Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 465 38. Come on! The flames of justice!

Garrosh looked up at the death circle that was about to explode. At this moment, his mind went blank.

The energy of death gathered above his head. Even as a warrior, he could feel the terrifying magic vibrations coming from the magic circle, enough to tear him apart. He also heard Dranos, his own Brother's tearing roar.

will die!

Yes, definitely die!

Garrosh's first reaction was to firmly hold his weapon, Gorehowl, at this moment, only it could bring him the only peace of mind.

The orc warrior's body was straight and his eyes were wide open. At the moment of death, he reacted like a real orc, a real warrior.

The heavy smoke and the cold wind blew his hair. He may die, but he won't just fail.

If this world really has a god, then it will definitely favor the true brave. At the moment when Garrosh was ready to die generously, a special wave of magic power rose in the farther sky, and then four A dark green thick death energy pierced the sky.

Like four sharp swords, they completely penetrated the floating city above Garrosh's head from left to right, front to back.

When the floating city was blowing black smoke, like a toppled hill, and was coming down, Garrosh turned his head, and saw the other four floating cities jumping out of the air. They broke down at the same time. The open space appeared in the sky of Angasa's battlefield, like four green lighthouses lit up in the dark sky, surrounding the top of the entire defense line.

The shape of the floating city is exactly the same as the natural disaster floating city, even the hideous skull emblem is exactly the same, but only the sky where they are located proves their belonging.

They are on their side!

As the cold wind blew, Garrosh realized that his back was already drenched.

Uther stood on the top of the Black Wind Fortress, and the cold wind blew his white hair behind him. The death knight looked down at the sea of ​​undead rolling in like a torrent, and the black Saron iron under his arm He wore the helmet on top of his head, and the death knight lord reached out and grasped the Death Judgment behind his back. This magic sword, which originated from the same source as Frostmourne, was humming, as if longing for another battle to reap death.


With the long sword out of its sheath, Uther took a deep sniff of the gunpowder smoke in the air,

O sweet death!

The next moment, the huge black bat wings behind him suddenly opened, like a black battle flag flying in the air.

Thassarian, who was standing behind Uther, untied the Bone Horn from his waist and put it by his mouth. Then the desolate and deep sound of the horn pierced everything on the battlefield.

Come on, let's embrace death!

Uther took two steps forward, opened his hands nervously, as if he really wanted to embrace everything in front of him, then he leaned forward, and fell down straight, his body fell in the air, and his back The black bat wings flapped gently, and just before falling to the ground, the magic sword Apocalypse in Uther's hand slashed downwards.


The black light blade rushed up from the ground, and under Uther's will, it slashed obliquely on the ground in front of him like a blade that had cut through countless living beings.

The dark light curtain dances wildly, the screaming death behind them, the power from the same source collides and annihilates on the frozen soil in the north, blocking everything, no matter if it is a powerful death knight or a weak walking corpse, Whether it's a huge crypt lord, a gargoyle that just took off and dodged unhurriedly, or even a bone dragon soaring in the sky, they were all cut to pieces.


Uther's feet touched the ground, and the light dissipated at this moment. In front of him, a crack of hundreds of meters appeared on the ground, with smooth edges, like a sword's edge passing by.

It was like the silent expression of the earth grinning, like an insurmountable line, the rolling undead natural disasters were blocked, although it was only for a moment, this was the first time they were really blocked, and the one that was blocked by the crow The line that Searle cut out with all his strength, that is disdain, that is revenge... that is, a declaration of war!

Hei Feng is coming!

Uther raised his sword forward, his voice resounded across the battlefield, Revenge is coming!

Bang bang bang bang

As soon as the voice fell, the attacking magic circles of the four floating cities belonging to the Black Blade Knights were activated at the same time, and the thick green light blades were like four scythes across the sky, cutting everything flying in the sky into pieces.

Then death knights riding bone griffins, even frost dragons, and gargoyles belonging to them appeared from the four floating cities and rushed towards the battlefield where the ground seemed to be suspended for a moment.

Among them are humans, dwarves, elves, orcs, gnomes, goblins, and even draenei.

They are evil spirits crawling out of the hell of death, who have given up everything and only exist for revenge.

Under the leadership of Uther, they are running towards the end of a team called destruction, either to destroy their opponents or themselves, but before the destruction comes, everything along the way will be ruthlessly torn apart.

No one wants to mess with them, and no one will.

Strong support!

Real support!

A sword pierced the head of the crypt lord in front of him, and the other sword in his left hand slashed downward in the air. A storm of blood cut down several death knights rushing in front of him. With a smear of blood, he shouted at Duke Bolvar, who was smashing the head of a lich with a warhammer behind him,

Bolvar, blow the horn! Tell the soldiers to follow the death knights and charge!

Send these bastards back to their hell!

A few seconds later, the sharp horn sounded first from the human line of defense, followed by the war drums from the orcs, dwarves, elves, and finally, the command to attack reached the ears of every soldier.

The gates of all defense lines opened almost simultaneously at this moment, knights, infantry, and flying units.

After Black Front's death knights began to charge, the situation on the entire battlefield began to change, especially after the high-altitude opponents were completely wiped out by the magical light of the floating city, the dragons also rejoined the battlefield, and the scorching breath of the dragons became a new challenge for the warriors. They opened the way, and the knight's charge was ready to go.

That's it! That's it! Charge! Charge!

The red-eyed Saurfang stood on the shoulders of the tall construction giant, swung an ax and chopped off that disgusting head, and then threw it in the direction of the undead Scourge. The giant fell on the corpse on the ground and cried,

Rush over and bring their heads back!

Behind him, the roar of war wolves and the trampling of Kodo beasts rang out.

But that's not enough!

This is not enough! The coalition forces still need more encouragement. In the face of the imminent natural disaster of the undead, they need at least a large gap for the undead to completely separate.

The will of the Lich King has also begun to show its power, especially when the heavy war machines hate the army and the more mobile and intimidating nerubians and death knights join the battlefield, and the liches also start to cast spells collectively. Such a charging momentum, the coalition forces need a gap!

Who can bring them this notch?


Dick's figure appeared on the hillside not far from the battlefield. He looked at everything in front of him and heaved a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it's not too late!

A few seconds later, a beam of light from a portal appeared beside him. Velen walked out of the shattered light leaning on his staff of the Redeemer. He was nearly two heads taller than Dick. Beside me, looking at the battlefield in the distance, said softly,

Although I have seen more wars, each of which is more tragic than the one in front of me, I have to say that you are a group of magical creatures...


I'm curious, what kind of world can cultivate creatures like you who never know how to fear and retreat? Even demons will be afraid and panic when facing opponents that are several times their own, but...

Velen raised his finger, pointing at the warriors of all races charging on the battlefield,

But you are facing more than multiple opponents. Even if this raid is successful, you may be defeated in the subsequent war of attrition... But even so, you have to be desperate Is the future betting on this war?

It's brave, it's exciting, but frankly, it's not smart.

Dick didn't answer right away, his eyes danced on the battlefield, and finally saw the black-haired human who led the royal knights charge at the forefront, he pointed at him, and said to Velen,

Look, that man, his name is Varian, the king of Stormwind.

And that green-skinned orc, his name is Thrall, the chieftain of the Orgrimmar orcs.

Magni Bronzebeard, King of Ironforge, with his brother Muradin.

In white is Daelin Proudmoore, ruler of Kul Tiras.

Santis Feathermoon, adopted daughter of the night elf ruler.

Hamuel Runetotem, one of the only leaders of the druids.

Kael'thas Sunstrider, you know him, he also rules a kingdom

There is old Fording, Alessandro, me, and Uther... In those wars you have seen, would the ruler lead the soldiers to rush towards an opponent that could not be confronted? When you once In the world you have stayed in, have you ever seen so many leaders of the civilized world put aside their own safety and hatred just for a possible trouble?

Dick turned his head, his eyes were bright and proud, his tone was calm and solemn,

This is Azeroth, we are used to it all, our soldiers will protect our civilians, our king will go to the battlefield in person, everything we have experienced in the past five years has told us a truth , do not back down...for backing down means cowardice, and cowardice brings death.

This is Azeroth!

It's imperfect and flawed, it's not smart and sometimes it feels unreasonable, it's not sane and it's reckless, it's not cute and it's deadly.

But we love it...

Dick took a deep breath, At least I love it, I want to protect it, I want to protect this world, and everything here.

He looked at Velen, who was a little stunned, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly, Everyone here is for this goal. We are here for protection. Behind us is our home, so we will not retreat.

Now, it's your home too.

Dick stretched out his left hand towards Velen, I lent you the power, now, it's up to you to protect it.

Velen looked at the silver-white left hand, and asked in a low voice,

You know that even the same holy light cannot be fused because of different frequencies?

Dick sniffled, Anveena appeared from his shoulder, and then looked curiously at Velen in front of him,

I know, but my holy light is different... In terms of energy control skills, I am far behind you, so only you can do it.

Velen glanced at Anveena, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he looked at Dick again, What did you do?

The paladin turned his head and pointed at the gate of the apocalypse, Angasa, towering in the distance,

From this position, break through that door...Only you can do it!

Velen held Dick's left hand with his left hand. He looked at the door in the distance and Dick again, frowning, It can be done by combining the strengths of the two of you, but... what's the point? ? That doesn’t seem to be of much help to the current situation, right?”

The paladin grinned and put his finger to his mouth,'s just a bait!

Master Anwena, the frequency of the holy light is given to you!

Don't worry! My lord will go out, absolutely no problem!

The next moment, Dick's holy energy flowed into Velen's body through Anveena's transformation, and the old draenei's body shook. Then, the holy light that soared into the sky tore through the sky in an instant. The dark clouds, the hymns floating in the sky, and the light rain falling from the sky immediately attracted everyone's attention there.

what is that?

That's... that's holy light, that's... justice!

(Support the original version~! Give me some confidence, brothers!)

The four floating fortresses of Heifeng, the three of Zuldak, and the one in Borean Tundra~Tui Shu Tui Shu~Power and profit are entangled endlessly, and desire and reason fall in love and kill each other. The flames of war rose in the distance, the flags fluttered with the wind, the horns blew passionately, and the swords and swords intersected to form a gorgeous movement. I hold the scepter high, standing in front of the holy, the truth crowns me, and all races prostrate at my feet. Who am I? My name is Ryan!

Pushing the book, the masterpiece My Name is Ryan by a very handsome and handsome social uncle! Heavy recommendation!

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