Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 471 4. Death Wielding Knight

Tirion Fordring.

This is the name of a veteran who was born in the most powerful and prosperous era of Lordaeron.

But when he became an adult, he encountered the first wave in his life, which was also the wave of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. The orcs surging from the south broke the tranquility of the kingdom. At the most critical moment, the entire kingdom was threatened. Risk, that is the last line of defense in the turbulent human world.

Once Lordaeron falls, it almost means the fall of the entire Eastern Continent.

At that time, the whole country was fighting back, and Fording was one of them, but unlike others, under the auspices of his mentor, the greatest priest Alonsus Faol, he became the first One of the five paladins of the first generation.

Later, the war ended, and the human camp finally won the victory after several years of arduous counterattacks. As a commander, Fording gained an enviable title and reputation. The calm start of the down.

Fording lost a lot in that war. His best brother, General Turalyon, who was also one of the first generation of paladins, led the army into the Dark Portal for the survival of Azeroth. , closed it from the other side, and exiled himself forever into another barren world.

But compared to other paladins of the first generation, Old Fording's life experience is obviously more bumpy.

Betrayed and misunderstood, he still insisted on his own will, and was eventually abolished the power of the Holy Light. Although he was favored by the Holy Light later, it was obvious that this was a stain on Old Fording's life.

During the period when he was exiled from Lordaeron, all records about Old Fording were erased, which also caused his reputation to be not as strong as other paladins, but those who are familiar with him know that Old Fording Like everyone else, a true hero.

Heroes always act differently from ordinary people and can do things that ordinary people cannot.

For example, now, when everyone else is hesitating, Old Fording stands up. When his left hand holds the handle of the battle axe, everyone is sincerely praying for him, no matter what the camp is, no matter whether it was before or not. I have been in touch, but no one will deny that the old Fording at this moment is truly worthy of the title of hero.

Not everyone will give up their future for the benefit of others.

Not everyone will bet everything on themselves for an illusory concept of peace.


The moment old Fording held Shadowmourne, this wild and greedy battle ax launched a counterattack, not only at the soul level, but also in substance. Black power surged into his body along his left hand, It was the combined power of the three top powerhouses Illidan, Senegos and Uther. Almost in an instant, it occupied half of Old Fording's body. He fell on the chair, golden holy light Using his body as a battlefield with the black mist, they frantically fought and competed.

The old knight let out a cry of pain, and a smear of blood gushed out of the corner of his mouth, but the others had all seen strong winds and waves, and they did not panic because of this, nor did they try to help him recklessly. At this moment, any injection of external force, They will all be attacked by Old Fording's holy light and the energy of Shadowmourne at the same time.

What's more, it would disrupt the balance that was forming, and in the worst case, it might hurt the old knight's life.

Hold on! Fording!

Mograine stood aside, clenched his fists. As an old comrade who has fought together for decades, he knew Fording's mood better than anyone else. Dick also walked quickly to the side of the old knight. I can't forget now that when Naxxramas rescued Uther, when everyone was surrounded and there was no hope, Old Fording and Mograine blasted the wall and rescued Uther with a ray of light. The sight of the crowd.

This is a respectable senior, not to mention, during those years in the game, Old Fording was even more of his old acquaintance.

If something happens to you, Tyran will kill me, so... hang on, Fording!

Dick looked into Old Fording's eyes and whispered, That's just a weapon, and a weapon will always be honored only by the man who wields it! Tell me, Fording, tell me you won't be the second Al Sass, you will not be as weak as him, controlled by a weapon, I have always believed in this, stick to it!

If you die, I will lose a good opponent.

Saurfang also encouraged the old knight in his own way, I also want this battle ax very much, but you preempted it, so I will use the results to prove that you are stronger than me... Don't disappoint those who are still waiting !

Old Fording, who was convulsing all over his body, obviously heard the voices of everyone, his eyes kept spinning, staying on everyone's body, and finally closed his eyes tightly.

He is telling others in this way that he hasn't lost yet!

He wants to take these blessings, go to the spiritual level to face this opponent, and then turn it into his sharpest blade.

I'll tear you apart, I'll strangle you, I'll kill you! Go away!

That voice screamed and collided in his heart, like a full-fledged villain, arbitrarily trying to tear Fording's will into pieces, but the spirit of the old knight was as strong as steel, and he seemed to see that in a trance. The black figure, but its body cannot be seen, only a shadow of light can be seen.

Dark, indifferent, cruel, vicious, and greedy.

This is completely incompatible with Old Fording's character. Before he got close, Old Fording felt the coldness and evil in his heart, as well as a strong smell of blood. Fording's strength is out of tune.

It is completely like the existence of two worlds.

You can't kill me! You can't tear me apart! And this is my conscious world, why do you tell me to go away! You bastard!

The old knight clenched his fists and rushed towards the dark figure. Although in the spiritual world, he couldn't hurt that guy, but that kind of momentum weakened everything around him a little, and then he felt the voice It suddenly fell silent.

Can you hear me?...that's weird, so who are you?

It doesn't matter who I am!

Old Fording let go of his fist, and he looked at the dark body that had quieted down in front of him, I want you to obey me!

No! I refuse!

That voice resolutely refused, Your power is completely unable to accommodate my existence, much worse than the first guy I contacted, I want to find the most suitable user for me, you... no!

Old Fording bared his teeth, but as a veteran, he did not give up, but said quickly,

Then you don't want to leave here! I will trap you forever, you know, I have this ability!


The voice fell silent, and after a while, he seemed to make some concessions,

Your thinking is very strange! As I said, I am not suitable for you. Your power is... um, salvation, and I represent death. Do you understand? Forced fusion can only make you feel more pain, I It's an axe, I won't suffer, are you out of your mind?

Old Fording grinned. He saw the hope of victory, which was simpler than he imagined. After all, the soul of Shadowmourner was just born, and his way of thinking was still very simple, so Fording pondered for a moment, and said,

All weapons mean death.

And I wield death to save. See, this is not in conflict. As for pain, that is not important.

The old knight held out his hand,

So before you find a more suitable person, obey me. I need to use your strength in exchange for the end of the war. That is the really bad thing, and there is nothing worse than it.

After a few seconds of silence, Old Fording felt a chilly energy slowly wrapping around his hands, and there was also a voice that became quiet, but suppressed a trace of restless death.

...What you said, I don't understand... But it seems to make some sense, well, let's do it like this... My name is Shadowmourne, what about you?

My name is Fording, Tirion Fording!


The next moment, cold, evil, and energy with a strong bloody smell exploded around Old Fording's body, and the darkness that wrapped around Fording's small body faded away at this moment, mixed with holy light, and abruptly turned the surrounding People squeezed a few inches away.

And the golden and black rays of light collided around Old Fording's body for the last time, and the light mist brought up completely submerged the body of the old knight sitting on the chair. After a few seconds, the smoke also dissipated, and a tall A figure walked out of the smoke, the armor on his body was tattered, his pale hair was windless, and the battle ax in his hand... ice blue, full of death and dark energy On the blade, there is also a strange golden edge.

The completely opposite energies have reached a strange balance at this moment, and thus they are combined.

you made it?

Mograine looked at Old Fording in surprise. The latter shrugged, turned his calm battle ax back, and showed his left hand to everyone.

No... not entirely successful, but barely adequate.

The paladin's left hand has turned into a strange appearance mixed with golden and black shimmers. The light and shadow cover the paladin's palm like flowing water. At a certain moment, he will even appear a little transparent, showing bones The transparency, and almost every moment, there are light spots of two kinds of energy confronting each other, like ground flesh and blood.

Constantly regenerated, constantly destroyed.

This is the pain that Shadowmourne said. As long as old Fording keeps holding this weapon, this kind of confrontation between death and holy light will always exist, just like what the weapon told him, it will be the ultimate pain .

Congratulations, man!

Saurfang also breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at Old Fording and gave him a thumbs up. You are a real tough guy. You have done things that others cannot.

Hmm... looks pretty good.

Dick glanced at the old Fording's palm that had lost the light, and nodded, Then let's move on to the next stage... Shadowmourne's soul is still very weak, let it fight against Frostmourne now, Obviously not realistic, so we have to cook a real meal to make it stronger!

The paladin spread his hands and flexed his wrists,

You're going to love the process, I've got a good name for it.

Thousand Soul Feast!

Feast of Thousand Souls~~ Domineering and mighty! ~~ This afternoon there will be an update for the brothers who donated yesterday! Stay tuned~

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