Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 565 10. Keystone: The Gate of the Worlds --- Adding Updates for the Hess Brothers

Chapter 565 10. Keystone: The Gate of the Worlds——Adding Updates for the Hess Brothers

On the dark green battlefield in the deepest part of Marton Continent, only one minute had passed since the battle between the black vines mixed with lightning and the blue-skinned high-ranking demon king, and Senxia fell into a complete decline.


Mephisto's ten sharp claws were blocked by tough vines, but Savage's head, which quickly bypassed the wall of vines, was under the control of the evil master, and accurately smashed a thick dark magic power on Senxia's chest, which caught him off guard. The Dark Lord flew out, and when he landed, several cracks broke out in the rocks behind him, like an earthquake, the rocks kept falling, and he just fell in the middle of Bard and Tony, and the three of them immediately Rolled into a ball in embarrassment.

Senxia's eyes went dark after being hit hard, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organ fragments, which was too far away.

Even with the strengthening of the power of thunder, it is still not enough to face opponents of Mephisto's level. More importantly, Senxia's foundation is too bad. He even failed to fully show the effect of the strengthening of thunder. In other words, he should have been able to last at least 5 minutes.

But it doesn't matter anymore. Seeing that Senxia, ​​who was the best hit, was hit by a KO, and didn't even have a chance to call the Illidari for support, Bud and Tony Qiqi wailed, not because of pain, but because of the pain. Because I lost the bet!

In this kind of gamble, losing means death!

Ahem. You two bastards!

While coughing up blood, Senxia turned her head and cursed, Will you die if you wait any longer?

Okay! The discussion of ants is meaningless! I can kindly give you two ways to die!

Mephisto intertwined his fingers, grinning and walked towards the three guys who could no longer resist. Its indifferent eyes and those ferocious faces were enough to play the role of the villain in any story, and its background was dark enough. The communication plan The failure made this self-esteemed dreadlord extremely angry. After Tichondrius got into big trouble and lost the trust of the great demon Kil'jaeden, almost all the high-ranking Nathrezim sharpened their swords. Prepare to fight for the position left by Tichondrius.

The fights between demons are usually bloody, but the Burning Legion has its own set of operating rules, so they don't kill each other. In fact, the Nathrezim, a special group of demons, also has a custom of not killing each other. In this case, Mephisto uploaded the news of Illidan's betrayal from the blocked planet, which will definitely win an absolute advantage in this battle for the throne. A fool ruined it.

How does this make it not angry? In fact, if Mephisto knew about Illidan's fierce plan to exterminate Mardum, it might know that it doesn't matter whether it spreads the news or not, because it is impossible for it to learn from there. Survive a broken world.

But right now, this trouble belongs to the Senxia trio. What's worse, the only support that can be waited for is not known when it will arrive. I just hope that General Sylvanas can't squeeze the big boss too hard , in the current situation, it is really possible to kill a person in a second.

First, I will skin you and stuff your souls into the furnace. The good news is that you won't die immediately. The bad news is that you will have to endure 1,000 years of soul burning!

Looking at the terrified and desperate expressions of the three people in front of him, the fearful demon king finally felt better. Demons are like this. Their chaotic thinking determines that they cannot pay attention to one thing for a long time. Maybe you will smile, since ancient times, chaos is more funny, this is not just a joke.

Oh, it looks like you three don't like the first way to die. Let's go to the second way!

Mephisto stretched out his ferocious claws, and the head of Savage, which is exactly a miniature version of the eredar skull, hovered and fell on its palm. It scratched its chin with its claws, and looked at the three in front of it with interest. Ant, I will give your souls to Savage to devour. It has already eaten too many demon souls, and it is time for a change.

But at this moment, Mephisto suddenly noticed a change in the eyes of the three people in front of him, from that kind of despair to a look full of hope, even full of surprise, and the next moment, a gentle voice changed from being caught off guard. From behind the dreadlord came,

Mr. Mephisto, in fact, I have a third suggestion. You give me the head of Savage in your hand, and then you obediently ask me to bring you to Illidan, or you will be beaten up violently by me. Bring it to Illidan. Personally, I think it's better for you to choose the first option, you know, we people of Azeroth always hate violence.

Mephisto's first reaction was to turn into thousands of bats, flee in all directions at the fastest speed, and appear behind him without anyone noticing, and even shielded his perception in some way. Great guy!

But Dick just shrugged his shoulders, and in the next second, hot and dazzling, like a dense silver lightning net covering the sky of Marton, it ruthlessly shrouded it from the sky.

Dick used to have to do his best to face the weakest dreadlord, but now these guys who are not good at strength are really not on the stage.

Fifteen minutes later, the three of Senxia were sent back to the headquarters of the Dark Temple of Draenor for treatment through the world-class legion portal placed inside the Storm Fortress. Their injuries were serious, and Mephisto, who was more seriously injured, was sent by Dick Handing it over to Kane Sunfury on duty, the paladin walked into the room with a warm breakfast.

Cirvanas turned over in her sleep. She closed her eyes and groped for her bed, but finally failed to find that familiar guy. She sighed lightly, opened her eyes in disappointment, and finally saw that The villain was sitting by the bed with breakfast, looking at her with a smile.


General Ranger was held in the arms of the paladin with one hand, and the thin pajamas couldn't hide her perfect figure, but she didn't want to hide it, but put her arm on Dick's very habit. She leaned her head on his shoulder, but the next moment, a faint smell of blood entered her nostrils.

You went to the battlefield?

Eh, a little thing, it has been resolved.

The paladin took a piece of warm bread with one hand, and put it near the beauty's mouth, Open your mouth, be good! It's not good for women to be too smart, you know?

Then do you like me like this?

Shiva stared at him with wide eyes, and Dick felt a pang of guilt in his heart. He lightly kissed the Ranger General on the forehead, and whispered in her slender ear, Don't change yourself for me. My Shiva, I will always love you who are free, proud and never give up.

General Ranger's gaze became gentle and watery at this moment. She probably understood why this man, who was not outstanding in appearance, and even somewhat dull, would attract so many excellent women. She reached out and put the bread in Dick's hand on the table , put his arms around her slender waist, then kissed him lightly on the ear, and whispered, Bastard. Never try to leave me. Also, call me queen, I like it when you call me queen .”

Obey, my eternal queen.

———————————————————————————————————————————————————— ——————————————————————

Many times, the shattering of the world means the end of life.

Draenor is a good example. Although this planet is not one of the many planets where the Titans seeded life, it eventually evolved its own life in the first season. The former is said to be the ancestor of the ogre, while the latter evolved the life of the entire Draenor world. It is said that 35 years before the orcs invaded Azeroth, most of that world was still covered by giant trees. In the most mysterious hills, there still exist giant forest spirit beasts as powerful as giant beasts from the abyss.

Now after the Nagrand orcs returned to Orgrimmar, there are still records about that creature in the orc literature, and the orcs call it the will to life in awe, which shows how powerful that creature is.

But even if it was an existence that could stand shoulder to shoulder with the dragon, it was still destroyed together with the entire world in the devastating shattering of the Draenor world.

This is not an isolated case, as long as it has not transcended the category of ordinary things, no creature can exist independently of the world, but sometimes, the destruction of the world will produce some special things.

This is a magical world. The so-called will of the world really exists, such as Elune, the protoss who sleeps inside Azeroth in a way that mortals can't even imagine. Of course, Elune is special and cannot be copied, but It doesn't mean that there are no similar things in other worlds. When this kind of extraordinary life realizes that it is about to die, it often undergoes a very big transformation, and Marton's transformation is one of them.

Sargeras' casual blow shattered the planet into countless fragments, but perhaps with the blessing of the will of the world, Mardon was not completely shattered, and even formed a special appearance. Due to the shattering of the world's barriers, there was no room for him to cast space here. Magic is much easier than other worlds, which means that the cost of opening the world portal on this planet is much easier. After realizing this, Sargeras placed a divine object in his hand In Mardun, it is used to jump between worlds, making the path of destruction of the Burning Legion smoother.

That fetish is called the Sagrid Keystone! In the devil language, it is called the gate of the worlds.

Even among the Burning Legion, few demons knew about the existence of the Sagrid Keystone. After Dick told Illidan the name, the King of Outland almost personally interrogated him during the five-year war. He finally confirmed the existence of the Sagrid Keystone after collecting the souls of all the high-level demons in Draenor. In order to cross the endless stars and come to Mardun, he even led a team to attack the naaru spaceship Storm Fortress himself.

But now, the keystone is close in front of him, but Illidan is not in a hurry because he found something more fun.

Mephisto's remnant body has turned into a pile of minced meat. There are more than a dozen huge, crimson scales and weird horny manes all over the body. They have bone jaw guards and look extremely terrifying. The demon dogs bred with the flesh and blood of high-level demons are full of aggressiveness and are extremely loyal to the Illidari. These wild and unruly monsters will even be tamed by the most powerful demon hunters to become mounts and hunt helper.

Cairne Sunfury and Altruis the Victim stood beside Illidan's throne, and the King of Outland was sitting on the throne in the appearance of an ordinary night elf, playing with a purple flower in his hand. Judging from the reflection in the cold light shining on the crystal surface, the howling Mephisto is very, very bad right now!

Illidan is famous for his ruthlessness towards demons, and the first batch of demon hunters trained by him will naturally not be moved by the wailing of a demon. For people, listening to this kind of mourning every day is simply the supreme melody of the world.

Argus hehe, Dick is always like this, always able to send the most satisfying gifts to his friends when they need them most. It's really surprising that their base camp is in Argus.

Illidan let out a deep laugh, which was full of joy, Kil'jaeden never trusted me, and even planted wrong information in Magtheridon's memory to mislead me, but it doesn't matter , we've got everything we need, Kane!

Yes! Lord Illidan!

In the star map of Storm Fortress, are there any coordinates to go to Argus?

No! My lord, we have searched several times and found no star map to Argus, but I suspect that this should be done by those draenei who fled. It is said that this spaceship flew over from Argus. .”

Oh, so that's it, it doesn't matter, Dick will help us get that star map! Altruis!

Yes! Lord Illidan!

Let the four armies of Red Flame, Gray Tongue, Kuska, and Shiva Demon get ready. We will raid the location of the Keystone tomorrow. In addition, send the cannon fodder back to Draenor. They are useless here, um Let me think about it, send them to Netherstorm and build a star port there, Dick is right, there is only one spaceship, we can't do anything, this time we have to capture at least one of Marton's fel spaceships ship! We also want to have our own spaceship!

Obey! Lord Illidan!

The king of Outland nodded, and threw the soul stone in his hand to Altruis,

Oh, by the way, give this to Allie, and let the little girl take the cannon fodder back to Draenor, and stop by the Coilfang Reservoir. The situation of Leotheras can't be delayed any longer. It was a mistake for him to fuse that unstable soul, his talent is not weaker than yours, he should be the best fighter, not a madman fighting his own demons, but now he has a better choice, Mephisto The souls are great. By the way, tell Varedis that when we return victorious, I hope to see those weak mana addicts have become steel warriors like you, otherwise I will send them into the soul with my own hands in the box!

Finally something personal. I don't care what happened between you and Shahraz, Kane, but that cunning female demon you have to guard against her instead of showing her all about yourself! That's stupid Yes, and let Allari tell Gaxios that the war is about to start, and I need more soldiers, but I also know the difficulties of Kael'thas and Suramar, so this time, even if all The magic addicted elves are fine! The destruction of Marton will bring us hundreds of thousands of demon souls, and I need to find enough carriers for them. Magic addicted elves, it is very suitable!

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