Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 577 22. The third party on the battlefield


The sharp Luna Scythe slashed at Lailal, but in the face of Velinde's surprise attack, Lailal did not dodge or dodge. When the Luna Scythe was about to hit his neck, Lailal stretched out his hand, Precisely grasped the sharp blade of the Luna Scythe with his left claw.

The iron-like mud-slashing blade failed to hurt even an inch of Lailal's skin, not because it was not sharp enough, but because there was a certain rule that prevented the luna sickle from hurting the wolf in front of him.

I said it a long time ago, little girl, the Luna Scythe is useless to me because I am also its owner!


Velinde was thrown out with the knife, but her body, which was too agile, spun lightly in the air, and finally landed lightly on the ground. Her small nose twitched, and finally the sickle in her hand Throwing it casually, the scythe bursting with green light and starlight was inserted very precisely in the center of the battlefield, like a banner.

The little wolf girl moved her claws, and there were small silver sparks dancing between the sharp claws. She rarely used these claws in battle, but to be honest, these ten claws, which were like silver daggers, In terms of sharpness, it is not much worse than the Luna Scythe, and because she is a follower of Dick, Velinde can also use a little bit of Dick's power, such as wrapping the faint silver fire of order around her claws. , the power is certainly not as good as the original version, but to be honest, this level is more suitable for Velinde to use.

Come on, unleash your anger, let's compete in a werewolf way!

The blood-colored robe on Lailal's body was windless and automatic, and the blood-colored mist wrapped around his body. Obviously, as the first owner of the Luna Scythe, the first werewolf in Azeroth's history also had his own With special power, his claws were crossed in front of him, and his always squinting eyes widened.

Come on! Rip my chest, tear my heart, little girl, I can feel you fighting the madness that runs in your veins, why? Why resist it? Obey it! Obey it! You can be like I'm as strong as I am!


You know nothing of what is truly powerful! You succumbed to instinct!

The answer to his howl was a slap from Velinde who jumped up in front of him like a shadow, the sharp claws left a terrible scratch on his face, and his head was smashed to the other side , but when Lailal turned her head, the face that had been completely torn apart quickly returned to normal, and Lailal's chilling smile,


Velinde swung another punch, but was firmly caught by Lailal's left hand. He grasped the left paw of the little wolf girl's fist and slowly bent downward. Velinde struggled desperately, but the male werewolf itself In terms of power, it is far superior to a female werewolf like Velinde, not to mention that Lailal has been sleeping in the Emerald Dream for nearly ten thousand years. If you want to talk about his exploration and research on the power of werewolves, Velinde It's even better than flattering a horse.

Look, who knows nothing about power?


Lilar's other paw lifted up, and when Velinde couldn't resist at all, it pierced into her abdomen like a shadow. The expression of the little wolf girl became extremely painful at this moment, but under the threat of death, Next, she struggled to break free from Lailal's shackles, and jumped backwards. After the wound on her abdomen was separated, it quickly began to heal. When Lailal roared and rushed over, the wound was almost healed .

The pain inspired the wildness flowing in the little wolf girl's blood, and she waved her paws without fear and rushed forward. The next moment, there was a frenzied fight, with flesh and blood flying everywhere, like a real flesh and blood mill, but the two sides did not kill each other at all. The immortal opponent, even if the sharp claws tore the heart, can fully recover within a few seconds. This almost immortal physique made their fighting with each other reach the craziest in an instant.

Velinde's claws pierced Lailal's chest, but the alpha wolf did not dodge or dodge at all, and cut half of Velinde's neck with one paw. The blade pierced Lailal's left eye, but was kicked away by the head wolf. This kind of injury, which is enough to kill any mortal life instantly, completely healed within 5 seconds after separation, and the two beasts They collided again, and the next wave of crazy fighting began!

Never defend, attack! Attack again!

The battles of high-level werewolves are always so wild, so adrenaline soaring, and at the same time so boring. Their high-speed healing talent determines that unless they can kill with one blow, they will continue to consume until one side Until the life of the human body can be completely exhausted, frankly speaking, this has no technical content at all.

Leaving aside the fight between Velinde and Lailal, in the city of Gilneas, facing the constant stream of bloodfang werewolves jumping off the city wall, the guards led by Jean are already in real trouble. .

The seventh block has been breached! Walden, you bastard, how long are you going to pretend to be dead, and bring a team of soldiers to support!

Gene chopped down a bloodfang werewolf who was offering his paws with a sword, and turned his head to shout at Lord Walden, who was struggling against the siege. This Lord, who was planning to rebel just now, was a little bit against the king's order. Can he follow? Godfrey's rebellion shows that Lord Walden himself is an out-and-out humanist, and he doesn't like any werewolves.

But the problem is, facing the command of the werewolf king, on the other side is a front line that may be broken through at any time. Behind their temporary weak line of defense, the few remaining civilians in Gilneas City are evacuating in panic. Facing this situation, Lord Walden made difficult choices in his heart. In the end, he glanced at Jean who had turned around and continued to fight fiercely with the werewolf, stomped his feet fiercely, and the stabbing sword in his hand pierced through He closed the eyes of the werewolf in front of him, and then shouted loudly,

Grey Wolf Hunting Corps, come with me!

Hearing Lord Walden's roar, a smile appeared on the corner of Gene's mouth. He kicked the werewolf away in front of him, drew out his musket, and headshot the Bloodfang that was pounced on a soldier. Watching the royal guards around him push back the werewolves rushing from all directions, but at this moment, he felt a little weak.

When the werewolf body is not liberated, fighting with human strength cannot give full play to its full strength. Unfortunately, under the current situation, Gene has no way to reveal his identity.

He is the backbone of this precarious front. Once something goes wrong with him, this line of defense, which is shouldering the evacuation of civilians in the entire city, is likely to collapse in an instant. He is obviously capable of solving everything in front of him, but he has to hide it. With this kind of ability, Jin was very broken in his heart, but even so, he still didn't want the last fire of Gilneas to be extinguished in his own hands.

The old king took a few steps back from the battle line, looked up to the east of Gilneas, as if expecting something, but in front of his eyes, the casualties of the guards were getting bigger and bigger, and the werewolves stimulated by the blood on the scene were getting bigger and bigger. Fury, just relying on ordinary soldiers, is almost unable to fight against this continuous collapse of the situation. Even the most elite royal guards in Gilneas have suffered heavy casualties under the attack of the werewolves.

In fact, if soldiers from other places did not come to join the battlefield every moment, this direction made of simple horses and house wreckage would have been completely breached in the first place. And behind the line of defense, the citizens at the back of the city had to abandon their homes at this time. Under the command of the soldiers, they quickly moved from the war zone to the church area in the south of the city to hide. Behind the front line of defense, These people also began to help soldiers build a second line of defense.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the direction in front of them is absolutely unstoppable, and the soldiers are already ready to face the cruelest street fighting.

Your Majesty, the direction of the artillery has been constructed! Do you want to fire?

A corporal with blood all over his face ran over from behind and reported loudly. The old king raised his head. His gauntlet was bitten by a werewolf's teeth in the battle just now, and now his hand is bleeding. This scene was seen by the soldiers around him, and everyone had expressions of horror on their faces.

The existing Gilnean soldiers all know that the most difficult thing about werewolves is not their lethality or violent offensive, but the werewolf plague that comes with them. Once the skin is scratched, it will quickly become To get a new werewolf, although there have been legends and stories among soldiers and civilians about some werewolves who are still rational, but to be honest, once they are scratched, what soldiers look forward to most is that their comrades around them can give themselves One knife, let them die without pain.

For the soldiers of Gilneas, there is nothing more unacceptable than turning into monsters. After all, their country was completely messed up by these monsters, but at this critical moment, Jin didn't care For these things, he was already a werewolf 2 years ago. If he hadn't found Ms. Velinde secretly in time, Gilneas might have fallen into trouble as early as 2 years ago.

So in a sense, the existence of Velinde really helped Gilneas to delay the two most difficult years. Genn told Godfrey that it was the lady and Moonfury who were protecting Gilneas, and there was nothing wrong with it. .

Facing the artillery corporal's report, Gene shook his head, and said in a deep voice, Wait a minute! The civilians haven't been completely evacuated yet, so shooting like this will hurt them!

That's what he said, but Jin turned his eyes to the east of Gilneas City again. As the battle progressed, the old king's heart sank little by little, but just as he raised his hand, ready to The moment the artillery positions were ordered to fire, a dilapidated Gilnean gray wolf flag stood upright on the wall of the eastern city gate, and there was also the unique sharp horn of Gilneas.

The sound of this characteristic horn soon spread throughout the battlefield, and all the soldiers couldn't help but look to the east. They didn't know, at this moment, where could reinforcements come to support them!

Outside the eastern city gate, as the heavy gate slowly opened, a young man in gray leather armor appeared in the eyes of General Nick Young, who was defending the eastern city gate. The young man who walked out, with a difficult expression on his nervous face, strode forward and said loudly,

Your Highness Liam, I am very happy to see that you are safe and sound, but the situation in Gilneas City is critical now, and it is not suitable for you to enter the city at this time. I believe His Majesty Jean also means the same!

Liam raised his head. He was still dressed a few days ago, but he looked a bit unshaven. Behind him, Miss Rhona Crowley, who had been in military uniform all her life, stepped forward and said to the defense general,

Don't worry, Uncle Nick, we know what's going on at the front, and we've brought reinforcements!

Nonsense! At this time, except for the seven jaeger battalions and five infantry regiments guarding the south, all the troops are concentrated in the city for street fighting. Where did you come from?

In the middle of General Nick's words, he was stunned by the black shadows coming out of the mist behind the silent Prince Liam. The remaining nearly a hundred soldiers behind him also pulled out their guns in unison. Weapons, stand ready.

He recognized the military uniforms on those black shadows. They were the elite legion that had served High Lord Darius Crowley. They came from the northern legion stationed in Subcher and Pyrewood Village. They were the most capable troops in Gilneas. There was a legion, but they were clearly all killed in the war that fell Greymane Wall 3 years ago. Nick was sure that these uniforms were real, because he was also a member of that legion.

And the people wearing these military uniforms are no, they are not human beings. What appeared in front of Nick Young was a real large army of more than 4,000 people, but they were all composed of werewolves wearing the uniforms of the Northern Legion. In addition to fury, that kind of killing, that kind of temperament that only belongs to veterans, is something that ordinary blood teeth will never have.

You. You really are.

The old general clutched his chest. At his level, he naturally knew some secrets about the Moonfury werewolf, but he never expected that his old brothers who should have died would return to him in such an unacceptable identity. On this land, and now it looks like they're going to... save the city?

Liam, who had been silent all this time, stepped forward. He looked at the city in front of him that had already risen in gunpowder smoke, and listened to the mournful cry of the city under the claws of the werewolf. In the blue eyes, there is an unconcealable anger,

These warriors of Gilneas have been on the Isle of Atonement for three full years, and they've been waiting for this moment, General Nick, my uncle, I beg you, step aside, as the Prince of Gilneas, we're going to fight those damned Bloody Fang, settle the score!

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