Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 569 14. The Song of Destruction of the World --- Adding Updates for Brothers of Canglangzhis

Chapter 569 14. The Song of Destruction of the World——Add more for Brothers of Canglangzhishui~

Getting the keystone doesn't mean the hunt is over.

In fact, when Illidan and Dick returned to Stormkeep with the fruits of victory, the massacre of demons had just reached its climax.

Marton, who had completely lost its supreme commander, entered the most chaotic period. Catherine Nightblade's warlords realized that something was wrong, and they began to flee from the frontal battlefield, but this behavior caused a big rout at all .

Demon Hunters' favorite day is here when they have until midnight tomorrow to hunt down powerful or unique demons for their collection of Demon Souls.

For master demon hunters, the significance of this hunting is only to fill their own collections, but for recruits and warriors who have just joined the Illidari, this rare hunting is related to the next war life and death.

This is a very powerful profession, they incarnate as demons to hunt demons, but the disadvantages are also very serious.

The elves who have passed the training of recruits contain the tamed demon soul in their bodies, and engrave the power of the killed demon on the surface of the body with magic lines, so that they can completely obtain the power and talent of a demon, and even pass Forcibly absorb demon souls to obtain different talents and skills!

But remember one thing! Demon Souls can't be tamed forever...and when they're not fully subdued, they're very hungry! If the master is not strong enough or in poor condition, they will seek freedom, or even devour them in reverse.

This is why the death rate among demon hunter recruits is as high as 70%: few mortals can overcome a pure demon, so those who survive are always the best fighters!

Demon hunter masters don't need to worry about this. They have completely wiped out the last trace of rebellion from the demon soul remaining in their bodies during the long-term hunting. They just need to keep feeding it more power. The stronger it is, the stronger it will be. more powerful.

But the recruits need to worry about losing control during the battle. Therefore, temporarily achieving a support balance with the Demon Soul is the most important thing they need to pay attention to.

Therefore, keeping enough demon souls around is the first thing every demon hunter learns, and it is precisely because of this characteristic that there is almost never the possibility of peaceful coexistence between demon hunters and demons.

However, whether it is Illidan or his Illidari, they don't care about these details. For these Avengers who have abandoned everything and lost everything, there is nothing more satisfying than hunting .

I need a little time to locate the most fragile core of Marton, so that you can destroy it with one blow, about an hour or so.

Dick held the world scepter, and accompanied by the recovered Cirvanas, quietly walked into the teleportation beam, he waved his hand towards Illidan,

Don't forget what you promised me!

Go, I won't treat my friend badly, as long as we return, you can take Maiev away...

Holding the keystone in his hand, Illidan concentrated almost 100% of his energy on this little thing that could be held tightly with one hand, without looking back at all, as if this thing meant the whole world to him.


With a flash of light, Dick and Cirvanas appeared at the northernmost tip of the Marton continent. The climate here is so harsh that even demons cannot survive at the bottom. Dick, however, was able to fully integrate his will into this completely dead continent.

Storm Fortress is not a real warship, and the firepower attached to it is not enough to destroy Marton with one blow, but with Dick's help, it is not a problem at all to destroy this continent suspended in the twisting void with one shot. Weaknesses, even a world is no exception.

The ground of this ghost place is covered with white powder similar to snow, but it is not snow.

Cirvanas curiously stretched out her hand to hold the powder in her hand, it was very light, like worn stone powder, slipping from between the fingers of her black archery gloves, full of some kind of strange feeling. sad.

What's this, Dick.

The paladin glanced at it, gently lifted the elf's shoulders, and whispered,

That's the tears of the world, Shiva, that's the trace of the void's corrosion on this broken world, without the barriers of the world, a world under this kind of corrosion will eventually fall apart, it may take tens of thousands of years, but that declares It's the coming of death.

This world is already dead.

Dick shook his head slightly, holding his lover's slender waist with one hand, and lightly tapped the scepter emitting starlight on the ground with the other hand.

At the moment when the bottom of the scepter touched the ground covered with snow-white stone dust, an invisible storm surged from Dick's place to the outside world like an invisible giant beast with its breath. The powder covering the ground is blown up, and then falls profusely. They are lighter than snow, so they can stay in the air for a longer time, filling every inch of the air, and drawing various pictures in the air. It's like the quietest falling snow.

And the various rays of light from the void, covered and refracted by these powders, formed extremely gorgeous light and shadows on the top of the two people's heads, green, blue, red, orange, shining like real ones. The sea of ​​light, the powder is flowing, the sea of ​​light is flowing, spreading towards the sky on both sides, until the top of the horizon, it is like the Northern Lights in the memory of the paladins, a gorgeous scene that will never exist in Azeroth.

The beauty is breathtaking!

Dick withdrew his scepter, and stood in the snow with his arms around the Ranger General. Cirvanas' head rested on his shoulder, and his blond hair covered half of his face, as if he was standing Like a couple in the snow in the night sky, at this moment, gentle feelings flowed slowly between the two. The elf in black hunting suit and the paladin in silver-white armor were like the closest lovers.

Didn't anyone ever tell you that you're good at pleasing girls?

General Ranger also had a different kind of light in his eyes, she looked greedily at the sea of ​​light above her head, wanting to bravely engrave this beautiful scene in her mind, she said with a low voice, I have never used this Have you ever fooled another girl with one trick?

No... This is the last gift I gave you in Marton, the most beautiful scenery in this dead world. The paladin lightly touched General Ranger's head with his chin, sniffing the fragrance in his hair, Only on those planets like Marton, you can see such a scene, believe me, even in the boundless universe, there are very few such planets, and mortals cannot imagine such a scene in their entire lives.

After a few minutes Shiva pushed Dick away,

Go ahead and do what you have to do, Illidan is not a good-tempered person.

Dick pulled her into his arms again, I'm not...More Deny the observation of a World Guardian.

I just want to give us a quiet space, they are too loud, aren't they?

So, this is a parting gift?

Farewell? No, don't think about it...for the rest of your life...don't think about it, come back to Ulduar with me, and I will explain it to Anna and Leah.

After finally getting this sentence, the tears in the corners of Cirvanas' eyes could not be concealed, but she finally chose to refuse,

I said that I would not share you with other women, and you also said that you prefer me who is free and proud... Besides, I have other things.

The Ranger General's fingers lightly slid on the Windrunner bow on the back. On the edge of the bow, there was a row of slight notches protruding, which was the message Aurelia left her.

The destroyed gate once led to a world called Argus. Alleria went there. Illidan and I have reached an agreement. I will temporarily join the Illidari until I find the existence of Argus... I want to find her! I want to find my sister, this is what I have to do in my life!

Cirvanas' tone was firm. The moment she held the war bow, the stubborn Ranger General returned. Dick's fingers stroked her hair slightly,

And then? After finding Aurelia?

The ranger glanced at him, After that... I guarantee that the inheritance of the Windrunner will not be broken in my hands, so maybe I will let go of all responsibilities and find the life I want.

Ok, I will wait for you!

Time passed quickly, and this thing was ultimately independent of human will. After 18 hours, the last batch of demon hunters who traveled far to hunt and kill returned to Storm Fortress. The other three ships were used to monitor the entire Mardun. The escort spacecraft also returned to the mothership from the starry sky of the world.

It is worth mentioning that the dark green spaceship, which is three circles larger than the three frigates, the Fel Hammer is also quietly staying on the frigate position of the giant-like Storm Fortress. This is Illidan's spoils. , compared to the high-tech storm fortress and its frigates that cannot be copied, this Fel Hammer, which can travel in the void, can be understood and copied by Azeroth's engineering masters.

This unremarkable Legion invasion spaceship will become the first blueprint for starships in the entire Azeroth.

Even to Dick's seriousness, this spaceship is far more important than that keystone! The latter is just a weapon, while the former is very likely to usher in a new era.

Dick stood in front of the high-tech control console in Fortress of Storms, and told the pilots of the Illidari spaceships the location of the deep rift that he had observed that spanned the entire Marton continent.

Ten seconds later, under the watchful eyes of Illidan and a group of demon hunter commanders, the hard baffles moved away from the side of the Huge Hull of the Storm Fortress, and a giant conical purple crystal was placed on the mysterious Nara. Driven by Lu Technology, it protrudes forward. It takes 5 seconds to recharge. During the recharge process, circles of mysterious runes emerge from the air at the sharp front of the crystal, layer by layer. The superposition finally formed a structure like an elegant rune shield.

After the charge is over, the huge purple energy is continuously pumped in the front of the crystal, like a spear that has been ready to launch, and has aimed at the enemy's most fatal weakness.

With such an intensity of energy bombardment, it is impossible for anyone present except Illidan and Dick to survive. This also means that the demons of this broken world are also impossible to survive. In the combat starship, it is only the lowest level of escort firepower.

Once the Burning Legion's starships reach Azeroth, not even the gods can stop them from destroying everything.

This is what Dick is really worried about. Facing the upcoming opponents, they don't even have the possibility to fight back!

Illidan sat on his throne built with the skull of a demon. At this time, he retracted his bat wings and looked like a stronger night elf, but no one dared to look directly at his majesty. Dick sat on the throne. On the other side of the hall, the silver light also formed his throne, and he was the only one who was qualified to be on the same level as Illidan, and beside him were Sylvanas in military uniform, Vereesa and Rhonin.

They will be Azeroth's only witnesses to a war that transcends the mortal world.

Let's get started, let's witness... the destruction of a world!

Illidan's left hand slipped gently in the air, and the commander of the Scarlet Flame, Kane Sunfury, pressed the button to fire the energy cannon with his own hands. The next moment, a purple beam of light appeared in everyone's eyes, like a streak across the sky The lightning is also like an angry god, throwing the spear of punishment towards the sinners who dare to disobey him.

The earth-shattering purple beam of light precisely bombarded the center of the Eastern Mountain Range of the Marton Continent. With the will of the king of Outland, it pierced through the ground and exploded in the center of the Great Rift.

So at the next moment, in the eyes of everyone, under every crack in the oval-shaped dark green demon continent that has been broken, purple light escapes, like a purple bomb detonated inside, filling the The cracks under each piece of ground made the big crack that had already penetrated the continent even bigger, like an old man on the verge of decay, pierced through the chest by a sharp long sword.

At this moment, all the remaining creatures on Marton looked up at the sky in horror. After the purple light fell from the boundless starry sky, the whole world wailed!

Like a hymn before the end of the world, and like a low-pitched death knell for the world.

At the moment when the purple light piercing the ground reached its most intense, it shrank suddenly, and the energy of the energy cannon from Storm Fortress had been exhausted, but less than a second later, Marton, which was equivalent to the entire Kalimdor or The continent, which is more than twice the size of the Eastern Kingdom, has reached the last moment of disintegration.

The 3 seconds of silence was a kind of torture for everyone, Rhonin swore that at this moment, he even heard his own heartbeat, and Vereesa held his hand tightly, as if waiting A certain divine moment is coming.


In the eyes of onlookers, the whole world exploded with a bang, like an oversized balloon, which was finally shattered into countless pieces under the impact of the expanding gas inside.

It's the same with Marton... You can't even see the floating islands, fragments that shattered from the core of the world, surged madly in every direction in a burst of primordial energy, until they were captured by larger stars , but more likely, they will become a dangerous gravel belt in this lonely universe.

But this has nothing to do with everyone in Storm Fortress. At this moment, Ronin's heartbeat stopped for a full 3 seconds. The most powerful mage in Azeroth was like a frightened child at this moment. The destruction of the world, the energy of the cracking of the earth, completely tore apart the bodies of all creatures on this planet at this moment, and their wailing could be heard even through the cold observation room.

Such an end...who can resist?

Dick glanced at him meaningfully, but did not speak. This was the reason why he insisted on letting Ronin and Vereesa stay here. Sometimes, mortals would selectively ignore everything if they couldn't see everything.

This is the beginning...but far from the end!

Illidan stood up from the throne, and finally there was a smile on his indifferent face, Let's go home, we got everything we wanted, it's time to prepare for the next war!

Starting from Draenor, endless war!

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