Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 557 2. A person looking for hope

The tauren sat cross-legged in a dark green mana cage full of barbs. He looked up at the starry sky of Marton. At this moment, he was as quiet as a poet.

There is no difference between day and night in this ghost place. No matter what time you look up, you can see the starry sky and the green light curtain. In this place, the time is determined by the biological clock of the living things and the alchemy hanging in the camp. clock, so for those bastards who have irregular schedules, this place is simply hell. In the seven days when Gamol first came to Marton, he saw at least 3 guys because of irregular schedules and excessive stress. Large, circumstances leading to a mental breakdown and suicide.

Due to its special environment and the existence of demons all over the place, Marton is very unfriendly to normal creatures. The existence of the demon force field covering the entire continent will make ordinary people feel anxious and change their temperament. , this is not a place for mortal creatures to survive, but compared to the great use of the cannon fodder corps at critical moments, such a small problem was collectively ignored by the Illidari.

Gamor regretted it the day after he was sent to Marton through the large legion portal in Draenor. He looked forward to all the gods he knew, and he was extremely sincere. If he could be given another chance, even if that The damned goblin cheated him of everything, and he would just send him away with a smile instead of angrily snatching all the money from that bastard, and then giving him a knife, but the knife that vented his anger completely sent him into hell.

Yes, if there is a hell in this world, it must be in Mardon.

In the past few days, the scenery of the golden plain has been constantly appearing in Jia Moore's mind. The scenery that he has been completely tired of seeing now is so peaceful and fascinating when he thinks about it. If he hadn't If he went to a big city alone because he was tired of the life of a guard in the village, maybe now, he already has his own family, and maybe there will be a few lovely children, but now, he can only sit In the cold mana cage, waiting for his own judgment.

Jia Moore knew how he would be treated. He had seen the cruel Illidari punish those cannon fodder who did not obey orders more than once. If you can survive, you can be exonerated, and in a small number of cases, it will be tragically used as bait to attract demons, to hunt some special species of demons, and provide opportunities for demon hunters to ambush.

Yes, the demons of Mardum are indeed cunning and insidious, but in the eyes of Gamor, those Illidari who have blinded their eyes and used the power of demons to deal with demons are no different from those demons. They are even more cruel than demons , more cunning, almost like a natural enemy.

However, it is not necessarily a bad thing for the tauren to usher in death so soon. If he can leave Marton and return to his hometown, the current Gamor is willing to pay any price, even if it is death, he is really a second Zhong didn't want to stay in the ghostly place of Marton anymore, it was really too tortured, he would rather go back to Orgrimmar to do hard labor, but it's a pity that the hard labor that was once feared like a tiger, for him now , is already an unattainable dream.

Gamol! Still alive?

A muffled voice sounded beside him, and Gamol turned his head to look, only to find that it was a broken man shaman wearing a robe, standing outside the cage with a staff, looking at him indifferently with lifeless eyes, just As if looking at a corpse, Gamol looked at the devil-like appearance of the Broken One, which was severely distorted by the demonic energy, and finally nodded,

Well, I'm Gamol, the trial is over?

Hehe, do you really want to die that much?

The Shaman of the Broken sneered and took out a key from his pocket, opened the door of the magic cage, and cursed impatiently, Get out, someone wants to see you!

These Broken Ones, who obeyed the cruel rule of the King of Outland, were never good people. After arming their minds with fanatical vengeance, the Broken Ones became the indispensable backbone of Illidan's command. One of them, it is said that their chief prophet Akama is Illidan's right-hand man, Gamor didn't intend to offend this shaman, so he rushed out of the cage quickly, and then, under the impatient guidance of the shaman, went to In the reception room next to the Despair Ridge cell.

As soon as he entered the gate, Jia Moore heard a familiar voice, a voice that he would never forget, it was that voice that sent him into this hell, anger broke through all of Jia Moore's rationality at this moment, and he followed Picking up a sharp volcanic rock next to him, he rushed into the reception room angrily with red eyes, but at the gate, he was pressed to the ground by Tony Double Fang and the ogre Grok from left to right. no.

At this time, the conversation in the hall was still going on.

I'm sorry, Ms. Cirvanas, I can't abandon my mission and accompany you to a worthless place. You know, I also shoulder the orders from the master. I have to do it in the shortest possible time. Found something vital for the master, and going to find them now, so you can't wait another 3 days! I swear I'll be back in 3 days!

Sen Xia, who put on a black hunting suit, looks very capable, but he is a bit battered now, and the things Dick ordered have finally improved. The demon assassin Akali and the clues of the pair of daggers that made the demons frightened, but another trouble disrupted his plan. The most terrible thing is that facing this magnificent stunner in front of him, Senxia not only dare not There is the slightest negligence, and even a little bit of blasphemy is not dared to arise.

As a subordinate who has dealt with Dick quite a lot, Senxia is very aware of some past stories about her master and the ranger general in front of her. Although there is no obvious evidence to prove that there is a deeper relationship between Master Dick and her, but Even if it is just a possibility, it is enough for Senxia to raise 12 points of vigilance against Cirvanas.

And Cirvanas, who was wearing a hunting suit and carrying a war bow, looked at the slippery old pirate in front of her very indifferently. She knew that Senxia was Dick's subordinate, but it was also due to some special reason. She is unwilling to use Dick's name to suppress this old slicker. Unfortunately, the current situation has made Cirvanas a little impatient. She brought her sister from Azeroth to this cloth. In the hell full of demons, it's not just to watch Senxia play tricks.

Enough! Captain Senxia, ​​Dick promised me! He said that I would find traces of my missing relatives here, but I waited for 7 days and only got a badge! I don't even know my sister Dead or alive! Now, now! I have to go find her!

For the emblem in your hand, we paid at least 200 lives! There is no rush!

As soon as Sen Xia waved his hand, it seemed that he was about to stop the meaningless debate, and Vereesa Windrunner, who was sitting next to General Ranger, also stood up at this time, and stood aside with his sister, staring at Sen Xia in front of him , You are a pirate, right? You seek profit, this is your nature, take us to Niscala, find the trace of the eldest sister, and the treasure house of Dalaran will be opened for you!

Vereesa's words made Ronin, who was sitting next to her, grinned bitterly. His wife tried her best to save her sister, but Dalaran's treasury is full of magic, even Ronin has He is the leader of Dalaran, and that place is not something he can open to a stranger casually, let alone a pirate, but in front of outsiders, Ronin still has to support his wife, so he said seriously knocked on the table and whispered,

You can still reap the friendship of Dalaran! Dark Lord Senxia, ​​you don't want to miss it, right?

Senxia's expression changed slightly. He reached out to give away his own bow tie, finally gritted his teeth, stretched out his fingers and snapped his fingers, the door of the reception room was pushed open, and Grok and Tony pressed the angry Jia Moore Walking in, Senxia pointed to the tauren whose mouth was sealed with a cloth strip and said,

How should I put it, you and I have good luck. My subordinates have found a fighter for you. He has been active in that area for the past half month, so in theory, he is more suitable than me as a fighter. Guide. Believe me, the honest Senxia never lies!

Saying this, Senxia waved his hands towards his dog legs, and the two of them immediately let go of the cloth strip in Gamol's mouth, and then heard the tauren roaring and scolding the words hidden deep in his heart,

Bastard! You bastard! I'm going to kill you, let me go, I'm going to kill you! You tricked me into this damn hell! I swear! I swear with all I have, I'm going to kill you, black Demon King! You better not let me leave Marton alive, or I will definitely kill you!

Uh, there's a slight misunderstanding between me and him!

Sen Xia touched his chin in embarrassment, his eyes rolled around and he said loudly, But I'm sure, this will not affect his honesty and reliability in leading you! Please give us a little time, I can handle this well everything!

After finishing speaking, Senxia turned his head and stared at Jia Moore viciously. The latter also stared at him with red eyes. The Dark Lord who had been strengthened by the power of thunder also possessed some special abilities. His mouth did not move, but his voice appeared in Gamol's ear,

Shut up! Listen, you idiot! The 107th regiment you are in was ambushed by demons 10 minutes ago, and the whole army was wiped out. In other words, you were the only one of the 2343 villains I sent. Survived, but you have to remember, if I hadn't asked Chief Cain Sunfury to postpone your execution for 4 hours, now you are one of those corpses, I saved your life, You know what? Bastard, we're even!

When Jia Moore heard the news that his regiment was wiped out, the expression on his face relaxed a bit. He and those scumbags had no friendship at all, but to be honest, according to Jia Moore's understanding of Despair Ridge's decree, Senxia Maybe he really didn't lie, it was because of him that he survived, but this can't be the reason for him to forgive Senxia. Just when he was about to scold him again, the next sentence of the Dark Lord came to him in the ears,

Listen to me, stupid cow! I don't care if you live or die, you should die long ago for such a malicious and hurtful scum and bad bastard, but I know that any bastard thrown into this **** place is the biggest It is a pity that the distance from Azeroth can only be measured by the gods, so if you want to escape, give up! But my master and I are kind, and there is a good opportunity for you right now, with These three big men go to Niscala, the place where you have been staying for the past 10 days, take them there, and then come back with them, as long as you are lucky enough to finish this time, I can guarantee you to leave Marton alive !

Senxia's words caused turmoil in Jia Moore's heart. To be honest, since Jia Moore came to Marton until now, he only saw a steady stream of villains being sent to this hell, but he didn't see even one person leaving alive, even There are no such legends, but now Senxia says that he has a chance to leave here even if Senxia is a bastard, a bad breed, a guy who deserves to die long ago, but in the dark world, the honest Dark Lord, This statement is not a joke. He really didn't fool anyone, although most of the time he used language traps for those idiots to jump in, but he was famous for his honesty.

After thinking about it, the desire to live finally overwhelmed the hatred, and more importantly, as early as after the first battle with the demon, he understood a truth, in this hell, anger will only make things worse, Only calmness can win a chance, so the tauren panted heavily and lowered his voice,

I want to go back to Azeroth! Otherwise I won't go! The 107th coalition army has been wiped out! I am the only one who knows what they are looking for, and I am not afraid to tell you! Senxia, ​​the emblem in their hands is what I found Yes! Only I know that place!

The Dark Lord's eyes narrowed at this moment, just like Dick when he was angry. Jia Moore immediately felt like he was wrapped by a poisonous snake, but after 5 seconds, Senxia stretched out his hand to help him out. Unlocked the rope on his body, then patted his shoulder,

Don't even think about going back to Azeroth. The king of Outland will not let you go back. Any life is precious. I can guarantee that you will go back to Draenor alive, and maybe you can be transferred to the rear of Nagrand Enjoy the blessings so don't push me too far, Jia Moore, you and I both know that this is already the real bottom line!

The tauren gritted his teeth, Okay! I'll take them to Niscala, but that damn place.

Okay! Don't worry. Even in the face of ten thousand demons, these three are capable enough to take you out, provided that you don't let your feet go soft first, by the way, don't say I don't take care of you, protect you Ms. Cirvanas, even if you die, you must protect her. If you are really lucky, you may be able to live again even if you die.

Senxia reached out and patted Jia Moore on the shoulder, like a friendly way, his voice was weird and mysterious,

After this is done, we are truly our own people. Remember, Jia Moore, we are serving the supreme power, so loyalty is the only thing we can offer, only loyalty, and only loyalty Work hard, if you don't want to die in any corner, this is your last hope!

The trial site for shooting the hunter artifact is Niscala, but I have searched all over the information, but I can’t find where Niscala is. So let’s set it to Marton, and the terrain of Niscara is exactly the same as Marton , I even agree that that place is in Marton!

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