Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 481 14. Ultimatum? Countermeasure

Chapter 481 14. Ultimatum Countermeasure

When the nerubians built this dark hall, perhaps they never thought that this hall would one day take on such a heavy responsibility.

A place where chaos and order collide.

This is not to say the meaning of the symbol, but the real chaos and order... Yogg-Saron, and Dick? Bronzan? Don.

Bipolar of all things, eternal chaos and order.

Go back, when you can go back...

Yogg-Saron's voice sounded in Dick's mind, and it was just as he guessed that the high-ranking faceless man named Herald Volaz in front of him was the differentiation of Yogg-Saron's twisted soul. The distorted body carried part of the power of that daunting ancient god.

At the moment when this voice appeared, the silver order, which had already gained the absolute upper hand, was suppressed once again, fluttering like a candle in the wind, and Dick's mood appeared a little disordered, only Yogg-Saron's first sentence voice, but the next moment, a touch of cold power from the power of the gods behind rushed into his body, calming the restless emotions again.

Dick took a deep breath.

We haven't met before... but we have confronted many times. In the great plains of Dalaran, the titan facility in Ulduar was activated, and it was you who made us fall short? You bastard, you almost killed me! That was the first time.

When the Draenei fortress descended on Azeroth, you once again manipulated Ulduar, trying to destroy those fugitives. You almost killed the last hope of a race... That was the second time!

I met Ursoc in the Emerald Dream, and released Ursoc in Grizzly Hills. That was the third time!

The paladin flicked his fingers lightly in the air, and his voice became more cheerful,

Look, you have been attacking, but I have the upper hand. I am about to go to Ulduar, your stronghold, your dark place, there, we can settle the score!

Dick raised his left hand, and the Silver Fist seemed to sense Yogga-Saron's aura. It became more active than before, and with the power of order, it also produced a violent vibration, breaking through Yogga-Saron abruptly. Long's dark blockade brought the entire hall back into the opposition between order and chaos.

Look! This fist hates you too, Yogg-Saron! It will give me the power of revenge, and we will liberate Ulduar again, and let the Titan's Symmetra shroud the entire world again!

In that world, there is no place for you chaotic people!

Herald Volaz, or Yogg-Saron did not answer, and the eerie silence lasted for nearly a minute before the paladin's laughter sounded again.

What are you waiting for? Yogg-Saron...I know my rhetoric can't scare you, so, I are locking my position, borrowing the power of Ulduar, who has been completely corrupted by you, like Like breaking through the Exodar, breaking through the land where I am, and burying me and all of this completely, right?


Yogg-Saron didn't answer, but Volaz's cold, cruel, and ruthless eyes turned to the paladin, who was unafraid, spread his hands, and said innocently,

Do you feel that you can't activate Ulduar's energy like before?

what have you done?!

Hehe... I just did what I had to do.

Dick's voice also became cold, Guys like you can't understand the power of order at all! I just got back part of the interest, and Ulduar is your prison, honestly waiting to die Prisoner!

If you want to escape from prison, you have to ask me if I agree!

The paladin said that he was arrogant, but in fact, he just completely cut off the energy transmission between the occupied Creator Engine and the main body of Ulduar at the prompt of Odin. The shutdown of important facilities will make Ulduar the deepest The layered defense mechanism completely locks the current energy operation, preventing the prisoner from escaping, until the guardian council reauthorizes to open the energy lock.

This is a secret that only Odin and Raiden know... Yogg-Saron doesn't know all of this, and Dick is glad that the ancient god doesn't know, otherwise, his legion wants to seize the Creator Engine located in the center of the storm cliff , but it is not so simple.

Fortunately, that thing has now fallen into Dick's hands. Although he couldn't gain control of that thing before occupying Ulduar, he couldn't even command the huge amount of steel legion stored in it, but fortunately Yogg-Saron was literally trapped as long as the Creator Engine was in his hands.

But this is temporary!

Yogg-Saron has controlled the five guardians of Loken, Thorim, Freya, Mimiron and Hodir. The combination of their permissions is enough to restart the energy lock, but Yogg-Saron has not yet It's just to discover this function, but it will be discovered sooner or later. All secrets are meaningless in front of the ancient gods. This kind of creature exists almost entirely to break through the soul and avoid obstacles.

Dick and Odin will not be weak enough to pin the survival of the entire world on the stupidity of the ancient gods, so... Dick is deceiving Yogg-Saron to buy time for the upcoming battle of Icecrown.

He had to stabilize the ancient god first, otherwise, when the fight against Alsace was the most intense, the ancient god would come to intervene, and everything would be over. This world could not withstand the combined attack of the undead natural disaster and the ancient god army.

But before that, the Paladin had to make sure of one thing.

Hehe... the same tone as Tyre.

Volaz spoke, but Yogg-Saron's will was at work, But Tyr, who is stronger than you, is dead... What can you do to stop me?

I am the lucid dream... the monster of your nightmares... yes, you can't stop me... because you can't stop yourself!

Do you think you have won? No... This is just the last hope before despair. When I untie it, you will know how stupid your provocation is. You and I both know that noble sacrifices cannot be exchanged for the final victory. victory.

It's and this world, it's meaningless...

Stop your chattering howls, Yogg-Saron! After we destroy your dark servants, the wailing of your dog leg Arthas will sound your death knell forever! You will wait for the destruction you want Yes, but it has to start with you!

Dick yelled angrily, and after 2 seconds, Voraz's voice sounded again, this time with a bit of playfulness,

Oh... how do you know about my connection with Arthas? I thought you idiots wouldn't know... that's a secret that only darkness and chaos know.

Dick caught this trace of playfulness, and he laughed contemptuously\

,"Alsace won't wake up so quickly when he merged with Ner'zhul. You helped him. Your subordinate Kel'Thuzad, the bastard I killed in Pandaria, also admitted this with his own mouth. Do you think Can you hide it from us? You are wrong, you are far from omniscient! Yogg-Saron, you think you are a god, but when we appear in front of you, you will are nothing!

Ah... Kel'Thuzad, I remember the name, that's N'Zoth's minion, an interesting little guy, but so what? You know, so what? Sad order, you don't even know me You can't defeat even your subordinates, and you want to defeat me without shame?

But I will give you this chance... In Ulduar, I am waiting for you... I remember your smell, don't dream... little thing, otherwise you will die a miserable death...

I'm leaving...Treasure the time you have, it will be the last good time in this world.

After finishing speaking, the fluctuations of darkness and chaos disappeared from the body of the herald Voraz in front of him. What disappeared together was Voraz’s body. It wasn’t that the herald escaped or left. The moment his will dissipated from him, the body of this high-ranking faceless man began to collapse, like a disgusting split, and quickly changed from an 8-meter-high flesh and blood giant into a pile of disgusting A mix of tainted blood and chunks of flesh.

Obviously, it can't bear the coming of Yogg-Saron's body consciousness, and it is the limit to persist until now.

The paladin stared at the place where the ancient god disappeared... He already had a judgment in his heart.

Yogg-Saron has nothing to do with Arthas!

The scene he was most worried about didn't happen in the end, it was God's blessing... Originally, the emotional fluctuations of flesh and blood creatures could not escape the observation of the ancient gods, but the existence of the power of the gods gave Dick room to manipulate.

The cloak seriously weakened the ancient god's perception, making Dick's emotional changes more vague and real. While he was using fabricated language to trick Yogg-Saron, this talkative and treacherous ancient god was also tricking him,

He deliberately put aside his relationship with Kel'Thuzad, but admitted his relationship with Alsace. This kind of lie, which is 90% true and 100% false, is definitely the easiest to believe, and the most authentic language A trace of lies in the story turned it into the most dangerous thing in the world - the temptation from the ancient gods.

He is trying to make Dick think that he and Alsace really have a relationship, so that Dick's attention will be completely turned to the Scourge. He doesn't even care whether Dick believes this lie, because all he needs is Dick's fear, Come to buy yourself time, as Dick guessed, he needs time to process Ulduar's energy lock!

Once the energy lock is unlocked and the energy of Ulduar restarts, there is probably no place in this world that can block the bombardment of the titan's energy except for the furnace of origin.

But the emergence of this lie just proves that he has nothing to do with Alsace, because Kel'Thuzad is not a servant of N'Zoth, but a lunatic who believes in the heresy ancient god Sataras, and he is not dead at all... this The lich just completely disappeared from the world under the threat of Dick, and he is still trying to do those things that Dick asked.

For example, the assassination of Benedictus was a tragedy concocted by him and the heroes of the mantid, just for Dick's promise.

Yogg-Saron obviously didn't know this, and Sartaras, who was currently imprisoned by Kel'Thuzad with the power of Y'Shaarj, would not tell him this kind of thing.

So the current situation is already obvious...Yogg-Saron holds a weapon capable of destroying any part of the world, but that weapon is temporarily locked by Dick, and only by attacking Ulduar can the hidden danger of that weapon be completely removed. But at present, Dick's strength is not enough to attack that place. At least he needs a part of the coalition army and a free dragon to help him quickly clear the remaining resistance forces on the storm cliff. Only then can you safely enter the battlefield of the ancient gods and fight him to the death.

But in order to get help from the coalition forces, Arthas and his Scourge must be killed first. However, to face Alsace directly, Dick, who holds order and the most powerful holy light at the same time, is an indispensable force for the coalition forces. Most importantly, there was also an unavoidable entanglement between Dick and Alsace.

So the final breaking point still fell on the Icecrown Glacier.

Before he breaks through the lock... Arthas must be dealt with!

In the dark hall, Dick stared at the Wind Chaser Sword wrapped in golden lightning in his hand, and he finally made up his mind.

Can't wait any longer! Break the ice... let's get started!

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