citadel within 20 minutes just by riding a horse!

It is a natural, the most perfect surprise attack location! With it, the surprise attack plan, which was originally risky, immediately had a much higher success rate.

You have helped us a lot, Muradin, this is simply the best gift, a steel knife piercing the heart of Arthas!

Hahaha, you're welcome, helping you is helping me. Don't forget, I have a debt to settle with him!

The laughter of the dwarf warrior and Dick spread far and wide in the wind. This was their luck, but it was also Alsace's misfortune.

Just when Dick and Muradin waved goodbye, on the other side, a chance encounter had just begun.

Varian walked in the hall of Wyrmrest Temple. He looked at the reliefs on the surrounding walls with a hint of awe. They were the skilled craftsmen of the dragons. They recorded stories about the past of this world. Most of them were , in the human world, there is not even a single word spread, that is the epic before the birth of civilization.

Any human being allowed to enter here will be amazed by it.

Anduin followed his father with his shield on his back. He had lived near Wyrmrest Temple for half a month. As the representative of the Stormwind Kingdom in this war, the pressure on the little prince was actually not great, because he Not a specific commander.

The commander-in-chief of the alliance is Knight Tirion Fordring and Duke Bolvar, as well as General Shandris Feathermoon from the night elves, Marshal Fandral Stormpike from the dwarves, Grand Knight Mograine, etc. Veteran, under their command, the alliance's recent battles are going very smoothly, and the danger of Azjol Nerub is rapidly decreasing, especially since the mages of Dalaran and Karazhan have jointly blocked all nerubian kingdoms in Dragonblight. After the export, the coalition forces have not been raided for 5 days.

The advance base, Fordragon Fortress, was also established near Galakrond's Tomb, which will be the default battlefield for the Battle of Angaza.

As a king, Varian certainly wouldn't be free enough to come here to watch the history of the dragon. In fact, he came to the front line with the same thoughts as King Magni. As a soldier, he had to see both sides with his own eyes. The comparison can be reassuring.

But at the end of this trip to the battlefield, when Varian and Anduin were about to leave the hall of Wyrmrest Temple, they met the people they least wanted to meet.

Thrall was wearing that quaint armor, walked into the hall from the other side with Overlord Saurfang and the Horde commanders, and happened to meet Varian and Anduin face to face.

Immediately the little prince noticed his father's hand on the hilt of his sword, and the change in King Varian's demeanor.

Chief Thrall... Long time no see.

Varian greeted loudly, but he didn't move his hand from the hilt of his sword. Thrall was also taken aback by this sudden encounter. Saurfang turned sideways and stood unbiasedly. In the middle of Varian and Thrall, this veteran soldier is very accurate. If Varian launches a charge, he will definitely be stopped by him.

But at the next moment, the orc chief took a deep breath, passed Saurfang's protection, looked at Varian with his blue eyes, and replied loudly,

Good day, King Varian.

In the hand of the orc chief, he also held a weapon, the Hammer of Doom... the weapon that once defeated Marshal Lothar.

I heard that your work on building the forward base is not going well...

Varian looked at Thrall and said calmly, Should I send soldiers to help?

Thrall narrowed his eyes, and then said with a smile, Don't bother the warriors of the alliance. It's just a little obstacle. The warriors of the Horde will soon overcome them. In this land, it's not worth mentioning.

Anduin felt the stagnation of the atmosphere, he looked up at Baine Bloodhoof who was following Thrall, he was a good friend he met when traveling in the Broken Isles, Baine also seemed a little at a loss, he could only use his eyes Response to Anduin: The meeting of the two leaders is really an accident!

Garrosh, who was behind Saurfang, froze in place the moment he saw Varian. He couldn't help touching the handle of Gorehowl's ax behind him. The young orc warrior had thought of him countless times. The scene of meeting Lagosh, but I didn't expect that Lagosh's identity is so amazing!

But none of these affected the confrontation between the two leaders. When Varian heard Thrall's refusal, he chuckled,

Then let's talk about things in other places, about your frequent contact with the remnants of the Blackrock orcs hiding in the Swamp of Sorrows, and those Dragonmaw orcs who were beaten by monsters in the Twilight Highlands. Doing a dangerous thing, Thrall, tell me, are you going to reorganize the old tribe and start a new war?

The tone became tough in vain, and Thrall was not easy to deal with, but he did not answer. This time, Safarur overlord retorted,

We are not going to start a war, but facing a fierce opponent, I have to prepare in advance, such as MI7's activities in the Stonetalon Mountains and Desolace, that doesn't seem to be the traditional territory of the Kingdom of Stormwind, isn't it? Your Majesty Lian, I am actually very puzzled, why can't we stop these boring little moves and fight like a real fighter?

Or, are you afraid?

After Safarul said these words, Varian's eyes immediately became dangerous, and a red spark of anger flashed on Varian's palm, but soon Thrall spoke,

Okay! Forgive Saurfang, King Varian, he is just a warrior, and he can only think from the perspective of a warrior. Why don't we let go of our mutual hatred and work together to overcome the current hurdle? Internal strife It just makes Alsace happier, nobody wants him to be, does he?


Varian breathed a sigh of relief, moved his left hand away from the hilt, and nodded to Thrall,

You are right, Chief Thrall, now is really not a good time to discuss past hatred, then after the threat of Alsace is removed, we will settle the past. Regarding my father, my kingdom, The grievances and grievances between you and your ancestors, blood and blood, glory and glory.

Thrall's face changed, and before he could speak, Varian turned his gaze to Saurfang,

Safarur Overlord... You know, I'm a fighter too, so... I'll give you a good fight on the battlefield, trust me, it won't be too far.

After finishing speaking, Varian took Anduin past the commanders of the tribe and walked out of the hall. When passing by Garrosh, Varian whispered,

Boy, don't let this weapon down!

I always remember that oath, but if it's on the battlefield, I won't show mercy, Lagosh...

...No need, meeting me on the battlefield will be the beginning of your nightmare, so don't die here, kid, I'm still waiting to get Gorehowl back from you.

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