Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 517 5. Rock Hall · Searching for the Ancient Court

For archaeologists, exploring various dangerous places in the world is the norm of life. There are only two things in their life goals: exploration, non-stop exploration, and facing deadly traps everywhere.

Brian Bronzebeard, this is the leader among the explorers of Azeroth. For the first 200 years of his life, he was like a chariot that never stops and is full of passion. Historic sites have left their footprints. He once fished in the ruins of the Gurubashi troll in Stranglethorn Vale, excavated ancient artifacts in the windy sands of Silithus, and studied the ancient tol'vir in the yellow sands of Uldum. Knowledge, was also the first explorer to be allowed into the Halls of Origination, and even brought out the Origin Stone, not to mention his recent adventure in Northrend.

With his disciple, Harrison Jones, and his trusted team members, he ransacked in the ancient Nerubian city Azjol Nerub. That dungeon with Nerubian style was simply a treasure trove for Brian. A treasure trove of knowledge, he loved it to death.

But just as he was about to continue digging for gold in the ruins of the ancient kingdom, a letter from Dick summoned him to the cold storm cliff again, not for the purpose of occupying the battlefield and killing the enemy, or other things, just because there It is the bequest of the Titans hundreds of thousands of years ago.

The outermost Holy Palace of the Earth, the Hall of Rocks, contains the Furnace of Will and the Lightning Hall where the Titans endowed the Iron Legion with elemental power, and the deepest city of Ulduar, the mythical ancient kingdom of creatures. For him, it was an irresistible temptation, and for this reason, he was even willing to give up everything.

Hey Bronzebeard, I think you better leave that alone!

A low voice rang in Brian's ears, cooling down the heart of the old dwarf who had been throbbing since he entered the Holy Palace of the Earth, and then he realized that he had subconsciously approached a steel gate in the hall. Next to the hub, this reckless move made him terrified, who knows what deadly things the titans left here.

And no matter what is here, it is absolutely fatal to a mortal like him.

So he stepped back immediately, stroked the engineering eyes on his face, and thanked his companions, Thank you for the reminder, Lorewalker! I'm just a little too excited.

Lorewalker Zhou Zhuo, this chubby pandaren came to the Storm Peaks through the portal inside the Nalaksha Engine in Kun-Lai Mountains, Pandaria last night. The palace was conducting research, and it was also dispatched by Dick, who came here to explore the weird rock hall as Brian Bronzebeard's deputy.

Although the race of pandaren has not appeared in Azeroth for a long time, they are far ahead of their companions in the civilized world when it comes to ancient secrets. The history is kept very strictly, and they even gave birth to organizations like Lorewalkers that specialize in protecting historical documents and knowledge.

Zhou Zhuo is the best lorewalker, so in terms of exploring the secrets of the Titans, his knowledge will not be much worse than that of Brian. After all, the ruins of the Titans are best preserved in Pandaria.

The chubby pandaren was still wearing the robe full of words before, the difference was that he also wore a pair of precision engineering glasses on his face. Zhou Zhuo was not used to this heavy equipment yet, but with this A device that can detect most traps, their safety in this adventure has been greatly increased.

At this time, 2 hours have passed since Brian and Zhou Zhuo entered the rock hall. They successfully explored the first half of the rock hall, and an elite earth spirit capable of sneaking in the ground followed them to protect their safety. ,

Only when they actually entered this hall that had been dust-sealed for tens of thousands of years, did Brian and Zhou Zhuo realize that what Dick said before was correct. Many secret passages have been dug out, similar to the caves for hiding soldiers. It is definitely not a good idea to let the army enter here without knowing the risks ahead, and this place is full of mysterious facilities left by the Titans. One carelessness can lead to catastrophe.

I think this should be the place where the Titans instilled the bodies of those iron dwarves!

Zhou Zhuo picked up a piece of iron engraved with iron and steel magic patterns from the dusty ground, examined it carefully, and then said to Brian who was studying the stone gate in front of him, Look at these patterns, I can feel them from above. The breath of life, and these magic lines, I saw it in the lorewalker's storage room, yes, I remember it very clearly, this is a spell about life and steel, and in the engine of Nalak'sha, the life It is very similar to the spell of the rock.

Zhou Zhuo's voice didn't interrupt Brian's observation. Carefulness and concentration are good qualities that determine how far an explorer can go. The old dwarf does not lack this quality. His left hand wears an enchanted glove. Carefully rubbing on the stone gate with a height of more than 10 meters, looking for a way to open the gate, he said casually,

I feel like there's a secret behind this door, and I'm sure it's going to be a big find! If only we could find a way to open it! Yes, I'm sure it's around here! It won't hide from old Brian's eyes, let Let's find it.

As he spoke, Brian adjusted the resolution of the engineering eyes. The pattern on the gate became clearer, and the lines formed by time were clearly visible on it. Brian's fingers followed the cracked lines all the way up. He had a kind of I have a hunch, I can only find it by following these lines.


Just as Bryan moved his fingers up three inches, the door in front of him suddenly made the sound of gears colliding. The door that had been dusty for tens of thousands of years opened, and the dust mixed in the mechanism seemed to appear. There were small dust storms.

cough cough cough

Brian took a few steps back, avoiding the flying dust, and looked at the dazed Zhou Zhuo. The pandaren's left hand had just been removed from a stone brick on the wall, and the ordinary piece The stone brick, under the accidental touch of the pandaren, was collapsing inwards. Obviously, Zhou Zhuo accidentally touched the mechanism that opened the door.

What did you touch? Lorewalker, in this kind of place, you can't just press anything! I've said it before!

The old dwarf pointed furiously at Zhou Zhuo, who spread his hands innocently and adjusted the black engineering glasses on his eyes.

Ugh I just, I just touched it, I swear I didn't press it, it just opened. It's none of my business!

The old dwarf's eyes widened, but then, he looked carefully at the stone gate that was slowly opening, waved his hand,

Forget it, it might just be an accident. There are too many organs here, um. This is a door that opens naturally. There should be no danger. Let old Brian go in and have a look. I think I can definitely find what Dick said. What ancient court is that?

While chattering, the old dwarf took off his digging pick from behind, and pressed it on the glasses. Two lights lit up, dispelling the darkness in front of him. A lorewalker scroll, held in his hand, followed Brian into the hall shrouded in darkness.

Well, Brian, do you's a little too quiet in here, isn't it?

The light emitted by Brian's engineering glasses can only illuminate a small part of the darkness in front of him, but it seems that the surrounding darkness is getting thicker. Zhou Zhuo followed him for a few steps in the darkness, and his heart suddenly started beating rapidly. It was wonderful, so I touched the old dwarf's shoulder, and the latter also said with some doubts,

Yeah, if it's really the mysterious ancient court, it should at least have some lighting equipment, wait, I remember I brought magic fireworks!

Brian handed the digging pick in his hand to Zhou Zhuo, then rummaged through the purse behind his back, finally took out a black wooden stick, twisted it casually, and a mass of purple light lit up, covering the eyes of the two people. Everything is illuminated.

2 seconds later.

Uh Lorewalker, in your opinion, is it appropriate to put this stone statue here?

Well, according to our records, there are often such stone statues in Titan's ruins, usually to commemorate certain things, so it's quite normal. Wait, I don't think it's too good for her to have a weapon in her hand, Brian , we'd better hurry.

Intruders! How dare you break into this sacred hall! Leave your filthy lives behind!

Under the reflection of the purple light, the 10-meter-high female stone statue in front of the two of them suddenly opened its eyes, with angry flames shining in it, and she raised the war hammer in her hand, which was darker than darkness, like flowing water The surging energy spread throughout the space of the hall, like the dark wings of the female giant. This action also caused the dust in the hall to fly, making it look like the end of the world.

Brian and Zhou Zhuo looked at each other, and let out a scream at the same time,


Zhou Zhuo subconsciously threw out the scroll in his hand, and the lorewalker scroll exploded into a red flame, suspending the giantess's pursuit, allowing the two explorers to flee the dark hall, Brian He scrambled and ran to the organ on the wall just now, and punched it hard. The embedded bricks and stones returned to their original positions under the heavy blow, and the stone gate of the gate was slowly closed again. .

Blocked the angry giantess inside the hall.

Hoo, hoo.

Zhou Zhuo lay on the ground, gasping for breath. The experience just now was too exciting, while Brian sat down on the stone beside him. He wiped the sweat from his face and said to Zhou Zhuo , See it, Lorewalker, this is the fate of messing around with the ruins, next time! Don't! Press things randomly!

Zhou Zhuo waved his hand feebly, indicating that he knew.

The two unlucky guys rested for a few minutes, and then returned to the direction they came from. This branch has already been explored, and there is only danger here, so they went to another branch to take another look.

I think this should be the passage leading to the ancient court, I have a hunch, it's here!

Brian stood around the big disc in the rock hall, holding his digging pick eagerly. He looked at the large snow-covered platform on the left, where there seemed to be traces of iron dwarves moving. He turned his head and said to Looking in another direction, Zhou Zhuo said, Do you want to go and have a look with me?

Zhou Zhuo thought for a while, then nodded,

Well, this side is full of elemental creatures. If there is a court to judge the creation of Titans, it will definitely not be there.

Brian grinned, he sniffled, and let out a cry,

Okay, that's over here, I smell the smell of a big guy, come with me, brave earth spirit, let's rush over and find that ancient court!

Brian and Zhou Zhuo act together~ The world is going to be destroyed!

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