Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 528 16. Flame Battlefield


A huge explosion sounded from the left of Dick. He chopped off the steel vrykul who climbed onto the chariot in front of him with a sword, and then turned his head to look behind him. It was a large catapult. Among them, it has been blown into a pile of debris, together with the earth spirit driving inside and the mogu stone statues guarding around, it has become the countless victims of this war.

The paladin didn't even have time to mourn for the victims. He looked up at the sky, and under the guidance of the Thunder Tower in the southwest of the training ground, another wave of crazily surging thunder and lightning converged in the sky. In less than 2 seconds, It chopped down towards the slow-moving phalanx of engineering vehicles.

Orbital Particle Cannon of Ulduar's External Defense System - Thorim's Hammer!


Dick's figure disappeared in the golden thunder. He jumped up from the chariot, appeared in the air in front of the Thunder Blade, and stabbed into the beating Thunder with the Wind Chaser Sword in his hand.

The power from Thorim, the guardian of thunder, was beating on his blade and passed into his body. The lightning that should have melted a mortal in an instant, was forcibly stopped under the suppression of the beating core of thunder and lightning in the chest of the paladin. In the sky, Dick swung the sword and deflected Xia, and smashed down towards the densely packed storm beacons erected in the training ground ahead.

This sudden blow tore a nearly 100-meter crack on the crimson ground, destroyed all the storm beacons along the way, and killed at least hundreds of steel soldiers roaring towards the chariot phalanx from all directions. Legionnaires, melt them down.

But to be honest, such an attack is meaningless because at least thousands of storm beacons stand in front of the chariot troops, and more than a thousand soldiers of the Iron Legion join the battle every moment. Below the storm beacon is a portal that cannot be destroyed. The moment Dick and his legion stepped into the training ground, all the beacons were activated, and endless enemies joined the battlefield from the portal.

The large phalanx of siege equipment driven by the earth spirits lined up in front of the heroic spirits and the mogu army, destroying everything in front of them with unshakable heavy firepower, and there were nearly a hundred cannonballs every second Booming on the ground, the sound of explosives exploding almost set the whole training ground on fire. The bravest mages stood fearlessly on the galloping chariots like giant beasts, with protective helmets on their heads, guiding them with both hands. Large-scale magic, destroying the storm beacons standing around one by one.

There are also flaming oil barrels thrown by the catapults. When they hit the ground, an area of ​​nearly a hundred meters can be covered in flames. The goblin engineering masters frantically filled some small siege weapons with steam. The driven repeating rifles, those earthen pilots who are as violent as dwarves, are roaring with joy, blasting the deadly bullets like a torrential rain on the steel soldiers who are rushing towards them.

Every step forward of the Iron Legion has to pay a heavy price, especially even if they are lucky enough to break through the barrage of bullets. In a one-on-one confrontation, they are not dominant.

Looking down from the sky, where Van Dijk's legion walked, there are only ruins left, those destroyed storm beacons, those steels shattered by bombs, and those melted by magic that can't see their original colors clearly. Iron Giant.

This doesn't look like a battlefield in a magical world. This is clearly the place where hot weapons are used.

In the farther sky, Dick's figure kept flashing in the sky, like a pulsating golden lightning, quickly approaching the Tower of Thunder in the gap between the flames, frost and thunder spreading across the sky, The guy who manipulated the lightning in this energy tower obviously also found Dick's shadow. He simply stopped gathering the thunder, but blasted the thunder towards the sky in the form of an explosion, trying to stop Dick in this way. gram attack.

However, lightning is obviously not an insurmountable difficulty for Dick, and his figure is not affected at all. After getting closer to the position of the Thunder Tower, the paladin no longer keeps his hand, and the long-prepared sun spear in his hand is aimed at the The center of the energy tower protected by a large number of iron dwarf soldiers was thrown.

The next moment, a thick golden beam of light swept out from the palm of his hand, amidst the horrified exclamations of the surrounding steel soldiers, it hit the energy center of the Thunder Tower, and the thunder and lightning that had been lingering on the top of the tower became chaotic at this moment , It was as if the flowing currents were gathering strangely. In less than 3 seconds, the pent-up current reached the limit that the energy tower could withstand, and then exploded with a burst of explosions.

The crazily spreading electric current also completely engulfed the guarding soldiers around the energy tower, and even blasted out a super-large depression on the solid ground of the training ground.

Dick didn't even look at the remaining depression, turned around and jumped towards the chariot line that was being besieged by several times more iron dwarves. He was like a firefighter, constantly showing up where needed.

This is the center of the training ground of Ulduar, the city of Titans. Anyone who wants to enter this ancient city will inevitably have to pass through the avenue in front of him. Now it is occupied by the Heroic Legion and Mogu Legion that have completely entered the city. Two-thirds, the giant siege equipment lined up at the forefront of the legion wantonly destroyed everything around them. Their task is to destroy all the storm beacons they see, like a burning flame piercing out. Responsible for opening a path in the siege of the Iron Legion, the heroic spirits and mogu who followed them were responsible for the frontal assault, and those scattered Iron soldiers would also be slaughtered mercilessly by them, regardless of whether it was fuel or shells , are transported back and forth between the front line and the gate of Ulduar by smaller transport vehicles.

The sky above this hot battlefield is not safe either. With missiles from the orbital defense system composed of four energy towers, Thunder completely sealed off the space above the head. Although Dick just destroyed the Thunder Tower, the other defense towers are still there. In this case Now, everyone who dares to fly into the sky will be besieged by the power of the entire Ulduar.

In the other three locations, the respective commanders are trying to open the blocked sky, so that the ready dragon and engineering bomber groups can come in to support.

This is really a mythical battlefield! Damn it, blast this damned tower!

Muradin Bronzebeard stood on a super-large steam tank, and with the hammer in his hand, he kept smashing the steel soldiers who climbed into the tank. Only two engineering tanks remained in the tank unit he led. Blocking the entrance of the Tower of Frost, mogu and heroic spirits with weapons surrounded them, blocking the steel soldiers who were constantly attacking.

Bryan! Take aim! Blast it off me!

The old dwarf roared and jumped off the chariot. His body was covered with thick gray-white stone armor. In the state of the god descending, he kicked the steel vrykul flying towards him, and chopped off another guy's body with his axe. head, turned toward Brian Bronzebeard behind him manning the catapult, his brother shouted,

This is the only tower left, blow it up! Quick!

Damn it! Muradin, don't rush me, I'm aiming!

The fingers of the old dwarf sitting on the control seat of the trebuchet kept shaking. It was definitely not a simple matter to lock a damn energy core amidst the vibrations of the artillery fire. The trebuchet kept shaking, and Brian bowed his head. Dodging a tomahawk flying towards his head, the sight locked on the beating white core at this moment, and the old dwarf's finger pressed on the launch button at the same moment.

See the wrath of Bronzebeard, bastard!


The chains of the trebuchet were spinning rapidly at this moment, and the high-explosive bombs filled by the earth spirits mixed with a large group of burning oil barrels drew a crimson parabola in the air, and the cold breath lingering in the tower of frost exploded. Before, it hit the energy core of the tower.


It was almost exactly the same as when Dick destroyed the Tower of Thunder, the silver-white light that jumped rapidly swallowed everything around him.

What's more, the frost spreading across the sky completely dissipated at this moment, and only a few seconds later, the last pulsating flame also dissipated.

Staying at the supply point behind the gate of Ulduar, the great craftsman Mekkatorque, who has been observing the sky with a precision telescope, has been keenly capturing this point. He adjusted his precision glasses and shouted loudly to the dwarf pilots behind him. arrive,

The sky is cleared, all aircraft are lifted into the air, and a passage is opened for the tank troops!

The airship lifts off! The airship lifts off!

At the same time, the goblin tinkerer Garruwicz was also standing on the deck of the large airship full of goblin styles, waving his hands to the goblin engineers on the ground,

Untie the cable, I can't wait to drop the bomb!

But faster than these big guys made of steel are giant dragons flapping their wings. These real sky overlords have long been extremely angry at the situation of being suppressed just now. Now, when the blockade of the sky is lifted, the giant dragons are in Immediately rushed into Ulduar's sky.

The chariot legion, which had stopped advancing due to excessive casualties, was quickly supported by the flying dragon's breath and the continuous rain of bombs falling from above, and got a short maintenance time. The engineers used this hard-won rest Time quickly repaired those still working siege machines, while the Heroic Spirits and the Mogu Legion took the initiative to charge for the first time.

The situation on the entire battlefield was completely opened up, but at this moment, Mekkatorque, who personally piloted a fighter plane and dropped a string of bombs, blowing up the Iron Legion and the Storm Beacon on the ground, suddenly saw nearly a thousand Meters away, there was a change at the front of the training ground.

The great craftsman adjusted the resolution of the engineering glasses. When he saw the true face of the thing that was constantly vibrating behind the thick steel city wall, his face changed drastically.

Sizzling Dick Dick! Back! Something's coming out! It's a big thing! Don't go forward!

Dick's eyes narrowed suddenly. He straightened his body from the chariot and looked forward. The next moment, the thick steel city wall was completely smashed by irresistible force, and the scattered steel fragments streaked across the sky. , as if a group of dazzling huge flames exploded.

Destroyed Orbital Defense System detected. MK-I Flame Behemoth online.

The intruder is locked. Annihilation mode is activated!

Accompanied by a burst of metallic sounds that spread throughout the training ground, the first difficulty leading to the depths of Ulduar smashed everything along the way with a posture of turning out of the sky, bringing roaring artillery fire, heading towards The chariot unit that was being corrected rushed over.

It was a giant flame chariot, obviously a creation of engineering, but it had its own intelligence! This is the size of a sentry tower, the whole body is orange, and the giant steel beast covered with destructive weapons is like the destroyer of all life.

But not everyone fears or loathes it.

That thing belongs to Gnomeregan!

Mekkatorque shouted in the air with bright eyes, With it, what more do I need Monorigan Annihilator?

That's the property of the Blackwater Mercenary Group! You can't get your hands on it, damn dwarf!

Gallewitz's eyes were also bright, and the two engineering masters erupted with endless enthusiasm at this moment. Dick heard their dispute, and glanced at the two great craftsmen who had already shown their respective bottom-pressing skills. , Just the first wave of attacks by the two of them set off a crazy barrage of steel flames in the air, forcibly suppressing the flaming behemoth chariot that came suddenly in place.

This scene stunned Dick for a moment, and then he shrugged towards Heimdall behind him,

Let's go deeper, it seems that we are not needed here.

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