Azeroth Trail of Light

Chapter 598 43. The Root of Chaos


A silver sun spear cut across the thick current of the deep sea, and in a cave full of chaos, it precisely passed through the barrier of rocks, and pierced into the belly of a sea snake that could be called a monster.

This monster has distorted tumors and disgusting limbs, black scales with off-white spots of light, the distorted big mouth is full of file-like teeth, and several irregularly arranged on the body The chilling eyes are like the malicious condensation of the world, like the mold infected on the garbage discarded by the world, it is disgusting!

Under the impact of this completely opposite energy, the body that had been completely transformed by chaos was writhing in extreme pain, smashing the hard seabed rock into a deep tunnel all the way, but in the end, under the impact of the silver power of order, After it exploded completely, the distorted body of the sea snake was blasted into bloody limbs flying all over the sky by the scorching force.

It was sprinkled profusely all over the surrounding seabed caves, and the stinky blood attracted more monsters with twisted shapes, devouring all of them greedily.

The next moment, a brighter, hotter, and more powerful beam of light rushed into the bottom of the sea along the cave, covering all the surrounding monsters in it. The extremely high temperature and the burning of the ultimate power of order made the entire bottom of the sea tremble. It became scorching hot, and after a few seconds, there was only twisted bones left on the spot, and those monsters that would only exist in mortal nightmares were wiped away by this blow.

Allowing these monsters to exist is simply a kind of spiritual and visual pollution.

Dick's footsteps stepped on the sand that had been completely glazed by the high temperature. He walked very slowly, but he moved forward very fast. Azshara did not intentionally lead him in the wrong direction. The deeper he walked, the more chaotic depression becomes more pronounced.

But Dick noticed one thing N'Zoth wasn't rooted!

This is not to say that N'Zoth's body is a tree or something. What Dick means is that N'Zoth did not bind his spirit and the world after getting out of trouble like C'Thun and Yogg-Saron Together, it didn't do that. In other words, after breaking out of prison, N'Zoth seemed to be obediently shutting the door and living his life as a deep-sea saltwater fish. Not interested anymore.

But is that really the case?

Dick expressed serious doubts. The ancient gods, monsters born from chaos, infecting any world with protoss is the ultimate mission engraved on every inch of their distorted will, and there is no possibility of giving up. Therefore, Dick even I want to believe that N'Zoth just polluted the world in another way.

And as he went deeper, the wave of holy light belonging to old Velen became more and more obvious. Obviously, the old man was fighting some kind of creature, and judging from the frequency of the outbreak, this kind of battle had been going on for a long time. The twisted will of Roar was also roaring, obviously because of pain and threats, and as he got closer to the battlefield, the paladin also saw the seal left by the old prophet on the surrounding stone walls.

It was a huge seal built with the mysterious runes of the Draenei. Although it had limited restraint effect on the forces of chaos, it was definitely the best effort the old prophet could make. From the thousands of runes that kept shining To a certain extent, the seal is obviously still in operation, but judging from the wreckage of one-fifth of the runes that have been extinguished, the sealing circle probably won't last long.

The paladin immediately sped up his speed. After passing through the strange deep-sea caves, he saw a hall completely illuminated by the holy light. Old Velen stood in the center of the hall holding the staff of the Redeemer. The old man looked very embarrassed at this time. His face, arms, and body were all wounded. Black mist lingered above the wound. The white priest's robe was corroded by some kind of liquid. The Holy Light Shield is also about to break.

The scorching holy light gathered behind Velen into five thick beams of light, like some kind of protective measure, protecting the old prophet in it. Opposite him, every time the giant dark tentacles were whipped, they would be struck by the holy light. The burning pillar sizzled, thick and delicate, the radiant war hammer burning with golden flames, and the scorching and shattered holy flames, under Velen's control, continuously swayed towards the darkness ahead.

From the perspective of the fighting style, Old Velen seems to have the upper hand.

But this is not the most important thing. The old prophet's eyes have already become dangerously frozen, and those holy light flames controlled by the old Velen clearly aimed at the opponent when they shot, but after the shot, they always jumped strangely. to other places.

Obviously, Velen's thinking is not very clear. His demigod's soul and will can protect him in this kind of scene, but the corruption of the soul by chaos is indeed unavoidable. Dick is very glad that he has caught up with this situation. Bo, if you come one day later, I'm afraid Velen's spirit will be crushed by N'Zoth's power.

At this time, there is no need to call or encourage. Dick waved his left hand, and three exquisite and lifelike silver spears appeared in his palm. Under the high concentration of energy, densely packed rune paintings appeared on the tip of the spears. In an instant, the scorching sparks entwined on it made the spear appear, burning the surrounding sea water and rolling it continuously.

Look at the mighty power of creation!

Silver lightning danced around the paladin. It was the fusion of qualitatively changing holy light and thunder. Surrounded by the power of order, the three kinds of power with different attributes reached a perfect balance in the paladin's body. His left hand held Stopping the humming long sword of order, the moment he jumped from the wall above, his entire figure turned into lightning under the shining silver light and shadow, and rushed into the black ink-like sea water.

The next moment, the silver lightning directly tore apart the jet-black sea water. Accompanied by the sound of giant beasts swallowing water and roaring from injuries, more than a dozen tentacles covered with suckers, bone spurs and twisted weird horns emerged from the black ink-like The sea water sprang out, frantically beating the rock walls in the entire sea cave, but at the same time, the three silver lightning bolts and the silver cross starlight that lit up at the end still kept this head hidden in the chaos and shadows to protect it. The body of the behemoth was torn apart.

Before the foul-smelling blood came out, it was directly evaporated dry by the scorching sea water. On the big head like a sarcoma, in a dozen densely packed compound eyes, there were unconcealable fear and hatred, as well as the viciousness and passion of killing. Longing, the power of chaos is constantly entangled on the body of this giant beast, trying to repair the three cracks that were completely torn apart in the center of the body.

When the external cover was finally uncovered, the true face of the monster who had been fighting with old Velen for a long time was finally revealed, a big octopus!

Including tentacles covered with suckers and bony spurs, this guy's body length is at least 70 meters! An out-and-out colossus, just one of these tentacles, conservatively estimated to weigh at least a ton, the tentacles' suckers are covered with sharp teeth, Dick doesn't doubt the power of these sharp teeth at all, each sucker is bigger than Adults are even bigger, even if a whale shark encounters such a monster, it will be sucked dry in an instant!

This is simply a terrifying creature that shouldn't appear in the deep sea! Moreover, it is impossible for ordinary sea beasts to be so huge. It is obviously cultivated deliberately by some existence, or in other words, pets!

N'Zoth's pet!

Ozumat, the deep sea overlord in Naga, Dick knew this big octopus. In fact, in the game memory that has become increasingly blurred, in the story of the cataclysm, the Naga and Naga of Vashj'ir The tide hunter Neptulon, the lord of the water element, went to war. Ms. Nazjar drove this sea monster to directly attack the Maw of the Abyss where Neptulon was located.

Although it took advantage of the sneak attack at the beginning, in fact, even the elemental lord who was caught off guard could not resist Ozumat's brute force and chaos. In that battle, Neptulon, the tide hunter, was born from the ancient world The elemental lord who appeared at the time, once again suffered the humiliation of failure. He was directly captured by Ozumat, and even the Maw of the Abyss was occupied by Azshara's naga.

This is a real ancient beast. It is estimated that it already existed when N'Zoth was sealed in this trench. To put it a bit exaggerated, it is even as old as this world itself. It is an indispensable mythical creature. !

Frankly speaking, if it was in other places, Velen might still have a glimmer of hope of victory against Ozumat, but only in this home field of N'Zoth, while enduring Ozumat's brute force and chaos infection at the same time, even As a demigod, Old Velen is absolutely impossible to win.

However, after Dick joined the battlefield, Ozumat lost all chances. This cunning big octopus was about to escape. It sprayed crazy, confusing and foul-smelling ink from its mouthparts. The soft body quickly dived towards the cave below the sea cave.

But how could Dick give it this chance?

After knowing the relationship between Ozumat and N'Zoth, it is impossible for the Paladin to let this sea beast continue to exist.

Don't even think about running away! Come back obediently!

He began to call for the power of the world, to be precise, the power of this piece of sea water, although he did not hold the artifact of controlling the sea like the Tidal Stone in his hand, under Dick's authority order, the entire sea water above Vashj'ir At this moment, it began to surge crazily, rolling downwards and towards the place where Dick was, as if it had a life of its own. Under the control of a higher will, the turbid water whizzed to form a pair The firmer hands of the flowing water, just like Dick's own hands, dragged Ozumat's body out of the cave leading to the deeper seabed bit by bit.


Give it to me, come back!

Just like a terrifying giant fighting against heaven and earth in myths and legends, the hands made of running water are bound more and more tightly, and their strength is getting stronger and stronger. No matter how strong Ozumat is, he cannot resist the power of the entire ocean. Then, the entire Great Sea Cave was shaken, above the sea surface of Vashj'ir, looking down, a super large vortex appeared on the sea surface, like the eyes of the sea!

Ozumat felt the threat, it struggled crazily, rolled back and forth in the ocean like the sound of thousands of cows, and the entire Naga of Vashjir could see the giant vortex water column spreading from the sea surface to the bottom of the sea , the most central ocean was even separated, these sea creatures were trembling, and even Azshara himself was trembling in the face of this power far beyond the power of heaven and earth.

She couldn't imagine that just now, she boldly insulted the manipulator of such power as an idiot

How does the god deal with those mortals who deceive him? Although I don't want to do that, it doesn't mean I can't do it.

Dick's words rolled back and forth in Azshara's heart, and the queen of the deep sea couldn't help but take a step back. She had seen Sargeras's strength with her own eyes, but now, the scene in front of her made her seem to return to the time when Jin Aisara The scene pulled in the big bang is equally devastating and shocking!

The next moment, a silver light shot up along the vortex that penetrated the ocean, like a silver lightning floating in the water, and like a thunder of judgment falling from the sky, it flashed in Azshara's eyes The next moment, the wail of the most ancient giant beast swept through the hearts of all the Naga. In front of nothing, Azshara seemed to see a scene where a sky-penetrating sea beast was fatally hit by a single blow.

Standing behind the sea beast is Dick holding a thunderbolt. It is not an exaggeration. The image of Dick in Azshara's mind has grown rapidly. The difference between him and Sargeras is, well, not that big. up.

But in fact, that frenzied wail before death did not mean that Ozumat died under the full blow of the paladin.

The vitality of this deep-sea monster is so tenacious that people can't bear it. In fact, Dick didn't expect to kill it with a single blow. Ozumat's tentacles were almost completely cut off by the lightning just now, but its heart was only broken. One, now the giant beast has lost the ability to fight back, so the paladin generously spared its life.

The war is about to begin, and a war machine like Ozumat is exactly what Azeroth needs most. If it encounters a demon planet with a particularly large ocean area, Ozumat will definitely become a real nightmare for all demons.

His body was still entwined with scorching lightning and silver light. The paladin walked towards Velen who was resting on the spot with a sharp sword in his hand. He looked at the old prophet, and the old prophet looked at him. A few seconds later, Velen Opened his mouth and smiled with difficulty,

You are finally back. This is really a ghost place. It almost broke my heart. Your world is really dangerous! There are no such terrible things in other worlds.

Hey, hey, old man, are you confused? This is our world!

Velen froze for a moment, then smiled from the bottom of his heart,

That's right, that's right, this is our world, okay, help me up, I met a super-sized water element here who claims to be Neptulon, who is being imprisoned by this octopus, I rescued it, but it Run away, what a damn fellow, Dick, what you are looking for is in that cave, I didn't dare to go in, and now it seems that this should be a good thing.

Dick rolled his eyes, helped old Velen up from the ground, and scolded,

Of course this is a good thing. Do what you can next time, my lord prophet, there are some things you can't touch. Oh, yes, I have traveled far this time and found a way to go to Argus, but I need you Something in your hand.

Argus? It's really a distant memory, let's deal with the troubles in front of us first.


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