Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 582 27. The Drowning Person

Ordinary werewolves are difficult to deal with. This kind of alien in human form has strength not weaker than orcs at all, while taking into account the agility of humans, and has the same excellent recovery ability as druids. The most terrifying thing is the inscription on their bones The canine creature's near-perfect combat intuition, and the unceasing rage flowing in its veins.

This is not a race that should appear in the present world, and there are actually myths and legends about werewolves in various regions of Azeroth, but until the werewolves actually appeared in Gilneas, only the mysterious night elves recorded in the history Genuine information about this creature.

They are real. They existed as early as nine thousand years ago. Before the plague of werewolves spread completely, they were sealed into the Emerald Dreamland by the power of Archdruid Malfurion and the Cenarion Council. In the deepest part of the world, the ephemeral species, who have never been in awe, tore the seal again after nearly ten thousand years, which is too bad.

But ordinary werewolves are not impossible to deal with. In fact, their chaotic brains think like beasts. As long as two or three veterans with decent martial skills unite, they can set traps and kill werewolves completely, but only limited to Ordinary werewolves.

Once you really reach the level of high-level werewolves, it is not a problem that soldiers can solve. In the Satyr War in Kalimdor more than 9,000 years ago, Lailal Fanghuo, the first head of Azeroth The werewolves, with their own hunters, even defeated the demon's attack head-on. They have almost invincible strength and agility, and they have the resilience to persist until the last moment of soul burning. Their perception is stronger than that of the strongest hunters. Stronger, and even use innate magic!

What's more terrible is that they can perfectly suppress the madness and wildness in their blood, they are simply perfect flesh and blood creatures, and in front of the high-level werewolves who have entered a state of rage, tearing a few demons with their hands is really almost like playing.

But time is ruthless. Except for Lailal Fanghuo, other high-ranking werewolves have already died in the long seal. Only this head wolf whose body and soul have been distorted survived. Now, he is trying to use The cruelest way is to kill another high-level werewolf in Azeroth, the wolf girl Velinde who was transformed by the moon god's scythe.

Struggle, it'll give me some fun.

Lailard dragged Velinde by the neck, dragging it to the river outside the forest with one hand, any creature standing in front of him, no matter it was Bloodfang or Moonfury, would be crushed under his shadow-like claws. Torn apart, after the party fully released its power, this werewolf in blood-red robes has become unstoppable, at least in Gilneas now, there are only a few people who can stop him.

No one can help Velinde. When the Bloodfang werewolf sent a third to attack Gilneas City, Liadrin rushed to support with a team of Moonrage werewolves. At this time, she was probably still in the city. In the fierce battle above the door, Velinde could only rely on herself here. Lailal's claws were on the little wolf girl's neck. In just ten minutes, the lack of breathing had already caused Velinde to have black spots in front of her eyes. The claws kept sweeping across Lailal's body, each blow could leave a deep and visible scar on the wolf's body, but it was useless!

He doesn't care at all.

Drowning is the most painful thing!

Lailal's voice was indifferent, as if he was telling a story that had nothing to do with him and Velinde, You and I are the ones chosen by Goldrinn, as long as we stand on the earth, we can get its favor Perhaps, sharp blades can't kill you, and flames can only make you feel pain, but only the least lethal water can rush into your body and block your throat, oh yes, suffocation, I mean suffocation, very painful


The little wolf girl's paws were on the ground, she knew what Lailal said was true, even if she hadn't been thrown into the water, just being suffocated by her throat made her feel uncomfortable, mortal creatures need air To breathe, even high-level werewolves are no exception. The whole of Azeroth is not ready to enter the void, and no creature has evolved an organ that can replace the respiratory system.

Dying, uh, dying!

A trace of uncontrollable fear flashed through the slightly slack eyes of the little wolf girl. It was facing death. Even if she has great strength, she might not be better than a farmer when facing the final death. How much, and more importantly, the feeling of connecting with souls to encourage her not to give up the previous few times when she was seriously injured and dying, that voice had disappeared a few days ago.

Dick went to another world, which was so far away that even his followers could hardly perceive his existence.

Dick didn't know it, Liadrin and Velinde didn't know it, Tao Shi didn't know it, and Shyvana didn't know it. What the bond between him and these connected souls meant to them , It’s like having an arm from birth, when you wave it, you can feel the arm exists, but when your arm is lost, after being cut off, you lose something you originally had.

That feeling of being lost, that feeling of missing something, that... that feeling of uncontrollable fear.

Maybe in normal times, this kind of loss can't affect these powerful creatures, but at this time, at this moment, in this situation where life may be lost at any time, under the inherent resistance to death of all life In fear, this influence is magnified without limit.


Velinde felt a chill on her forehead, and then the bloody lake water drowned into her eyes, ears, and nostrils.

She subconsciously closed her mouth tightly to prevent the flow of water from entering her body, but the next moment, when she was breathing habitually, the water that choked into her throat from her nostrils made her already weakened struggle explode again.

Uh, uh! Let go, let go!

The sharp claws grazed Lailal's arm, cutting a whole piece of flesh to pieces, but the wolf didn't care, he didn't even blink his eyes, he pressed her head down as if facing Velinde When he entered the water, he could see Velinde's eyes through the undulating water surface. In those eyes, what shone was fear, pain, panic, helplessness, and everything that could make him feel happy .

Yes, that's it! Struggle, cry, that's it!

There was not even a piece of intact skin on Lailal's left arm, but there was no pain on his face, on the contrary, he was enjoying the pleasure brought by this torture! There was a hint of twisted joy in those squinting gray eyes! This is a madman!

Out-and-out lunatic!

The double anger of Malfurion's seal of ten thousand years and Goldrinn's re-selection of the spokesperson is burning his mind, this meaningless world is cold in his eyes, those damned elves have forgotten Ralaar Everything he did for them, in order to protect that homeland, he even gave up his elegant appearance and twisted himself into this kind of monster!

Lailal's eyes stayed on the water, and in the ripples caused by Velinde's fierce struggle, he could see his current appearance, that was the gray mane and distorted face, and the madness in the eyes could not be concealed And sinister, that's a monster! But they have forgotten why he became like this!

So he needs revenge! He wants them to remember their betrayal and the consequences of this betrayal!

He, Ralaar Fangfire, is not to be trifled with!

He can tear up those weak demons, and naturally he can also tear up those elves, tearing up their stupid seals and their stupid thinking together!

Yes! Just do it Gilneas is just the beginning!

In this world, there will be a land where Bloodfangs can move freely, and they will have their own world of existence under the sun!

Ah, wonderful world!

Lilar let out a nervous sigh, and he refocused on the face of Velinde, who was struggling less and less. He saw the stupidity of her opening her mouth in the water, trying to breathe, He saw the blood seeping from her nostrils, he saw the fading breath of life in her open eyes, he saw a living life about to die, he saw the mane on her face fading quickly , feeling the weakness in the claws that kept attacking his body.

Look! The great wolf girl can't even maintain her werewolf form? How pitiful!

Lilar smiled lowly, his voice was hoarse and distorted, he watched Velinde in his hands quickly transform into her night elf form, saw that delicate face, saw her The lines on the face and the crescent moon symbol on the forehead.

Ralael once obeyed that symbol, fighting for the survival of the night elves and the world, but now, this symbol can only arouse the pain in his heart, the pain of being abandoned and betrayed .

Ah! you and your world, you and your moon-god, poor! They can't save you! Your faith can't save you!

Lailal roared angrily. His anger was not only directed towards Velinde, but also towards things at a deeper level, towards this icy world. But soon, this anger faded away. He saw the grasping With the pair of purple female fingers on her arm, Velinde has completely lost her werewolf form.

The last breath of air had been squeezed from her lungs, her sanity was blurred, her hands were weak and she lost control of her body.

Drowning, completely losing her last breath in the icy water, letting the water flow squeeze her lungs, squeeze the last trace of air and life out of her body, this is always the most painful punishment, her fingers are convulsing and beating, In the end, she fell to the ground weakly, her beautiful eyes completely lost the last trace of her spirit, her hair was loose and scattered in this nameless river, matching that painful face, it was like the saddest A painting.

Hehe, sad life. How fragile it is.

Lailal let go of the hand that was strangling Velinde's neck, and his fingers slid across the cold face of the wolf girl, like a lunatic philosopher, and there was even a trace of compassion on his face, which made her People are creepy.

It's so sad that you can't even control your own destiny.

Sleep in the water, little girl, stay away from this cold and disgusting world, and sleep in your own dreams.

With a light wave of Lailard's hand, Velinde's lifeless body plunged into the water and slowly sank to the bottom of the water. Those arms that had lost all strength dangled in the water, as if they were trying to grab the last breath. There is a ray of life, but the fire of life has been extinguished in her eyes.

Lilar opened his arms and stood by the river. On the blood-red robe, the crazy symbol that everyone could not recognize was like the spread wings of death, and like a priest praying at the end of his life. His eyes Looking at the corpse that fell into the river, at the girl with whom he had no enmity, and at the last existence of Goldrinn's envoy.

You lost, because in the wolf's body, you are still a mortal.

And I am a wolf! I am the fear in your sleep, I am the hunter in the wilderness, I am the nightmare in the dark, I have long since lost everything that is mortal. I am the wolf! The lord of the wolves!

The cold, bloody wind howled through Ralaar's hair, blowing his gray mane and carrying his voice to every part of the forest.

I will take your fallen crown, and forge my scepter out of your soul and your death, and I will take it!

I'm going to be a real wolf. I'm going to hunt everything with my pack.

I will tear everything apart, I will bury everything.

Go, poor loser. Bring news of my arrival to Goldrinn. I'm coming!

Ask it for me, is it ready to die?

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