Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 467 40. The Secret Nobody Knows in the Dark Abyss Dive

The war in Angasa is still going on, but compared to the bloody battle of thousands of troops a day ago, the intensity of the battle that night is much lower, and when the sun pierces the sky the next day, there are only The gunpowder smoke and tragedy left over from the first day no longer saw swords colliding and magic bursting.

Of course, there are sporadic battles, but that is just a contest between scouts from both sides. Whether it is the coalition or the undead, it takes a little time to prepare, just like two beasts that have just fought to the death, they have to wait for the power to refill their bodies. Only then can the next round of death battle be carried out.

Although both sides wished to immediately pierce their fangs into each other's veins and give it a fatal blow, but with bruises all over their bodies, they had to tolerate the guy on the other side lying there, recovering the strength to kill themselves.

In fact, the initial counterattack and the results of the shocking sword were not as great as they seemed.

It just won a strategic buffer for the coalition forces. Fortagen Fortress and Warsong Fortress were submerged in the first wave of raids by the Scourge of the Undead, but now, the coalition forces have regained those two places.

But that's all. Although Grand Knight Mograine led a group of paladins and once pushed to the vicinity of the broken city wall of Angaza, Alsace obviously noticed the importance of this place. It cannot be allowed to fall there, so the quantity and quality of the undead in that place are frighteningly high.

It is simply a new city wall made of flesh and blood.

No matter how strong Mograine's heart of revenge was, he still remained rational. With the support of artillery fire, he charged twice in a row but failed to break through the defense of the undead. The great knight still had no choice but to retreat in resentment.

However, the significance of this battle is far more important than the results obtained. From a strategic point of view, the recovery of Fortagan Fortress and Warsong Fortress has become the second line of defense in the original line of defense of the coalition forces. Before the two fortresses, On the other hand, a new line of defense is rapidly taking shape, which makes the form of this battle more stable and makes the commanders happy.

From a psychological point of view, the advantage of this battle undoubtedly broke the soldiers' fear of the undead. An excellent soldier cannot be afraid of his opponent. This kind of negative emotion will make the original 100 points , Can't even play with 70 points.

The direct consequence of the spell being broken is a rapid increase in overall morale.

But this did not make the high-level coalition forces complacent. The disadvantages of the period before the start of the war, almost everyone who watched it could not forget, the black torrent rolling in, crushing everything in front of them. He was awakened directly from his deep sleep. In fact, if the Ebon Blade Knights hadn't joined, the result of the battle would have been different.

So on the second day when the war was a little calmer, the rulers rushed back to their own countries and forces. Just last night, a resolution was passed. Before the end of the undead war, countries will continue to send more troops here. The army, come to fight against the undead, and defend the fruits of victory that you are about to get.

In this resolution, there is another very cruel content: in the next ten years, there will be no death penalty in any country, and all prisoners, including felons and political prisoners, will be exiled to various places in Northrend. On the battlefield, if you don't die, you will be free after the war. If you die, it will be considered atonement.

It is worth mentioning that the first batch of cannon fodder to arrive on the battlefield will be those pirates captured by Kul Tiras. Those old sea dogs who roam the sea will probably never imagine that the destination of most of them will be It was this cold and dark snow field.

But no one will complain about those scumbags. After witnessing the offensive of the undead natural disaster, even the soft-hearted people have become tough.

As Dick said, this is a war that cannot be retreated, because retreating means death, and there is no second choice.

Garrosh sat on the orc defense line a little tiredly. He was leaning against the cold brick wall, and there were still black blood stains on it. Not far away, a smashed skeleton was thrown there, with black eye sockets. Looking at the orc warrior, the latter didn't look at that thing, but looked at the sky indifferently.

He had just returned from the Warsong Fortress on the front line, and he had been performing scout patrols all night, killing at least 7 death knights and countless walking dead skeletons. It was a laborious job, and at the end, he even picked up the dwarven musket he picked up from the battlefield, at least it was much more convenient to kill walking corpses.

Hey man, I've been looking for you for a long time.

Figures from one left and one right came from behind and sat beside Garrosh. It was Dranos with his arms still wrapped in bandages, and Jorin who was also tired. The latter sat down and took out three Oranges, one per person.

It's so sour!

Dranos roughly peeled off the orange's peel and stuffed the pulp into his mouth. The next moment, the expression on his face twitched. He complained, and then bumped Garrosh with his shoulder again.

Dude, you look in a bad mood. What's the matter? Are you having any problems?

Garrosh looked in the direction of Warsong Fortress in the distance, and sighed,

I attended a funeral there this morning. When the battle started yesterday, all the 340 warriors who stayed at the Warsong Fortress were all. It was the internal funeral of the Warsong Clan. Some veteran soldiers asked me to take over what my father left behind. It bothers me that I continue to lead them as chief.

You also know that Thrall built a new tribe, and the lives of the tribesmen are much better than before. I don't know if I should become the chief of the Warsong clan. Maybe this will cause divisions within the new tribe. And I found that many Veterans, they seem to be dissatisfied with Thrall.

Jolin's face became serious, he nodded, according to the tradition of the clan since he was a child, his reserved one eye shone with the light of wisdom,

You are right to think about it, Garrosh. When I exchanged warlock books at the Shadow Rift, I heard a lot about Dragon Roar and Blackrock orcs from warlocks. These clans have not experienced the establishment of new tribes. They still retain a strong hatred of humans, and some of them, not happy with Thrall's rule, frankly, I think it's time to throw those guys here and show them the trouble we're in.

But I think, Garrosh, you should accept the Warsong chieftain.

Dranos rubbed his chin and said to his brother,

It's not because of how special that position is. Since you have discovered signs of division within the Warsong clan, you should bear the responsibilities entrusted to you by your blood!

He looked at Garrosh and patted him on the shoulder, Suppressing them now is much better than fighting each other later.

Huh, let me think about it again.

Garrosh threw the orange in his hand far away, and said to Jorin, Where did you find the orange, it's so sour!

Hi, you three!

The voice from behind made the three young orcs turn their heads and saw an orc wolf knight riding on a white war wolf. He waved at the three of them and shouted loudly,

Follow me quickly, Overlord Saurfang has something to ask you!

Garrosh stood up hastily, and his brothers stepped on the tamed war wolf beside him, and rushed towards the deepest part of the defense line.

You are going to perform a special mission!

Saurfang's chest and arms were still wrapped in bandages, and there were shocking bloodstains on them. This was the wound left after he had a big fight with Rivendell of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse yesterday. Generally speaking, the old orc Earned, because the unlucky fellow Rivendell died again.

While retreating, Saurfang chopped off his head with an axe, and his head was hung on the wall of Warsong Fortress as a trophy.

Now in this hall, there are only Saurfang, the three young men on the opposite side, and a human mage whom he has never seen before. People can hear their conversations.

Remember, the content of this mission is absolutely confidential!

The old orc's eyes flicked across the three people in front of him. That kind of aggressive eyes lifted Dranos's spirit. Although he didn't get along with his father for a long time, every time he showed this kind of When the expression is on, it means that something really big has happened.

The location of the mission is also confidential. I can't tell you the specific itinerary, but after you arrive, you will naturally know that I only said a little bit! Remember it for me!


The bodies of the three people straightened up, Saurfang nodded in satisfaction, he emphasized his tone,

All trials, all tests, and everything are for today. You will represent Orgrimmar to participate in the greatest operation in the world. The results of your actions will directly affect the response to the Scourge of the Undead. The ending of the war, but remember one thing: If the mission is at risk of failure, I need you to withdraw as quickly as possible!

Seeing that Garrosh wanted to speak, the old orc raised his hand to stop him,

Listen to me, I am not encouraging you to flee the battlefield, but this is not only what I will say, but also Bovar of the Alliance. You are the hope of the next generation, and you cannot die there in vain. In short, this will It will be a battle of honor, and if you survive, you will benefit from it for the rest of your life.

Okay, remember to keep Draenox secret, you stay here, Garrosh and Jolin can pack their bags, and head to New Hearthglen this afternoon, there will be a boat to take you to where you should go.

After the two young orcs saluted the Saurfang Overlord, they turned and left. Dranos looked at his father and said,

I will protect myself, father, you don't have to worry about it!

No, child!

Saurfang sat on the chair, waved his hands, and showed a smile on his face, This is not what I want to say, of course, it is necessary to protect yourself, but there are more things to be happy about, I know you Always envied Garrosh's Gorehowl, and of course I envied that guy when Grom was alive.

It's nothing to be ashamed of.

Saurfang looked at his son, as if seeing himself when he was young, he was just as brave and resolute, and he would be the best successor of the Thunder King clan. Thinking of this, the old orc showed a trace of anger. satisfied smile,

Don't envy him anymore, my son, I just got the news that through your own performance, you have won yourself the best weapon in the world, a weapon that only belongs to warriors!

That evening, at the port of New Hearthglen, three orcs with simple salutes on their backs were standing on the pier and talking. They have been waiting since the afternoon, but they still haven’t waited for the pick-up ship, and the entire pier area has been blocked. , There are only these three guys in the huge pier, and with the local chilly wind and the dim night, everything seems to have become unknown.

Ah, these human beings are really unreliable!

Garrosh couldn't help complaining, but when he was about to say a second sentence, Dranos put his hand on his shoulder,

Shh, there's movement!

The orc warrior subconsciously held his battle axe, and then saw a cold light coming up from the bottom of the sea not far below, and the surrounding calm sea also began to roll, mixed with the low humming sound, it seemed It's like some kind of sea monster is about to climb out of the sea.

The three guys were a little nervous, Jolin raised his hand, and blessed the three with a shadow protection enchantment, but the next moment, the sea in front of him was suddenly separated, and a strange-looking big fish rose from the bottom of the sea.

I don't know if it was intentional, the cold sea water splashed all three of them, but before they could react, a secret door was opened on the fin of the big steel fish.

Look who this is... three orcs.

Brigadier General Matthew in military uniform appeared at the door of the secret door with a command knife in his hand. He looked at the three orcs with malicious eyes. Seeing their vigilance and defense, a cold smile appeared on the corner of their mouths,

Ten years ago, my bullet had already pierced your forehead, rookies, this time is not a good time to settle the previous score, come quickly, I will wait for you!

After finishing speaking, the Brigadier General turned sideways and made way for the three of them. Dranos saw Baron who was smiling at him behind Matthew, and immediately felt relieved, and then he was the first to walk on this weird project Learn the pedals of the submarine.

After all three people entered, Matthew closed the valve himself, and the whole submarine dived into the bottom of the sea again amidst a burst of humming. All the waves were erased, as if it had never appeared before.

Where are we going?

Dranos asked Brigadier General Matthew curiously, and the latter waved his hand without looking back,

Sit in your seats, rookies, fasten your seat belts, it may be a little bumpy for a while... As for where we are going...

The Commodore turned his head and glanced at Dranos, The place we are going to is called hell!

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