Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 501 34. Soul Furnace·The Last Line of Defense

Alexstrasza was standing on the top floor of Wyrmrest Temple. The left hand of the graceful queen was leaning on the ruined stone pillar. This was the top floor of the tower that was destroyed by Arthas and Sindragosa's last raid. The starry eyes seemed to be able to penetrate space and time. She looked at the dark Icecrown Glacier, and seemed to hear the last, desperate, ferocious and sinister roar of the dragon.

The falling snow in Dragon Bone Wilderness suddenly became much thicker at this moment, as if it was also making a sad footnote for this dragon roar.

The queen closed her eyes. Just now, she witnessed the final fall of a compatriot who had a rough life at the same time.

Sindragosa is dead! She died at the hands of five mortals...

The voice of the Life-Binder spread throughout the top of the tower, and the voice stopped the work in the hands of Malygos, who was busy preparing something, but then, the king of blue dragons continued to manipulate the mana line. prepared by.

The queen turned her head in surprise. She looked at her brother, the most manic Malygos in her memory, who was silent as if he had been cast in a silence spell. With his back to Alexstrasza, he kept talking Wrap the magic line in the air with your fingers, let it twist little by little, and accumulate little by little.

In the hands of Malygos, the most violent magic power in this world is like the gentlest ball of thread, allowing him to change its shape.

A few seconds later, the queen's voice sounded again,

If you want to avenge Sindragosa, go, Malygos, no one will blame you...


The old blue dragon spat out a word indifferently, then shook his head, My wife died ten thousand years ago... That creature is just a sad silhouette, and Arthas is just a sad man lost in fate, I... I should let go of my hatred, I have more important things to do... I have wasted 10,000 years, and I can't go on any longer.

Enough! My brother!

Alexatas put his left hand on Malygos' shoulder, the old blue dragon's body was trembling slightly, obviously, he was not as calm as he looked on the surface,

We are relatives, your anger and sadness can't be hidden from me... Go, don't suppress your anger in your heart.

The Red Dragon Queen closed her eyes, and said in a low voice like a real sister, We are about to start a new war, and we are about to face the most powerful mind controller in the world. Before that, you must Empty all your negative emotions... Arthas hurt you, go get revenge, this time, we are on your side!

Malygos was silent, but after a while, he started to weave the magic in his hand again,

No... not yet... Arthas will see my anger... not yet.

On the other side, at the same time that Dick led the paladins and death knights into Icecrown Citadel, a group of people hurried to their own battlefield at the edge of the two-story black iron tower on the western wall of Icecrown Citadel.

Prager, the dwarf warlock, is their guide. He rides on the shoulder of his angry guardian demon, constantly following the guidance of the light ball in his hand. In this dark, labyrinth-like place, in a place with no way forward. Looking for something before the dark iron wall.

Behind him, Kael'thas with a golden phoenix flying on his shoulders, wearing a scarlet robe, Jaina holding the primordial flow, and Liadrin carrying the Dragon's Call and A.L. Ronin with his eccentric sheep's head staff, and Khadgar with his staff of guardians.

Yishui's top mage.

These mages who have the most research on magic in Azeroth gathered together, and naturally they did not come for sightseeing. Everything came from the news brought back by Prager.

About Frostmourne, the evil land that gathers endless remnants of souls, Arthas hides the deepest secret fortress, the source of his power-the soul furnace!

Give me some time, I'm almost there!

Prager, who was on the shoulder of the devil, wiped the sweat from his face. The light ball in his hand was part of the soul and memory of his old friend. In the urgent situation, Prager could not If you don't do this, it seems to be evil enough.

But not everyone has enough patience. The King of the Sunstrider raised his brows upwards, and his left hand rubbed the hilt of the Sunstrider's Pride in his hand impatiently. This gesture did not look like Kyle's. The gesture that Sass would have made the always sane ruler so restless had to be a really big deal.

I gave up the chance of revenge on Arthas... I don't want you to play tricks here, Warlock!

Two minutes later, the King of Sunstrider completely lost his patience. His icy voice made Prager couldn't help pinching the soul ball in his hand. Probably because of too much force, the soul flew away in his palm. Prager Grid's eyes widened, but at the next moment, the purple soul did not dissipate immediately, but was pulled by some kind of force, and penetrated into the tightly closed Saronite iron on the left side of the crowd without any gaps. in the walls.

Now, everyone knows what to do.

Ah! There... I just said... I knew it... No wonder that guy said that only his own soul can open that door! So it is! We have to go in the direction where his soul returns to the Soul Furnace! I'm so... so stupid Already!

Prager slapped himself on the head violently, and was about to go forward to find the gate, but Kael'thas, who was no longer willing to waste time, took two steps forward, and put his left hand on the wall, frowning. , and said to the people,

There's a weird space in the back, step back, I'll blow it up!

As he said that, a terrifying lava fireball appeared in his hand, but the next moment, he was stopped by Khadgar again. The mature and prudent mage said loudly,

Calm down, Sun King, it may be dangerous to destroy it so arbitrarily!


Kael'thas, who had completely lost his composure, suddenly turned his head around. Dangerous madness flowed from those handsome eyes. Obviously, behind this wall, there was something that he couldn't tolerate. The hatred for that thing even surpassed that of Alsace!

I traveled thousands of miles to come here just for this moment! Darkan, the bastard who almost destroyed my country, killed my father, and almost destroyed everything about me is right here on this wall Later... in order to kill him, I don't care about any danger!


As soon as Kael'thas finished speaking, two large fireballs that flew out, not much worse than the lava fireball in his hand, hit the steel wall around him head-on. The scorching heat completely wiped out the steel. It melted and opened a channel that could allow one person to pass through, and there was a rapidly cooling, dripping steel juice on the edge of the channel.

Ronin walked forward with a sheep's head staff in his hand, and when he came to Kael'thas, he said to the Sun King,

What a coincidence... for the existence behind, Dalaran will not hesitate to take any danger.

Rhonin lowered his head and entered the tunnel, followed by Jaina with the same cold face, Liadrin, and finally Kael'thas. Before entering the tunnel, Khadgar, who looked puzzled, pulled the warlock Pragg down. asked the voice,

What's behind this wall? Why are the best mages acting like crazy?

Prager glanced at Khadgar. The archmage had been in the world of Draenor all these years, and he was not familiar with everything that happened in Azeroth. explained to him in detail,

Darkhan is an elf traitor who colluded with demons and invaded Silvermoon City. I heard that with the original defense of Quel'Thalas, the undead are unlikely to capture that city, but Darkan attracted demons in the city. As a result, Silvermoon City is still in ruins, and a large number of demons are entrenched there. The Sun King's father died under the sword of Alsace because of this... So for the Sun King, Darkan is more important than Alsace. Hateful guy, he's justifiably chasing revenge, uh... In fact, when he's normal, he's a generous and wise ruler, and I'd love to deal with him.

What about Ronin and Jaina? I don't think they've been very happy recently.

Hearing Khadgar's question, Prager couldn't help but rolled his eyes. He asked Khadgar while walking in the dark tunnel,

Aren't you also an archmage from Dalaran? Don't you know the grievances between Dalaran and Arthas? You should know better than me!

Uh... I have a little... gap with them, and I only returned to Dalaran before the war. I know that Dalaran was captured by Arthas, but Rhonin is not a person who will lose his mind because of hatred. I almost I grew up with him and I know that!

That's because you don't know the latest news!

Prager frantically pointed at the fool in front of him, and said loudly, Alsace resurrected Master Antonidas who died in battle, and enslaved his soul! Now you understand the anger of Mr. Ronin and His Royal Highness Jaina Where did it come from?

Ah! The bloody bastard!

After Khadgar heard the shocking news, anger appeared on his peaceful face, even though he was not very close to Dalaran because of Medivh, and recently, he has been Staying in the Broken Isles, dealing with the remaining affairs of Suramar, really has no time to pay attention to other things.

But when he first entered Dalaran, he was also deeply taken care of by Antonidas. He also respected that respectable old man in his heart. He also knew that Ronin and Jaina regarded Antonidas as their father. to look at.

Now, Arthas has enslaved Antonidas' soul... No wonder they are so angry.

Alsace... It's unimaginable that such a guy appeared on this planet! It's really unbearable!

Khadgar shook his head. He stepped forward quickly and stood with Rhonin and Jaina. He whispered to them,

Sorry, I didn't know just now...

Rhonin glanced at him, Khadgar, forget about the gap between Medivh and Dalaran, I just ask you one question, we... Dalaran needs your help now... Will you help us?


Khadgar patted Ronin's shoulder, his slightly aged face was full of common hatred, I am obliged, as for other things, let the master's soul rest in peace first.


Ronin, who was like an iceberg, nodded. Ten seconds later, everyone came to a fork. There were three roads in front of them. Prager stepped forward and explained to the mages in detail,

On the left is the Soul Furnace, where Master Antonidas is guarding. On the far right is the Hall of Reflection. According to what my old friend said before he died, Dar'Khan is there to guard those truly powerful souls for the Lich King. In the middle is Sa You basically don’t need to go to the Long Mine, that’s where Alsace forges weapons for his elite legion.”

Prager scratched his head and added,

It is said that both the Forge of Souls and the Hall of Reflections are somehow connected to Frostmourne, so we better destroy both places!

Hmm... I do smell the stink of Dar'Khan!

Kael'thas breathed a sigh of relief, a crystal in his hand smashed in front of him, a portal opened on the spot, and on the other side, Jaina also opened a portal.

Heavily armed elf spellbreakers, the most elite firewing guards, and arcanists from Syndra came out from the portal of Kael'thas, and on the other side were battle mages from Dalaran, and magicians. swordsman.

Kael'thas gestured towards Rhonin,

Let's go to the right. I will try my best to eliminate those high-level undead, and persist until Arthas dies. I wish you good luck, Avengers of Dalaran, and mourn for me to Master Antonidas.

Ronin nodded,

I also wish you all the best, Sun King... Today, Dalaran and Arthas are destined to fall!

Pugla didn't know where he should go. He rushed to report after Odosa's mission was over, and it was only out of speculators' speculative psychology. Now it seems that he can only choose one of the two big legs. Finally, Kai Elsas helped him make the choice.

Come with me, Warlock, I am very satisfied with your information... After the war is over, you can go to Quel'Thalas to get what you deserve... Now, it's time for the traitors to taste the punishment, you are right The soul is very researched, right... Do me a favor later, get me the soul of that bastard!

The cold language made Prager shiver uncontrollably. He looked left and right, and saw that the most powerful forces in the entire world were attacking Alsace in their own way. It seemed that the dark side that once threatened the world Ying, destined to fall today.

At this time, Prager was most fortunate that he was on the side of victory.

Actually, regarding the connection between Soul Furnace and Frostmourne, I made some magic changes. Well, it can be regarded as increasing the intensity of the final battle! don't hit me~

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