Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 589 34. Leaders Meeting - Irresistible...Slumber

The atmosphere of the venue became a bit weird at this moment. In fact, from the perspective of a bystander, Dai Lin, Varian, and Kalia were a bit too harsh at this time. In the eyes of ordinary people, they will definitely think that a group of rulers are bullying a poor person.

But in fact, from a longer history, the status quo of Gilneas definitely deserves what they deserve. When the War of the Undead first started, Genn had already started to build the Greymane Wall, and it was even more true that he did not inform his allies. Under such circumstances, the Gray Wolf Brigade that was defending Sabchel was withdrawn, resulting in the almost complete annihilation of the Fourth Army, and Gaselis almost died on the front line.

Not to mention that Jin and Arugal took the initiative to put the uncontrollable and infected werewolves into the Silverpine Forest.

More importantly, if the direction of Subchel could hold on, the situation in northern Xinjiang would never collapse so quickly! Even if it was just to divert Alsace's energy, the situation in West Dalomir could be resolved more easily. Unfortunately, they withdrew.

Then Lordaeron was pushed to the brink of extinction, so Kalia had enough reasons to hate Jean both publically and privately.

As for Dai Lin, this veteran was more annoyed by Jean's betrayal. During the second orc war that year, he and Gene were comrades in arms fighting side by side, and had a life-threatening friendship. Unfortunately, Gene took the initiative Betraying all of this, for Dai Lin, there is nothing more unbearable than this.

What's the use of killing him? According to what you said, Gilneas won't be able to settle down for 10 years. That place will become a real battlefield ruin in the future.

Dai Lin took the pipe from his mouth, he shook his head, and pondered for a moment, I guess, you plan to use Lordaeron's army to expel the werewolves, and then transfer the civilians in the south to the north? To be honest, I don't know I suggest you do this, whether it is a Naga or a werewolf, it is too troublesome to expel them, so let’s be more direct and transport the civilians out of that war hell!

After finishing speaking, regardless of Godfrey's opinion, the old king turned his head and looked at Magni Bronzebeard who was curiously observing the werewolf, Magni, the closest ports to Gilneas are Menethil Harbor and the South Sea Town, can you gather some boats to transport civilians? Although Gene deserves to die, this werewolf is right, civilians are innocent.

The old dwarf thought for a while, then nodded cheerfully,

Uh, yes. After transporting it back, put it in Menethil Port to help rebuild it. Although the wetland is not suitable for farming, as long as you work hard, you won't starve to death.

Queen Kalia also circled the table with her fingers,

I have ordered the army from Hillsbrad Hills to enter Gilneas to disperse Bloodfang, but frankly speaking, the difficulty is very high. We can think of a way to transport some refugees to Arathi Highlands.

While speaking, the queen yawned very ungraciously, and an uncontrollable drowsiness suddenly emerged from her heart. The queen forcibly pulled herself together and continued,

Of course, if they want, Lordaeron can transport them to the Borean tundra for reclamation.

Varian immediately realized the meaning of Dai Lin's words. Sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot. Even if the Gilneas war lasted only 5 years and was scattered to various countries, a large part of the civilians would definitely leave the war. The country is equivalent to dismembering a part of Gilneas out of thin air to strengthen the strength of the three countries. Although it is not very bright, as a ruler, this opportunity should not be missed, so he also interjected,

Grizzly Hills also has a lot of fertile land, and we can help!

But while talking, Varian's eyes suddenly became a little sour, probably because yesterday was too busy, Varian thought so, moved his shoulders,

But... Lord Godfrey, remember, this doesn't mean we forgive Jean, it's just... um, humanitarian assistance.

How could Lord Werewolf fail to understand the hidden trap in Dai Lin's words, but as he said before, under the lives of 1.2 million civilians, under the inheritance of Gilneas, these are not important anymore, he stood up from the ground, With a trace of sincere thanks,

Enough is enough, thank you, thank you, thank you! Gilneas will not forget your assistance today!

Go ahead, Godfrey.

Dai Lin waved his hand, and the guards behind him walked up to Godfrey, Use Dalaran's teleportation array to go back to Kul Tiras, and follow the third fleet to Gilneas as quickly as possible to assist the civilians. , can participate in the battle, Queen Kalia's army should have entered Gilneas, so just Kalia? Kalia!

When the old king turned his head, he saw that Her Majesty the Queen was lying on the table and fell into a deep sleep. Jaina made a gesture,

Let her rest, father, I heard that Queen Kalia hasn't had a good rest recently, let's continue discussing about Naga, Moam, send the queen to the guest room, don't wake her up she.

Standing in the hall, Moam, who truly regarded himself as a sculpture, opened his eyes, and immediately walked over courteously, waving his hands, and the extremely soft magic power lifted Her Majesty from the chair, and put her on the chair. behind his back, and the statue turned to Jaina and said,

Obey! Mistress!

This claim made Jaina a little shy, and Dai Lin snorted a little more, but the old king didn't say anything, but knocked on the table, bringing the discussion back to the topic again, but when he spoke , his eyes suddenly blurred, although it was only for a short moment, it still slowed down Dai Lin's speech.

Sure enough, I am old.

Dai Lin sighed softly. This kind of thing has happened more than once. He is a real human being, even a hero-level fighter, but he still can't resist the cruel time. He has been maintaining high-intensity exercise. To try to stave off the inevitable weakening of power, but forget it! Focus on what's in front of you!

Dai Lin gritted her teeth, forced herself to cheer up, and then said,

Let's continue with the speculation just now. The Naga was controlled by whom? Even in Kul Tiras, which has the most powerful navigation technology, our understanding of the deep sea is extremely limited. According to the Kul Tiras National Museum According to records, there are traces of Naga in the whole world, where do they come from? High Priest, can you tell me? High Priest? Huh?

Dailin's voice calling Tyrande failed to wake up the Moon Priest. In fact, it wasn't until Magni tapped Tyrande's shoulder that the Moon Priest, who was in a special state of mind, was awakened. A little blankly glanced at the venue, and then realized.


Dai Lin looked at Tyrande's blank eyes, confirmed that she was not ignoring him on purpose, coughed lightly, and repeated the question just now,

I mean, the Naga is located in the deep sea, have the night elves recorded this?

Tyrande nodded,

According to the records of the druids, there was once a great druid who specialized in underwater forms to explore the deep sea. According to the records left by them, the capital of the Naga Empire is located in a certain place east of the great whirlpool of the endless sea. Under the Trench, there is an area called Vashj'ir, which was once the capital of the ancient Kaldorei Empire that was torn apart, where a certain part of Jin Azshara sank into the seabed, but to be honest, even Drew We ourselves don’t really believe in this judgment.”

The Priest of the Moon explained sadly, Although the Well of Eternity's explosion distorted their bodies and souls, it gave them the ability to control the deep sea, and Naga still has the ability to reproduce. There are at least a million high elves who have entered the deep sea. After ten thousand years, no one can judge how many they are. Most importantly, you have also seen that their distorted shapes have given them even greater power. In these tens of thousands of years, apart from demons, Naga is almost our number one imaginary enemy.

Besides, it is said that when Dath'Remar left, he also took some information about Naga with him, and Syndra, the secret keeper during the Azshara period, certainly did not give up research on this aspect. , so next, let His Majesty Kael'thas explain to you, I am a little tired.

Kael'thas was observing something left and right, and there was a lingering doubt on his handsome face, but when everyone's eyes turned to him, the Sun King nodded quickly, rubbed his chin, and said A creepy guess was made,

The Priest of the Moon said in great detail. I don't know more about Vashj'ir than you, but according to the Naga's attack on Sunsail Harbor in Quel'Thalas, my mages and I have A bold idea.

The Sun King didn't make a fool of himself, but said directly, At the same time, launch a sea tide magic attack on various ports in the world. This is impossible even for the high elves in the world that were civilized by magic back then. This is beyond the limit. It has reached the extreme that a race can control, so I guess that the Naga probably achieved this with the help of some kind of artifact, or some kind of special existence.

For example, the real master of the sea!

As an old sailor who spent his whole life fleeing on the sea, Dai Lin immediately understood what Kael'thas was talking about, and he stood up from his chair in surprise, You mean, you mean, Tide Hunter? How could it be that the Elemental Monarch, how could he be driven by Naga?

Naga is definitely not good. But what about the existence behind Naga?

Kael'thas said something irritated. The next moment, he saw the painful expression on Dai Lin's face flashing away. The old king sat on the chair with his hands on his heart. The pain stimulated not only did not make him feel worse. Waking up made him feel more drowsy. Dai Lin turned his head with difficulty, only to realize that before he noticed, Varian beside him had fallen asleep lying on the table , and his daughter Jaina, and Tyrande, and even the bearded Magni, this guy even snores.

Thrall and Vol'jin were struggling to stand up from their chairs, but unfortunately their efforts just turned the chairs over, and the two chiefs were lying on the ground, fighting against the indispellable drowsiness. Dailin couldn't even lift their eyelids At that time, he saw Velen, the draenei priest next to Kael'thas, roaring. Immediately afterwards, the door of the hall was pushed open, and then there was a noise and the sound of spells.

There is a fight! He was help, but the moment Dai Lin grasped the command knife, his final struggle reached its climax.


The old king's forehead touched the conference table. He struggled to make himself more awake, but he couldn't. It was like the separation of spirit and body. What should have been a rest and sweet dream had turned into a dark spiritual vortex. , he only had time to let out a difficult exclamation, and the next moment, all consciousness, everything, turned into darkness.

It wasn't until the last moment that he realized that the Nagas didn't attack the world for the purpose of looting. They just wanted to attract the attention of the world, and they just wanted to gather all the forces in the world in one place so that the people behind them could attack!

Dai Lin didn't even dare to imagine how terrible the consequences would be if all the leaders of the Alliance Tribe lost their voice at the same time. In a world that was already walking on a tightrope, war was inevitable under the instigation of people with good intentions.

damn it!

The world is going to be chaotic

Can you guess what N'Zoth is going to do? Sataras said that this guy is the weakest, but he is the only one who survived, don't underestimate En'Zoth~

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