Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 521 9. Creation·The Deepest Secret of the Rock Hall

It was already the afternoon of the second day when Dick returned to the Storm Cliffs. He had a fruitful trip, not only the goodwill of the rune giants and the elemental guardians, but also their generous gifts.

According to legend, Alkavon and his brothers guarded the secret treasure left by the Titans. Dick thought it was just a legend, but now it seems that it is not just a legend.

He got three things, a pair of gloves, a pair of plate leggings, and a belt studded with sapphires.

It looked the same, but only Dick could understand what those three things meant.

Archavon's Punch, the Legendary Gauntlet, increases the power of the next blow by 30% when activated.

The heavy pressure of the earth, legendary leggings, as long as Dick stands on the ground, he can get the protection of the earth, and the physical damage received is reduced by 20%.

The vitality of the God of Thunder, the legendary belt, the legendary Aman'Thul, the father of the gods, he can control the thunder and destroy thousands of worlds, so this belt that commands in his name will also bring the user a higher Affinity with the element of lightning, the damage of lightning spells is increased by 30%

It can be said that these three gifts, given by Alkavon as an apology for his previous reckless behavior, are undoubtedly artifacts in the hands of any melee professional, and now, Dick has three at once. This also made Dick involuntarily curious, how many things like this are there in the treasure house guarded by Alkavon?

Of course, he was just thinking about it. The elemental guardians are his allies now, and he will not attack or steal them insanely. Moreover, although these equipments are also marked as legends, in fact, they are still somewhat different from real legendary weapons. The legends of these equipments come from their materials or the casters, while the legends of legendary weapons come from those The meaning carried by the weapon itself.

The two cannot be compared.

And when Dick just returned to the K3 base, he got a crucial message from the earth spirit waiting there, so under the surge of thunder, he quickly crossed the never-ending storm and rushed to in the direction of the Hall of Rocks.

Brian and Zhou Zhuo lived up to his expectations. They had discovered the ancient court, and under the guidance of the ancient court's database, they discovered the secret hidden in the deepest part of the rock hall, a secret that could turn the entire Azeroth upside down. secret.

Damn it, I knew I shouldn't be here!

Brian was smoking a pipe, while sitting dejectedly outside a closed door, and Zhou Zhuo was also sitting beside him with a sad face, also holding a pipe. Lorewalkers didn't smoke at first, but now they look like a They were puffing like old smokers, from which it can be seen how thrilling what they discovered by accident.

I don't know how I will face those myths about the creation of the world in the future. I used to think that those were just the nonsense of those priests, but now... I even began to doubt whether the pandaren were naturally produced in this world, or were they... Manufactured!

Zhou Zhuo didn't take off his engineering goggles, he said to himself with a sad sigh, but it aroused the sympathy of Brian, the most outstanding explorer echoed,

You are very lucky, brother Zhou Zhuo, you still have the possibility of pursuing a different answer. That damn machine has already told me directly that all the dwarves in the world are these crazy steel dwarves. After the curse of flesh and blood, it was derived, hell!

Brian cursed, stretched out his foot and kicked the dead steel dwarf's body in front of him,

Damn stuff! Only a fool would want to have anything to do with them, hell!

Actually, the origin of the dwarves is a little more complicated. But it doesn't seem like you'd want to know much.

A teasing voice, accompanied by the flash of golden lightning, appeared beside Brian, Dick stepped out of the darkness, the red gloves on his hands gave off a faint light, and on his belt was a visible The blue thunder and lightning lingered constantly, setting him off like a god of thunder and lightning.

Brian ignored Dick's teasing, he glanced at the paladin angrily, and threw the two boxes to him with his hands.

Dick the hell, you already knew the origin of the dwarves, didn't you? The platinum plate you gave me recorded it all, why didn't you tell me?

Dick didn't answer immediately, but opened the box, which contained two platinum discs. When he took the box, a voice sounded in his mind,

Obtain the Ulduar disc, twist +3%.

The twist rate is 61%, more than 60%, the talent enhancement template is updated! The skill template is updated!

New skills: Sun Lance, Angel of Order Incarnation (unfinished), Angel of Order-An eye for an eye (not completed), Angel of Order-Equality of All Beings (not completed), Angel of Order-Humility Code (unfinished), Angel of Order - Redemption (unfinished)

Dick smiled slightly, put the box away, then looked at the angry Brian, shook his head, and took out a large book made of stone from the storage ring with his backhand, which was as tall as a person, like a shield , placed in front of Brian's eyes, almost immediately attracted the attention of the dwarf explorer.

This is a record I took from a guardian. It records the wars and all disputes in ancient times in detail. I think this thing should be enough as an apology, right?

The pipe in Brian's mouth fell to the ground, but he didn't notice it. He just stretched out his hand and gently stroked the stone book in front of him. The unique heaviness of history made Brian's skin crawl , this is excitement, and there is a touch of excitement.

Enough! Enough, this is too precious, this is simply priceless! Thank you, Dick, you are really a trustworthy and good friend of the dwarves!

When Brian spoke, he didn't look at Dick at all, but took out a magnifying glass and carefully observed all the details in the book. Seeing the old dwarf's appearance, Dick knew that he was bewildered again, so he simply turned his eyes to the old dwarf. Turning to Zhou Zhuo, he asked in a deep voice,

Is that thing inside?

Zhou Zhuo nodded, and explained in detail, Brian and I found records about this machine in the database of the ancient court, and we found it by following the clues, but we couldn't get in. There, their leader is a powerful mage, we can only guard the gate and wait for you to come over. We dare not even tell other people, this secret is really...too exciting.

Machine of Creation. It's the ultimate secret.

Dick nodded, said to himself, and then said to Zhou Zhuo, You and Brian can leave now, the earth spirit army will send you back to K3, but don't leave there, Ulduar is about to open, and there is lightning The secrets of the hall, all of which require your participation. By the way, Zhou Zhuo, don’t tell others about everything here.”

The pandaren nodded cautiously,

I know, Dick, once this secret is revealed, the whole world will be in chaos. Brian and I have sworn in the ancient court that unless we get your permission, we will never reveal a single word until we die!

Well, let's leave now, you won't be able to participate in the next thing.

As he said that, Dick was about to push open the door. At this moment, Brian Bronzebeard came back to his senses, and while carefully putting the Book of Rocks back into the storage ring, he shouted loudly, Go back? No! I'm not going back, you can always find good things with you, let alone like that. We just want to see! Just a glance! Dick, you won't refuse this poor request from an old friend?

The paladin looked back at the old dwarf, and the lorewalker also had a hint of pleading in his eyes, he thought for a while, then nodded,

Yes. But Bryan, Zhou Zhuo, you have to think about it. Once you have seen these ultimate secrets, you can leave if you want to. You may spend the rest of your life in Ulduar. pass.

That is the ultimate dream of all explorers!

Bryan took a step forward, expressing his attitude, and Zhou Zhuo then stood with him, Traveler will not let go of even a little bit of knowledge, let alone those things, which are what I pursue all my life.

Okay! You protect yourselves!

After finishing speaking, Dick stretched out his left hand, and a sliver of silver light penetrated along the heavy fist of the red Alkavon into the radiant door in front of him. With his supreme authority in Azeroth, under his will, this door On the gate of the ultimate secret of the protector, those complex symbols are constantly changing, and finally arranged into a piece of advice written in Titan language.

Life comes from the soul, and the soul comes from wisdom

Dick read these words softly, and the next moment, the silver-white steel gate quietly opened to both sides, exposing everything hidden inside to the eyes of Dick and the two explorers.

It was a star-studded avenue, both sides of the avenue were full of bottomless darkness, and there was a trace of metallic luster in it, which was the reflection of the mechanical creations that formed the rock hall below, and at the very front of the avenue, a A huge, complex Titan instrument with blue electric light and purple light constantly beating is in operation, and in front of the console is a tall steel vrykul.

It was a rune mage. He noticed the sound coming from behind. He turned his head and saw Dick with his hands empty, and the two explorers who came to disturb him once before. He sarcastically said,

This is the mouse looking for reinforcements. Tsk tsk tsk, it's disgusting! You lowly flesh and blood creatures, get out of this sacred place, or we will send you out!

Accompanied by his words, heavily armed Iron Vrykul soldiers rushed out from the passages on both sides of the instrument. Hundreds of them, armed with weapons and fully armed, rushed towards Dick and his party with a murderous look.

Old Brian and Zhou Zhuo stood behind Dick a little nervously, but the paladin didn't take those iron vrykuls who rushed over seriously at all. He just looked at the instrument, and a vague name appeared on his screen. View below.


This is the name of that instrument, which is a name Dick has never seen in the game, but the irritated roar of those Iron Vrykul soon woke him up, and a trace of light flashed across Dick's face. A look of contempt and disgust.

An unreasonable aggressive creature, one who has forgotten his calling and his Creator.

Sentence death!

He opened his left hand, and a golden energy spear quickly appeared in his hand. The spear was gorgeous and engraved with unrecognizable runes. It looked like a real weapon. It was the thunderbolt he had learned from Thorim before. The skill of using the spear, and now, this skill is recognized by the power city left by Norgannon, and has been given a domineering name.

Sun Lance!


Dick threw the lightning spear in his hand, as if throwing out the scorching rays of the sun when the sun erupted. The thunder and lightning turned into a beam of light as thick as two people hugging each other from the moment it was shot. The golden thunder and the scorching holy The light kept dancing on the surface of the spear, and the vitality of the Thunder God on Dick's waist also increased the power of the Sun Spear by one-fifth.

When the blazing light dissipated, the hundreds of steel vrykul rushing along the long starlight road had disappeared, leaving only those scorched residues on the ground. They were still creatures of steel in essence. After the double attack of high temperature and lightning, there is only one end, and that is to melt.

All the hustle and bustle and disgusting roars disappeared, and the entire hall returned to silence.

The Iron Vrykul rune mage standing in front of the Creator's instrument stared at this scene dumbfounded. It wasn't until Dick raised his foot to walk forward that he frantically condensed a cloud of lightning in his hand and moved towards Dick. It smashed over, but the next moment, a golden lightning bolt pierced the long road of starlight, and before the Iron Vrykul mage could react, Dick had already appeared on his chest.

This guy is 7 meters tall, and Dick is only 2 meters tall. He looks like a dwarf fighting a tauren, but Dick just clenched his left fist expressionlessly, retreated slightly, and punched!

The starlight of the crusader's strike is not as dazzling as before, but condensed on the surface of Dick's fist, Alkavon's heavy punch, a crimson light also flashed on the surface of the red legendary gauntlet, the effect of the heavy punch is activated , Strength increased by 30%.

When this punch was released, the air around Dick's fist was shattered, as if the space was shattered out of thin air.


The crimson fist landed on the chest of the Iron Vrykul mage, his expression froze instantly, he just glanced at Dick with difficulty, his body fell backwards, and when he hit the ground, he was already divided into pieces. 7 pieces, just like the real steel that was completely smashed by a heavy hammer.

Dick ignored his shocking blow, and calmly walked to the control group of the Creator's instrument. He put his hands in front of him, trembling a little, but more importantly, a touch of excitement that had nowhere to rest.

Creation. The ultimate secret of this world. How strong were you back then? How strong will he be?

It really left me with a big problem.

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