Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 533 21. Front Hall - The Real Ulduar

In the true sense, Ulduar is a mysterious area composed of completely different time and space regions, reorganized, overlapped, and arranged together in a way that is difficult for ordinary people to understand. They are placed in the city of Ulduar. Together they form the mysterious city of Titans.

Strictly speaking, the areas where the front hall and the training ground are located are not on the same plane, so it is necessary to go through special teleporters all over the interior of Ulduar to achieve fast back and forth. The regions are divided by barriers of time and space, and even the most powerful magician in the world, the blue dragon king Malygos, cannot break this barrier from the inside.

After the blue starlight generated by the teleporter shattered, a group of people appeared in the front hall of Ulduar that no one had visited for tens of thousands of years. Dick, who was the first to walk out of the starlight, looked left and right, then squatted down, He stretched out his hand and wiped the ground. It was a thick layer of dust and ash, representing the isolation of this place.

Sure enough, no matter how magnificent the past is, it can't match the ruthless time.

The exclamation of the Bronze Dragon King was really different. He Shi Shiran walked to the table next to him, stretched out his hand and wiped the table lightly. The dust was mixed with the wreckage of the decorations that had peeled off from the gorgeous wall. His fingers touched a sculpture made of pure gold, and with just a light touch, the sculpture quickly scattered into golden sand all over the ground.

Nozdormu's emotion is correct, this is a place forgotten by time, although it still maintains the order of the past on the surface, but in fact, time has completely destroyed these in the symbol of the rebirth level.

Malygos raised his hand, and with his fine-grained magic power, he brought up gentle winds that completely stripped off the dust on the ground. After the heavy dust disappeared, the passageway in the entire front hall seemed to have once again returned to its former grandeur. The ground below the ground is not ordinary land or the ground made of steel, but a projection wall composed entirely of starlight. Above the heads of everyone, there are no murals or other things, but the night sky!

In the real night sky, the stars are still shining. What appears here may not be the sky of Azeroth, but there is no doubt that the titans and the guardians use their own methods to preserve the special and different scenery from the world. In this special place, this magnificent scene forms an unimaginable contrast with the mottled, time-worn walls on the left and right, which always makes people feel unsettled.

Hey, it wasn't like this in the past here.

Azadas, who was following Dick, carried his warhammer and said silently, The loyal family members will clean every place here carefully, and they always wipe all the dust before the guardians react. Clean, at that time, I still remember that in the starlight projection, the most senior elders in the family personally planned and arranged the place. These sculptures and murals were all arranged by them, at least when I left , this place is as gorgeous as a paradise in a mortal myth.”

Elonaya, who was standing with Azadas, looked more emotional because of her gender. She looked at the swirling golden sand at Nozdormu's feet, and she also had a trace of disappointment on her face.

During the period after we won the war of elements, the entire Ulduar was under the command of Rai and Odin, and it was running in the manner it should be. Everyone has their own things, even in our When we are free, we also have our own hobbies. I still remember that my favorite thing to do at that time was to watch the evolution of those species in her laboratory with Lady Freya. My good friend Ole Leah, the guy who always holds books and her cat, and occasionally invites me to sit in her archives, hey.

Also being a woman, Queen Ysera put her hand on the shoulder of Elonaya who was depressed. As a comfort, the Red Dragon Queen also patted her on the back and said softly,

We received the gift from the great titan in Ulduar back then, and we met Lord Freya and Ms. Aurelia, but we haven't seen you. Since you have escaped the disaster of the ancient gods alive, then what about Our Ms. Lia should be safe and well, and I believe you will meet her soon.

Ailonaya nodded in trepidation, then shook his head again, and said very contradictoryly,

I don't know if I should look forward to it, but if Aurelia has really been killed by me, I really can't hold a weapon and fight her, and even kill her with my own hands, why should we suffer such a situation? destiny!

You can rest assured about this.

Dick stepped forward with the epee of order on his back. In front of everyone, there was a tall staircase spreading upward. On both sides of the staircase, special instruments used starlight projection to display various stories and legends, just like ordinary people. Like the murals that record mythical stories left in the ruins, the protagonists of the projections are mostly warriors in the war of elements. They use various weapons to fight various opponents. These special projections are in The entire front hall is full of these special decorations, which also add a special flavor to this bustling place.

Holding the rune stone given to him by Ignis in his hand, the paladin said to Elonaya, Aurelia, like you, belongs to the middle-level guardian. As long as she is still alive, with authority, I can remove her corruption. , definitely won’t kill her, so you’d better cheer up, Elonaya, there are more dangerous things here, if you don’t want to get lost in the chaos, you’d better not think about those bad things!”

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and said to the Dragon King and his companions standing behind him, Although I have temporarily strengthened the blockade of the deepest prison, Yogg-Saron's mind may break out at any time. , it’s not a defective product like C’Thun, so if anyone feels that their thinking is confused, they must leave the scope of the front hall as soon as possible.”

Don't worry, Dick.

Nozdormu stepped forward. There was a special container fixed on his left shoulder. The sands of time in it flowed back and forth continuously, symbolizing the cycle of time. There was a special kind of light shining in his long and narrow eyes. He shot Pat Dick on the shoulder, The power of the Titans flows in our bodies, we are not as fragile as you think, Yogg-Saron can't break our sanity yet, but as you said, we'd better fight quickly.


The paladin nodded, he looked at the silent Heimdall,

Then, gatekeeper, I will trouble you and the Valkyries to go to the Iron Council Hall. The commander of the Iron Legion is there, control or kill them! It is a very risky time for mortals to stay in Ulduar, we must first stabilize For the battle on the front line, send them out first!

Okay, leave it to us!

Heimdall led Al and the Valkyries to the passage on the left side of the front hall. The Dragon King and the guardians behind Dikdu waved their hands,

Come with me, companions, let's rescue those high-level guardians first.

Everyone climbed up the steps, and when Dick stepped on the last step, the entire front hall began to roar. Azadas immediately raised the warhammer in his hand, and returned to Ulduar Afterwards, with the supplement of strength, the weak guardian's strength is rapidly recovering, and Ailonaya also immediately summoned his own rock sword and stood by Dick's side.

Boom, boom!

All the dragon kings were also ready for battle. The next moment, the steel road in front of everyone was smashed from below by an unimaginable force, and scattered fragments flew in all directions. Dick drew out his left hand to order Sweeping the epee twice, it completely cleared the eyes, and after the vibration of the ground subsided, in front of everyone's eyes, a giant stone giant with only the upper body exposed appeared there, even if only the upper body was exposed to the ground, it was from the waist to the top of the head. The distance is nearly 20 meters.

If it stood on the ground, it would probably be a monster with a height of more than 40 meters.

Its body is made of hard granite, and its face is carved into the faces of the guardians. There are scorching eyes shining in its eyes. It is obviously an offensive weapon, and its arms are thick and huge, like It is the largest hammer, even if it is hammered, it can completely destroy a house. Just from its shape, it can be seen that this thing is definitely good at brute force attacks, and it is the most dangerous kind.

What the hell is this thing?

Azadas clenched the rock-bombing hammer in his hand, and shouted, There was no such thing here before! When did it appear?

There! Take it easy! My friend.

Dick raised the rune stone in his hand and strode forward, This is Kologarn, the guardian giant made by Ignis at Loken's request. I have a way to control it, don't be nervous! Don't attack Action, this thing is tricky!

After finishing speaking, the paladin injected the power of order in his body into the rune stone in his hand, and special runes lingered on the surface of that gray-white stone. Kolongarn, even the giant stone man in front of him seemed to have received some kind of order, he The scorching energy in the eyes slowly faded away, and then under Dick's order, he put his arms on the platform.

Bang, bang.

There were two loud bangs, and two bridges appeared. After the light in Kolongarn's eyes completely disappeared, the paladin put away the rune stone, stepped on Kolongarn's left arm, and climbed all the way, finally standing on this bridge. On the shoulders of giants, he waved to everyone,

Come on! Guys, we're running out of time!

However, behind what he didn't notice, in the darkness not far from Kolongarn's shoulder, two red rays of light suddenly appeared, and then six sharp edges shot up, mercilessly, in the posture of a predator , from behind Dick, to Dick's neck.

He could only see the rock-throwing battle ax thrown by Azadas, and the scream of Elonaya,

Be careful behind you! Dick!

At the moment Dick was attacked, on the other side of the front hall, Heimdall and Al also fought the Iron Council.

When the Valkyrie guards following them were fighting with the elites of the Iron Legion in the passageway of the front hall, Heimdall, who was already very impatient, cut the Iron Vrykul in front of him in half with a sword, and After Al, who was surging with holy light all over his body, joined him, he flew forward and smashed open the closed door of the Iron Council Hall.


The cast iron gate was smashed into four pieces and flew out in four directions. Heimdall stood firm, and then saw three figures in front of him, a steel dwarf with dazzling lightning all over his body. He was wearing a robe, Holding a steel scepter and holding a sword and shield, the steel vrykul is surrounded by hard armor, and finally there is a tall steel giant with nothing in his hands, but the memory of the past tells Heimdall that this giant is the most powerful. dangerous.

Seeing Heimdall and Al breaking into the Iron Hall, the three leaders of the Iron Legion, who also represented the commanders of the three types of soldiers of the Iron Legion, spoke one by one.

The steel giant moved his hands forward and took a step forward, his crimson eyes were full of disdain and cruelty,

Ha! Look who this is! Heimdall, our brother. Do you think you can defeat the Iron Council so easily? Tch, wishful thinking!

The Iron Vrykul slammed the sword and shield in his hand boredly, as if he was not facing a powerful opponent, but a small person who could be easily strangled. His voice was just like his posture, arrogant and arrogant.

Ah, let the rune master tell you, Heimdall, we are no longer what we used to be, and destruction will never be satisfied halfway! The price you pay for being so conceited is, death!

The last concluding speech was the shortest steel dwarf. With a swipe of his left hand in the air, a dazzling electric spark connected from the top of the steel scepter in his hand to the palm of his hand, forming a lightning bridge above his head. But his voice was as cold as a storm in the North, and his words were like knives.

Stand your ground, foolish Heimdall, behold the great light We shall roll up the storm clouds and slant from the sky the death you desire!

The lightning on the dwarf's body shone brighter, and the sound became louder and louder, until finally it sounded like a thunderstorm in the sky,

Whoever it is, Odin's greatest mosquito or Odin's greatest warrior, you will only have one identity in the face of the newly born Iron Council! Loser!

Heimdall turned his head and exchanged a glance with Al, then rubbed his forehead helplessly, leaning on the Storm Sword in front of him,

I haven't seen you for tens of thousands of years, Morchim and Brundir, and that big steelbreaker, you are still so arrogant, so disgusting! You and I both know that you hide the key to the observatory , let's discuss it, give me that data card, and I'll beat you up a little bit!

You are not the original you, but I am still the original. If you don't want to be beaten again, just be honest!

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