Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 586 31. World War?

While the horrific war in Gilneas was going on, the rest of the world was, well, maybe quiet.

Menethil Port, this large port located in the wetlands, is the largest and only commercial port under the rule of the Bronzebeard Dwarves, and it is also an important port for commercial exchanges between the Eastern Continent and Kalimdor. It can be said that this port pays 40% of the national taxes to the Bronzebeard royal family every year. It is the real pride of the dwarves and one of the few ground cities.

It is well known that dwarves don't like water, but Ironforge still attaches great importance to Menethil Port. There are two heavily armed mountain ranger legions, and a steam tank mechanical legion stationed in Menethil all year round. Hill Harbor, under their deterrence, the largest port city in Azeroth, has maintained peace for hundreds of years.

The Spear of the North is resupplying here. They will leave in 1 day and sail directly to Theramore on the other side of the sea. The Dark Lord Senxia is about to return to Azeroth. As his most trusted lieutenant, Gibbs Sir, he doesn't intend to miss the celebration banquet that will inevitably be held.

As the number two member of the pirate group that has almost completely ruled the South China Sea, Gibbs has taken money and finance very lightly, especially after the end of the undead war, he has become obsessed with official career, yes, this old guy I'm ready to clean up, and I plan to start my retirement career, be an idle Earl in Theramore, and experience the life of a nobleman.

He is different from Senxia who wants to prove himself. As an old sea dog who came out of the Gilneas countryside, Gibbs is very reluctant to die, and is easy to be satisfied. Now everything he has is far beyond his imagination. up.

The atmosphere in the port area of ​​Menethil Harbor is very leisurely. The people who come and go here are either big merchants, rough sailors, or pirates in disguise. He can make money and spend money, so he can have a lot of fun here, but Gibbs prefers to sit on the deck alone, drinking in the sun, not that he doesn't like pubs, but that he has Important things, before handing them over to Senxia, ​​he must ensure the safety of these things.

However, Gibbs' luck was not very good. When there were only two or three kittens left on the entire Spear of the North, an accident happened.

As an old sea dog, Gibbs's understanding of water currents and sea winds is far beyond ordinary people. When the sea wind stopped, he felt something was wrong. Immediately afterwards, the old captain heard the sound of some kind of magic chanting, as if it was far away, and it seemed to be in his own ear. Gibbs looked back at the sea behind him suspiciously, and then, the whole The Spear of the North shook violently, as if in an instant, the entire sea changed from calm to rough.

But the sun is still high in the sky. In Gibbs' vision, three streams of water rushed up to the sky quickly, and then seemed to be slapped by an invisible big hand. At the moment of falling into the sea, the blue water On the surface of the sea, a wave of more than ten meters high quickly formed, rushing towards the coastline from a very far away.

That is definitely not a wave that can be formed in nature! Someone is going to attack Menethil Harbor!

The old sea dog's face changed drastically, he turned around and ran towards the harbor. At this moment, he even took on the form of a werewolf. Behind him, the waves were moving at an astonishing speed on the rough sea, before Gibbs jumped to the pier. At that moment, it was only less than 200 meters away from the entire port. Gibbs didn't look back, and almost burst out the strength of his whole body, and fled towards the interior of the port. All the sailors ran towards the port in a panic, but their speed was far behind the werewolf Gibbs.

So in the midst of howling, the ten-meter-high wave slammed into the port of Menethil Harbor, and the immense force it carried completely smashed those small merchant ships. Large ships like the Spear of the North The ship was also thrown directly below the surface of the water, and was hit hard by the current mixed with the ruins of the ship. At the moment when the waves hit, the entire pier shook violently, as if it was formed by a stream of flowing water. The big hand slapped the entire Menethil Harbor from the sky.

As soon as Gibbs' body rushed into the street, he felt an unshakable force coming from behind, and his whole body was pushed into the wall not far away like flying through the clouds.


The earth trembled and screamed, one tenth of the city was reduced to ruins in this wave of bombardment, and the buildings near the port were almost directly crushed into rubble on the ground, and the people who were looking for fun were also mixed in those ruins , life or death unknown.

However, the waves that did not form naturally only lasted for this wave, and then quickly dispersed. Gibbs struggled to open the bricks that were pressing on his body, and turned his head to spit out a mouthful of blood, but he did not wait for him to wake up from the ruins , a sharp voice sounded not far away, full of panic.

Naga! Naga has come ashore! Run away!

Gibbs' eyes widened suddenly.

Almost at the same moment, on the other side of the sea in Theramore, Jaina stood on the sea holding the primordial flow, behind her were all the high-level mages of the entire Theramore mage group.

Jaina's toes were on the sea surface, her golden hair was still fluttering in the sea breeze, her white and blue robes were still motionless, and she was attacking Menethil Harbor together hundreds of meters away. The almost identical sea tide is rushing towards the port of Theramore. On the pier behind Jaina, countless terrified sailors and crews are rushing towards the inner city. Anyone who sees the wall-like waves will be shocked. panic.

But Jaina won't!

A little blue guy sat on her shoulder, pointed at the big waves in the distance and said something to Jaina, the mage lady pursed her lips and smiled, nodded,

Yeah, a bunch of clowns! Bobo, can you calm it down?

The ancient water spirit chirped and jumped down from the shoulder of the mage lady, like a drop of water, merging into the mirror-like sea under her feet, and 2 seconds later, the raging big waves seemed to crash into her body. It was like reaching an invisible wall, and it was completely fixed at a position less than 100 meters away from the mage lady, and it seemed to be constantly kneaded by a pair of naughty big hands, and was finally forced into the sea .

A few seconds later, Bobo's body jumped out of the sea next to Jaina, made a few circles in the air, landed on Jaina's shoulders, chirped a few times with his hips crossed, causing Dejaina pursed her lips and chuckled, stretched out her fingers and flicked it on its forehead,

I know you are the best! I will drink water from the moon well soon.

After teasing Xiao Shui Ling, the eyes of the mage lady fell on the sea in front of her. Her eyes seemed to penetrate the sea, and her voice became indifferent. After going through enough wars, Jaina is no longer It's that naive mage. When facing an enemy that threatens her homeland, she can also ruthlessly carry out a massacre.

Losing the cover of the first wave of the sea tide, the Naga hiding under the sea could not escape the search of the mages at all, and the city defense artillery controlled by the army at the port also quickly aimed the muzzle too high and aimed at areas outside the sea.

Naga, you have come to the wrong place!

Mages, attack freely and defeat them!

Not far from Theramore, the orc city Orgrimmar's Sharpblade Harbor is a small port only for the fleet of orcs and goblins to anchor, so there are not many naga attacking here, and there are very few orc casters. , but most of them are highly accomplished shaman priests, and it is even easier for them to deal with this forcefully gathered tide than mages.

Thrall didn't need to go out of Orgrimmar. The moment the tide formed, the angry water elementals told the actions of the Sarnagas. The moment the tide just appeared, the water elementals in the air were Under the call of the shamans, the water mage who abandoned the Naga, the tide dispersed without attack, and the orcs also gathered in the face of the surging army of Naga and murlocs. After the battle started, less than 10 Within minutes, Orgrimmar's wolf cavalry appeared outside the port. Facing these powerful and fanatical orcs, Naga finally retreated into the deep sea with a group of captives.

But not every city is as lucky as Theramore and Orgrimmar. At this time in Stormwind City, the huge and prosperous port area has been completely submerged by the waves. The tragedy in Menethil Harbor was almost the same. What's more, after this wave of waves, the murlocs and sea beasts driven by Naga brazenly invaded the port area of ​​Stormwind City, like a group of craziest thugs, robbed Skimming everything along the way.

Even though the City Guards and SI7 reacted immediately, before they put in enough troops, under the attack of the first wave of waves, the Naga army had already captured the port area, which was simply a slap in the face. In the face of Varian and the entire Stormwind Kingdom, the angry king personally joined the battlefield with elite knights. To fight against those blue orangutan-like sea beasts, Varian even used the secret weapon of the royal family.

Onyxia spread her black wings, and with a happy mood, sprayed scorching dragon breath from the sky to the entire occupied port area. There were not many opportunities to destroy Stormwind City openly, so the Black Dragon Princess They simply opened up their fun, and after fighting Naga for 2 hours and finally defeated them, the entire port area was completely destroyed.

Looking at the ruined port area and the people of the Stormwind Kingdom who were plundered and taken away by the Naga, Varian's face was ashen. Ever since Stormwind City was destroyed and rebuilt in the First Orc War, this The city has never been so embarrassed!

What's even more hateful is that the cunning Naga destroyed all the ships moored in the port, and the mage area in Stormwind City is far less powerful than Theramore. Facing the Naga's home field, they are powerless to pursue!


Tyrande, who always looked peaceful, showed a rare expression of anger at this moment. She patted the table fiercely, looked at General Barnes of the Sentinel in front of her, and said loudly,

Immediately mobilize all our troops in South Kalimdor and send a message to Shandris. It doesn't matter if Terror Island is occupied, but we must defend Feathermoon Fortress! That is our gateway in South Kalimdor!

After finishing speaking, she looked at Malfurion, her husband, who stood beside her with the same ugly face,

How is the situation in Darkshore?

Malfurion's expression was heavy, but there was a trace of rejoicing in it, The druids desperately defended Auberdine, there were casualties, but they were still within the tolerable side, but General Ryan Wolfwalker just sent Not so good news


On the sea outside the coast of Ashenvale, the Sentinels found traces of no less than 30,000 Naga gathering, and they also saw the suspected figure of Azshara, Tyrande, the worst happened, she came back After 10,000 years, she came back to avenge us!

When Tyrande heard that taboo name, his body shook twice at this moment,

Azshara!! is this possible?

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