Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 486 19. Misshirsa Anel

Chapter 486 19. Mishhirsa Anel

The Icecrown Glacier is not a substantial glacier...well, that's not true, maybe when it first appeared, it was indeed a whole piece, but after such a long time, some things have appeared inside it. A secret change that no one knows about.

There are no more than five people in the whole world who know these secrets, and Dick is one of them. However, his knowledge does not come from harsh and crazy adventures. The more incidents happened, the more Dick realized that the knowledge in his mind was his most precious wealth.

Walking on the Icecrown Glacier, which Arthas always pays attention to, he cannot use any power, because that would be noticed by the Lich King, so he can only move forward silently, but thanks to his already infinitely powerful body at this time, he The speed is not slow.

Soon, he quietly approached Icecrown Citadel, but there was not his destination, but the ice layer directly in front of the fortress... There was an inconspicuous depression there, and the blue ice inside penetrated the ground. In addition, there is that deep darkness... which means that this place seems to lead to an endless abyss.

Dick stood outside the depression. He raised his head and looked at the black spire of Icecrown Citadel soaring into the sky. He shook his head,

You thought you were hiding everything...It's a pity that you met me.

He said something in a low voice, then looked left and right, the surroundings were full of irrational walking corpses and skeletons, this place lacked everything, except these damn things.

The paladin took a step forward, and under the distorted light, he stepped into the depression that only one person could enter. His body was falling rapidly, and the surrounding temperature was getting lower and lower. Obviously, he was close to the ice. In the deepest part of the Crown Glacier, there is still the pervasive darkness, even something deeper than darkness.

Dick's left hand began to warm up, which proved that there was something more dangerous here.

The temperature became more gloomy, but the wind blowing from the ground meant that he was getting closer to the bottom of this seemingly unfathomable cave. After hearing the rushing sound of the underground river, Dick's hands jerked Leaning out, he was firmly trapped in the surrounding solid ice, and his body also stopped falling rapidly at this moment. This kind of movement, which is enough to completely break the bones of a mortal, is just an insignificant move in the eyes of the paladins. try.

His body turned a few times in the darkness, and then jumped onto the ice in the darkness.

In his eyes, the surrounding darkness was almost the same as the daytime. Soon, he noticed the shocking building in the darkness in the distance, which was very similar to the style of Titan creation, but most of the majestic buildings were covered by heavy ice cubes, frozen in the ice.

And in those places that haven't been frozen, some familiar guys can be seen patrolling.

Faceless! Belonging to the extension of the flesh and will of the ancient gods, even at the bottom of this barren land, Icecrown Glacier, the power of Yogg-Saron still exists... In fact, Dick at least knew that Yogg-Saron was here There are two missionary sites in the area.

Yes, this is also the reason why Dick was worried that the Thousand Maws and the Lich King would collude, because his tentacles had already extended into this dark kingdom, and at least three high-ranking faceless men were secretly planning What, one of them is in the hall not far from Dick's eyes.

Arthas may or may not have known all this, but he did not react to it.

This place is called Nazanak, which means forgotten abyss in the ancient language of the gods. This knowledge exists in Dick's mind. His goal, at least not now.

The paladin turned around and walked quickly into the darkness on the other side of the hall, where he was looking for something, something that had been discarded by the Lich King.

Soon, in the darkness, Dick found that thing, right at the bottom of the icy water, under the sand, there was something that was emitting a cold light, like a fist-sized thing, covered by the cold A frozen gemstone, but it shines with a deeper and colder light than gemstones.

Wrapped inside is a heart!

A gray-white heart that has no blood and no longer beating.

The paladin stared at this thing, and after a few seconds, he stretched out his hand, but just before touching the frozen heart, a weak, timid voice came from behind him,

You shouldn't have touched it!

Dick's hand suddenly stopped in the air, less than a finger away from the water surface. He turned his head, and in the darkness, he saw the voice speaking. It was a child hiding behind the glacier, cautiously He poked his head out and looked at his child.

There was still a hint of fear and horror in his eyes, and Dick noticed the illusion of his body... that abnormal illusion represented the fact that this child was a ghost.

He is dead.


Dick let out a breath, he stood up, turned around, looked at the child, and waved to him, but the child hid his body even deeper, and even put his head back, obviously refusing to talk to Dick. Ke made further exchanges, the paladin had no choice but to ask softly,

Who are you? Child, why are you here?

Silence... until a few seconds later, the child's voice sounded in the darkness, with a hint of childish timidity name is Mishhirsa Anel, I...I don't know why I am here, except for those ugly and disgusting monsters, you are the first human I have ever seen, I see Until you fall from above... Are you the treasure thief in the story? Why did you come here? There is nothing but ice here!

A child is a child. Although he was scared just now, he became curious about Dick's origin again. The paladin grinned and said in a low voice,

I'm a paladin, from the Silver know the Silver Hand, don't you? I guess, you want to join the Silver Hand, that's your wish, right?

how do you know!

Anel's voice became amazed. This time he was much braver and came out from behind the ice he was hiding in. It was a child of only 7 or 8 years old, wearing a small blue vest with white inside The shirt, blue trousers and small leather boots, the most striking thing is his hair and eyes.

A beautiful child with blond hair and sea blue eyes.

But when Dick saw the child's appearance, in the deepest part of his eyes, he couldn't help showing a look of shame and deep sadness, but it was only for a few seconds. When Dick raised his head again, his face There was already a smile on the face, and as soon as he stretched out his hand towards Anel, a badge of the Silver Hand fell at Anel's feet. The child picked up the badge with great effort, looked carefully, and then walked over.

I thought you were a bad person! But you really shouldn't touch that thing, I saw him throw it, just throw it here, he said he didn't need that thing, he said it would only make him Get weak!

The child's ghost returned the badge to Dick. When he touched the holy light in Dick's body, Anel showed a painful expression, then he quickly hid his burned fingers and looked at Dick in horror. Dick seemed afraid that the paladins would see his strangeness.

But Dick didn't. He completely restrained the holy light, and then reached out and patted Anel's head. He didn't seem to notice the strangeness of Anel, but turned the topic in another direction.

You mean him? Who is he?

Arnell, who seemed delighted at Dick's action, snorted, pointed to the heart, and said to Dick with an exaggerated expression, opening his hands,

It's the prince! No, no, no, he is the king now, the king of the land above the ice! He is so majestic! But he doesn't like to talk, and he is cruel to his opponents, but his heart is a prince. I threw it down before I became king.

After finishing speaking, the child patted his chest proudly, I watched the prince throw him down with my own eyes.

Dick frowned slightly. He looked at Anel and asked curiously,

The prince is Alsace?


Anel nodded, but quickly shook his head again, But you can't call the king by his first name here! They call him the Lich King, and I do too! But they're all stupid, and they don't like I play, but it's okay, I have babies that none of them have!

Anel was a little sad as he spoke, and Dick immediately realized that Anel was talking about the undead wandering outside the glacier, but soon, he clapped his hands happily again, as if showing off to adults His own child, he said to Dick, pointing to the heart,

This is my treasure. If the prince loses it, it means that the prince doesn't need it anymore. Then it is mine. I have to protect it for the prince. Maybe the prince will need it again someday!

Dick nodded, smiled at Anel, and asked,

Then how did you come here? Do you remember where your home is?

This question made Anel scratch his head, and he said with the peculiar ignorance of a child,

I forgot... but I remember that I should have a father, he is very serious, white beard, likes to wear white robes, very dignified, but treats me very well... I should have a sister, she is also very good to me , but the person she likes has left, so she always hides in the house and cries...Our family is very big, with many servants...By the way, I remember my house is called...Lodan...What is it? I forgot.


Dick reminded, and Anel nodded immediately,

Yes, that's the name. Our family is called this. Maybe it's the name of a manor. Hey, you know Lordaeron too. Are you going to my house?

The paladin touched his nose in embarrassment,

Uh...Actually, I belong to your sister... Well, friend, she has been looking for you, she is worried about you, so, you leave here with me first, and I will kill you when the war between me and the king is over. How about sending it back to your sister?

Anel immediately showed a vigilant look, he shook his head, took a step back,

I don't believe you! Unless...unless you show proof that you know my sister!

Now it was Dick's turn to scratch his head, and after a few seconds he said,

Your sister's name is Kalia, isn't it?

Uh, it seems to be the name, but I have the impression that many people know it, this doesn't count!

Your sister has inherited your father's habits. She likes to wear a white robe and a veil when she goes out. Her favorite food is caviar and berries from East Dalomere. Her favorite book is The Old Dwarf. And the Sea!

These... I don't remember clearly, it doesn't count!

Well, the man she likes is Sir Prestor!

That's right! But it's not enough!

Okay! You little bastard... your sister has a butterfly-like birthmark on her chest and a small wound on her abdomen, which you accidentally stabbed when you were playing games when you were young! Is this enough?

...Enough is enough...but I think, should I call

...Shut up! Quietly wait for me to finish my work, and then follow me out of this damn place! Damn Menethil!

a few seconds later...


Huh? What's the matter? Knight Dick, do you need help?

No...I just wanted to say, sorry I'm late...

Hmm, four days of recommendations~ Today is the last day~ So this is the end of today's update, and tomorrow will resume the third update. . . Thank you brothers for your support! Thanks!

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