Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 469 2. Spirit Infusion·Blood, Evil and Frost

The storm cliff is shrouded in endless cold wind and blizzard all year round, making this place a complete ice and snow world. The altitude of this place is extremely high, and ordinary creatures cannot survive here, which also makes this place become a world of ice and snow. A cruel world, the last ones who are the strongest can have their own homes here.

But in the past month or so, the war that belongs to the orthodox Titans has spread to the entire storm cliff. A week ago, the heroic legion broke through the defense of the iron dwarves in the snow flow plain. In the Earth Temple, the earth spirits who still adhered to the belief of the Titans formed an alliance and completely drove the iron dwarves and iron vrykul out of that area.

The super-giant steel golem built by the iron dwarves was also seized, but that thing has not been completed, and probably no one can complete it except the iron dwarves.

But the next battle is not so easy to fight.

According to the news sent back by Heimdall, the suspected figures of Thorim and Loken appeared in the mountains near the Hall of the Creator, probably planning some bad things.

But due to the current situation, Dick can only entrust the frontline warfare to Heimdall, and the last batch of mogu legions activated from the engine of Nalaksha is already in place. Although the number is still weak, with the soil of Grizzly Hills With the continuous migration of the Spirit Kingdom, this disadvantage is being quickly made up for.

Dick had to focus on one thing now. After the Battle of Angasa, the paladin encountered an unexpected situation, and he couldn't do anything until Arthas was dealt with.

It's not that Alsace is so strong, but that the damn mission system, which has no news for more than 2 years, actually reacted after he and Velen unleashed that sword together.

Drip...Dark Overturned

Special rule item detected - unknown

Complete Dark Overturn, obtain necessary items, and unlock special rule items.

Reward: 7%-10% twist

Explanation: Rules! Make up everything in the world!

At first, Dick thought that this unknown item with special rules was the Shield of Aggramar, but later found that it was not this thing, but the spar, which Anduin picked up from the ashes of Hela's spontaneous combustion. Not showing this thing to Odin seems to be a good thing now.

After Odin told him the theory of the foundation of the world, Dick already knew how precious this kind of thing that contains the appearance of the rules of the world is.

But now is not the time to think about it, because Dick is receiving guests. In the reception room of the K3 base, the huge stone room is poorly decorated, but none of the three people sitting together pays attention to these things.

They were looking at the battle ax that was placed on the stone table in front of them.

So... you called me back all the way, just for this thing?

Illidan looked at Dick very dissatisfied. With his current character, if it wasn't because Dick was indeed one of the few guys he could trust, he would have drawn out the moonblade and hacked him to death. From the perspective of the leader of the Illidari, although the thing in front of him is not bad, it is not worth making himself a trip to the two worlds.

Especially with Tempest Keep ready for the voyage, it's almost a complete waste of precious time.

Looking at Illidan who was grinding his teeth, Dick shrugged. Of course he knew what kind of event this radical demon hunter was going to do, but in comparison, the paladin felt that everything that happened in Azeroth was not Not as important as he imagined.

After all, here is their foundation, so facing Illidan's anger, Dick could only say softly,

No way, this weapon hasn't really formed yet. It needs special energy injection to make it stronger. Only you can give it what it needs.

The king of Outland took a deep breath, probably accepting this explanation, he snorted coldly,

So, what does it need?

Frost, evil and blood... The power of frost will be provided by Mr. Senegos, I need you to provide it with evil, no, don't look at me like this... not literally, what I really need is your evil flame, In all of Azeroth and Draenor, you are the only one who possesses this special skill.

The paladin introduced to Illidan the white-haired, white-browed Sin'dorei old man sitting next to them. In fact, he didn't need to introduce him. When Illidan entered the room, he noticed this powerful guy. The dragon, no doubt, just from the active magic elemental that danced around him, it was a blue dragon, the most powerful of the kind.

Senegos has a much better personality than Malygos. He came here this time because of Dick's invitation. Elder Long, Senegos was almost busy walking around. If it wasn't for Dick's life-saving grace, he wouldn't let go of what he was doing to infuse a weapon born for destruction.

But to Senegos' surprise, after coming, he also found another interesting guy, Illidan, this demon hunter, a guy who has entered the realm of demigods, but through Senegos' eyes, he saw What I got was only a mess of chaotic and violent magic energy.

It's hard to believe that those violent forces would obey a mortal...but they did just that.

This guy alone made Senegos feel like his trip was worthwhile.

So, how to inject the evil flame? Hurry up and finish it, I'm still busy!

Illidan stretched out his left hand, and a scorching dark green flame appeared in his palm, but strangely, the scorching heat enough to melt everything only surged within a range of less than 1 centimeter from the flame. Can't feel the heat.

This kind of terrifying energy control made Dick very jealous, but the paladin still kept his senses. He raised the shadow front with both hands, pointed to the first of the three grooves on the ax surface, and said to Illidan,

Here, inject the most essence of evil flames here. There is an energy extraction circle on it. It only needs a little bit, and it can hold the essence of this power.

But it only lasts for less than 30 minutes!

After hearing Dick's explanation, Illidan clenched his fist and stretched out another finger. A dark green flame appeared on his fingertips, which was more active and gloomy than the previous flame. There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice,

I'm curious, what are you going to do with these 30 minutes, within 30 minutes, use it to kill Alsace?

Dick carefully brought the groove of the battle ax close to Illidan's Evil Flame Essence. At the moment of contact, a refreshing green light lit up the groove on the surface of the battle ax, and the green lines quickly disappeared. It spread to one-third of the notch on the surface of the axe, making this black battle ax look extraordinarily strange.

After doing all this, the paladin breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Illidan,

No, of course not! I want to use the ultimate evil, the ultimate frost, and the ultimate blood, these three energies of death, to fuse a soul that is greedy enough. Only in this way can this battle ax truly I have the qualifications to fight against Frostmourne...I don't need it to cut Frostmourne, I just need it to retain those powerful souls in Frostmourne...Otherwise, if we continue to fight in the current form, our manufacturing will be dragged down !

Tch... the thoughts of the weak!

Illidan stood up, a red light gleaming from the black strips over his eyes,

If it were me, I would directly kill the owner of the magic sword, and then use that power to strengthen myself instead of thinking about weakening it, but considering that you are single and weak, there is nothing wrong with doing this... maybe you can wait Wait, when the Illidari return, I will help you solve this trouble myself.

The demon hunter stretched out his finger, the slender claw-like nails pointed at himself, then at Dick,

You and I join hands,'s nothing to worry about! As long as you take your Titan Legion first, help me wipe out the demons in Outland...I know, you can do it, Dick, we should stand Together! You should look down on all beings, instead of thinking so much about a group of idiots like you are now!

That's very good, but it's a pity we can't wait that long!

A hoarse voice roughly interrupted Illidan's rather bewildering narration. Uther, wearing a sharp black helmet, walked in through the gate. the dark breath of his helm, his eyes under his helm looked at Illidan,

King of Outland? I've heard of you... I hear you're waging a protracted war?

Illidan was not angry because of Uther's interruption, on the contrary, he looked at Uther with interest,

Yeah, that's a more powerful battlefield than these small fights, and I'm short of guys like you who can really fight. Are you interested in going there and beheading a few devil bastards?

Uther's response to this invitation was,

Not interested! That's not what I'm here for! Go ahead and fight your battles, you don't belong here. Dick, let me see that thing!

The paladin shrugged his shoulders and waved his hand. The Shadow Front roared and flew towards Uther. The latter took it in his hand, waved it twice, and then carefully observed the distribution of the magic pattern on the ax surface. With a final nod,

Well, it really is a genius idea! We never thought of solving the problem from this aspect. As long as the souls of this weapon are greedy enough, those souls killed by it will never want to escape, and even Arthas will never want to escape again. Reviving those souls is like an apocalypse...

As he said that, the death knight stroked the hilt of the humming Death Judgment sword, Unfortunately, Apocalypse is too uncontrollable, so we need such a controllable weapon... Awesome! Dick, you solved it A big trouble! Do you want me to infuse it with blood-boiling abomination?

um, yes!

Dick nodded sharply, The power of your blood, the power of Mr. Senegos' ice, plus the evil power of Illidan's evil flame, if we are lucky, this weapon will quickly It will become Alsace's nightmare.

Well, let's get started!

Uther stretched out a finger, and the blood-red energy surged at the fingertips. It was the essence of his energy source, and he carefully placed it in the second groove on the ax face. At the moment when the energy filled one-third of the position next to the green energy, Shadow Front let out a violent buzzing sound.

It's like... a sleeping guy being awakened, but it's just the appearance of two very different energies clashing within Tomahawk.

And with the passage of time, the frequency of this beating is rapidly increasing.

Senegos also stepped forward, he stretched out his fingers, and the huge, lavender magic power surged between him, and then under the incomparable magic power attainment of the blue dragon, it all turned into the coldest frost, in that white light The moment the dot appeared, the temperature of the entire room dropped by at least 10 degrees.

And after the hoarfrost-like energy completely occupied the remaining third, Shadow Front whizzed and rolled up colorful lights and shadows, wrapping around the entire body of the Tomahawk.

Uther let go of his palm, and under the conflict of three completely different forces, it floated into the air. The coldest frost condensed on its hideous ax blade, and then fixed the entire ax surface in one layer. On the clear and icy surface of the ice, dark green flames also danced, twisting and melting the black steel at the junction of the ax blade and the handle, and finally, under a certain roaring will, formed a skull with horns and Frostmourne A pendant-like decoration, two icy blue rays of light danced in the skull's eye sockets.

Finally, Uther's blood abomination power fully activated the rune on the axe blade. It was a rune made after Frostmourne, and it also had the property of absorbing souls.

This change lasted for nearly 10 minutes. In the end, in the whisper of a gust of cold wind, the battle ax finally took shape. After the last ray of light dissipated, purple and deep soul power wrapped around the battle axe. Like the soldiers guarding the king, this represents the newborn spirit of weapons, with the power to manipulate the soul.

It's like Frostmourne, maybe a little weaker, but it's enough.

When looking at this gorgeous, ferocious and weird weapon, everyone, even Dick and Uther, felt the malice at the soul level. This is a greedy guy, even if he was just born, he can't wait to get it Taste the taste of the soul.

Be a real villain! But the villain they need right now!

The death knight stretched out his hand and held it in his hand, while the battle ax screamed and wanted to jump out of his palm, and the death judgment behind him kept slapping Uther's body.

The death knight lord finally gave up on this attempt, he shook his head,

Apocalypse is stopping me... Dick, it should be yours! And only you can tame this wild and greedy soul.

No, neither can I.

The paladin stretched out his hand, and the silver flame of justice appeared in his palm, he shook his head, My spirit is already tied to this weapon, just like yours, so... we have to give it a new Find a master, and as soon as possible.

After finishing speaking, the paladin looked at Illidan who was standing aside with his shoulders folded,

And you, old friend, I promise... I will go to Draenor one day, and I will complete the things I told you, but not recently... Don't worry, I will participate in this war.

By the way, help me bring something to Cirvanas, she will need this.

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