Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 584 29. Those Hidden Around Us...

Chapter 584 29. Those Hidden Around Us

The southern coast of Gilneas is almost desolate, with the existence of the Bite Reef, it is destined that this coast will not be too prosperous. In fact, after the founding of Gilneas, almost no effort has been devoted to this coast. The natural danger lies in There, it is already doomed that no fleet will attack this country from the south.

But today is different! From Greymane Manor in the southwest of Gilneas to the Stormy Cliffs in the southeast, the barren coastline is already covered with cyan creatures. They are like deep-sea nightmares coming out of the sea. Humans can barely be seen from the upper body. The lower body is a complete giant snake, with scales covering the whole body, fish wings, tentacles and bone spurs of various colors.

A real mollusc, yet as sinister as a poisonous snake.

Wherever the icy yellow snake pupils swept across, the malice contained in it made all the creatures who were watching couldn't help but shudder.

This is the Naga, twisted creatures formed tens of thousands of years ago following the glory of the Kaldorei Empire sinking into the bottom of the sea. For hundreds of millions of years, they have been hidden under the deep sea. Except for the conservative night elves, no one would think that They are a threat to the world, but today, on this ordinary day in the world of Azeroth, they came out of the deep sea and launched an attack on the coastline of the entire world.

Gilneas is just one of the stops, but obviously, the terrain here determines that it must be the key area for the Naga to attack.

Most of the Black Forest in the southeast has fallen, and the Fortress of Youfeng Valley built by the Moonrage Werewolf and some humans has been completely destroyed by the wild sea beasts driven by the Naga. Otherwise, everything along the way will be trampled into the dust, then dismembered and eaten by those savage creatures.

This is a cruel scene that will never appear even when facing werewolves. Werewolves at least don't eat people! But in the eyes of murlocs, these land creatures are all food!

The murlocs are charging up again!

The shrill horn sounded through the gloomy sky. Lord Walden, who was sitting on the ground, was stunned for a moment. He felt that the ground was shaking slightly. In the past two hours, this had happened too much. many times.

Gritting his teeth, he propped up his body with a halberd soaked in ice-cold liquid, and strode to the lookout platform. Without a telescope, the murlocs rushing out of the sea water hitting the shore came into his sight.

Of course, Gilneas also has murlocs. This kind of creature is like a big fish with two legs and two hands. It covers almost every inch of the land in Azeroth. Its adaptability to the environment is simply outrageous. Walden still remembers When he was a child, the first time he fought with his father was to drive out the murloc robbers near the manor, but at that time, he only faced more than 30 murlocs.

Those cunning creatures are timid and cowardly. They even knelt on the ground to pray to people in order to survive. They seem to have their own language, but they don't have their own civilization. Even an ordinary adult, in the case of holding a weapon You can also easily kill a murloc.

But the question is, in front of his eyes, on the coastal battlefield that has been completely covered by the corpses of murlocs and soldiers, how many murlocs rushed out this time?

Endless! Like the crabs that climb up to the beach to lay eggs every autumn, almost one by one, Walden felt dizzy before his eyes. Even if someone told him that these are all the murlocs in the world, he would believe it without hesitation. How many murlocs did they kill in the past 2 hours?

There are too many to count, but even so, the number of these damned creatures has not decreased even a little bit!

What the hell! Their hula-hula screams make people feel upset and angry. They hold all kinds of garbage weapons in their hands, and some murlocs even hold the leg bones of unknown creatures as war hammers. They don't have armor, so they just use their bodies The scales on them resisted the sharp blades in the hands of Gilnean warriors, and they were even as tall as a child.

But quantity! Damn the amount!

First row! Get ready!

The voices of the frontline commanders had become extremely dry. The soldiers hardly had any time to rest. They clenched their muskets in a numb posture. This was probably their only lucky thing. Behind them was Jill Ness is the last human gathering place. In order to protect this large peninsula, the Gilneas royal family has hoarded enough weapons and ammunition here, as well as leather armor and some iron armor.

In fact, if it weren't for the protection of these armors, the soldiers standing on this front would have been overwhelmed by the murlocs long ago. Gilneas men have never lacked courage, but now, they have no reinforcements behind them, and they are the only group Protect the nation's fighters.

All they can rely on is the weapons in their hands, the armor on their bodies, and the comrades around them, and nothing else.


The white smoke of the first row of muskets suddenly rose on the battlefield, and the screaming murlocs seemed to have hit an invisible wall, and green blood flew across. With this amount and distance, there is no need to aim at all. , but this salvo did not stop the murlocs from advancing at all. All the soldiers could see that in the looming waves, there were even more terrifying giant snakes driving the murlocs to attack desperately.

The Naga are not savage creatures without wisdom. Their attack method is very simple. The murlocs charge, and when the will of the defenders is broken, it is the turn of the more difficult Naga warriors to fight.

The second volley fired, and under the command of Lord Walden, the soldiers preparing to charge against the charge lined up in three rows behind the Musketeers. They held sharp spears in their hands. After forming a spear formation, they could effectively block the fish. Human offensive, in fact, in the past 2 hours, they used this method to persist.

Lord Walden was also standing among the soldiers with a halberd. He was a little out of strength, but as a commander, he could not leave. The 3,000 warriors and 2,000 civilians who voluntarily joined the battlefield on the entire coastline gave their lives. Forget about death and persist here, he is unwilling to retreat.

And standing next to him was a middle-aged man in a leather armor that didn't fit well. He was not very eye-catching, with a gray beard. Not a soldier, but more like a small businessman doing business.

Walden took a deep breath. At this time of extreme exhaustion, he suddenly wanted to talk to someone. The murloc's striker was less than 300 meters away from them. The musketeers would fire three volleys at most, and it was time for him to leave. Step forward and face the battle.

The Lord laughed at himself, but before he could speak, a half-smoked cigar was handed to him, which made the Lord froze for a moment. He turned his head and saw the bearded man puffing out smoke rings. grinned at him.

On weekdays, this kind of transgressive behavior would even be regarded as an insult by the nobles, but now, Walden no longer wants to pay attention to those things. Dirty, he held it to his mouth and inhaled hard, the acrid smoke lifted his somewhat tired spirit.

The Lord puffed out the smoke ring comfortably, and then passed the cigar in his hand to the next soldier. He stretched out his hand and smiled at the bearded middle-aged man,

Glyn Walden, Lord of Keel Bay

The middle-aged small businessman stretched out his rough hand, shook Walden's hand, George Marin, what is his identity, a small shopkeeper in the Gilneas business district, but now, he is a soldier.

Lord Walden was silent for a moment,

Yeah, we're all soldiers now.

After a moment, he asked again, George, are you scared? These murlocs want to eat us.

The little businessman moved his shoulders, clenched the spear in his hand, and spat in disdain,

Only by them?

This reaction made Walden hesitate again, and then he laughed loudly. He patted George Marin's shoulder vigorously,

You'll make a good soldier, George.

Get ready for the shock!

The shout of the orderly sounded at this moment. Looking at the murlocs who were less than 50 meters away, feeling the increasingly heavy vibration of the ground, the musketeers fired the last round of salvo. Walden and the soldiers holding spears They strode forward and put their spears on their chests. Everyone had different expressions on their faces.

There is anger, there is sadness, there is indifference, and there is despair.

But when those ugly, screaming murlocs rushed up frantically, all expressions disappeared, leaving only one kind, irritable and roaring.

Go to hell!


Pushed by his strength, the spear in Walden's hand pierced through the bodies of the three murlocs one after another, like a banner of flesh and blood, held by the lord with both hands and waved, sweeping, sweeping, at this moment, Valden Den is simply unstoppable!

The entire space in front of him was almost flattened by him, the murloc's mournful wailing and those stumped limbs were thrown everywhere, the pungent smell made Walden want to vomit, but he couldn't, he roared and strode forward Moving forward, like an angry god of war, his bravery inspired the soldiers, and the soldiers followed this breakthrough and also launched a countercharge forward.

There were a lot of murlocs, but their weakness was undeniable. Facing the human warriors who were really angry, after they united, these murlocs had no hope of breaking through.

But just when Walden was about to sweep again, the spear in his hand seemed to have hit a hard rock, and the painful shock caused the spear to fall out of his hand. The lord raised his head in astonishment, and saw A ferocious Naga warrior was looking down at him. He held a giant rust-colored trident in his thick, scaly arms. It was this heavy weapon that swept away his long spear just now.

The long fight made Lord Walden's energy strained to the extreme. The moment he saw this fierce Naga warrior, the lord punched him, but the tall Naga also punched him with a grinning grin. The one who came later knocked the Lord to the ground, a clear fist mark was printed on the armor on his chest, and he almost screamed out from the pain in his chest.

Naga raised the heavy trident with both hands, his cold eyes were full of disdain.

Die to the dirty land creatures!

The trident whizzed down, and Walden closed his eyes in despair, but after 2 seconds, the pain that should have come did not come. The Lord opened his eyes, and saw a black figure blocking his face, and held it with his hands The trident that came down with great force.

With a cigar butt in his mouth, George Marin turned his head to look at Walden, and Walden also looked at him in astonishment,


You are a good lord, you don't deserve to die here.

George's voice became hoarse, and as his arms became thicker, the Naga warrior let out an angry roar, because his strength was overwhelmed by this damned human being.

And the black mane also quickly sprang out from George's face and arms. A second later, a tall black-maned werewolf appeared in front of Walden, with a ferocious and wild aura almost rushing towards his face. The werewolf waved his claws forward, Naga's body shook, and he took a few steps back.

Go back, Walden, the defense still needs you!

George took a deep breath, as if with a trace of determination, he dropped a word, then spread his claws, and roared upwards, the shrill howl of wolves spread throughout the battlefield between humans and murlocs in an instant,

Brothers in hiding, come on, Gilneas needs our strength!


Wolf howls sounded one after another on the front line. They may be small businessmen hidden among ordinary people, kind chefs, ordinary husbands, and old grandfathers. Because of the reason, he was infected by the werewolf plague, but he came into contact with Moonfury and obtained those precious potions.

They could have just hidden away safely and lived a lifetime in mortal society.

Now, the safety of 120W civilians rests on these soldiers, but they are too tired, their mortal bodies are too weak, and they need help, so George stood up, choosing between his own freedom and the safety of the group. In order to actively reveal their secrets.

After him, more werewolves hidden among mortals stepped forward, and they wanted to protect their relatives, even if their relatives would regard them as monsters in the future.

But so what?

For a hero, appearance doesn't really matter, does it?

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