Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 56 26. Unimaginable Enemies

Dick suffered from insomnia. This was the first time he suffered from insomnia since he traveled through time. He dreamed of the dozen or so elf soldiers who had cut off their limbs for them, and dreamed that they were standing beside him covered in blood, with the sky behind them. The blood-red flame, that is the fire of the undead, is the color he hates the most. Those soldiers didn't say a word, they just looked at him straight, with pale eyes, broken armor, and terrible scars all over their bodies.

I'm sorry... I shouldn't have left you there...


Sorry, I…

The dream suddenly changed, and Dick stood in the dense forest where he was fighting Marduk in black again. Like a bystander, he watched the six paladins being thrown down by the surging undead. They struggled desperately, but the enemy Too much. Their palms and ankles were crushed, and their throats were finally torn open by the black claws of the ghouls.

Dick wanted to step forward to help, but his body was empty, he had no strength at all, and the flame of justice disappeared. He only had a pair of fists left. He roared and rushed forward, but the next moment, the damned dream came again. Convert again.

The dark dense forest, the black snake looking for food, the dying warrior, he saw him struggling to crawl forward with his left hand, he saw the snake's kiss of the poisonous snake fell on his body, he saw himself, that Survival, the self who was struggling to survive, used his teeth to bite the poisonous snake clean in the silence.


The darkness shattered, like shattered glass, and the dark light swallowed up all the pictures, leaving only Dick alone, standing in the boundless darkness, the darkness surged, wanting to Wrap his body.

Enough! Enough!

Dick ran forward desperately, but there was no light and no way forward, only darkness.

You shameless thief! You stole everything from me, you stole my life! Give it back, give it back!

Dick's neck was strangled, and his body was thrown to the ground. He looked in horror at the blood-red eyes of his other self, and strangled his neck viciously, trying to strangle him to death.

No... I didn't! You... you're dead!

Thief! Thief!

I don't!

Dick... Mr. Dick! Knight Dick, what's the matter with you?

Liadrin's voice reached Dick's ears, and she tried to reach out and shake Dick who was sweating profusely, but the paladin who was awakened from the nightmare was like a wild beast, and grabbed Liad. Lin's arm pressed the high-ranking priest under him, and he held the Flame of Justice held in the other hand, and the thick blue spar hammer was about to hit the panicked elf's head past.

don't want!

Liadrin screamed in fear, which finally awakened the paladin dominated by the nightmare. Dick shook his head, looked at Liadrin who was strangled by him, and the warhammer in his left hand. , Waking up like a dream, he hastily let go of the elf's body, and sat down on the ground.

His back was soaked... that dream, that dream was so weird.


Dick sat cross-legged on the ground, and apologized to Liadrin dejectedly. The latter was also paralyzed on the ground by the fear of death just now. She looked at Dick, who was panting, and the look in her eyes softened. up.

Liadrin is a veteran who has experienced the troll war and the second orc war. She is very familiar with Dick's situation. Veterans who have retired from the battlefield generally have this kind of nightmare. In serious cases, there are cases where family members are killed.

Dick was already a very restrained person. Seeing Dick's face covered in cold sweat, Liadrin moved her body and gently placed Dick's head on her lap, like coaxing a child , while stroking his hair, while comforting.

Don't worry, Dick Knight, we will all go back safely, take a good rest for 20 minutes, and I will wake you up later.

This intimate gesture made Dick want to run away, but his physical and mental exhaustion made him want to stay in this warm embrace, and he took a deep breath.

this time...just this time...

Dick told himself this, and then he lay peacefully in Liadrin's arms. Maybe it was the holy light energy on the priest that made him very close. In short, he soon fell into a deep sleep.

Liadrin looked at Dick in her arms. She wiped Dick's face with her handkerchief and wiped away the remaining blood on his face. Then she realized that this human being who suddenly appeared in her life The knight was younger than she had imagined.

like a child.

But he is already a warrior of the Holy Light. The human world is so wonderful. Liadrin recalled that when she was Dick's age, she was still learning elf culture from her parents. Really mature.

What about this kid?

Why did he become so mature?

Suddenly, Liadrin became more and more interested in Dick's past.

When a woman is interested in a man, it is not far from her entering the man's life.

Twenty minutes later, Dick opened his eyes, and Liadrin was kneeling beside him, wiping the flames of justice for him.

Since entering Quel'Thalas, this holy hammer has almost been spent in battles. Even the spar on its surface has been somewhat mottled by blood stains, but under Liadrin's wiping, This sky-blue crystal holy hammer also glowed with the light that a divine weapon should have.

Thank you, Lady Liadrin.

Dick took out clean water from the storage backpack and poured it on his face, which made his sleepy expression slightly clearer. He reached out to take the holy hammer from Miss Priest's hand, and carried it behind his back.

This is a good weapon. Even in Quel'Thalas, I have never seen a crystal with such a high affinity for the Holy Light. Was it given to you by your great Uther knight?

Liadrin asked curiously, Dick shrugged,

This is a secret! Ms. Liadrin, come with me, it's time for us to go!

Dick smiled at Liadrin, who turned his eyes and smiled softly,

Just call me Liadrin.

Okay, come with me, Liadrin, and I'll take you home!

When Dick brought Liadrin to the outside of the dense forest, Myra and the others had already prepared their battle gear for the last time, and the last bit of holy water was distributed to everyone. Dick didn't say much, he Looking into everyone's eyes, he raised his left hand.

Brothers, we have come this far, what else can stop us from moving forward? We have used our actions to prove that Alsace and his evil legion are not invincible, and they will fail, so we will also Victory! Go forward! Crush all evil!

Everyone cheered three times in unison, and even Cirvanas, who was always indifferent, raised his war bow. After fleeing for a day and a night, these nearly 50 people were completely twisted into one bond. This is the strength of sharing weal and woe.

The two knights rode together, mobilized their horses, and galloped towards the direction of Golden Mist Village. Cirvanas rode the horse alone and ran in the front, with four bundles of long arrows hanging on both sides of the horse, and the bow in his hand There is no stopping buzzing, multiple arrows, aimed shots, explosive shots, and any undead who will stop this team will be mercilessly headshot.

The exquisite archery skills inherited by the Windrunner family are fully displayed at this moment.

She's like a moving fortress!

Dick exclaimed, and Liadrin also smiled when she saw her friend who had regained her fighting spirit. Dick flicked his whip, and the speed of the rested horse increased a bit. In the dim light of the Land of Ghosts, , Jinwu Village is already in sight.

What Cirvanas said is correct, there is a depression, and the Golden Mist Village is located in the depression. Since the buildings of the Golden Mist Village are still there, all the knights stopped when they reached the edge of the depression. war horse. Such a reckless rush would probably injure the horse, especially when the situation below was unclear.

Myra, protect the pastors, the others follow me first!

Dick pushed the reins and let the horse move forward slowly along the direction of the depression. The Golden Mist Village in front of him had already turned into a burnt ruin, but from the shape of the ruins, it could still be seen that the village was How beautiful it is when it's intact.

Cirvanas walked side by side with him. She vigilantly held the war bow in her hand, and she shot a specially processed arrow into the sky. When it fell, the fire on the arrow lit up, orange The ray of light streaked across the sky, illuminating the dark ruins.

Dick didn't even use his eyes. He felt the surge of holy light in his body. This was the stress response of the mutually restrained energies when he was close to the death energy. There must be an ambush in front of him!

He took a deep breath, raised his left hand high,

Follow me!

Under the infusion of holy power, the sky-blue flame of justice turned into a dazzling pearl. Dick mobilized his horse and rushed into the ruins first. He threw two consecration spells to the sides. , The blazing light rising from the ground forced out the undead hiding in the ruins.

All ghouls and skeleton warriors, the lowest-level walking corpses did not appear at all, it seems that this is definitely a trap set by Alsace for Dick and others, just when Dick led the team into the Golden Mist Village. At that time, the gargoyles swooping down from the dark sky also launched a unique attack.

These monsters, accumulating kinetic energy in mid-air, unfolded their innate magic - petrification, turning their bodies into pieces of finely carved stones, pulling out screams in the air, and smashing down towards the rushing crowd.

Seeing this scene, Cirvanas flipped lightly from the galloping horse to the ground, and she put three thick black arrows on the war bow, aiming at the stones falling from the sky, the three long arrows howled Rush into the sky.

Multiple arrows!

Cirvanas' body was still seriously injured, but it was not difficult for her to shoot multiple arrows. The thick long arrows quickly split in the air, and soon turned into dense black lights heading straight up, and falling from the sky. When the gargoyles collided, it was as if a multi-dimensional flash appeared in the sky.

That was the spark of collision, and just three arrows cleared almost a quarter of the sky.

Looking at the densely packed gargoyles falling from the sky, General Ranger drew three arrows again, her pretty face was full of fear.

This is the sky dominated by windrunners, who allows you to spread your wings?

After three shots, the entire sky was cleared, and none of the gargoyles that fell on the ground survived. Even the construction monsters would die and collapse after their cores were destroyed, and their broken bodies, It has become the best obstacle to stop the progress of the undead.

Dick and the broken knights had already built a simple line of defense. After clearing the sky, Cirvanas turned around and ran towards the river bank of Golden Mist Village, as light as a running antelope, but just When she had just run 3 steps away, a long sword exuding a black energy band, like a ghost claw, pierced through the noise of the battlefield, and shot straight at Cirvanas.

On the other side of the battlefield, a tall black figure stood up from the ruins, holding a longbow decorated with black roses in his hand, which was as tall as a man. The moment he appeared, all the undead began to gather together. He roared, as if welcoming the arrival of the general.

And Liadrin, who was already standing by the river, was even more struck by lightning when she saw this figure. She looked at the tall and familiar figure and clasped her hands together.

Lor'themar... God, how is this possible!

That~~ The editor passed on a message, so there will be two updates today, and three more updates in the next few days next week~~ This week, the updates are indeed a bit crazy! But I am happy in my heart! Because everyone is awesome! Thanks! Thank you so much!

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