Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 479 12. The Shadow of the Old One --- Add more changes to the Brothers of the Claws of Frost

Chapter 479 12. The Shadow of the Old One --- Add more changes to the Frostfang Claw Brothers

Although walking in the depths of the same dungeon, Dick knew nothing about the battle that took place on Azjol Nerub.

He didn't come for the Crypt Lord. The three of Old Fording were enough to deal with Anub'arak. He had more important things to do, about another war.

Ankahet, this is another name for the ancient kingdom in the nerubian language. Under the icy frozen soil of Northrend, the nerubians established a huge kingdom. The deeper the kingdom is, the kingdom is immersed in time The deeper the traces, the more intense the nerubian civilization rule and the final defeat of Ajjol Nerub, the ruins of this well-preserved ancient kingdom appear brighter.

According to Lor'themar, after the demise of Azjol Nerub, the surviving nerubians were still hiding in this deeper city, stubbornly resisting the dark will of Arthas the Lich King, It's hard to say if there's anything tricky about it.

At least Dick didn't believe that the nerubian remnants alone could hold back the army of darkness across Northrend. It will not be stronger than the entire civilized world, so if Anub'arak, who supervises the battle here, releases water, or the Nerubians get support from other forces

Dick thinks it's the latter, because he knows that in the depths of the ruins of this ancient kingdom, there is indeed a third-party force hidden.

That's why he's here.

Existing in the distorted state of the light in the shadow of the leaves, the paladin walked quickly in this ancient ruins, all the way to the depths, surrounded by various forms of spider demons, including spider magic with human bodies and spider bodies There are also nerubian warriors that look like big gray spiders, those spider webs all over the ground and walls, and those blood-red little spiders the size of fists.

Everything shows the danger here, and the most surprising thing is that the order here still exists!

least superficially present.

Under the ancient city wall engraved with the civilization symbols of the nerubians, the nerubian soldiers who are still alive are still doing their best to stop every intruder, but after entering here, the breath deeper than darkness, But it is reminding everyone who entered here that there are hidden things more dangerous than nerubians and undead in this ancient city.

Idiot, the atmosphere of chaos here is so thick!

The deeper he went, the more difficult it became for Dick to hide his figure. He had to focus part of his energy on suppressing the power of order that was about to move. Anveena, who was sitting on his shoulder, twitched her nose and whispered: ,

I smell similar to the Ahn'Qiraj temple in C'Thun!

Well, that's why I'm here!

Dick's left hand hidden in his sleeve moved, and the silvery-white halo was getting brighter and brighter. Lei Sch, who was sitting on his left shoulder, also imitated Anveena, sniffling, and said in a childish voice explain,

Are you going to wash this place down? Dick, there's an underground river near here.

The paladin stretched out his hand and flicked little Lei Shi's head, No. At least not now.

Little guys, be steady, we are going to speed up!

Dick looked left and right, and decided not to hide his body anymore. A golden flash of lightning passed through the collapsed city wall of Ankakhet, and flashed into a well-hidden cave under the wall, which was the gateway to Ankakhet. A very deep passage, even in the game, this passage is extremely hidden.

For tens of thousands of years, the nerubians have dug countless secret passages underneath, and this is just one of Ankahet's hidden secrets.

Passing through the narrow, cold and dark tunnel, you can see rows of tents. Judging from the scattered and regular distribution, it is obvious that this place is not left by the predecessors, but someone is living here. The scene made Anveena let out a cry of surprise, and a clear smile appeared on Dick's face under the hood.

They are indeed here! This group of mice hiding in XZ!

Who are they? Stupid.

Hehe, who else could it be? Twilight Cultists! A group of idiots who worship Yogg-Saron.

Do you want to drown them? Dick, this side is closer to the underground river!

The devil's battlefield in Bumaton is where they should go.

The Twilight Cultists hiding in the underground city of Ankahet didn't know that an evil star was about to come to their door. They were gathering at the square left over from the Nerubian's ancient kingdom as usual. Under the auspices of Bishop Yegoda Shadowseeker, daily routine prayers were carried out.

The Shadow Seeker herself is a female orc. Judging from her age, she is no longer young, but the gift from the ancient gods allowed her to continue to be active when she should have died long ago. She can live for a long time. At this time, facing the sincere kneeling of nearly a thousand servants of the ancient gods, her face is full of satisfaction. While waving the ice-blue worm-legged staff in her hand, the voices of the believers' prayers have also changed. It grew bigger and bigger, and finally oscillated back and forth across the entire square.

Those crazy words of worshiping the ancient gods even formed waves of small noises in this square, appearing more distorted and paranoid.

These fanatics wear blue and purple robes. They are all magic users. Frankly speaking, if you don't count their crazy beliefs that everyone rejects, the large group of mages gathered here , can be regarded as a powerful force.

In fact, these fanatics have only migrated here recently. They were originally distributed in various parts of the world, from the desolate desolate land, to Silithus in the lonely desert, from Quel'Thalas From the land of ghosts to the hot and dangerous Stranglethorn Valley, they are tirelessly overthrowing the world order everywhere.

And a small part of these people are newly attached newcomers. After the assassination of Benedictus in Stormwind City, many cultists belonging to the series of N'Zoth, the Demon with Thousand Beards, are all in the Kingdom of Stormwind. Under the brutal repression of the people, he mixed with the migrating people, came to Northrend, and rejoined the seemingly stronger Yogg-Saron.

This made the Shadowseeker rewarded, and Yogg-Saron sent a herald. Soon, the Shadowseeker will follow him to the Temple of the Old God to receive the gift of higher power.

Everything was great!

Except for those damned nerubians, some of them refused to accept the gift of the great master, and even attacked his servants. The shadow seeker looked at the nearly thousand believers who had joined her, and she was thinking about whether to launch a War of Faith to completely defeat those nerubians who are still resisting.

The Shadow Seeker was thinking about these things, she gently raised her arms, and the power from Yogg-Saron in her body swayed, pushing her body up to the half-destroyed nerubian statue and then, in a cadenced voice, said aloud,

The power of the elements will rise and take back this world polluted by civilization! Only the most devout believers can survive!

Accompanied by her fanatical voice, the believers kneeling on the ground responded hoarsely,

We serve him faithfully!

Shadowseeker lowered his voice a little, and shouted in a low voice,

As long as you dedicate your whole body and mind to the great Yogg Saron, even you can gain immortal life!

The believers responded again,

We respectfully worship him!

The Shadow Seeker was very satisfied, she opened her left hand as if holding an invisible heavy object,

Here, at the place closest to his territory! You can personally experience this powerful, undeniable power!

In order to come here, you have traveled long distances and gone through hardships and dangers. Your piety will definitely be rewarded!

The believers stood up silently, raised their hands, and seemed to be cheering silently. At this point, the prayer was coming to an end, and the voice of the Shadow Seeker was still suspended in the air, and her voice was like the last touch of cheer, changing louder and louder,

Believers, you have reason to rejoice and cheer! But we still have a lot of unfinished business! Before the entire Azeroth is covered by his shadow, we must continue to work hard!

She stretched out a finger, as if she was guided by some kind of will from the void. Under the expectant eyes of countless believers, her finger pointed to an excited Black Iron Dwarf believer. She whispered ,

Come forward, believer, Yogg Saron has chosen you, and he will give you infinite power!

So under the eyes of other cult members who were envious and jealous, the black iron dwarf stepped forward excitedly, his emotions burst out, and he knelt down on the ground, choked up and shouted,

I am willing to give my all for the great cause of Yogg-Saron! Give all my loyalty!

Very good, the great ancient god has seen your loyalty, come on, accept this incomparable power of the ancient god!

Yegoda Shadowseeker raised her staff, and the tip of her staff shone with chaotic purple energy, just like a real gift, and it was about to fall on the body of the fanatical black iron dwarf, but the next moment, Brighter and hotter, like a golden pillar of fire, the holy flame that fell from the dark dome of Ankahet enveloped the black iron dwarf cultist who was waiting for the gift and Yegoda Shadowseeker who was completely unable to dodge. .

The Dark Iron Dwarf was melted in an instant, and the more powerful Shadow Seeker, supported by the shadow and chaotic energy all over her body, wanted to escape, but she only had time to let out a short wail, and then, under everyone's gaze, she wrapped herself in The flesh and blood of the strong power of chaos was ignited, and in the endless gushing of holy flames, her slightly hunchbacked bones appeared, and eventually, even the burning bones turned into a speck of dust.

Two people, two living lives, were wiped out of this world in the cruelest way, and even their souls could not escape.


The Wind Chaser Sword wrapped in golden lightning and the edge of the holy light pierced under the stone slab of the square, and a tall figure walked out from the golden holy flame. With his footsteps, the holy flame was completely retracted at this moment, like He is like a tame servant, and from the beginning to the end, his eyes did not fall on these stunned heretics, but kept looking at the spider silk road spreading upwards not far from the nerubian statue.

There is a deeper and larger chaos entrenched there.

Ahem. Sorry, I interrupted your warm gathering, but what I want to say is that you will be sentenced to exile, and the place of exile is another world. Do you have any opinions on this?

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